Like a family

Killing our Ghosts

Minjeong laid down on her bed, leaning her back against her pillow. “How was the interrogation?”

“What I expected. Questions about five years ago, and how I met you.” Jimin sat cross-legged in front of her.

“Yeah, same. I’m still nervous about the whole thing, but at the same time, a bit more relaxed now that Yunjin is taking care of things. I don’t need to even be nervous, we aren’t guilty of anything, after all.”

Jimin smiled. “Exactly. I completely trust Yunjin, Aeri, and Yizhuo’s job. While we have tons of evidence on our side, Sooyoung doesn’t have any. Soon this will be over so for now, let’s focus on us and the weekend that we have ahead.”

“You’re right. Yerim really wants to go to the movies. It’s been a while since we last went.”

“Then let’s go tomorrow. If there’s time left, what if we took Yerim to an arcade? Since she loves videogames. I bet she would love to try dance dance revolution.”

“That crazy dancing game?” Minjeong laughed. “For sure. Let’s go.”

When they decided to go to the movies and watch the newest Disney movie, Soul, the last thing Minjeong expected was to cry. The credits rolled over the screen, and she hurried to clean her eyes, but the theater lit up.

"I wonder if I found my spark yet," Yerim said, then looked at her mother. "Mom? Why are you crying? It was a happy ending!"

Jimin, sitting at the other side of Yerim, leaned forward, worried eyes but a caring smile on her lips.

"I got emotional, that's all." Minjeong sniffed with a chuckle. "Let's get going? I'm kinda hungry, aren't you guys?"

"Let's get ice cream!" Yerim jumped on her feet.

Yerim went on ahead, while Jimin grabbed Minjeong's hand and walked behind the excited girl. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. I couldn't hold my tears... it was just so inspiring. The way he fought so hard to live, he didn't give up until the end. While I..."

"Hey, hey." Jimin stopped in front of her and cupped her cheeks, staring right at her eyes. "Don't feel bad about it. Accept it, own it, and move on. You were in a bad place, but you're not there anymore."

More tears rolled down Minjeong's eyes, but she nodded. "I want to try harder, I want to keep living."

"And you will."


Jimin took a step back as Yerim approached them, frowning at them.

"I'm sorry, Yerimie, I had... something in my eye. Let's go get ice cream."

For Yerim, for Jimin. For her future, Minjeong would keep fighting hard and moving forward.

The three of them were used to playing Just Dance already, but Dance Dance Revolution was a different story. But it didn’t matter how much they messed up or lost to a ten year old kid, Minjeong laughed so hard her stomach hurt.

“Just one more time!” Yerim said, as if her energy gauge was as full as ever.

“I really need a break.” Jimin shook her head. “I’m not as active as you two, and maybe this is a warning on how I should move more.”

It wasn’t as if Minjeong wasn’t tired, but she having so much fun she pushed through and danced to another song with Yerim, losing yet again, though.

“Maybe dancing is my spark!” Yerim said as they finished.

Minjeong smiled at her, wondering if hers was it as well. Or, if it still was. “Maybe. But you’re still so young, you’ll have a lot of time to find out.”

Leaving the arcade, they bought some take away food before heading home. There was this warmth in Minjeong’s chest as the three of them went back home, together, in Jimin’s car. And then having dinner, together, and talking about what they should do next. And then finally deciding the three were down to watch another movie, a comedy this time, with Yerim sitting between them, just like earlier at the movies.

Like a family.

The smile was still present even when they went to bed, tired from the long and busy but amazing day.

“What are you smiling at?” Jimin asked.

“I’m just... I think this is genuine happiness.”

Jimin matched her smile and kissed her lips, looking at her ever so sweet. “I’m so happy, Minjeong. That you’re happy, and after this day. And there’s more tomorrow. This really was a great idea.”

“I wonder if it’s alright to be relaxed like this.”

“Of course it is! Why wouldn’t it be?”

“You know.”

Jimin’s face fell.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bring the mood down.” Minjeong dropped her head.

“It’s not about that. I just want you to not feel guilty about feeling happy. You have all the right in the world to be, and you deserve it. Let’s keep enjoying our weekend, and then we go back to our routines, okay?”

Minjeong nodded, bringing her close to kiss her lips again. “Thank you for being so considerate.”

“Thank you for sharing how you’re feeling with me.” Jimin hugged her and laid down, bringing Minjeong deeper into her embrace. “Wanna sleep?”

“Do you?”

Pushing a strand of hair behind Minjeong’s ear, Jimin smirked at her. “Something in that question tells me you don’t.”

“Oh, really? What’s that something?”

Jimin scooted even closer and kissed her, deep and intense. “You know it damn well.”

When Minjeong and Jimin woke up, at almost eleven in the morning, Yerim was already playing Just Dance in the living room.

“I’m really starting to believe you have an unlimited source of energy,” Jimin said when Yerim finished the song.

Yerim turned to them. “Oh, good morning! I’m playing online, I need to give my best to stay at the top! And I’ve been staying in the top ten, and there’s almost a hundred people playing!”

“You’re playing against a hundred people?” Minjeong dropped her chin, kissing the top of her head, and she answered with a nod and an ear to ear grin. “Did you eat breakfast?”

“I did. The next song is about to start, I need to get ready!”

“Alright, the living room is all yours. We’re gonna have coffee.”

Yerim wasn’t listening anymore, she was focused on the tv and hitting all the moves at the correct timing.

“Did you sleep well?” Minjeong asked as she made coffee.

Jimin hugged her from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder. “I always sleep wonders when I sleep with you.”

“And I’m the sweet talker.” Minjeong giggled. “What do you want to eat?”

“There’s not much time left for lunch, I think I’ll be okay with the coffee.”

“You sure? I think Yerim will ask us to join her when we go back.”

“I’m sure.”

And Minjeong was right. As soon as they were back in the living room, Yerim handed them the controllers without even asking them if they want to. And saying no to Yerim? Nah.

Minjeong could forgive herself for not doing her daily workout routine because dancing for an hour straight left her as tired, if not more.

“Alright, I need to rest for five minutes before preparing lunch.” Minjeong dropped to the couch.

Jimin dropped next to her and fetched for her phone, staring at the screen as if wondering about something.

“Is everything alright?” Minjeong gulped, her mind telling her it could be something related to the case.

“Yes, Ryujin texted me asking if I wanted to have lunch with them. And even told me to invite you.”

“Oh. I need to stay with Yerim, but you can go, of course.”

“I won’t. I’m spending the weekend with you, and I have lunch with them almost everyday.”

Minjeong pouted.

“Why that face?” Jimin pinched her cheek.

“You sure you don’t want to go? I don’t want to make you feel like you can’t go or something like that.”

Jimin chuckled. “Silly. I know I’m free to go, but staying is my choice.”

“Okay. I bet you’re hungry now, so I’ll prepare lunch.” Minjeong would have pecked her lips, but Yerim was returning from the bathroom.

“Let me help you.” Jimin stood up as well. “You said the other time you wouldn’t let a guest help, but, I don’t think I’m just a guest this time.”

And there it was, that warmth in Minjeong’s chest. She smiled. “Sure.”

“Are you gonna make lunch?” Yerim asked, plopping down on the couch.

“Yes. Rest a bit for now.”

Yerim nodded and skipped through the channels, looking for something to watch, while they went back to the kitchen. To cook lunch, together. And when it was ready and they called Yerim, they had lunch, together.

“What are we doing during the afternoon?” Yerim asked as she finished her food.

Minjeong glanced at Jimin. “Whatever you feel like. But only after you do your homework. Have you done it?”

Yerim shook her head.

“I have an idea,” Jimin said. “Yerim will do her homework, and when she’s done, let’s go to the beach.”

Both Minjeong and Yerim widened their eyes. “The beach?!” They also said at the same time.

“The weather’s great, it’s hot and sunny. I know an amazing one, it’s like an hour drive. And we can watch the sunset there. It’s beautiful.”

“Can we go in your car?” Yerim asked.

“Of course. You like it? It’s very cool, isn’t it?”

“I love it! It’s elegant, like you.”

“Oh my.” Jimin giggled. “Thank you, Yerim. What do you think of the idea?”

“I wanna go!”

Minjeong was at a loss for words. “Yes, I love it. I have no idea when was the last time we went to the beach. Go do your homework and study a bit then, Yerimie.”

Yerim jumped from her chair with a squeal and ran to her bedroom.

“Do you even have a swimsuit or something with you?” Minjeong asked.

“Of course.” Jimin smirked.

“So you prepared this.”

“I certainly did. I even brought one for you, just in case you didn’t have one.”

Minjeong dropped her chin, and laughed at the big, proud grin plastered on Jimin’s lips. “You’re unbelievable.”

“Unbelievably smart and beautiful? Yes, I am.”

“You really are.”

Jimin approached and kissed Minjeong’s lips before standing up and taking the dishes to the sink. “And don’t you dare tell me to go sit while you clean everything alone.”

“I wasn’t going to.”


“Can I put on music?” Yerim asked as they settled in Jimin’s car.

“Of course.” Jimin connected Yerim’s phone to the radio’s Bluetooth. “Done. You can play whatever you wanna.”

Minjeong got herself comfy in her seat, observing as Jimin set the location on her phone.

“Are you ready for an amazing trip to the beach?” Jimin suddenly turned, her voice louder than usual, filled with excitement.

“Yes!” Yerim answered the same way from the back seat, while Minjeong took a hand to her chest from the scare.


“Then, let’s go!”

Jimin the engine and accelerated, as Yerim finally chose the song. Of course she would play Twice, and Minjeong couldn’t help but join in the singing, because even Jimin knew the lyrics.

A few minutes into the ride, and without any warning, a mechanical whirling made Minjeong look up and gasp. The rooftop of the car slid back, the high sun binding Minjeong’s eyes.

“Wooooow!” Yerim sounded just as surprised as her mother. “A convertible?! Jimin, you’re so cool!”

“It was really hard to keep the surprise, but it was worth it. Your faces were priceless!”

Minjeong’s chin could reach the ground. She had never ridden a convertible. She threw her arms up in the air, singing her lungs out with them, her hair dancing around her face with the wind. She stared at Jimin for a bit, then at Yerim, as they had the time of their lives jamming to Dance the Night Away and wondered...

Was that what a family trip was supposed to be like?

The long, chaotic, and loud car drive, the excitement, the eagerness of getting there, wherever it was, the heart racing, bursting with joy.

She was sure it was, even though they were just going to the beach during the afternoon. But it was enough to bring tears to Minjeong’s eyes. She looked to her side, resting her elbow on the window frame, pretending to watch the scenery as they drove through the bridge to Incheon, and cleared her eyes, joining their singing show again.

Soon enough, Minjeong could see the sea. The real sea, with nothing ahead but a seemingly endless body of water.

Jimin slowed down, turning right a bit ahead to a parking lot near what seemed like a restaurant by the beach. There were a lot of cars, but since the beach was long, there didn’t seem to be that many people.

“We’re here!” Jimin stopped the car, stretching her arms up. “Let’s go, I’m dying for a dive.”

Yerim squealed and jumped out, carrying her towel around her neck, eyes ahead at the beach and a gigantic smile.

Jimin closed the roof of the car and fetched their bags from the truck.

“Let’s go a far bit ahead, there’s less people,” she said, leading the way.

Minjeong couldn’t take her eyes off the sea. The breeze, the scent, gave her an overwhelming sense of peace. After choosing a spot, they dropped their towels, and Yerim rushed to take out her t-shirt and shorts.

“Can I go to the water?” Yerim turned, puppy eyes at her mother, and she looked so adorable with her purple swimsuit. Minjeong couldn’t help but smile.

“Since we already put on sunscreen, yes, you can.”

Yerim dashed towards the water.

“But stay near! We’ll be right there!” Minjeong said, and Yerim shouted an okay back at her.

Minjeong rested her hands on her waist, observing Yerim approaching the water and splashing it with her feet, probably whining it was cold. She chuckled and as she turned, Jimin stripped her flowy summer dress in one go. Minjeong flared her nostrils, not being able to stop her eyes from scanning her from head to toe. Jimin looked absurdly beautiful with that deep blue bikini she made sure to keep a surprise.

“Are you not gonna undress?” Jimin asked, smirking at Minjeong while tying her hair up in a high ponytail.

“O-Oh, yeah, right.”

Feeling Jimin’s eyes on her, Minjeong swung her tank top over her head and took out her shorts.

“You are so damn gorgeous,” Jimin said, her voice lower than usual.

Minjeong looked down at herself, at the most basic and cheap black and white bikini she was wearing, and then back at Jimin. “Have you taken a look at yourself?”

“Yeah, I do that quite often, and I know I’m pretty myself, but I prefer to look at you.”

“Look all you want.”

“Oh, I will. And you, be sure to do the same,” Jimin said, clearly exaggerating the swing of her hips as she walked past her and towards the water.

Following behind, Minjeong shook her head, but yes, she was looking.

“It’s cold!” Yerim said as they approached her.

“Once you’re in there, you’ll get used to it,” Jimin said. “And then it will feel amazing. You know, it’s easier if you just throw yourself.”

“I’ll do it if you do it!”

Jimin irked an eyebrow. “Is that a challenge?”

Yerim nodded, narrowing her eyes at her. Jimin giggled and took a few steps back.

“Wait, are you for real?” Minjeong asked.

And instead of an answer, Jimin sprinted forward, diving head first when the water was by her hips. Minjeong dropped her chin with a disbelief chuckle. A couple of seconds later, Jimin returned to the surface, even more ahead into the water, and turned at them.

“Your turn, Yerim!” Jimin said, swimming back.

Yerim put on a fierce expression and mimicked Jimin, taking a few steps back and then taking in a run into the water. She let out a high pitched yelp, but turned at her mother laughing nonetheless.

“Only you left!”

Minjeong wouldn’t be the scaredy cat. But she knew that would hurt. Sighing and taking in a deep breath, she dashed, hissing the second the cold water hit her legs, but she didn’t stop, and dove near them. Her eyes opened as a reflex underwater, and even though it hitched a bit, she let herself swim for a few more moments, enjoying every second of it. The way her body moved underwater, waving like a mermaid, the way the cold water touched every inch of her skin. Finally, she submerged, her hair pushed back perfectly on her head. She turned and meeting their confused looks, she noticed she was much further into the sea than them. Minjeong swam back to them, taking her time.

“I was wondering when you were going to show up. I was even getting worried.” Jimin shook her head.

“Sorry, I got carried away,” Minjeong said. “I missed swimming.”

“Is it something you like to do?” Jimin asked.

“Yeah.” Minjeong observed as Yerim walked out of the water, just to run and dive again. “I did swimming for almost five years.”

Jimin widened her eyes. “Five years?! When you were a kid?”

“Yeah. I kinda wanted to be a professional swimmer at that time.” She chuckled. “But then I gave up on the idea.”

A pout appeared on Jimin’s lips.

“It was not because of that. I was young, I didn’t know what I wanted yet, but then I started dancing more and I realized what I wanted.”

“Have you been thinking about it?”

Yerim was out of the water again, sitting down on the sand now, the small waves reaching to her legs.

“Yeah.” Minjeong smiled. “I don’t want to get ahead of myself, taking all of that for granted, but I do daydream about all of that you told me.”

“Soon, Minjeong.” Jimin approached her, but stopped herself before she cupped her cheeks. “Wanna swim a bit?”

“Actually, yes.”

“Go, I’ll keep Yerim company. Just don’t go too far.”

“You think I’ll drown?” Minjeong chuckled.

“Well, the sea can be dangerous! Even though it’s very calm today, the current can still take you far away.”

“You’re right, I promise I’ll be careful.”

A ten minute swim was really all she wanted. It was still in her, like in fact it hadn’t been years since she freely swam like that. It was just her and the ocean at that moment, her mind completely emptied of problems or future dreams. Maybe she should do that more often.

When she was back, Jimin laid on her towel with her sunglasses on, listening to whatever Yerim was talking about so enthusiastically.

“Hey, Mom! Let’s play uno!”

“Uno?” Minjeong irked an eyebrow. “And where would you have that now?”

“I brought it,” Jimin said.

Should she even be surprised? That woman really thought of everything. Shaking her head, she sat on her towel crossed leg. “Alright, let’s play.”

Shuffling the deck, Jimin distributed the cards and the game started. They played silently, focused on their cards, until Yerim played a +4 card to her mother with a mischievous smile. Minjeong threw her a side glare, and with the exact same kind of smile, she played another +4 card, both her and Yerim holding their laughs as they looked at Jimin.

“Oh, no. No, no, no. You can’t do that!” Jimin said.

“What do you mean I can’t do that?”

“It’s in the rules. The +4 don’t stack!”

“What?!” Yerim gasped. “But I’ve always played like this!”

“Exactly, everyone always plays like that, but it’s against the rules. If Yerim plays a +4 card, you go and pick four cards. Period. And then, I play.”

They kept looking at Jimin, as if she was telling them the biggest lie ever.

“Do you want me to go look for the rules?” Jimin laughed, fetching her phone in her bag.

“It’s okay-“

“Yes!” Yerim said.

A few moments later, Jimin read exactly what she had explained a minute ago. Minjeong accepted her fate and took four cards, and after unlocking one of the biggest misconceptions in the universe, they continued their game.

But soon enough, Yerim whined that she was hungry, so they ate the snacks they brought while enjoying the warmth of the sun. It was already on its way down the horizon, so it wasn’t as hot as before. Then another dive in the ocean, with a bit more whining that it seemed even colder now, but then that it became even warmer than before.

Yerim was getting cold, so she went on ahead and laid down to get another sun bath, but Minjeong didn’t want to leave the water yet. She didn’t know when was going to be another opportunity.

“Let’s come just the two of us the next time,” Jimin said. “Don’t get me wrong, I love being here with Yerim, but I really wanted to hug you right now.” She approached Minjeong a bit, all her body underwater, and her eyes staring right back at hers. “And kiss you.”

Minjeong smiled, glancing at Yerim. She was still laying down. She wondered if she could take the risk and kiss Jimin right there.

“I know, me too. I’m sorry, Jimin.” But it was better not.

“You don’t need to apologize. In fact, I am sorry. I didn’t want to make you feel bad.”

“I know, don’t worry.”

Jimin stared at her. “Minjeong, I’m not here because I felt obliged to be with the both of you. I genuinely wanted to come, to be with both you and Yerim. And I can tell you how many times you want, so you feel reassured. Okay?”

It was as if Jimin could always see through her. Maybe because she really could at that point. Minjeong smiled and nodded. “Thank you. It’s not like I was doubting you, I wasn’t. But it’s always good to hear that.”

“Whenever you want to hear this from me, just ask me. I’ll give you all the reassurance you need.”

“What did I do to deserve you, Jimin?”

“You didn’t need to do anything special. You’re just this amazing, strong, the most hard working, caring, and sweet person I couldn’t not fall for.” Jimin pushed a strand of hair that was stuck on Minjeong’s face behind her ear, giving her the most beautiful, heart warming smile.

For a second, Minjeong forgot where she was, and went for a kiss. But she stopped before she was too close, her eyes averting to Yerim as a reflex. Yerim was already looking at them and waved her hand when Minjeong met her eyes. Jimin looked as well, retracting her hand the same second and waving back at her.

“, I’m so sorry,” Jimin whispered.

“It was my fault as well, don’t worry. Let’s go? The water’s becoming cold.”

Jimin nodded and went on ahead, but Minjeong grabbed her hand underwater, making her turn. “And yes, when there’s a chance, let's come the two of us.”

Another nod with a smile this time, and Jimin left the water. Minjeong dove one last time before following her to their towels, telling herself on her mind that it was okay that Yerim saw them. They didn’t do anything too obvious, and sooner or later, she would know.

“What if we have dinner in that restaurant, and then come back to watch the sunset?” Jimin asked, laying on her back and supporting herself on her elbows.

“Yes!” Yerim answered automatically. “Maybe they have spicy crab, since it’s a restaurant by the beach. Oh, or soy sauce marinated crab! Or crab stew!”

Jimin laughed. “You really want to eat crab, don’t you?”

“Can we?” Yerim turned to her mother.

“If they have it, of course,” Jimin answered instead. “Anything princess Yerim wants to eat.”

Minjeong smiled, her eyes not leaving them. At how Yerim threw her arms in the air in excitement, how Jimin had this impossibly caring smile, and how caring she was overall. Minjeong rested assured. There was no doubt Jimin really liked and cared for Yerim, almost as if she was her own daughter as well.

Minjeong scanned the menu, trying not to show the worry on her face. The prices were above the average, probably because it was a restaurant by the beach, and the prices for the seafood were even higher.

“Which one do you want?” Jimin asked Yerim, analyzing the menu herself.

“I love them all! I don’t know what to choose.”

“What about you, Minjeong?”

“I-I think I’ll go for a burger.”

Jimin frowned at her. Yerim had her eyes focused on the menu, talking to herself about which one she wanted, and Jimin took the opportunity to grab Minjeong’s hand under the table.

“Don’t worry, I’ll pay. Please, choose whatever you want. I bet you haven’t eaten crab in a long time.”

“But...” Minjeong sighed. “I don’t want to abuse of your-“

“You’re not doing such thing. I want to treat you two with nice food. I could literally pay for the food every time we eat together, but I still let you pay because I don’t want you to feel like that. But this time, I really want to. Please allow me.”

She should be past that. She knew Jimin’s intentions, they’ve been dating for a little longer now, she shouldn’t feel like Jimin was doing her any favors. And she wasn’t of abusing her goodwill nor of her money. Minjeong allowed herself to relax and nodded. “Okay. I’ll go with the soy sauce marinated crab, then.”

Jimin smiled at her and after giving her hand a little squeeze, she straightened herself and turned to Yerim. “Then you can ask for the spicy crab and share!”

“Thanks, Mom! What about you, Jimin?”

“Since you two will go for the crab, I’ll go with the seafood noodle soup. It’s been a while since I had it.”

“You won’t have crab?” Yerim pouted.

“I’ll steal a bit from yours.” Jimin winked at her. “And let you have a bit of mine too, of course.”


Minjeong could only widen her eyes when the food arrived at the table. Jimin ordered extra items, like those deliciously appetizing seafood pancakes and a tray of raw fish. Once again, she reassured herself that it was okay, that she wasn’t being a bad person for enjoying all of that, and dug into the food with them, the three girls humming in satisfaction.

“Delicious, right?” Jimin asked.

Yerim nodded with full of food, giving her a thumbs up instead.

With their bellies full, they returned to the beach, setting their towels on the sand and sitting down, Yerim in the middle of them. The sun was almost reaching the horizon, reflecting on the ocean and leaving a beautiful orange trail in the sky. There were still a few people in the water, parents with their kids, couples splashing water at each other, leaving trails of giggles floating in the air. Minjeong wanted to be able to hug, kiss, be the girlfriend she was with Jimin, without the fear of Yerim seeing them.

Minjeong wanted to officially call the three of them a family.

And it seemed that wish only grew stronger each day, each hour she spent with them. But she would be patient, and wait for the right time for that, and for now, she would enjoy the sunset, probably the most beautiful she remembered seeing.

But even with the prettiest sunset ahead of her, she couldn’t help but turn her neck, observing as Yerim awed at the sun. Then, she looked at Jimin, and there her eyes stayed. It didn’t matter how many times Minjeong marveled at her beauty, it wasn’t enough. How the sunset tones illuminated her face, and when Jimin must have felt Minjeong’s eyes on her, she turned and met her gaze, giving her the smile she had fallen for. Jimin leaned back, supporting herself on her palms, resting one on the towel behind Yerim’s back. The movement of her fingers caught Minjeong’s attention, and she took the hint. Smiling, Minjeong did the same, resting her hand on top of Jimin’s.

Yerim looked at her mother, then at Jimin. “You’re not watching the sunset!”

“W-We are.” Minjeong looked ahead, feeling her cheeks growing warmer, but didn’t retract her hand.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Jimin asked into the air.

“So pretty! I wanna take pictures.” Yerim fetched her phone and started taking a lot of pictures, then turned to them again. “Let’s take one the three of us with the sunset behind!”

“That’s an excellent idea! Let me take it with mine,” Jimin said as they turned their backs on the sun.

She opened the front camera and adjusted the frame and the lighting modes, while Minjeong scooted closer to Jimin, with Yerim still between them. Then, as she smiled, Yerim and Minjeong did the same, and she snapped lots of pictures, changing the pose between every couple pics.

“Send them to me!” Yerim said.

“Of course. Should I create a group chat for the three of us? So we can share pictures and funny stuff.”

Yerim gasped. “Can I send memes there?”

Jimin let out a loud chuckle. “Of course you can! I’ll do the same.”

Minjeong couldn’t say anything. She just stared at her phone, observing the group chat popping up on KakaoTalk, with their pics showing up one after the other. And she even felt silly for having to fight back tears.

“Look!” Yerim turned her phone to them, showing the pic where they posed with finger hearts as her wallpaper. “We look so cute!”

“I’m gonna be a copycat and do the same,” Jimin said, tapping on her phone. “You have to change it too, Minjeong!”

Blinking the stinging in her eyes, Minjeong nodded. “Yes, yes I will. Is this the one?”

“Choose whatever pic you want, as long as it’s your wallpaper.”

Minjeong set the same as they did, but she knew that later, she would look at all the pictures with much more care.

The sun hid behind the horizon at last, and a colder breeze caught up.

“It’s getting colder,” Jimin said, as if she had read Minjeong’s mind. “Let’s get going?”

Getting their towels, they walked back to Jimin’s car. This time, she didn’t open the roof, and opted for some radio station to keep them company as they drove back. Not even five minutes into the trip, and Yerim was fast asleep in the back seat.

“Okay, her energy source is not infinite, after all.” Jimin chuckled.

“She must be very tired.”

“It was a long day. Did you have fun?”

“I don’t even have the words, Jimin. Thank you so much for bringing us to the beach. I’m sure Yerim had a blast.”

“What about you? Didn’t you?”

“Of course I did. Today, yesterday. This whole weekend was amazing. It really felt...”

Jimin kept her eyes ahead at the road. “It really felt...?”

“Like a family trip.” Minjeong let the words leave her lips.

But now, Jimin glanced at her for a mere second. Her free hand rested on Minjeong’s, wrapping around hers as she smiled. “Felt like? Are we not one?”

Minjeong widened her eyes. “I... I mean...”

“We even have matching wallpapers now. A photo of us three.” Jimin smiled wider.

“Do you feel the same?”

Another quick glance. “Is it weird that I do?”

“No!” Minjeong panicked. “Of course not! I just... didn’t want to assume.”

“I hadn’t had a family for a long time. The closest I could call a family was my team, but... they’re just really close friends. But this, us three... is what I always imagined my future family to be.”

This time, Minjeong couldn’t stop her tears. She squeezed Jimin’s hand, letting the tears run down her cheeks.

“Why are you crying?”

“I’ve been suppressing them the whole day.” Minjeong chuckled, shaking her head at herself. “I’m just overwhelmed.”

“Overwhelmingly happy?”

“You could say so. I love you so much, Jimin,” she whispered the last part.

“I love you too, baby,” Jimin whispered back.

“I should get going,” Jimin said when they arrived back at Minjeong’s house.

“Don’t you wanna play a bit before going?” Yerim pouted.

“You still have energy for that?” Jimin chuckled, patting her head. “You have school tomorrow, and me and your mother have work. We all need to rest, it was a long weekend. Did you have fun?”

“Tons! I want more weekends like this. And I want to go to the beach again.”

“It’s promised, then.”

“Thank you, Jimin!” Yerim crashed her smaller body against hers.

Jimin raised her eyebrows for a second, but hugged her back, all while Minjeong observed with a grin.

Yerim pulled away and looked up at her. “I like you a lot. If Mom wasn’t my mom, I would want you to be my mom.”

Both Minjeong’s and Jimin’s eyes went huge, as they stared at each other.

“T-Then she should watch out!” Jimin chuckled.

“Actually, I would like you both to be my moms. Then I would have two.”

There was silence for a few moments.

“Y-You would want to have two moms?” Jimin asked.

“If that was possible. Moms are way better than dads.” Yerim shrugged.

The amount of overwhelming feelings hit Minjeong like a tsunami. She couldn’t move, couldn’t say a word.

Jimin squatted and looked up at Yerim’s eyes. “You’re really cute, did you know that? And you have an amazing mom that loves and cares for you a lot.”

“I know. I love my mom a lot too.”

Minjeong took a hand to , to stop herself from a random sob, and quickly wiped her eyes. Jimin glanced at her, then back at Yerim. “Let’s go for ice cream somewhere this week, and then if we’re free, let’s do something during the weekend again. How does that sound?”

Yerim raised her pinky finger at Jimin, and with a smile, she circled it with hers.

“Y-Yerimie, go take your shower,” Minjeong said.

“Okay! Bye bye, Jimin. Don’t forget to send memes too!”

“I will. Bye, Yerim.” Jimin stood up and kissed her forehead.

Yerim went on ahead, and Minjeong caught the grin on her lips as she rushed to the bathroom. When the door closed, Minjeong sighed.

“I’m so sorry, I completely froze.” She approached Jimin, keeping her voice low.

“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t know if this was the right time, so I... avoided the conversation.”

Minjeong nodded. “It’s okay. I don’t think I was ready, anyway.”

“Yeah, same. I mean, it was because it was really sudden. I would... never expect her to say that.”

A harder thump hurt Minjeong’s chest. “I guess you weren’t ready to hear the word mom.”

And the way Jimin struggled so hard to come up with something to say also hurt.

“I admit, I wasn’t.” Jimin dropped her head.

“You don’t want that responsibility.” It came off more as a statement than a question, and Minjeong hated it.

“Minjeong...” Jimin sighed.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound like that. I promised I wouldn’t assume stuff again.”

“Just let me try to explain. It’s not like I don’t want to. I was just really... surprised and overwhelmed when Yerim said that. Using the word mom, referring to me. I told you, I’m always including Yerim when I think about our future, when I think about this family. It just hit differently, because I didn’t think that far ahead as becoming a mom. And hearing her saying that out of the blue, I just...”

“If she said that, it’s because she already sees you like that, even if she doesn’t want to admit. Even though she literally just said that. But that also means that you’re already being like a mom to her.”

Jimin hid her face in her hands, taking in a deeper breath. “Just give me a bit of time to wrap it up in my head.”

Minjeong gulped. “A-Alright.”

“Please, don’t overthink it. If you have negative thoughts, tell me. Remember that I’ll always be here to reassure you of what you need.”

“How can you reassure me when you aren’t sure about that yourself?”

Jimin sighed again, closing her eyes and dropping her head back.

“I’m ruining everything, aren’t I?” Minjeong clenched her fists.

“No.” Jimin cupped her cheeks, holding her gaze. “See, those thoughts right there. Tell them to off.”

Minjeong chucked. “Politely?”

“No, aggressively. Tell them to off and to stop bothering you over and over again. But I’m sorry, I’m not helping. I’m helping them, in fact.”

Minjeong peeked back, and she could still hear the shower running. She grabbed Jimin by the waist and pulled her closer, kissing her as if they hadn’t kissed in forever. Well, a whole day did feel like forever.

“I’ll tell them that. I’ll fight them,” Minjeong said, resting her forehead against hers. “And I’ll trust you. Trust us.”

“Thank you, baby.” Jimin didn’t let go. “You know, I don’t really want to leave.”

“And I don’t want you to leave.”

Jimin laughed. “What are we gonna do with ourselves?”

“Get over with the case, put that behind our backs at last, and move on with our lives.”

“Yes. Let’s do that.”


A/N: WHO ASKED FOR A BIG DOSE OF FLUFF??? I'm gonna be honest, I love this chapter, and I hope you all liked it a lot too!!!

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oofiee 1080 streak #1
Chapter 14: this is so good 😭 im happy winter found someone she could share her burdens with

thank you for writing this!
oofiee 1080 streak #2
Chapter 12: omg finallyyy, i was scared af w/ the vibe ningning was giving off initially 😩

scared irene and sooyoung will take the matters outside of court and harm them...
oofiee 1080 streak #3
Chapter 11: true... minjeong shouldnt worry too much abt jimin running away :')
oofiee 1080 streak #4
Chapter 10: 🥹
lordakm #5
Chapter 9: Chapter8: the heartwarming fluff was soooo overwhelming in the best way possible 😭🖤🖤
oofiee 1080 streak #6
Chapter 9: she was probably feeling lonely dealing with this case last time so it must be a v nice change to have jimin around :')
oofiee 1080 streak #7
Chapter 8: you are so good with words! their convo is so heartwarming 🥺
oofiee 1080 streak #8
Chapter 7: yerim almost lost both of her parents to the same thing...

didnt expect karina's reaction given all her reassurance to minjeong but understandable... she mustve never thought minjeong's past is directly related to her
Chapter 6: It’s okay!! Hope youre taking care of yourself aaand gosh not ready for a heavy one since im kinda in the slumps ;-; BUT ITS OKAY. WILL WAIT REGARDLESS
whykidleader_ #10
Chapter 3: This is so well written, I am really amazed. Glad I came upon this while I randomly searching for JMJ stories. Looking forward how the stories unfold. Author-nim, fighting ! 👍