I’m so happy

Killing our Ghosts

The week went by in a blink of an eye. Minjeong was proud of herself for being able to keep as positive as possible, and every time negative thoughts haunted her, she would stop, grab her phone to look at the picture of the three of them, and remember Jimin’s words.

Tell the thoughts to off.

It somehow worked, but when she needed something more, she would send Jimin a message or call her, and just the sound of her voice, hearing the words ‘I love you’, was enough to put her heart at ease.

But when she sat down in her car on Friday afternoon so she could take a little break, the three missed calls from Yizhuo shot her anxiety to the sky. It must be about the case, it had to be. And she couldn’t shut those thoughts away, so she called Yizhuo back, tapping her feet aggressively on the floor.

“Hey, Minjeong.”

“What happened?”

“You should meet me at my office asap.”

“It’s the investigation, isn’t it? Can you just tell me what happened?”

“Just come, really.”

“I’m on my way.”

Minjeong hung up, threw her phone aside, and turned the engine, not wasting another second. Work could wait now.

Parking her car, she rushed into the building and up the stairs, almost tripping as she reached the third level. She knocked on Yizhuo’s office room, and after the affirmative answer, she stormed inside.

Her breathing got stuck in when she met eyes with Jimin. She stood up, and so did Yizhuo and a woman she had never seen. Yunjin was there too, already on her feet.

“Oh god, what happened?” Minjeong felt her legs almost failing her. She tried her best to think it would be something good, but all her brain told her was ‘It’s over. We lost.’

“It’s over,” Jimin said. “We won.”

Minjeong froze, eyes locked with Jimin’s. She would love to believe what her ears heard.


“The investigation’s over,” Yunjin took a step closer. “You and Jimin are proven innocent of any accusations. No need to go to court even.”

Maybe they were pulling a huge prank. But the way Jimin smiled at her, and how Yizhuo nodded at her, maybe, just maybe, it was true.

“F-For real?” Minjeong asked. “Like... it’s over?”

Jimin approached her, and cupping her cheeks, she pecked her lips. “It’s over, Minjeong. I promised you it would be soon.”

The information was still processing in Minjeong’s mind. She didn’t want to believe it. It seemed... almost too easy. As if this was only a new good thing, but there was something else behind it. Some other complications to throw her off, to keep making her life hard as it had been.

“We don’t need to worry about this anymore,” Jimin whispered, as if she was listening to her thoughts. “It really is over. We don’t need to do anything else, they won’t bother us anymore. We can move on.”

And as tears fogged Minjeong’s eyes, it dawned on her.

It was over.

Minjeong threw herself at Jimin, hugging her around her shoulders, and cried on her neck. Jimin’s caring hands rubbed her back and her hair, and lips pressed right behind her ear in gentle and soft kisses.

“I’m sorry, I’m sure my call made you very anxious,” Yizhuo said, as another hand laid on her shoulder. “I just couldn’t tell you by phone. We wanted to make sure everyone was here to tell you the amazing news.”

Minjeong pulled away, sniffing and clearing her eyes, and meeting Yizhuo’s, she approached and hugged her as well. “Thank you, Yizhuo. Thank you, for real.”

“I told you we would go through this again.”

Minjeong nodded against her shoulder. Pulling away, she walked over to Yunjin and reached for her hand, holding it between hers. “Thank you, Yunjin.”

“Oh, I just did my job. I’m glad justice won.”

“This is Aeri, by the way,” Jimin said, motioning to the woman Minjeong didn’t know. “She worked wonders with Yizhuo.”

Aeri bowed her head at Minjeong with a cute smile. “Hi, Minjeong.”

Minjeong bowed as well. “Thank you so much for your help.”

“My pleasure.”

More tears fell from Minjeong’s eyes, but she smiled. And then, as she turned to Jimin again, she laughed. Barely a chuckle, that grew into a louder laugh. “It’s over.”

“You know what, this deserves to be celebrated,” Yizhuo said. “You’re working the late shift, aren't you? It’s Friday, we just won this ing , let’s hang out and dance and drink and have fun!”

Minjeong widened her eyes at her words and snorted. “But... is it really done? There’s nothing left? Can we really... go and celebrate?”

“Whatever’s left, me and Aeri will take care of,” Yizhuo said. “Some more paperwork and bureaucracy, but nothing more that you need to do. Nothing more that Sooyoung or Irene can do, either. Just leave the rest to us, and let’s have fun tonight.”

She glanced at Jimin, and she nodded at her.

“Alright, let’s do that. We can meet at S&S.”

“I can’t join you, I’m doing night rounds,” Yunjin said. “But please, have all the fun.”

“Can I invite my team?” Jimin asked.

“But of course! In fact, there’s one person who will be thrilled to know they’re going.” Minjeong giggled.

Minjeong’s brain felt like a burst of rainbows and unicorns. She felt like jumping and screaming and going and hugging people. She just couldn’t believe it was over. That they won, that she didn’t need to worry about that anymore. It didn’t feel real yet. Like at any point during the rest of her day, she would wake up from that lucid dream.

“You look so happy,” Yerim told her mother as she drove to leave her at her granny’s.

“Oh, I am.” Minjeong beamed.

“Why? Is Jimin staying over during the weekend?” Yerim asked, but it felt more like a wish.

“I will be with her later after work, so I’ll ask her, alright? I’m sure she’ll say yes.”

“She promised me she would be with us this weekend as well!”

“And she knows that. She never forgets about us.” Minjeong slowed down the car. “Now, have fun with grandma and grandpa, and I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning.”

"Are you doing another sleepover with Jimin tonight?"

Minjeong almost choked on her own breathing, and the back of her neck started to burn. "Y-Yeah, we a-are."

"Then the both of you could come pick me up tomorrow! And then we can do something!"

Minjeong stared at Yerim, at how excited she sounded.

"Do you like Jimin a lot?" Minjeong asked.

Yerim nodded. "She's really cool and nice and funny. I think she likes me a lot too."

"She does. She thinks you're a really sweet kid, and she always has a lot of fun with you."

The smile on her lips answered for Yerim.

"Now let's go, mom has to get back to work soon!"

And as she did, she couldn't stop thinking about later. How she wanted to have fun with everyone, celebrate, and especially, spend the night with Jimin.

Minjeong searched in the middle of the crowd of people for her friends, until she finally found the whole group, sitting in a corner. She approached, and Ryujin was the first to notice her.

"Look who's here!"

Everyone turned in her direction. Heejin jumped from her seat, opened her arms and ran to hug her. "Minjeong! I'm so happy everything's okay!"

Minjeong was caught off guard, but seeing how happy everyone was got her heart melting. She hugged Heejin back, thanking her.

"We saved you a seat, of course!" Yizhuo patted the couch between herself and Jimin.

"Thank you." Minjeong went on ahead and sat there. "And hi, everyone."

"Hi, babe." Jimin kissed her cheek.

"Now that you're here, we can actually celebrate! I'm gonna go ask Hyunjin for a round," Heejin said, dashing to the bar.

Minjeong didn't have time to say anything. But... it was just a drink. She would be okay. She was with Jimin, and everyone, and it was time to celebrate.

"Of course she would." Jimin chuckled.

"Why?" Jisu irked an eyebrow. "Isn't she always like this?"

"Just look at her, really." Ryujin cocked her head in their direction, and everyone followed with their eyes.

Heejin leaned on the counter with her elbows, unnecessarily close to Hyunjin, who smirked at her after something Heejin said.

"Oh." Yizhuo sighed. "I see."

Minjeong glanced at her, and caught on Aeri doing the same. But there was this hint of... worry in Aeri's eyes?

"Maybe she's just being overly friendly," Jisu said. "I mean, isn't she like that with everyone?"

"Nah, Heejin's totally into her." Jimin shrugged. "Believe me, I can notice the difference."

Minjeong elbowed her, earning a frown, and Minjeong lightly cocked her head at Yizhuo. Jimin frowned harder, but after peeking at Yizhuo and finding her with her head down, her eyebrows raised.

"But is she gonna keep flirting with Hyunjin or is she bringing our drinks? I'm thirsty!" Ryujin whined.

"I'm gonna go get her, and our drinks." And before standing up, Jimin turned to Minjeong. "What do you want?"

"Whatever's you're bringing to everyone. It's fine, I'll just have one to celebrate."

Jimin nodded and went ahead. Minjeong sighed. She thought about what she could do to cheer Yizhuo up, but when she noticed, Aeri was already talking to her, and as she smiled, Yizhuo did too. They were back with the drinks at last, a round of beers for everyone. Sitting down, Jimin grabbed hers and raised it in the air.

"To the ending of this ing investigation! To our victory! To us!"

Everyone else raised their glasses, clinking them together with cheers. Minjeong took large gulps of her beer, not worrying about it. It really was a night to celebrate, and she would spend the night at the hotel with Jimin.

"For real, Yizhuo and Aeri were such a duo!" Jimin said. "They worked wonders, and we wouldn't be here celebrating if it wasn't for them! So, let's also toast to them!"

"Oh, it's okay-"

"Hell yeah!" Ryujin raised her glass, interrupting Yizhuo's modest speech, waiting for the others to do the same.

Yizhuo and Aeri laughed, but accepted the toast to them.

"I'm actually really hungry," Minjeong said. "I'm gonna go grab something to eat."

"Bring me another beer, please!" Ryujin said.

"But your glass is half full."

"Yes, but by the time you're back, it will be empty."

Jisu snorted. "Who's driving us home tonight?"

"The Uber driver. Or, Jimin here could get a room for us to spend the night." Ryujin wiggled her eyebrows at Jimin.

Minjeong's stomach growled, but she couldn't not watch where that conversation was going.

"Y'all really getting wasted." Jimin shook her head. "And laid."

Jisu's eyes widened as she gasped. "Y-You are!"

"Why, of course I am. And I'll get you a room, don't worry."

"Woohoo!" Ryujin threw a punch in the air, taking more large sips of her beer. “Best boss ever!”

"She did have a couple of drinks before I arrived, didn't she?" Minjeong whispered near Jimin's ear.

"She did. She's a bit drunk already. She loves beer, and every opportunity to drink, she's there. Also, they're definitely having fun tonight, Jisu's just shy." Jimin giggled. Then, as she approached Minjeong's ear and rested a hand on her leg under the table, squeezing on her inner thigh, Minjeong trembled. "And I can't wait to have you all to myself later."

Flaring her nostrils and closing her eyes for a second, Minjeong inhaled. "And you must tease me like this, don't you?"

"It's so much fun." Jimin's voice scratched Minjeong's neck, sending electric jolts down her back.

"Hey, hey, stop being so shameless!" Ryujin said.

"You are not because you don't want to."

Ryujin stared at Jisu, her eyes wandering down at stopping at her lips. "Can I kiss you?"

Minjeong snorted, watching them as if they were the main characters of a romance comedy. Jisu went red in the cheeks, and when Minjeong thought she would shrug her off, or whine, she turned to Ryujin and approached, kissing her lips. Jimin gasped, Minjeong laughed, and the other girls just stared at them. But in fact, the most surprised was Ryujin herself.

"You... kissed me," Ryujin said.

"Wait, you... haven't kissed before?" Yizhuo asked.

"Of course we did!" Ryujin beamed, her eyes half closed. "I kiss her a lot! But she kisses me even more."

Jisu whined but couldn’t contain a smile too. Ryujin giggled and leaned to her side, resting her head on her shoulder, and there she stayed.

“Should I really bring another beer for her?” Minjeong asked as she stood up to finally go get something to eat.

“Yeah, let the girl have fun.” Jimin nodded.

Making her way to the bar, Hyunjin noticed her approaching.

“Minjeong! Congrats, girl.” Hyunjin patted her shoulder.

“Thank you, Hyunjin.” Minjeong sat on an empty bench.

“It really is over, uh?”

“I cannot believe it yet.” Minjeong smiled. “I think it will take a bit of time for me to get used to it. Hey, get me something to eat, please.”

Hyunjin nodded without even asking what she wanted. She squatted to get something from under the counter, coming back with two slices of bread and a package of cheese.

“So, now I can ask again,” Hyunjin said as she prepared the sandwich. “What now?”

“Now...” Minjeong observed as Hyunjin put the sandwich into the toaster, letting her mind show her all those happy dreams that seemed even closer now “I don’t know.”

“Come on, yes you do. Just spit it out. Whatever it is that you want.”

“Honestly? I want to move in with Jimin.”

Hyunjin irked an eyebrow and smirked. “See, you already knew. Have you talked about it?”

“We did. I promised that when it was all over, I would think about it. And about my future, my dreams. But I didn’t wait for it to be over to think about it. I’ve done it already. And I really want to.”

“Then tell her that! I’m sure she doesn’t want to wait. Why wait, even? You’re free, you’re happy with each other. Just go.”

“Yeah. But... we need to talk with Yerim first.”

“Girl, she literally said she wished Jimin was her mom. Do you still have any doubts she would, like, throw a party when she knew you’re together?”

“I know she said that, but... what if it was like, an innocent thing a kid says? What if she will find it weird that...”

“She won’t.” Hyunjin glared at her. She checked if the toast was ready, and it seemed it was. That delicious cheesy aroma filled Minjeong’s nostrils as Hyunjin put the plate in front of her. “Look, she lost her father at a young age, and he wasn’t even there when she was growing up. She barely has memories of him, of what it is to have a father, and the ones she does, are bad. But she knows what is to have a mom that loves her unconditionally. Don’t you think she would love to have another one?”

Minjeong grabbed her toast and blew it a couple of times so she wouldn’t burn her tongue. It had happened way too many times before. “Yeah... I mean, even if she said that as an innocent thing, it has to mean she would like that.”

Hyunjin was preparing drinks for someone else, but she still nodded at her.

“Get me two more beers, please. I’m sure Ryujin finished hers already, and she’s waiting for another one.”

“For who is the other one?”


“I’m glad you’re having fun.”

“I don't intend on getting drunk, but it.” Minjeong shrugged. "I'm celebrating tonight."

“I love that spirit!” Hyunjin turned to get the beers, but she was taking a bit longer than usual, enough for Minjeong to finish her toast. Then, she finally turned, with not only two beers, but a glass with a bright red liquid inside, and a little skewer with three raspberries inside. “C-Can you please give this to Heejin?”

Minjeong snorted. “What in the world is that, Hyunjin?”

“Please don’t make fun of me. It’s called love potion.”

And there was no way, ever, that Minjeong would be able to hold a loud laugh.

“Love potion? Did you just name it yourself?”

“No!” Hyunjin whined, her cheeks matching the color of the drink. “Seriously, you can go search it yourself! It’s a cocktail normally used for valentines.”

“It’s July.”

“Like I care.” Hyunjin crossed her arms. “Now go. Oh, and if she asks what it has, tell her it has sweetened lime juice, raspberry vodka, cranberry juice, and grenadine.”

Minjeong blinked, grabbing the two beer mugs with one hand, and the beautiful love potion with the other. “Sure.”

“Thank you! Oh, I hope she likes it.”

“I’m sure she will, don’t worry. Coming from you, she would even love a glass of tap water with ice and a slice of lemon.”

Minjeong walked away, giggling at the whining Hyunjin. Trying her hardest not to spill anything, she made her way back to their table. All eyes focused on the glass Minjeong put in front of Heejin, except Ryujin. She was blinded by her beer.

“What’s this? Did I ask for something that I forgot?” Heejin said.

“It’s from Hyunjin. She told me to bring you that, and she hopes you like it,” Minjeong said as she sat beside Jimin.

“From... Hyunjin?” Heejin stared at it with her chin hanging low. “What is it?”

“It's called..." Minjeong sighed, trying to say the name without cringing at it. "Love potion. She said it has... raspberry vodka, and lime, and some kind of juice? And something else that I have no idea what it is and I don’t even remember the name anymore.”

Heejin looked ahead, and Minjeong knew she was looking directly at the bar. Then, she smiled, and she could only guess Hyunjin looked back at her. Heejin finally took the cocktail to her lips, and taking a sip, she squealed. “It’s so sweet... just like her.”

Ryujin burst out in loud laughs, while Jimin took a hand to her forehead.

“Does anyone want to go dance?” Aeri suddenly asked.

“Me. Take me.” Yizhuo urged her to stand up so she could as well.

Without another word, both women moved to the dance floor, Yizhuo throwing herself into Aeri’s arms.

“Awwn, they look so cute!” Heejin said, observing them as she took another sip of her drink.

“Good god, how clueless can she be...” Jimin mumbled to Minjeong, shaking her head. “But in all honesty, I swear I could feel some tension between Yizhuo and Aeri.”

“I mean, look at them,” Minjeong said, staring at how Aeri held Yizhuo’s hips. “Maybe Yizhuo just needs to open up?”

Jimin snorted. “What kind of word choice was that?”

“Oh, you get what I meant!”

“But you’re right. Both ways work. Wanna go dance as well?”

Minjeong looked at her, took a few large gulps of her beer, and smiled. “I would love that.”

Standing up, Jimin faced the others. “We’re gonna dance as well.”

“You’re leaving me third wheeling them?” Heejin frowned.

“There’s someone you can go to, you know. She’s right there.” Jimin glanced at the bar.

Heejin beamed and got up on her feet. “That’s right. I should go and thank her for the amazing drink.”

“Ryujin, you can finish my beer,” Minjeong said.

Ryujin’s eyes seemed to shine. “Thanks!”

“Sometimes I think you love beer more than me.” Jisu huffed.

“What, no!” Ryujin turned to her, cupping her cheeks. “I love beer, but you’re you! And there’s nothing, nobody like you!”

“Let’s just leave them.” Jimin pulled Minjeong away.

Minjeong still peeked behind, giggling at how Ryujin kissed Jisu's cheeks, and she melted instantly. She let Jimin guide her through the couples and groups of friends dancing, until she stopped in her tracks and turned, her hands gripping Minjeong's waist, pulling her body closer. They didn't say anything, just kept letting their bodies move in the rhythm of whatever song was playing.

Hands rested on Jimin's shoulders, and Minjeong couldn't help but stare at her lips. How much she wanted to kiss them, and her mind diverted then, picturing Jimin taking off her clothes, and— Jimin's chuckle brought Minjeong down, and she irked an eyebrow.


"I should be the one asking that. You're eating me with your eyes while biting your lip." Jimin smirked and just like before, she approached her ear. "Wanna skip the dance part and go straight to our room?"

Minjeong gulped. "Shouldn't we supposed to be celebrating and all?"

"We toasted to it already. Look, Heejin is flirting with Hyunjin, Ryujin and Jisu are still in their own world, and Yizhuo and Aeri..." Jimin looked around, tiptoeing and squinting to try and find them among the people. "Oh, there they are. Kissing."

"Kissing?!" Minjeong tip-toed as well and looked in the same direction, and even though she was shorter than Jimin, she still could see it. "Well."

"I knew I wasn't seeing things. Maybe she was holding back with Aeri because she thought she had something going on with Heejin? But now that Heejin is head over heels for Hyunjin, Yizhuo just moved on the same second. I mean, good for her! Hope they enjoy themselves."

Jimin smiled, and returned the stare back to Minjeong. And maybe she didn't realize the way she was still hawking at her, but Jimin did.

"You're starting to make me impatient," Jimin said as she approached her, her raspy whisper caressing Minjeong's lips. "But I'm still deciding if I want to go now, or if I want to let you suffer just a bit more."

The beer and a half Minjeong had was enough for her to be bold enough to aim at Jimin's ear and whisper a low and prolonged - "Please?"

Jimin's fingers dug into Minjeong's waist as she mumbled a string of curse words. But it seemed it worked by how Jimin grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the dance floor, in their table's direction.

"Sorry to interrupt," Jimin said, catching Ryujin and Jisu's attention from their lively conversation filled with giggles. "We're going upstairs. Tell the receptionist to put your room in my name."

"You're the best boss EVER!" Ryujin pointed at her, then stood up and brought her into a tight hug, patting her back. "I love you."

Jimin chuckled, shaking her head. "I love you too, Ryujin. Have fun the both of you." She winked at Jisu.

"Oh, we will. You too! Celebration !" Ryujin smacked Minjeong's arm with such enthusiasm she probably didn't measure the strength, and almost threw Minjeong to the floor.

Reaching for their bags on the couch, Jimin waved at them and dragged Minjeong out of the bar, rushing to the nearest elevator. Minjeong eyed Jimin, at how she bit her lip and tapped her foot on the marble floor in impatience. Then, the doors opened with a little ding, and they stepped inside. Jimin pressed the button to the sixth floor, and up they went in silence, the tension in the air denser with each passing moment. Another ding, the doors opening, and Jimin dragging her once again through the corridors. Standing in front of the door 111, Jimin reached for a card from her purse and scanned it on the handle, the door coming open.

And the way Minjeong pushed Jimin against the door as soon as she closed it and tip-toed to kiss her and finally satisfy her thirst felt all too familiar. Except this time she knew the woman she kissed and touched, and she knew how they felt for each other, and she knew how they had a beautiful future ahead of them.

And it turned the moment so much better.

Minjeong panted, her chest raising with each fast breathing. Jimin smirked at her, her eyes wandering all through Minjeong’s body, as if admiring the beautiful artwork she was and she was so proud of what she just did to it.

“Are you okay?” Jimin asked.

“What do you think?”

Jimin giggled, running a hand through Minjeong’s side, outlining her figure.

“You are so beautiful,” Jimin mumbled, her previous smirk a sweet smile now as she kept admiring her.

Minjeong reached with her hand to cup Jimin’s face, bringing her attention to her eyes. “I love you.”

Laying down next to her, Jimin rested her head on her shoulder, her fingers never stopping tracing invisible lines along Minjeong’s skin. “I love you so much, Minjeongie.”

Silence engulfed them for a few moments, as Minjeong let her spirit come down to her body at last. That was really intense.

Minjeong rolled to Jimin’s side, a hand resting on her neck and lips pressing against her forehead.

“Are you happy?” Jimin asked, holding her gaze.

“I wonder if that’s the correct word,” Minjeong said, and actually wondered about her feelings for a bit, while lightly scratching on Jimin’s roots, and she gave her the time she needed. “I am. But I can’t still shake the feeling that there’s something else there. Like, that this is temporary. A temporary relief. But I don’t want to feel like this forever.”

“It’s still recent. It happened literally today. Give yourself time to get used to the fact that now, it’s only us. Me, you, and Yerim. No more investigation, no more proving anything, no more... no more Jaehyun and Hyoseob in our lives. Just allow yourself to let go, instead of wishing they would. It’s in us now to let go.”

Minjeong closed her eyes, and Jaehyun flashed in her mind. But instead of seeing herself asking him to leave, she imagined herself letting go of him, of herself walking away, leaving him behind. Leaving everything behind, and looking ahead at Jimin and Yerim, hand in hand, waiting for her with big smiles on her faces.

Minjeong opened her eyes, and the one there, smiling at her, was indeed Jimin. She approached to kiss her lips, tender and sweet.

“Let’s move in,” Minjeong said.

Jimin’s eyes grew big.

“I don’t need any more time to think. Each time we spend the night together, it’s so hard to part ways the next day. We don’t need that. We can just spend every night together, wake up by each other’s side, and go on with our days, knowing that we will be back to the same place at the end of the day. And I want that. I want to live with you. To really begin my life with you, as a family.”

The following silence made Minjeong’s heart clench. But then, a tear rolled down Jimin’s eye as she smiled. “Whenever you want, Minjeong.”

“Do you want that as well?”

“More than anything. I really want to.”

“Yerim’s waiting for us to pick her up tomorrow morning. Let’s spend the weekend together again.” Minjeong paused, wondering if she should say the last part. “And let’s tell her. I-I mean, if you’re ready.”

Jimin grabbed her hands and brought them to her lips, kissing them tenderly. “I am. As I expected, I was just surprised before. I am ready, and I want to be a parent figure for Yerim, if she wishes to see me that way.”

It was Minjeong’s turn to let a tear run down her eyes, feeling as if a pound was lifted from her chest. “Thank you, Jimin. She wants to, I just know it.”

“Will she be excited about moving together? Having another house?”

“I’m sure she will. Soon she will start her summer vacation, I think that would be a nice time. Or i-is it too soon?”

Jimin chuckled. “It’s not. If you told me you wanted to start the movings tomorrow, I would.”

Minjeong smiled, getting shy all of a sudden. “Let’s just have the talk with Yerim first.”

“I know. First thing tomorrow? Or by the end of the weekend?”

Minjeong sighed. “I don’t know. Let’s see how the weekend goes. And thank you, Jimin. For never leaving my side, for being so considerate all the time. I’m so happy.”

“And nothing makes me happier than that.”


A/N: :sob: look at themmmmmmm ALL HAPPY AS THEY DESERVE

only two chapters left!!! hope you've been enjoying and thank you for reading so far! 

got the nobody like you reference??? I think it's still my fav itzy song to this day... 

Twitter - @itzloonatic
CuriousCat - curiouscat.me/itzloonatic

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oofiee 1080 streak #1
Chapter 14: this is so good 😭 im happy winter found someone she could share her burdens with

thank you for writing this!
oofiee 1080 streak #2
Chapter 12: omg finallyyy, i was scared af w/ the vibe ningning was giving off initially 😩

scared irene and sooyoung will take the matters outside of court and harm them...
oofiee 1080 streak #3
Chapter 11: true... minjeong shouldnt worry too much abt jimin running away :')
oofiee 1080 streak #4
Chapter 10: 🥹
lordakm #5
Chapter 9: Chapter8: the heartwarming fluff was soooo overwhelming in the best way possible 😭🖤🖤
oofiee 1080 streak #6
Chapter 9: she was probably feeling lonely dealing with this case last time so it must be a v nice change to have jimin around :')
oofiee 1080 streak #7
Chapter 8: you are so good with words! their convo is so heartwarming 🥺
oofiee 1080 streak #8
Chapter 7: yerim almost lost both of her parents to the same thing...

didnt expect karina's reaction given all her reassurance to minjeong but understandable... she mustve never thought minjeong's past is directly related to her
Chapter 6: It’s okay!! Hope youre taking care of yourself aaand gosh not ready for a heavy one since im kinda in the slumps ;-; BUT ITS OKAY. WILL WAIT REGARDLESS
whykidleader_ #10
Chapter 3: This is so well written, I am really amazed. Glad I came upon this while I randomly searching for JMJ stories. Looking forward how the stories unfold. Author-nim, fighting ! 👍