I love you

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After a night of partying, Yuri and Yena come back together with stronger resolve. They spend time together, build beautiful memories with each other, and grow together in their love. Their relationship grew closer, and they always supported each other in everything.


One day, as the two of them sat on the balcony, Yuri grabbed Yena in a warm embrace. They felt warmth for each other, and deep love. "Yena, what do you think about our future?"


Yena pondered for a moment, then looked lovingly at Yuri. "I want us to stay together, Yuri. I want to build a happy life with you, face all obstacles together, and grow together in a love that never fades."


Yuri smiled and replied in a soft voice, "That's what I thought too. We've been through so much together, and I know we can face anything as long as we're together."


They both hold each other tightly, feeling that their future is full of hope and happiness. They know that their love is something special, and they are ready for a new adventure together.






While Yuri and Yena are still hugging and feeling warm with each other, Yuri suddenly remembers Yujin's words during their meeting at the cafe. Her memory of Yena's bad habits came back, and instantly, their happiness was interrupted. Yuri released her hug slowly and looked at Yena with a serious expression.


"Yuri, what's wrong?" Yena asked with a face full of confusion.


Yuri held back her feelings for a moment before finally speaking, "Yujin said something to me a while ago. He said you went back to smoking, Yena. Is that true?"


Yena's face was dumbfounded. She never thought that Yujin would reveal her secret like that. She felt trapped and didn't know what to answer. "Yuri, I-"


However, Yuri immediately cut her off. "Yena, I hope you're not hiding anything from me. We've been through so much together, and honesty is the key to our relationship."


Yena felt as if she could feel herself returning to being a disappointing person. She regretted returning to her bad habits, and felt guilty to Yuri. "I'm sorry, Yuri. I was really depressed in recent times, and I went back to smoking. I promise, I'll quit again."


Yuri felt a little relieved at Yena's confession, but she still looked serious. "I hope so, Yena. I don't want you to hurt yourself, and I care about you."


Yena nodded sincerely. "Thank you, Yuri. I'll try harder."


Yena felt a sense of peace returning after revealing her honesty to Yuri. Once their problem was resolved, she spread her arms, asking Yuri to hug her back. Yuri smiles warmly and reaches out to Yena in a loving embrace.


They both felt warm in each other's arms, feeling again the love and connection that was so strong between them. The embrace was a sign that no problem was too big to separate them. Yuri gently kissed Yena's hair, and Yena listened to Yuri's heartbeat that spoke of their happiness and joy together.


They know that life will continue to bring obstacles, but with their love for each other, they will always find a way to overcome them. Their embrace is a declaration of love, hope, and belief that they are each other's true selves.






After the problem between Yena and Yuri was resolved, Yena felt relieved and gr

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