I hate her

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Sana found herself lost in her thoughts, staring out of the window, unable to shake off the images of Dahyun's bruised form from her mind. She sighed audibly, her frustration evident as she mentally dissected the various concerns that occupied her mind.

"Why does she keep on interfering? Sana, you have a lot to think about. Your sister will come home soon, and then there's that anonymous sender who's out there trying to get on your nerves," she muttered to herself, a mixture of exasperation and confusion in her voice.

Just as she was about to take her seat, the door to the lounge swung open abruptly, revealing the annoyed figure of the student council president.

"Miss Kim, you asked for me?" Jihyo's voice cut through the tense air, heavy with brewing irritation. Her presence wasn't something Sana had anticipated, and it seemed the feeling was mutual.

Sana cleared , fully aware of Jihyo's discomfort with being in her presence. "Could you tell me why your nose is flaring with anger?" Sana's straightforward question caught Jihyo off guard, her irritation further evident.

"Could you get to the point? What do you want from me?" Jihyo retorted, deliberately avoiding Sana's gaze as her eyes wandered elsewhere.

Sana's tone remained measured as she continued, "You don't answer a question with another question, Jihyo-ssi." Her focus was unwavering, fixed on Jihyo's tensed demeanor.

"I hate you. Isn't that clear as day?" Jihyo's frank response momentarily surprised Sana. She hummed in acknowledgment before finally taking her seat.

"Very well," Sana began, her tone shifting slightly, "I want to know what happened to Dahyun." She masked any hints of nervousness with a resolute facade, her question catching Jihyo off guard.

"Why?" Jihyo's response was succinct, her curiosity evident.

"Do you normally question everything you're tasked with?" Sana's retort exuded annoyance, irritated by Jihyo's probing for reasons.

"Yes, because I know how to weigh what's unjust and what's not," Jihyo fired back evenly, showing no signs of wavering under Sana's scrutiny.

"Are you trying to lecture me, Jihyo-ssi?" Sana inquired, her patience wearing thin.

"No, obviously not. Not unless you feel lectured," Jihyo's response was laced with a hint of amusement, seemingly unphased by Sana's attempts to rattle her.

Sana sighed deeply, her frustration palpable. This only seemed to amuse Jihyo further, evident in the barely visible smirk playing on her lips.

"Have her bullies expelled," Sana's demand was direct and unwavering as she pushed the form near the president, and it caught Jihyo by surprise. The president hadn't expected Sana to take an interest in Dahyun's situation, and it left her questioning Sana's motives.

"Why?" Jihyo's inquiry held a note of skepticism, wanting to understand the reasoning behind Sana's sudden involvement in Dahyun's affairs.

Sana scoffed in response, her frustration with the questions evident. "What do you mean why? I thought you know how to weigh what's unjust and what's not. What happened? Were your scales failing to weigh Dahyun's issue?" Her words dripped with sarcasm, drawing a clenched-jaw reaction from Jihyo.

"Why are you getting involved, Sana-ssi? Last I checked, you were wary of her challenging your ego. What changed your icy heart?" Jihyo's probing questions left Sana momentarily speechless, unable to provide a clear answer. She stared at the president blankly, unable to decipher her own motivations for delving into Dahyun's troubles. Even she can't make sense as to why she's reaching such depths for Dahyun. Having issued an expulsion statement from the upper hands and engaging in a talk with the university's president.

Amidst the whirlwind of emotions and thoughts, Sana finally managed to utter, "I hate her." The statement hung in the air, an admission that seemed to echo conflicting sentiments.





The newly acquired information danced before the girl's eyes, stirring up a sense of excitement within her. A meticulously organized folder rested on her desk, its contents detailed and comprehensive. She delved into its contents with fervor, absorbing every piece of information about the enigmatic "Kim Dahyun" that had been collected through diligent surveillance.

"Her former name was Kim Yuna, I see," the anonymous girl murmured to herself, a satisfied smile gracing her lips. She sifted through the details, each revelation adding to the puzzle she was piecing together.

As her fingers deftly navigated the folder's contents, the sudden ringtone of her phone pierced the air. Without hesitation, she picked up the call, her tone composed and curious.

"What's the fuss?" she inquired, her voice a mixture of calm authority and genuine interest. The man on the other end of the line quickly relayed his message, his voice laced with urgency, "The three Lee's were expelled."

A sigh of both relief and contentment escaped the girl as she processed the news. It seemed that her carefully orchestrated plan had borne fruit. "Did they successfully execute the plan?" she inquired, her voice betraying a hint of anticipation.

"Yes, miss," the man responded, his voice respectful and obedient. He was eager to know the next steps, "What am I going to do to them?"

The girl's response was chillingly decisive, devoid of sentiment. "Dispose of them," she stated coldly, her words carrying an air of finality. It was a command she issued without hesitation, fully confident in her authority and the power she wielded.

With that, the call came to an end, leaving the room once again shrouded in an unsettling atmosphere. The girl remained seated at her desk, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and intentions. The pieces of her

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Hi! I've been thinking about the plot of this story. Several chapters have already been written, and I don't know how it might be perceived from a reader's point of view. I'm open to receiving your opinions on this, which could help me tweak certain details in the upcoming chapters as I review them.


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michelaprillisa #1
Chapter 15: Watch out dahyun! Mad sana is coming 🤣
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update author
The_Enlightened_1 #3
Chapter 15: Update please author, It's too short T_T
Saida13 #4
Chapter 15: Thank you for updating Author nim. We'll wait for your next updates. Thank you
ggwp77 #5
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update!!!!
The_Enlightened_1 #6
Chapter 14: author update plzz 🥺
1197 streak #7
Chapter 1: Oh this sounds real interesting 👀
Dorkdubu #8
Chapter 14: Moreee pleaseeee
Aiko8114 #9
Chapter 12: They got what they deserved! HA!
ichigosk #10
Chapter 12: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA, karma is the best.