When I see you, I become loveable

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A few days passed since the difficult evening conversation between Yena and Yuri in their apartment. Things were still tense and not like before. Both tried to distance themselves from each other, finding time and space to reflect on everything that had happened.


Meanwhile, Seungwoo was not idle. He heard about the split between Yuri and Yena, and it gave him the opportunity he'd been waiting for. Seungwoo didn't want to miss this opportunity to try to win back Yuri. In his mind, if he could reveal Yena's secret that he had been keeping, Yuri would turn his heart away from her.


She contacted Yuri and made an appointment to meet. Yuri, who was still full of doubts after the conversation with Yena, agreed to meet Seungwoo. However, before the meeting, Yuri could only continue to think about the big secret that Yena had revealed.


When Yuri arrived at the meeting place with Seungwoo, he felt tense and uneasy. Seungwoo greeted him with a sly smile, but Yuri felt that something was very wrong. He sat down opposite Seungwoo, and their conversation began.


Seungwoo modestly began, "Yuri, I know you're struggling in your relationship with Yena. I don't want to see you suffer, so I have to tell you about something that will change your outlook."


Yuri listened, but in his heart, he knew that whatever Seungwoo was about to reveal couldn't be more shocking than the big secret Yena had revealed to him.


Seungwoo continued, "Yena has a very dark past, Yuri. She was involved in criminal acts, smuggling, and various other offenses. I have solid evidence of that."


Yuri listened with fear, but then he smiled bitterly. "Seungwoo, Yena already told me all that. She told me the secret of her past."


Seungwoo was surprised. "What? He already told you? How?"


Yuri explained in a tone full of reassurance, "She dared to talk about her past and told me everything, including her dark past. We've talked about it, and we both understand and support each other."


Seungwoo felt desperate. His head was spinning, and he realized that he no longer had control over Yuri. Yuri had learned Yena's secret and still chose to support her.


The meeting ended with Yuri leaving a dejected Seungwoo behind. Yuri understands that even though big problems have come to light, her relationship with Yena is what really matters to her. Their honesty and support for each other has made their relationship stronger, even in the face of a dark past.


Meanwhile, Seungwoo feels even worse, knowing that he has lost his chance to get Yuri back. Yena's dark past is no longer a weapon against Yuri and Yena's growing relationship.






Yuri felt that he had to know how Yena was doing, especially after the difficult conversation with Seungwoo. It had been a few days since he had seen Yena for the last time, and his mixed feelings were getting unbearable. Yuri missed Yena and he wanted to know if Yena was okay.


So, he decided to contact Yujin, Yena's close friend. Yuri contacted Yujin and made an appointment to meet her. The two of them would meet just to talk and Yuri wanted to hear Yena's news directly from a reliable source.


During their meeting, Yuri felt tense. He knew that Yujin would understand his feelings, and Yuri couldn't lie about his feelings for Yena. They sat in a cozy cafe and their mood was serious.


Yuri started the conversation, "Yujin, I really miss Yena. I don't even know what happened to her since that night. Can you tell me how she's doing?"


Yujin looked into Yuri's eyes and could feel the honesty in his words. "Yuri, Yena really felt hurt after that night. She felt like she had given everything to you, including her secret past. She feels scared and doesn't know what will happen next."


Yuri felt like his heart was heavy hearing that Yena was hurting. He knew that their separation had put pressure on Yena, and he felt responsible for that. "What should I do, Yujin? I miss Yena, and I want her back in my life."


Yujin gave a gentle smile. "Yena misses you too, Yuri. She loves you more than anything. You two should talk and mend your relationship. She needs you now."


Yuri was relieved to hear Yujin's words. He felt more confident about trying to repair his relationship with Yena. "Thank you, Yujin. I'll try to meet Yena and fix everything."


The conversation gave Yuri a new spirit to look for Yena and accept her for who she is. Yuri knows that they both have complex pasts, but their love for each other is the true one. Yuri is ready to pursue his love again, despite the secrets of the past being revealed.






After that night's conversation in their apartment, Yena's situation became even more complicated. The secrets of her past th

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