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"Ms. Dahyun, what are your thoughts on this matter?" The guidance counselor's voice cut through the air, her eyes fixed firmly on the pale girl before her. Dahyun remained composed, though her fingers fiddled nervously, and her shoulders seemed to sag under the weight of the situation.

"I am aware of my mistake, ma'am. I don't deny that I was running through the elite tier's hallway," Dahyun responded with a heavy sigh. "But it was an accident, and I don't see why I should be held responsible for paying her."

The counselor's brow furrowed as she listened to Dahyun's reasoning, her gaze unwavering. "The point I'm trying to make is, why must we escalate this into a major issue?" Dahyun hesitated, trying to choose her words carefully, aware of the counselor's growing frustration.

"Are you suggesting that this issue isn't significant?" The counselor's irritation was evident as she leaned back in her chair, her frustration palpable.

"I don't mean to downplay the situation," Dahyun replied, her voice cautious, "but must we blow it out of proportion?"

The counselor's glare intensified, and Dahyun sighed in resignation, feeling the weight of the tense atmosphere. "Do you even understand who Ms. Sana is?" The counselor's question was repeated, and Dahyun's patience wore thin.

"I've said it before, ma'am. I'm aware of her popularity on campus and that black ribbon hugging her."

"Is that all you know?" Mrs. Kang's stern gaze bore into Dahyun. 'What is she expecting me to know?' Dahyun wondered in frustration.

"I've heard some rumors about her, but I can't confirm their accuracy," Dahyun replied, her honesty evident. She lowered her head, trying to avoid further confrontation.

"Ms. Kim Sana is not just anyone," the counselor explained, a hint of exasperation in her voice. "She's the school director's niece and the ace of our school."

Dahyun's jaw dropped at this revelation. "So, you're telling me she's that influential?" Dahyun's surprise was palpable, and the counselor's explanation continued.

"In fact, if this issue escalates beyond control, it might lead to your expulsion," the counselor stated bluntly, her gaze locking onto Dahyun's ribbon as she emphasized the severity of the situation.

Dahyun was left dumbfounded, realizing the gravity of Sana's status.

The counselor's disdain was clear as she continued to scrutinize Dahyun. Shrugging off the judgment, Dahyun tried not to show her unease.

"I only knew about the rumors that she's reclusive. I had no idea she held such importance," Dahyun thought, processing the newfound information.

"She wields that much power?" Dahyun's voice trembled slightly as she posed the question to the counselor, who responded with a solemn nod.

"It would be wise for you to reconcile with her before matters worsen," Mrs. Kang's advice lingered in the room, leaving Dahyun alone to ponder her choices.

As Dahyun left the office, her friend awaited her outside. "Chae," she called, seeking solace in her friend's presence. Chaeyoung, informed of the situation by Jihyo, looked at Dahyun with concern. "What's happened?"

"I'm at a loss," Dahyun confessed, her frustration evident. "They want me to pay for the incident, and I've been warned for entering the elite's hallway."

Chaeyoung offered a comforting pat on the shoulder, understanding her friend's distress. As they fell into a comfortable silence, Chaeyoung sensed Dahyun's mood.

"You should've heeded my advice and stayed away from those elites," Chaeyoung admonished, earning a slight pout from Dahyun.

"I didn't intend for any of this to happen! Irene asked me to get her something to eat," Dahyun reasoned, only to be met with disbelief from her friend.

"Ah, your crush has landed you in quite a mess."

Dahyun retorted with a frustrated, "Could you not broadcast that? What if word gets out that an underclass has feelings for an elite? I'll be doomed."

"It's already complicated enough for an underclass to fall for a royal member," Chaeyoung quipped, both of them sharing a moment of laughter as they remembered the fascination surrounding J-Trinity.

Chaeyoung's realization came too late as Dahyun dashed off after realizing what she has to do, leaving her to mutter, "For her, it's practically doomsday."






Beads of sweat glistened on the pale girl's forehead

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Hi! I've been thinking about the plot of this story. Several chapters have already been written, and I don't know how it might be perceived from a reader's point of view. I'm open to receiving your opinions on this, which could help me tweak certain details in the upcoming chapters as I review them.


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michelaprillisa #1
Chapter 15: Watch out dahyun! Mad sana is coming 🤣
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update author
The_Enlightened_1 #3
Chapter 15: Update please author, It's too short T_T
Saida13 #4
Chapter 15: Thank you for updating Author nim. We'll wait for your next updates. Thank you
ggwp77 #5
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update!!!!
The_Enlightened_1 #6
Chapter 14: author update plzz 🥺
1198 streak #7
Chapter 1: Oh this sounds real interesting 👀
Dorkdubu #8
Chapter 14: Moreee pleaseeee
Aiko8114 #9
Chapter 12: They got what they deserved! HA!
ichigosk #10
Chapter 12: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA, karma is the best.