Not for now

Killing our Ghosts

The car slowly came to a stop in front of a large gate. Jimin fetched an automatic key from her bag and the gate opened with a click as Jimin drove the car past the entrance. Minjeong looked outside the window, and behind the tall trees around the dirt road, she could see a mansion.

Jimin’s family was that rich.

Minjeong stepped outside Jimin’s Mustang, after spending the whole ride in a dissociative state, constantly reassuring herself that Jimin was the one in the driver’s seat right next to hers.

“Let’s go?” Jimin looked back at her.

Minjeong smiled and grabbed her hand, noticing a flower arrangement in Jimin’s other hand.

They walked in silence, Minjeong looking around while taking in her surroundings and the light breeze. When she thought they would walk up the stairs to the front door, Jimin turned right, pulling Minjeong with her. She didn’t understand but didn’t ask either.

As soon as they walked past the flower beds of the back garden, Minjeong realized what was happening and couldn’t properly stifle the gasp.

On top of a small hill laid two tombstones.

Minjeong squeezed Jimin’s hand, making her turn to smile at her.

Without a word and never letting go of each other’s hand, they walked up the hill.

“Hi Mom, hi Dad,” Jimin greeted, sitting on the grass and laying the flowers in front of the tombstones. “This is Kim Minjeong, my girlfriend.”

Minjeong sat beside her and Jimin closed her eyes, clasping her hands together near her chest. She followed, bowing and greeting her parents in thought.

“My mom died when I was seven.” Jimin broke the silence.

Minjeong opened her eyes and looked at her. Jimin faced ahead, staring at the flowers.

“She was traveling back to Korea when her jet crashed. Of course it was hard for me, I was just a kid, but my father suffered a lot more. He did the best he could without her, though, and I’m proud to say he raised me well.” Jimin gave Minjeong a small smile. “Ever since my mother died, he started smoking. I always hated it and always told him to stop, but he never did. Four years ago, he was diagnosed with lung cancer.”

Jimin paused to take a deep breath.

“He went through all the treatments money could buy, but it only delayed the inevitable.” She paused again. “I really loved him and always wanted to make him proud, so, I got engaged."

Minjeong widened her eyes. "You were married?"

"It wasn’t like I was madly in love or anything of that kind. He was nice, quite a handsome guy, but, you know, I’ve always been more interested in girls.” Jimin winked. “But I knew how important maintaining our family name through generations was to my dad, and since he was happy, I was happy. The man I was with came from good families. But a trusted source informed my dad that same family had been forging the financial reports of their holdings for a while. They were about to fall into ruin. You can probably guess what he and his family wanted from our union.”

So, someone really had tried to take advantage of her money in the past. It hadn't been just a random person, but someone she had married.

“I divorced him shortly after, and my dad even felt guilty, like it was his fault that I rushed to find someone. Despite everything, he was the best father any daughter could have, and everything I am and know today was thanks to him."

Minjeong wanted to say something to comfort her, but she figured Jimin was simply looking to share that part of herself and did not expect her to intervene.

“Before he died, he left me the three things he loved the most.” Jimin met Minjeong’s eyes and raised her right arm. “His automatic watch, his Mustang, and the company for me to continue his legacy and keep upholding his values in business.”

Jimin had now faced Minjeong and paused for a long while, making her notice she was done talking and expected her to say something now.

“W-What were his values, then?” That was the best Minjeong came up with under such tension.

“Ponderation, Confidence, Integrity.” She recited without taking even a second to think. “Always think more than twice about your risks, but once you take them, you have to own up to them and act with certainty. If you ever use dishonesty to do business, you will have dirty money in your hands. The dirt will go all the way to your soul and you will never be clean again.” Jimin's eyes fixed ahead on the void. "His company suffered a lot during a certain period. Because even though he tried to pass on these values, not everyone was willing to be fair and follow them."

Minjeong's heart shot in her chest. She was talking about Hyoseob... wasn't she?

"The company used to be much bigger, and I wonder if I disappointed my dad after I made all those changes. Someone messed up pretty bad, tainting his company's name. If still trying to get over my mom's death wasn't enough, he had to deal with that too... but he never gave up, and kept on working hard. After he died and I took over, I wanted to do things differently. I changed the name of the company, in an attempt for people to stop associating the name with what had happened, canceled all partnerships the company had, and reduced the people to my current team. Me, and those three dorks, but the most professional people I could ask for to work with me. That's also why people love to talk about me, you know. I know I fired a lot of people and that may have been insensitive, but I couldn't trust them. Not after... after that thing that happened with the company."

Minjeong’s eyes couldn’t leave Jimin. The way her lips showed a small, sad smile, as she stared at her father’s grave. "I hope my dad doesn't hate me too much for that."

And somehow, there was just one question in Minjeong’s head.

“Why did you tell me all of this now?”

“I want to get closer to you, Minjeong. I want us to know about each other, and for you to trust me. And for that, I don’t mind being the first one to open my heart. I know your past wasn’t easy, but please know that I’m here to help you get through it.”

Minjeong’s heart clenched. The exact same people who haunted Minjeong's past, were the same that did Jimin's. She closed her eyes and let her head drop to Jimin’s shoulder. Her eyes warmed up as she bit on her lower lip, her hand squeezing Jimin’s.

How could she have doubted Jimin? How could she have thought, even if for just a second, that Jimin could be involved in what happened five years ago? Or that she could be like him? Both were victims of what Hyoseob and Jaehyun did in the past, and somehow, neither of them could speak about it. Even though Jimin shared part of her past, she still hadn’t shared everything.

But could Minjeong blame her, when she hadn't even opened her heart one bit to her?

It didn’t matter how many reasons there were to compare them, Jimin wasn’t and would never be like Jaehyun, and Minjeong didn’t need anything else to be sure about it.

“I’m so sorry, Jimin.” Minjeong sobbed.

“What are you apologizing for?”

“You are working hard on our relationship, sharing your past and painful memories with me, and I’m just-"

“Minjeong.” Jimin interrupted, resting a finger on her lips. “I didn’t do this for you to feel obligated to tell me about your past. I told you because I wanted to, because I want you to know who I am. I’ll never pressure you to tell me anything. I know someday you’ll be able to open your heart to me, so I’ll wait.”

Minjeong would never understand what she did to deserve Jimin in her life, but she was aware she had to start putting in some effort. A relationship is between two people, and Minjeong felt only Jimin was working hard.

“You know, it’s the first time I brought someone here.”


“Yes. I’ve always loved to come here alone and talk my worries out to them. That’s quite sad, isn’t it?” Jimin chuckled. “Ryujin has been my best friend since college, and I also have Jisu and Heejin to talk and hang out and have fun with, but ever since my dad died, I can’t get rid of this loneliness.”

A tear rolled down Jimin’s eye. It was the first time Minjeong saw Jimin crying, and it made her interiors twist.

“I know I’ll never replace your parents, but I hope I can make you feel less lonely.”

“You already do.” Jimin met her eyes. “You turn my days happier.”

A shy smile crept on Minjeong’s lips, as Jimin hugged her and kissed her head.

“We should go, right? Your shift starts soon.”

“Nope, it changes today. I’ll be working late.”

“Oh. Well, that’s great news, isn’t it?” Jimin smiled.

“I thought we could go pay Hyunjin a visit at S&S, and, you know... spend the night in your house.” Minjeong caressed her hand.

“Sounds amazing. And how about you have lunch with us?”


“Me, Heejin, Jisu, and Ryujin.”

“Oh.” Minjeong gulped. “I... I don’t wanna be a burden.”

“You won’t. We don’t discuss work at lunch, it’s one rule I imposed. You won’t feel left out. And they like you.”

Minjeong smiled and nodded. “Okay, then. I’ll go.”

“Good, because I wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

The weekend went by way too fast. Even though she spent time with Yerim and her friend Yeojin, since she had promised her she could stay over, the constant worries didn't leave her mind for a damn second.

The sun had set already when Minjeong decided to take a break and have something to eat for dinner, since she was on the late shift. She sat in her car, taking a bite of her sandwich, and grabbed her phone from her bag.

There was a message from Yizhuo.

We need to meet today, tell me when you’re available!

Couldn’t she at least tell her what it was about? A simple message like that was enough for Minjeong’s anxiety to skyrocket in a second.

“What happened?” Minjeong asked as soon as Yizhuo picked up her call.

“Hi, Minjeong.”

Minjeong sighed. “Hi, Yizhuo. Can you tell me what happened?”

“Irene contacted me again. They want to proceed with the investigation as soon as possible. We need to discuss some things.”

Minjeong’s jaw clenched. “ them... Why the hurry?”

“I don’t know, but the sooner we take care of this, the sooner we get rid of them for good. When are you free?”

“Meet me at S&S by the end of my shift.”

Minjeong’s feet tapped the floor as Yizhuo explained all the information she had.

“They’re serious about this, Minjeong, so I think you know what you have to do.”

“What?” Minjeong frowned.

“Jimin is directly involved in this. She needs to be interrogated as well, so, you need to talk to her. I know it’s a lot, but she needs to know what’s happening.”

Her breath got stuck in . Telling Jimin what happened... She felt dizzy just thinking about it.

“Good evening, ladies.” Jimin’s voice startled Minjeong, who widened her eyes and looked up.

Jimin sat beside Minjeong, telling Heejin to sit in front of her, beside Yizhuo.

“I didn’t know you would arrive so soon.” Minjeong let Jimin kiss her cheek, while her eyes faced ahead at how stiff Heejin suddenly became when she met Yizhuo’s eyes.

“I tried to call you but you didn’t answer, so I asked Hyunjin where you were. I believe this is Yizhuo.” Jimin turned to her, giving her a warm smile. “I’m Jimin, nice to meet you. That's Heejin. I hope you can get along well!"

"Oh, I’m sure we will." Yizhuo glanced at Heejin.

"W-Why's Heejin here?" Minjeong whispered, turning to Jimin.

"She really wanted to go out to drink, and since you had already told me you had company, I told her to come." Jimin leaned in to kiss Minjeong's lips.

For a moment, Minjeong forgot about the words Yizhuo told her minutes ago. And she would keep forgetting about it until the next day. For now, she would enjoy the night.

"Let's grab a drink?" Jimin asked, taking her hand.

Yes, maybe a drink would help.

No, she promised she would stop.

"The usual, I suppose?" Hyunjin asked, already grabbing the whisky bottle and two glasses.

"No, get me a coke, please," Minjeong said, earning an irked eyebrow from Hyunjin. "I don't feel like drinking."

"Then get me one as well," Jimin said. "With a slice of lemon and lots of ice, please."

"B-But you can have your whisky." Minjeong widened her eyes.

"But I want a coke as well."

"Alright, as you wish!" Hyunjin shrugged and looked at Minjeong. "Do you want yours fancy like that as well?"

"S-Sure, why not."

Hyunjin rushed to prepare their drinks, while Jimin frowned. "Did she just make fun of the way I like my coke?"

Minjeong laughed. "She's messing with you."

"You're gonna see how much tastier it is like that!"

Hyunjin set the tall glasses on the counter, winking at them before turning to prepare other drinks. Minjeong grabbed her glass and was about to turn when Jimin grabbed her arm.

"Let them be. I think they're enjoying each other's company."

Minjeong looked at the table they were just a few minutes ago to find Heejin and Yizhuo chatting. They seemed to be a lot less awkward already, judging by the smiles and looks they exchanged.

"Maybe it doesn't look like it, but Yizhuo is a huge flirt," Minjeong said.

"Oh, and you know that from experience?" Jimin chuckled.

"N-No! I know this because we've been close friends since high school, and I know how she loves to treat a girl right."

"You totally had a crush on her before."

"I'm telling you, I didn't." Minjeong rolled her eyes. "She's pretty and incredibly smart, but no, it's never been like that."

Jimin stared at Minjeong. "Okay, good, I didn't want to fight anyone for you."

Minjeong laughed. "You'll never need to."

Seeing how Jimin tried to hold her laugh, Minjeong regretted saying it the next second. "D-Don't get cocky."

"What, I didn't say anything."

"But you were about to, I know that face."

"What face?"

"That one."

"I didn't do anything."

Minjeong threw her a glare and Jimin responded with a chuckle. For a moment, Jimin was the only thing that her eyes could see.

She wouldn't ruin the moment by bringing up what she needed to tell her.

Not for now.


A/N: I am so sorry for not updating on time again, I've been kinda messy dsipgubsdugbsdp forgive me pleek 

Okay so the next chapter is by far the heaviest one so get prepared. After that I promise there's tons of fluff hehe hope you're enjoying the story so far! 

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oofiee 1081 streak #1
Chapter 14: this is so good 😭 im happy winter found someone she could share her burdens with

thank you for writing this!
oofiee 1081 streak #2
Chapter 12: omg finallyyy, i was scared af w/ the vibe ningning was giving off initially 😩

scared irene and sooyoung will take the matters outside of court and harm them...
oofiee 1081 streak #3
Chapter 11: true... minjeong shouldnt worry too much abt jimin running away :')
oofiee 1081 streak #4
Chapter 10: 🥹
lordakm #5
Chapter 9: Chapter8: the heartwarming fluff was soooo overwhelming in the best way possible 😭🖤🖤
oofiee 1081 streak #6
Chapter 9: she was probably feeling lonely dealing with this case last time so it must be a v nice change to have jimin around :')
oofiee 1081 streak #7
Chapter 8: you are so good with words! their convo is so heartwarming 🥺
oofiee 1081 streak #8
Chapter 7: yerim almost lost both of her parents to the same thing...

didnt expect karina's reaction given all her reassurance to minjeong but understandable... she mustve never thought minjeong's past is directly related to her
Chapter 6: It’s okay!! Hope youre taking care of yourself aaand gosh not ready for a heavy one since im kinda in the slumps ;-; BUT ITS OKAY. WILL WAIT REGARDLESS
whykidleader_ #10
Chapter 3: This is so well written, I am really amazed. Glad I came upon this while I randomly searching for JMJ stories. Looking forward how the stories unfold. Author-nim, fighting ! 👍