Ch. 5

Lament Heart














Her week in Thailand was packed and hard but with time Yujin grew to enjoy it as it felt like a breath of fresh air, going back to her life in South Korea was even harder to get used to. Photoshoots one after another, going to film multiple shows, events, and live performances.


She wanted to have the talk with Wonyoung but so far, the schedules didn't allow it, and just like that, time went by and their relationship didn't mend whatsoever.


"Manger oppa how long will the drive take?" Liz asked loudly from the backseat.


"Just 10 more minutes." He answered focusing back on the road.


They were all together on their way to film a two days show called "Game Caterers" With only leeseo missing. In fact, the their whole company "StarShip" was attending, with a mix of idol groups, solo signers, and actors. Yujin sat in silence as the girls chatted with one another talking how nervous they were for the filming, as she turned her head to look outside the van window, she saw Wonyoung on the other side of the van in the reflection, quietly sitting with her eyes closed most likely resting, tired from her schedule from the day before. Yujin is curious to know how the younger have been, Yujin used to be the one she goes to when she's stressed or want to vent about something, she wonders if Wonyoung found another person for that or was she suffering all alone not having anyone to talk to? Was she-


Wonyoung open her eyes suddenly looking directly at Yujin in the reflection, Yujin jolts a little in surprise and look downwards, avoiding the younger eyes. Not even realizing how the time went by and the van stopped moving, the other of the members started to leave.


They entered a huge waiting room, looking around she saw senior idols and actors with staff going around busily. she greeted everyone she came across with a smile feeling like she was on autopilot, too used to it by now. She couldn't help but glance at the younger watching her do the same.


"Yujin-ah!" Na producer approached with a smile.


"Hi!" She couldn't help but let out a genuine smile seeing a familiar face on the filming site.


"how are you? I hope you are in a better condition today than when were in Thailand." he asked gleefully.


"I am excellent! the rest of the kids came with me today, please take care of them pd-nim" she bowed her head slightly. She felt the rest of her team members on her side bow as well.


"Of course! You don't have to say it, and why are acting so different, be as you usually are!" He laughed.


Yujin felt her smile flatter a bit, she knew he meant good it's just that she doesn't know what her "usual" is anymore, did he mean the act she put on some times when she's on set or the other times when her real self show through the cracks. She cackled in responds nodding.


After a while of everyone going around greeting each other the staff told them the shoot will start outside.






That's a wrap! now we are getting on a bus to go at our next destination!" The producer shouted for everyone to hear.


Yujin had a hard time during the whole time of shooting of the first part of the show, the staff told them before going out to film for Yujin and Wonyoung to sit next to each other, Yujin guessed that the views would love to see them close that's why. So Wonyoung sat beside her the entire time acting as if the past months of ignoring each other did not happen, like when they were still as close as ever, hitting Yujin playfully on the shoulder when laughing, going along with her jokes, giggling at Yujin's interactions with the producer. It was killing Yujin, thinking about how their relationship could have been like this as peaceful and fun as right now if only she didn't put distance between them, didn't have an outburst, didn't hurt Wonyoung.


Getting in to the bus one of the staff members pointed to the seats, and of course it was next to each other, Wonyoung just walked past her to the seat without saying anything. Yujin gulped; they have never sat that close to each other for months now. Moving closer she sat down not daring to look to her left side to see the younger. The ride was stiff with most of the seniors not knowing each other prior, some of them just talking to each other for the first time today. Nevertheless, they tried to break the awkwardness by playing music loudly and throwing jokes here and there. Yujin noticed how Wonyoung would giggle faintly every now and then at their jokes, Yujin couldn't help but smile softly hearing that all too familiar sound.


After a while everyone around them started to fall asleep, and she noticed how Wonyoung was nodding off, she moved closer slowly trying not to wake the younger up, putting her hand on the window afraid that the younger would hurt her head by mistake, Wonyoung head dropped on her shoulder instead weakly. Yujin was startled but tried not move, drawing her hand back from the window gently. The scent of strawberries immediately hitting her nose, being so close to Wonyoung in a while felt weird yet so comforting. It was so nostalgic to Yujin, like finally going back home after being lost in the dark for so long. Letting out a small sigh, Yujin felt herself relax and the tension from all the late nights of working and the stress from it leave her body.


After a while she felt Wonyoung shift on her shoulder, snuggling in close. Wonyoung soft breath hit Yujin's neck then the younger hand moved close to her own hand holding it and weakly pulling it between them, interlocking their fingers gently. Yujin froze, she's sure that the younger is asleep, so the younger is probably unintentionally pulling her closer like it was second nature to her. With Wonyoung being all in her space she couldn't really think right, Wonyoung soft breathing made her relax instantly. So, she just rested her head back, closed her eyes and relaxed again letting Wonyoung get her well-deserved rest.


Yujin lost track of time not really sure how long it's been, Wonyoung suddenly stirred in her sleep,


"Unnie?" Wonyoung softly said or more like asked with her breath delicately hitting her neck again. Yujin was startled for the scond time, opening her eyes she almost fell asleep too.




"Are we there yet?" The younger asked inaudibly with fatigue lacing her voice trying to get up. Yujin did not care for how long the ride took she just wanted Wonyoung to keep leaning on her, she wanted her close,


"No, go back to sleep." She kept it short, moving her free hand gently, putting her hand on Wonyoung's head, she guided it slowly back to her shoulder. Wonyoung didn't resist and just went back to Yujin's shoulder, after few seconds the younger asked,


"Unnie? Is this a dream?" Wonyoung sounded more awake now but still drowsy, squeezing the older's hand as if she could not believe it.


Yujin smiled, she moved her free hand again bringing it to Wonyoung head, caressing it gently.


"Go back to sleep." She said back softly, not even a minute later she felt Wonyoung breathing deeply again.


She turned her face a little seeing the younger clearer and her smile widen, seeing her cutely sleeping on her shoulder, she whispers under her breath,




"Sleep well, princess."







"That's a wrap! now we are getting on a bus to go at our next destination!" The producer shouted for everyone to hear.


Yujin had a hard time during the whole time of shooting the first part of the show, the staff told them before going out to film for Yujin and Wonyoung to sit next to each other, Yujin guessed that the views would love to see them close that's why. So Wonyoung sat beside her the entire time acting as if the past months of ignoring each other did not happen, like when they were still as close as ever, hitting Yujin playfully on the shoulder when laughing, going along with her jokes, giggling at Yujin's interactions with the producer. It was killing Yujin, thinking about how their relationship could have been like this as peaceful and fun as right now if only she didn't put distance between them, didn't have an outburst, didn't hurt Wonyoung.


Getting in the bus one of the staff members pointed to the seats, and of course it was next to each other, Wonyoung just walked past her to the seat without saying anything. Yujin gulped; they have never sat that close to each other for months now. Moving closer she sat down not daring to look on her left side to see the younger. The ride was stiff with most of the seniors not knowing each other prior, some of them just talking to each other for the first time today. Nevertheless, they tried to break the awkwardness by playing music loudly and throwing jokes here and there. Yujin noticed how Wonyoung was giggling faintly every now and then at their jokes, Yujin couldn't help but smile softly hearing that all too familiar sound.


After a while everyone around them started to fall asleep, and she noticed again Wonyoung beside her nodding off, she moved closer slowly not to wake the younger up, putting her hand on the window afraid that the younger would hurt her head by mistake, Wonyoung head dropped on her shoulder instead weakly. Yujin was startled but tried not move, drawing her hand back from the window gently scared of waking up Wonyoung. The scent of strawberries immediately hitting her, being so close to Wonyoung in a while felt weird yet so comforting. It was so nostalgic to Yujin, like finally going back home after being lost in the dark for so long. Letting out a small sigh, Yujin felt herself relax and the tension from all the late nights of working and the stress from it leave her body.


After a while she felt Wonyoung shift on her shoulder, snuggling in close. Wonyoung soft breath hit Yujin's neck then the younger hand moved close to her own hand holding it and pulled it between them, interlocking their fingers gently. Yujin froze, she's sure the younger is asleep, so the younger is probably unintentionally pulling her closer like it was second nature to her. With Wonyoung being all in her space she couldn't really think right, Wonyoung soft breathing made her relax instantly. So, she just rested her head back, closed her eyes and relaxed again letting Wonyoung get her well-deserved rest.


After what felt like twenty minutes or an hour, Yujin's not really sure. Wonyoung stirred in her sleep,


"Unnie?" Wonyoung softly said or more like asked with her breath delicately hitting her neck again. Yujin was startled for the scond time, opening her eyes she almost fell asleep too.




"Are we there yet?" The younger asked inaudibly with fatigue lacing her voice trying to get up. Yujin did not care for how long the ride took she just wanted Wonyoung to keep leaning on her, she wanted her close,


"No, go back to sleep." She kept it short, moving her free hand gently, putting her hand on Wonyoung's head, she guided it slowly back to her shoulder. Wonyoung didn't resist and just went back to Yujin's shoulder, after few seconds the younger asked,


"Unnie? Is this a dream?" Wonyoung sounded more awake now but still drowsy, squeezing the older's hand as if she could not believe it.


Yujin smiled, she moved her free hand again bringing it to Wonyoung head, caressing it gently.


"Go back to sleep." She said back softly, not even a minute later she felt Wonyoung breathing deeply again.


She turned her face a little seeing the younger clearer and her smile widen, seeing her cutely sleeping on her shoulder, she whispers under her breath,




"Sleep well, princess."









They sat down to eat and everyone around was talking so loudly and laughing, since they arrived at the restaurant each idol group sat at a table and the actors sat together at a table, it was obvious everyone was recharged from the little nap they got from the bus. Yujin couldn't help but sneak a glance at Wonyoung seeing her silent, she's been like that since they arrived. After the staff told them they have arrived in the bus Wonyoung jumped in surprise from sleep getting away from the Yujin waking her up in the process, before getting her stuff and leaving the bus in hurry without saying anything.


"The food here is great." Gaeul said happily, IVE won many mini games and got to eat delicious food, everyone around the table agreed with the oldest words. Yujin nodded smiling at her, she felt eyes on her and turned to see Wonyoung directly looking at her with no expression and after a moment Wonyoung just went back to eating leaving Yujin confused.


After eating they went back to the bus heading to the building the show rented for them, Wonyoung kept looking outside of the window, keeping her distance from Yujin this time, Yujin couldn't guess why the younger was acting this way, maybe Wonyoung just remembered their situation, Yujin thought sadly.


"Let's ask Yujin-shi!" WJSN Dayoung suddenly said excitedly.


"Huh?" Yujin hearing her name she turned back looking at her senior.


"We're going around asking each other stuff to make this fun! Since the cameras are not rolling let's be comfortable!" Dayoung said.


"Uh- sure." Yujin agreed taken aback with the sudden attention of everyone falling on her.


"If you were on a desert island, who would you take with you among everyone here?" Dayoung asked excitedly. Yujin sat there thinking and her mind straight away went to one person but should she be honest or just answer-


"Come on! It's just a fun question! No need to think much about it!" Dayoung squealed, her team leader pulled her back laughing.


"Clam down! She will answer." Exy said making everyone laugh, Yujin smiled.


You know what she'll just say what on her mind, she shouldn't care that much plus there was no cameras.


"I would take Wonyoung with me." Everyone in the bus just let out an ahhhh as if it was somewhat expected, she felt Wonyoung eyes on the back of her head.


"She very smart so I think we'll be able to find a way to live well and we can enjoy the time we spend together." Yujin answered before Dayoung could even ask why, talking about Wonyoung was so fun for her, she has always wondered about if they were far away from this lifestyle how their relationship would be vastly different. and before anyone continue the game,



"We're here!" One the staff members said loudly making the whole bus cheer happily.






After playing some games the night came by, Yujin noticed how Wonyoung was acting the whole time weird after the bus incident, but she did dare ro bring it up.


The whole team went into their room that they are sharing, laying mattresses on the floor next to each other. Yujin glanced at Wonyoung watching her siting down next to Gaeul on the mattress and scrolling through her phone.


Everyone was joking around recalling some moments that happened throughout the day. Yujin just smiled while fixing her bed ready to sleep when her phone suddenly pinged, she got up to get it from her bag and to her surprise it was a massage from non-other than Wonyoung. Not being able to even lift her head to look at the younger, she mastered enough courage to open it.




"Meet me outside in 5 minutes."




Yujin unconsciously gulped.




"Am getting some air." Yujin heard Wonyoung say as the younger excused herself and got up to leave first.




"Uhm, call me if you need anything." Gaeul said busy with her phone answered, every member was busy with their night routine.




Yujin waited few minutes and it was torturous; she could not help but get nervous wondering if it is the right time for them to talk? Is it the long-awaited confrontation? Can't she just go to sleep and just run from the whole thing? And before she can think about ditching and going to sleep, she stood up leaving without saying anything to the members and no one questioned her leaving.




Walking down the stairs she saw the gates leading to outside the building, it was so dark outside, and the lights in the building were faint, the staff and artists properly asleep or getting ready to sleep by now. Approaching the door, she saw Wonyoung back leaning on the door looking outside most likely waiting for her. Yujin heart starts beating fast and she wonders if it's from nerves or excitement of being able to talk to her favourite person after a long time, as much as Yujin dreaded this moment she missed talking to the younger.


Walking up to Wonyoung, Yujin stood beside her turning to her watching how the younger was staring off in the distance lost in her thoughts.


"Wonyoung-ah." It almost sounded foreign on her lips addressing her like this. The younger snaps out of her daze and turns to her seeing her in the eyes. Yujin's became stiff with the younger eyes on her and she started to feel nervous all while the butterflies in her stomach doing flips.




"Unnie." Wonyoung said softly acknowledging her.




Wonyoung turned to look outside once again and did not speak for a second before standing upright and moving closer to Yujin, facing her with a serious expression she spoke,


"We need to talk."










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Am sorry i haven't updated in so long a lot have happened and am getting busy nowadays so please understand if i don't update as constantly as before but I'll try to so please continue to encourage me it helps a lot. :D


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Chapter 8: This is good thank you for the update ❤️❤️ pls keep updating when you want to I would love to see where this story goes
anthea95 #2
Chapter 7: Yay you update!! 🥰❤️
Simba_21 #3
Chapter 7: Keep fighting authornim, take your time ❤️
Winter_rose #4
Chapter 7: Uh oh..
anthea95 #5
Chapter 6: Updateeee
kyronkim #6
kyronkim #7
kyronkim #8
anthea95 #9
still waiting for the update~