I want to become the loveable person in your eyes

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Yena felt energized to overcome her doubts and make herself someone worthy of Yuri. She knew that their love was something special, and she wanted to give her best to Yuri. Yena began to struggle to become someone who could honor Yuri's dreams and expectations.


First of all, Yena focused on developing her musical talent. She spent more time in the recording studio, creating songs that would make Yuri proud. Yena also began intensive vocal training, hoping to perform on par with Yuri's vocal abilities.


In addition, Yena is also involved in projects that allow her to perform on stage more often. She wants to hone her performance skills, so that when they perform together, she can be on par with Yuri.


Yena is also trying to improve her appearance. She worked closely with her hairstylist and fashion stylist to find a style that fit Yuri's image. Yena wants to look in a way that will make Yuri smile with pride.


When Yena met up with her best friend, Yujin, Yujin noticed a change in Yena. "You seem more energized lately," Yujin said with a smile. "Is everything okay with you?"


Yena smiled and nodded. "It's all good, Yujin. I just want to be someone Yuri can be proud of."


Yujin raised her eyebrows. "You know, Yuri is already proud of you. He's always talking about how great you are."


Although Yena was happy to hear that, she knew that she still had a lot of work to do. She wanted to overcome her inner doubts and become someone who could bring happiness to Yuri.






Yujin continues to support Yena in her journey to become someone better and worthy in Yuri's eyes. Close friends are a good place to talk about feelings and doubts, and Yena feels lucky to have Yujin as a friend who always listens and gives advice.


Yena and Yujin spent a lot of time together, as usual. They talked about their feelings, music, and dreams. Yujin encouraged Yena to continue working hard and following her musical dreams. She also helps Yena to relieve any tension that may still exist within her.


Yujin reminded Yena of the importance of staying true to herself in relationships. "Yena, Yuri loves you not because you're trying to be someone you're not. He loves you for who you are. So, don't ever forget that."


Yena nodded, pondering Yujin's wise words. She wanted to be someone worthy of Yuri's eyes, but she also wanted to remain herself. For her, it was a balance she had to find.


As time passed, Yena continued to work hard, trying to become a better person and worthy of Yuri. She knew that this journey was a long endeavor and that change did not come overnight. However, she is willing to go through it for the sake of their love.


When Yena and Yuri are together in the recording studio or on stage, Yena tries to give her best. She wants Yuri to see her as someone who can stand beside him with pride.


In her journey to become a "worthy" person for Yuri, Yena also began to pursue her personal dreams. She felt that by achieving her dreams, she could give her best to Yuri. This was an important step in her development as a stronger and more confident person.


However, even though she was growing and developing, her doubts were still within her. She knows that their love is something special, and she wants to continue working hard to maintain that relationship. Yena struggles to become "someone worthy" in Yuri's eyes, and in her struggle, she finds maturity and courage that further strengthens their relationship.






Yena and Yuri continue to deepen their relationship as time passes. Every moment they spent together further strengthened their connection. They went to each other's concerts, supporting each other in every step of their musical journey.


When Yena releases her new songs, Yuri is always the first attentive listener. She sits in the recording room with a friendly smile and gives constructive feedback.


"Yena, this is amazing," Yuri said with sparkling eyes as the music permeated her ears. "The lyrics are so powerful and emotional. You really have an amazing talent."


Yena was touched by Yuri's praise. "Thank you, Yuri. I feel so lucky to have you as my supporter."


"We always support each other," Yuri said with a gentle smile, "That's what makes our relationship so special."


Such conversations warmed Yena's heart and gave her the confidence to continue progressing in her music career. She knew that having Yuri by her side was an invaluable blessing.


In addition, they have also undertaken various music projects together, combining their talents and visions to create music that is deep and meaningful. Both know that when they come together in music, it is the most powerful form of expression of their love. Their voices come together to form a beautiful and meaningful harmony.


They are not only partners in love, but also partners in music. Every note they sang together was an acknowledgment of their deep love. It is music that expresses feelings that are difficult to put into words, and both use it as their love language.


As time goes by, they discover more and more the depth of their relationship, both in their music and in their compassionate love. Although there were still doubts and uncertainties, they learned that together, they were an invincible team, ready to face whatever came their way.


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