But I'm scared that my changing heart will break you

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Time passed after the night of the concert that changed Yena's life. She continued to work on her new songs, and her inspiration grew. However, there was one thing that never left her mind - meeting Jo Yuri.


Yena feels that her life has changed since meeting Jo Yuri. The inspiration that continues to flow to her leads her to create songs that are more profound and personal than ever before.


In her various spare moments, Yena sits in her small room, strums her guitar, and writes lyrics inspired by meeting Yuri. The lyrics just flowed, reflecting the feelings she had experienced since their meeting:


"In your spotlight, I found the lost meaning, The glint in your eyes, as if speaking, That concert night, changed my heart, you know, Even in the dark, you are a shining star."


The songs became a way for Yena to express what was in her heart, even if she didn't fully understand her feelings for Yuri.


On the side, Jo Yuri also continued to focus on her music career. She performed at various concerts and television shows, continued to create, and released a highly anticipated new album. However, in her personal space, she contemplated meeting Yena.


One day, Yuri sat in his practice room, singing the lyrics of a song he had written himself. The lyrics reflected her changed feelings after meeting Yena:


"But I'm afraid, my changing heart will break you, Afraid I can't keep these feelings under control, Maybe there's something we should explore together, Despite the fear, I wonder what we can find."


The message hidden in the lyrics is the question that hangs between the two of them.






Jo Yuri couldn't forget that meeting either. Yena appeared in his mind like a shadow that kept haunting him. Yuri knew that his feelings for Yena were unusual, and that's what scared him. Afraid that his feelings would destroy Yena if she found out.


Yuri continues to reflect on the encounter with Yena, an encounter that has changed the dynamics in his life. He realized that his feelings for Yena could not be ignored. Yuri was a famous singer, but Yena made him feel unlike his usual self.


One night, after her vocal practice, Yuri talked to her manager about Yena. "I feel like there's something different about that girl, and it's not just about casual fans. I'm afraid that if my feelings continue to develop, I could destroy her."


Her manager, who has worked with her for many years, gave a wise insight. "Yuri, love is not always something we can control. Sometimes, we have to let it develop with nature. If your feelings are genuine, maybe this is a beautiful thing."


Yuri nodded, though still full of uncertainty. "I just want to protect her, manager. I don't want to make her feel hurt."


Meanwhile, Yena was also contemplating the meeting with Yuri. She felt there was something special in her feelings for Jo Yuri, something she had never experienced before. Yena doesn't know if Yuri feels the same way or not.


One night, Yena sat on the balcony of her apartment, looking up at the stars in the night sky. She received a text message from Yujin, who asked about the latest developments with Yuri. Yena pondered for a moment before replying, "I don't know, Yujin. I'm afraid to tell him."


Yujin responded sensibly, "Don't be too hasty, Yena. Let everything develop with nature. The important thing is to be true to your feelings."


These messages reflect their feelings of confusion and fear. They knew that their feelings might take them on a journey of uncertainty, and they had to decide how to face it, either with courage or fear.






Yuri sat in the practice room with the piano in front of him, he was trying to create a new melody for his next song. She played some beautiful melodies with her powerful voice filling the room, but her mind was divided between the music and her thoughts about Yena.


His manager, who saw Yuri looking confused, asked, "Is everything okay, Yuri? You seem distracted."


Yuri took a deep breath and replied, "I was just thinking about something, manager. A meeting with someone special."


Her manager smiled, showing understanding. "Maybe it's a new source of inspiration for your song. Sometimes, personal feelings can fuel creativity."


Yuri nodded, letting the piano melody fill the room again. Despite his divided mind, he began to create a beautiful melody, reflecting the doubts and desires he felt.


Meanwhile, Yena continued to write her new songs in her little room. Every lyric she wrote was an expression of the feelings she felt towards Yuri. She feels like music is the best way to express what's in her heart.


Yujin, who continued to support her, told her, "You know, Yena, I feel like these new songs of yours have some magic in them. Maybe one day you can share them with many people."


Yena smiled and replied, "Who knows, Yujin. I want to pursue my music, and maybe that will lead me to greater adventures."


In their confusion and fear, Yuri and Yena continued to make music. They didn't

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