Ch. 7

Lament Heart

Wonyoung pulls away slowly and with a smile she says,


“Let’s eat something.”


Wonyoung got up leaving a confused Yujin on the bed. It took her few seconds before she realized she’s left alone in bedroom; she quickly gets up following Wonyoung to the kitchen.


Yujin immediately sees the sight of Wonyoung humming happily while turning the gas on.


“Sit down unnie, am going to make a delicious pasta!” Wonyoung says pointing to the chair in front of the island, Yujin took the seat without saying anything while observing the younger girl. It’s been a while since she had seen Wonyoung so cheerful so of course she’s happy to see it. But on the other hand, Wonyoung have been avoiding the elephant in the room.


“How was your travel?” Yujin asks casually, wanting to see Wonyoung being in that happy state for as long as she can.


Wonyoung stirs the pot a for a moment, putting the lid on it before turning to her with a serious expression, the younger walks to the island leaning down on it getting closer to Yujin, Yujin instantly feels her checks getting red. Wonyoung smiles,


“It was hectic, but the city was so beautiful, I kept thinking about how you would have loved it there unnie.” Wonyoung answered with a glint in her eyes, Yujin slowly nodded in responds.


“I’m glad.” She softly said.


“What about you, unnie?” Wonyoung asked tilting her head to the side cutely, Yujin felt shy lookingback on what she was doing during Wonyoung’s absence, she felt ashamed of the fact that she just sat in the dorm the whole time thinking of her.


“I was just resting.” She said trying to sound casual, but she couldn’t hide how her checks got redder. Wonyoung just looked at her for second before a slight teasing smile drew on her lips “You didn’t think about me at all?” she asks confidently as if she knew the answer to that question.


Yujin was stuck for a minute, she knows Wonyoung was teasing her, but she also could not help but feel anxious, not knowing how the younger would feel depending on her answer.


She gulps looking at the stove behind Wonyoung, avoiding her eyes, “I think you should check on the food.”


Wonyoung smiled big then turns back to the stove.


Yujin let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in, just how was she going to survive the rest of the day.




A couple of days have gone by since Wonyoung and her spend that day together, some of it was awkward and intense at first and Yujin wonders if she was the only one who felt it between them, but soon they fell back to their old pattern as if nothing happened between them, the rest of the day went smoothly by, they spent it full off laughter and teasing of one another. Mostly though, Wonyoung teasing Yujin.


Wonyoung just entered her life again like breeze, always close by her side and no matter how much Yujin felt like she had to create some distance from Wonyoung again to protect her heart, Wonyoung would not let her. The younger would always texting her first, wanting to eat with her, spend time with her, as if she had to make sure they would never grow distant again. That kiss they shared the first time or the one after Wonyoung came back from fashion week was never brought up, Yujin did not have courage to, it was already too overwhelming for her to confess her feeling, but what comes next was too scary for her. She was afraid of what consequences it could lead to. There was just so much at risk, the company, the group dynamic, and their friendship. It’s not like Yujin did not think about it before but she never imagined she’d get to a day where it was a real concern. Plus, she had no idea what Wonyoung was feeling, that kiss few days ago left Yujin feel even more confused, she could just tell that the younger wanted to be close to her most of the time but that does not mean that Wonyoung would want anything more, right? But why did Wonyoung kiss her? It seems like out of everything she certain of, she is certain that Wonyoung value their friendship the most, so would Wonyoung be willing to cross the line? Although if they’re being honest to themselves, they already did.


Yujin knows that her heart is at risk of a heartbreak.


When she confessed to Wonyoung it was a spurt of a moment driven by intense emotions, thinking back if she was able to think rationally at that time, she does not think it would have happened. She was not planning to confess anytime soon or ever even, one thing just led to another and before she even knew it she was kissing Wonyoung with passion and spitting out the words she kept hidden for so long. Since that day, Yujin couldn’t help but feel like she’s waiting for her heart to shatter since she tossed the ball in Wonyoungs court and have been waiting patiently for anything. Since that day Wonyoung have been acting weird, it’s like one second, she’d pull Yujin close and the other second, she’d act indifferent. All this hot and cold between them was driving Yujin insane.


She had tried to keep Wonyoung away from her for so long that that she forgot just how much Wonyoung affected her, how much she missed her. It’s like her world got brighter every time she heard Wonyoung’s small chuckle. Slowly the headaches subsided and the clouds that was on her head started disappearing. And Yujin wonders, just how did she manage all this time to stay away from Wonyoung.




Preforming on the stage felt like it was second nature to Yujin, it was so fun to her at first but at some point, it was like she was forcing herself to be there, to try her best at singing and dancing. During the past few years, she questioned herself constantly why, just why was she trying her best at everything? 


"Cut!" The director yelled, the fans cheered and the staff around them clapped their hands.


"1 2 3" Yujin said, the other members stood in a line next each other. 


"It was IVE! thank you!" The members said unanimously, and the fans cheered louder.


Yujin removed her earpiece, catching her breath she got off stage with the rest of the members tailing behind.


It was the first stage of "kitsch”, and the members were excited to say the least. And though Yujin was happy to see her members like this, she could not hide just how exhausted she was from her personal schedule, they have barley started promotion and she was already this tired.


She’d always thought to herself about how grateful she should be being this busy, it keeps her mind off stuff, and she doesn’t have to turn to her old ways when everything got too overwhelming again, maybe she’s just pushing her feelings away but honestly, she’s just too tired to even think about it.




She paused in her walking hearing a familiar voice. The woman who just called her walked up to her with a smile and engulfs her too intimate hug for Yujin’s liking.


Pulling back the woman grinned at her as if she’s expecting Yujin to recognize her, Yujin just stared at her with frowned eyebrows. She was a brunette with long hair, slightly shorter than her.


Where did Yujin meet her? Was she a someone she met while working but then she would have recognized her, maybe she was drunk when they met, so probably a woman she hooked up with-


“Unnie, who is this?” Rei asked, walking with rest of the girls back to their waiting room only to stop walking following Yujin’s footsteps.


“O-oh she-”


Linking arms with her suddenly “Am a friend who haven’t seen Yujin in so long! I just wanted to talk to her.” said woman beaming.


“Ahh nice to meet you.” Gaeul being her polit self said and bowed slightly, the rest followed but Wonyoung, Yujin saw how the younger eyed the woman with distaste.


“Sorry, we’re busy can you talk some other time.” Wonyoung said as if feeling the need to answer instead of  Yujin with a micro passive aggressive that Yujin is sure she was only able to pick up on.


“Ah what to do? I really want to chat with Yujin-shi.” She pulled Yujin arm closer and faces her “What do you think?”


Yujin took a second to process that everyone eyes turned to her now, feeling under pressure she glanced towards Wonyoung but the younger eyes were only on the woman shooting daggers now. Why was Wonyoung suddenly so hostile? 

“Yujinnie?” The woman said again pulling her back, Yujin faces her and nods even though she’s not sure what the woman was hiding under her sleeves, she just wanted to be out of this situation fast, whatever this was.


Yujin did not dare to look at Wonyoung’s direction again, but she could feel how the younger eyes on her now. Everyone stilled for a second, tension filling the air, Yujin could feel herself getting suffocated with each second that passed.


Wonyoung cast her eyes away and continue walking past them to the waiting room, the rest of the girls stood there for few seconds confused before joining Wonyoung.



“Am Miyoun.” The woman says with her fingers going through Yujin’s hair.

Yujin was siting on a styling chair watching Miyoung play with her hair in the mirror of a small empty waiting room in the broadcasting station. Miyoun? Yujin memory was foggy, but she managed to attach the name to the face, and it instantly rang a bell. She remembers how drunk she was few months ago and in a depressed state when miyoun invited her to her apartment, Yujin vaguely remembers vomiting and crying and just being a mess, how miyeon took care of her and just held her shivering body the whole night, it was a low moment in her life that she wants to erase from her mind-

“Do you happen to remember me now?” Miyoun asks gently smiling in the mirror.

Yujin eyes went wide suddenly panicking-

“Relax.” Two hands were on her shoulders pushing her back on the chair.

“Am not here to blackmail you or anything don’t worry.” Miyoun says chuckling.

Yujin heart was still beating fast, confused now she frowns, if Miyoun is not here for something bad, just what was she doing here?

“Oh, am a hair stylist.” Miyoun says, still chuckling as if she heard what Yujin was thinking.

“Oh.” Yujin says back stupidly, it makes sense now why she was in a styling chair.

“I heard that IVE were starting promotion, so I went around to look for you.” Miyoun picks a brush from the table and starts brushing Yujin’s perfectly straight hair.

“Why?” She asks, finally adding something to the conversation.

“I know you probably don’t remember that day we met, but you said you needed a friend.” Miyoun answers calmly now. Yujin stilled. She can’t remember saying that, but she must have of uttered her true feelings at that time.


“Miyoun, I don’t-”


“Am your unnie by the way.” Miyoung looked at Yujin through the mirror with a teasing smile now. Yujin let out an embarrassed cough feeling her cheeks getting slightly red, she avoids Miyoun eyes.


“I mean that I don’t need a friend.” Yujin looks back at miyoun. “Unnie.” She adds.


The teasing smile grew on Miyeon lips. "So you just need someone to clean up after you when you throw up." she says.


Yujin flushed red now feeling the blood rush to her face. 


“You’re so cute!” Miyoun laugh echoes in the empty room, arms wrap around her from behind pulling her close.


“Stop it.” Yujin says trying to push Miyeon arms away.


Miyoun let go of Yujin and walks to the table with her brush, turning towards Yujin leaning back on the table,


“Then let's go on a date, Yujin”

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Am sorry i haven't updated in so long a lot have happened and am getting busy nowadays so please understand if i don't update as constantly as before but I'll try to so please continue to encourage me it helps a lot. :D


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Chapter 8: This is good thank you for the update ❤️❤️ pls keep updating when you want to I would love to see where this story goes
anthea95 #2
Chapter 7: Yay you update!! 🥰❤️
Simba_21 #3
Chapter 7: Keep fighting authornim, take your time ❤️
Winter_rose #4
Chapter 7: Uh oh..
anthea95 #5
Chapter 6: Updateeee
kyronkim #6
kyronkim #7
kyronkim #8
anthea95 #9
still waiting for the update~