Ch. 6

Lament Heart


They sat down on the staircase in front of the main door facing outside, it was so serene with beautiful greenery surrounding them and the cicadas making faint sounds reminding them of how late it is.


Staring into distance Yujin kept thinking about how everything led up to this moment, she always imagined this moment to be chaotic and messy, never this peaceful. Wonyoung just sat in silence beside her for few minutes before asking,


“How have you been?”


Yujin didn’t know how to answer her, should she just tell her honestly how she’s been suffering for so long, how she’s been missing her dearly or should she just keep it-


“Unnie?” Wonyoung asked again turning her face to look at the older, Yujin realized that her mind was elsewhere for a long time thinking deeply of younger.


“Managing.” She said not lying but not telling the truth exactly,


“What about you?”


Wonyoung kept quiet for a second.


“Me too.” She answered.


Wonyoung sighed staring back into distance, “You know unnie?” she started the conversation again. “I have been thinking a lot of everything, of what exactly happened that made us drift apart like this.” She stated.


Yujin looked at the younger seeing her frown contemplating. “No matter how much I think about it I just can’t understand.” She shakes her head. Yujin felt terrible, she has never seen Wonyoung that deep in thought, she was the cause of the younger confusion but to be honest she was just as much if not more confused.


Yujin sighs and looks at her hands, she felt frustrated and a bit angry at herself for the situation they are in.


“Am sorry.” Yujin said hanging her head down in shame, “I’ve been…” She gulped, why was it so hard. Wonyoung hand was suddenly holding hers in comfort, it weirdly made her relax and on the other hand want to run away. So, she took a couple of seconds to collect herself again and before trying to speak explain herself once more,

“I know that for a while now I have been distant and mean at times and you know…I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She gulped nervously feeling Wonyoung’s hand squeeze hers in solace.


“Unnie.” Wonyoung voice was gentle yet firm, “Look at me please.”


Yujin did not dare to but with every ounce of courage that she had left in her she managed to do so. It felt like it’s been forever since she looked at the younger eyes closely like this, Wonyoung’s eyes held so much in them and although she did not understand all of it, she’s sure the younger is trying to read her. She wanted to look away so bad, but Wonyoung kept looking at her with sympathy.


“What is it exactly, unnie?” Wonyoung asks with concern. Yujin sighs moving her free hand to her bangs pushing it back in anxiousness and looking upwards.


“All of this..” She motions around them, “It’s too much.” She vaguely says.


“What is?”




A few minutes went by then she heard Wonyoung sighs beside her before letting go of her hand, pulling back. Yujin felt herself getting more anxious as she felt the warmth of Wonyoung hand leave her.


“Unnie, I know this is hard but please be honest to me.” And just like that Wonyoung puts her on the spot, biting her lower lip in nervousness she felt sick in her stomach, she was being honest just now, this was overwhelming to her, months if not years of keeping everything in and Wonyoung selfishly was asking her to let it out, it was-


Wonyoung stood up to leave and Yujin follows her standing up quickly in panic and holds her wrist pulling the younger to face her again.

“Don’t go.” She whispers, fear could be heard in her voice. Wonyoung stands still for a second before tearing their hands from each other, obviously frustrated.


“You don’t want to talk to me no matter how much time I give you unnie, just how much longer do I have to wait?” Wonyoung says disheartened, frustration filled her eyes. Yujin looks at her shocked, was Wonyoung being considerate all this time and giving her space to sort out her thoughts? And here she thought that all this time Wonyoung didn’t care or was too busy to.




“Save it” Wonyoung cuts her off, “Am going to sleep.” Turning around she walks off leaving Yujin with her inner turmoil.


That day Yujin could not go to sleep, she kept tossing and turning restless.


The second day came by, and everyone gathered outside after eating breakfast getting ready for filming, Yujin noticed how Wonyoung was being cheerful with everyone as if nothing happened yesterday, but Yujin knows for certain that the younger was putting on an act.


Last night was very difficult on Yujin, she was only capable of sleeping for few minutes before they had to get up, her conversation or the lack of one with Wonyoung kept repeating in her mind and with a heavy heart she dragged her feet to the filming area.


Yujin eyes could not leave Wonyoung, seeing her laughing with her team members and all this pent-up anger, all the frustration in her heart threatened to spill out, she could not stand another second of it, it was eating her up alive. So, before she knows it, she takes off towards Wonyoung,


“Can we talk?” She asks firmly, making everyone turn to her including Wonyoung.

“We’ll have to film soon.” Wonyoung answered coldly, Yujin was getting angrier by the second. Wonyoung stared at her as if she’s daring her to do something about it. The tension surrounded them thickens and everyone around them could sense it.


“Wonyoung’s right Yuijin-ah, we’re about to start filming.” Gaeul said softly looking at them both trying to ease the tension.


All the other Actors and Idols around looked at them with confusion, but Yujin couldn’t care less, her vision remined only on Wonyoung.

“Gaeul-shi be honest didn’t you want to join our team instead?” The actor yeonseok says light-heartedly turning to Gaeul trying to divert the situation by joking around this time. Everyone around them laughed going along with the joke.


Yujin on the other hand had had enough. In a split of second, she grasped Wonyoung’s wrist, dragging her away from the filming site and onto the building, the younger let out a small yelp in surprise, Yujin didn’t even acknowledge anyone on her way as anger clouded her mind. Getting in the building she kept dragging her in the corridor.


“Stop!” Wonyoung shouts trying to pull her wrist away, but Yujin was far stronger, she got them all the way to IVE room, opening the door she pulled Wonyoung in before releasing her wrist, slamming the door shut and locking it.


“Oww” Wonyoung whimpered holding her wrist in pain. Yujin turns around looking at the younger with rage and bolts at her crashing their lips together, her hand moves to the back of Wonyoung’s neck pulling her closer, Wonyoung was taken aback but slowly gave into the passion and kisses her back, melting in the sensation.


Yujin walked forward till Wonyoung’s back slammed against the wall. She pulled back looking at the younger, Wonyoung eyes were filled with want.


Their lips met each other again, a tingling sensation ran through her body. She felt Wonyoung’s hands gently cup her face as she deepened the kiss with her lips moving against Wonyoungs with urgency. In that moment, nothing else mattered - no worries or fears, no past or future. There was only the heat of the moment, the electricity between them, and the pure, unbridled passion of their kiss.


They pulled back slowly; Yujin felt dizzy as she opens her eyes locking it with Wonyoungs. Wonyoungs eyes were filled with confusion and want all mixed up.


“I like you.” Yujin said just above a whisper feeling the warmth of the younger hands still on her cheeks, Wonyoung eyes widened in surprise and before the younger could say anything in response, Yujin pulled her in again and kissed her, like no one had ever kissed her, soft and moist and hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment. The heat rose in her cheeks as her tongue touched the other girls' tongue, quick and electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined, more curious about the heat that lay within, seeking to chase down that elusive liquid lightning that reached through both of them.


Yujin drew back again breathing heavily seeing how Wonyonug was also panting trying to catch her breath and smiled gently,


“You don’t have to say anything for now.” Yujin said, her hand moved Wonyoung’s strand of hair back, the younger opens her eyes in a daze with flashed cheeks.

“Let’s go back, they’re going to start soon.” Yujin said trying to step back before she couldn’t control herself anymore, but Wonyoung pulled her back close and held her in place by her shirt not letting her get away.


“Unnie.” She breathed out.


Yujin fought back the urge to kiss her again,


“Umm” Yujin hummed looking at her lips, feeling her heart race and all the anger that was in her just moments ago vanish. She could overthink later, but for now she had Wonyoung in her arms just mere inches away as she felt Wonyoung breath on her lips.


The doorknob turned suddenly breaking the moment startling them both, Yujin looked back to the door scared but thankfully it was locked, upon not being able to open the door, knocks were followed suit,


“Yujin? Are you in there? We’re about to start filming!” They heard the manger voice on the other side and breathed out a sigh in relief.


“Yes, am coming!” Yujin said loudly. She heard the manger footsteps leave she faced Wonyoung once again seeing the younger still in a daze.




Wonyoung snaps out of it and looks at the older.

“Let’s go back.” Yujin says softly.


Wonyoung just looks at her confused for a moment before nodding.




It’s been a couple of days since that day, the girls have been busy again with Wonyoung flying out the country for a fashion show. Yujin couldn’t help feeling sad and lonely with the youngers absence, she really should have been used to it by now but since that day her thoughts of the younger intensified, she couldn’t help but think of her from the moment she woke up till she sleeps.


Wonyoung surprisingly was texting her again, with just the casual updates of where she was and what she’s doing like the old times but none of them had the nerve to bring back the memory of that day, maybe they just needed this time physically away from each other till they sort out their thoughts, especially Wonyoung.


Yujin smiled seeing the text sent to her,


“Beautiful sunset, wish you were here to see it with me."


It’s been a while now since Wonyoung expressed herself to Yujin like this, she never thought she would get such a text again after all these months of ignoring each other, but it looks like she was opening up to Yujin slowly again.


Although Yujin felt happy, she also felt scared of what this all could mean, is Wonyoung acting like nothings wrong to not hurt her feelings or was she being sincere.


She texts her back fast,


“Me too, see you soon Wony.”




The next day the dorm was quiet with all the girls being out, it was a break that they all longed for, so everyone was either meeting with their families or friends, Yujin stayed in the empty dorm laying down on the couch in the living room with closed curtains, the living room barley had any light in it, she laid there soundlessly staring at the TV, her eyes on the screen but her mind was elsewhere, she’s arriving today she thought. Wonyoung chatted with her throughout the whole trip when she had time but since yesterday she didn’t text anything after a short text saying “Goodnight.” Yujin grew worried about the younger girl wellbeing, about her health and how her schedule was taking a tool on her, with the thoughts of Wonyoung swarming in her mind Yujins eyes got heavy and everything around her faded into black.


Something lightly touched her cheek,




Yujin frowned and mumbles inaudibly, that’s none other than Wonyoungs voice but of course it can’t be her she’s in another country, despite that she could swear she’s hearing it. After few seconds, a warm hand engulfed her cheek lightly patting it.


“Wake up.” The voice rang in her ear cheerfully.


Opening her eyes, she squinted trying to see better in dimly lit living room, she saw what appears to be long hair falling down in mild waves, a soft teasing smile and a glint in dark brown eyes, Wonyoung was there. Yujin was quick to get up rubbing her eye, she couldn’t believe that the girl is standing in front of her, it has to be a dream. Wonyoung smile widened as she plunged in Yujin’s arms, Yujin was startled by the sudden action,


“I missed you so much!” Wonyoung said gleefully, right. Wonyoung was always expressive like that, but she was acting more affectionate that Yujin was taken aback by it.




“I got you something unnie!” Wonyoung said pulling back, looking at Yujin with excitement.




“Follow me!” Wonyoung gets up from the couch holding Yujin hand pulling her up with her, Yujin didn’t even have the time to realize the stutation Wonyoung was taking the lead here, pulling her all the way to the youngers room she sat her down on the corner of her bed.


“Wait a second.”


Yujin looks at her confused, Wonyoung walks to her suitcase pulling a little box from it, she walks back to Yujin handing it to her, Yujin with her confused state took the box from Wonyoung looking at it then back at her,


“It’s for me?” She asked not sure.


“Yes, I thought of you when I bought it.” Wonyoung smiled genuinely at Yujin. “Open it.” She said encouragingly.


Yujin looks back to the box then opened it slowly, she saw a beautiful sliver necklace in the shape of two ring attacked together,


“What do you think unnie?” Wonyoung asked with lightness in her voice.


“I-I love it.” Said Yujin, taking in all the small details on the necklace.


“Let me help you wear it.” Wonyoung offered, and before Yujin could say anything back Wonyoung took the box from her hand sitting on the bed next to her,


“Turn around.” Wonyoung said, Yujin turned to the side giving Wonyoung her back, Wonyoung gets closer to her and gently shifts her hair to the side, she places the cold necklace around Yujins neck with her even more cold fingers touching the back of her neck in the process sending shivers down her spine.

“Let me see.” Wonyoung said and Yujin complied turning back around to face her, she was not anticipating Wonyoung to be this close. She gulped looking at Wonyoungs eyes, it was suddenly darker than moments ago, the younger cold fingers gently touches the rings in the necklace while looking at it in admiration,


“They told me it represents Infinite Love.” She said in a low voice looking back up at Yujins eyes, Yujin stopped breathing, her heart started racing.


“It’s beautiful.” Yujin said trying to make the situation lighter, but it was already too late with the tension around them heighted by the younger. Woyoung eyes fall to Yujins lips,


“Umm.” Wonyoung hummed back as if she was in a daze.


“Wonyou-” said Yujin sensing that something is going to happen trying to reason the younger out of this but before she could even begin Wonyoungs fingers held the necklace pulling it gently towards her and in a split of a second, Wonyoung kisses her lips shut.

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Am sorry i haven't updated in so long a lot have happened and am getting busy nowadays so please understand if i don't update as constantly as before but I'll try to so please continue to encourage me it helps a lot. :D


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Chapter 8: This is good thank you for the update ❤️❤️ pls keep updating when you want to I would love to see where this story goes
anthea95 #2
Chapter 7: Yay you update!! 🥰❤️
Simba_21 #3
Chapter 7: Keep fighting authornim, take your time ❤️
Winter_rose #4
Chapter 7: Uh oh..
anthea95 #5
Chapter 6: Updateeee
kyronkim #6
kyronkim #7
kyronkim #8
anthea95 #9
still waiting for the update~