At peace

Killing our Ghosts

Jimin opened the door, and Minjeong let Yerim step inside first.

“Welcome home!” Yerim said, the cream Poodle in her arms.

Minjeong took off her shoes, closing the door. Yerim let the puppy on the floor, and he looked very confused. He was so little, for sure he found Jimin’s— no, their living room overwhelmingly big. Still, he wandered around, sniffing here and there, and Yerim followed him around.

“Have you thought of a name yet?” Jimin asked.

“Yes!” Yerim said. She grabbed him again, holding him on her lap as if he was a little baby. “His name is Kong. It means bright!”

Minjeong approached her, beaming like crazy, and leaned closer to the puppy. “Hi, Kong.”

“It’s perfect.” Jimin joined them, scratching under Kong’s chin.

His perky ears were absurdly cute, and the way he moved them and his tail in excitement got them in squeals.

“I’m gonna set his food and water bowls and all,” Jimin said, and as Minjeong was about to say she would help, Jimin rested a finger on her chest. “Rest, you’ve been working since morning.”

Yerim dashed to the kitchen, and Minjeong didn’t fight back. Jimin pecked her lips and joined Yerim, while Minjeong dropped to the big, black leather couch. It had been a long and tiring day, working since the early morning and then going to the local dog kennel to adopt one of the puppies there. Both her and Jimin let Yerim choose, but in fact, it was like Kong was the one choosing them. The second Yerim and him locked eyes, she had already made her decision.

She fetched for her phone, and noticing the notification saying her monthly wage had dropped in her bank account, she took the opportunity to go check how was her situation. But as she scrolled through her account movements, smiling for a second at the transactions to pay for ice cream in Jeju during their vacation just a couple of weeks ago, she frowned instead. Every month, on the exact last day, the exact same amount was taken from her account, to keep paying the debts Jaehyun left in her name.

But there wasn’t any from August 31. Maybe there was a mistake. But in all those years, it had never happened. And she knew she still had some left to pay. Maybe she should call the bank?

“What’s up?” Jimin asked, dropping next to her.

Minjeong peeked back, and Yerim was busy playing with Kong around the dinner table.

“Every month, they take a small amount of what I still have to pay from the debts. But they didn’t for August. And I’m worried.”

“Oh, that.” Jimin smiled, leaning back against the soft back of the couch. “You don’t have to worry about that anymore.”


“I paid for it.”

Minjeong blinked. “You what now?”

“I talked with Yizhuo, asked her if those damn debts could be paid at once. Since she gave me a positive answer, I took care of it.”

“Jimin, I...” Minjeong scoffed. She couldn’t believe it. “You didn’t have to.”

“Minjeong, I don’t want anything to do with them tied to our lives anymore. And there wasn’t really any reason for you to keep paying for them.”

“But... you should at least have asked me first.”

“You would refuse. I’m sorry, baby.” Jimin held her hands. “But please just accept it. We’re a family, we live together. You need to start getting used to the fact that you don’t need to worry every month about how much money you’ll have in your bank account. What’s mine, is yours. And no, you’re not taking advantage of it.”

Jimin could really read her mind.

“I’ll go show Kong around the house!” Yerim suddenly said, catching both women’s attention.

“Yes, go ahead, sweetheart.” Minjeong smiled at her.

Yerim turned and dashed down the corridor. Jimin returned her attention to her, squeezing her hands between hers.

“Thank you, Jimin,” Minjeong said. “And I’m sorry I can’t do anything else.”

“You can’t do anything else about what?”

“I-I don’t know, to thank you more.”

Jimin giggled and planted a long kiss on her cheek, then one on her forehead. “You don’t have to do anything. Letting me help is more than enough. I do this because I genuinely want to do so. It’s not to brag, it’s not to show around. I could help you, I helped you. And I want to keep doing so.”

“You’ve already helped me so much, Jimin. Look around us. I would never dream about living in such a house, and here I am. And Yerim. And you helped me with the case, and now with this.”

“And you’ve given me love. So much love, expecting nothing in return.” Jimin stared her dead in the eyes. “I told you, I was never loved like this. Like, truly. Without any second intentions.”

Minjeong pulled her into a hug, squeezing her body against hers. “Yes. I love you, Jimin. Truly.”

“And I love you, Minjeong. So much.”

“Is my love really enough?”

Jimin pulled away to show her a deep frown. “It’s not just your love. It’s the family you brought to me, it’s the time we spend together, all the things we do, the happiness you make me feel. And I want to give back as much as I can.”

“You already do!”

“I know. But, there’s something I wanted to ask you.”

Minjeong gulped. “What?”

“Remember how we talked about what you would do after everything?”

“Finishing high school and all.”

“Have you thought about it?”

“I’ve been.”

Jimin raised her eyebrows. “And?”

“And yes, I do want that,” Minjeong admitted, feeling the warmth in her cheeks.

Jimin beamed. “What about dance?”

“I do want that as well, but...”

“But?” Jimin pouted.

“I don’t know.”

“But why? What’s on your mind when you think about it?”

“That it’s too late already. Maybe it wasn’t if I started right away, but I still need to get my high school equivalency, and then take a dance course, and all of that will take, what, more than two years? I’ll be thirty then. There are so many younger people, and better than me.”

Panic washed over Jimin’s face, taking even Minjeong aback.

“Please, don’t give up!” Jimin’s eyes gleamed. “Listen to me. Maybe you don’t need to take a course first. There are lots, lots of dance schools and academies everywhere, that accept people right away. You could take lessons, and even if they’re not like, school classes, you’re still learning a lot from professionals, and you’ll have tons of fun while getting better!”

“But there’s no way I can study for all the subjects to get my equivalency, and go to dance lessons, while working. And having Yerim and you too.”

Jimin chewed on her bottom lip.

“What is it?” Minjeong knew she had something to say.

“I know I said I wouldn’t suggest this, but... why don’t you quit your job?”

Minjeong widened her eyes. “What, no.”

Jimin dropped her shoulders. “Minjeong...”

“No, Jimin. You said it. I will not just live at your expense.”

“But you wouldn’t! Because you’ll be studying hard to get your equivalency, and taking dance lessons to get better, so you can get a dance job in the future!”

“And in that meanwhile, that can be years, I will contribute a total of zero wons to this house.”

“But I can-“

“No, Jimin!” Minjeong shot up from the couch, her voice way louder than she intended.

She balled her fists at her sides and clenched her jaw, and only then, she noticed Yerim standing in the hallway staring at them with her lips a thin line, with Kong in her arms. Jimin looked back at her as well and sighed, dropping her head and hiding her face in her hands.


“Are you fighting?” Yerim asked, her face still blank.

“N-No, sunshine.” Minjeong rushed to her side. “We’re just talking.”

“You don’t scream when you talk to us. Dad did. You don’t.”

Minjeong’s heart clenched so hard she felt dizzy for a second.

“I’m sorry, Mom just... got angry for a second. But I’m not mad at Jimin, alright?”

Yerim pouted. “Promise?”

“Yes. We just disagreed on something, that’s all. Why don’t you go to your room and do your homework? You can take Kong with you.”

Without any other words, Yerim nodded and turned around, rushing to her room, the door closing after her. Minjeong dropped her head back, closed her eyes, and sighed. A quiet sniff sounded behind her, and she turned, catching Jimin wiping her eyes. Minjeong walked over to the couch in silence, sat next to her, a rested a hand on hers.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to yell at you,” Minjeong said.

Jimin gave her a weak nod, but kept her eyes on her lap.

“I’m sorry,” Jimin mumbled. “I really just want the best for you. And to help you.”

“I know. But I lived like that for years, without being able to do anything by myself.”

“But it’s different now. You will be doing something.”

“But there’s no way I will feel good about it. Please understand that.”

“Then what am I supposed to do?” Jimin raised her head, red and teary eyes at Minjeong. “Sit here and watch you overwork yourself, and not focusing on what you would love to be doing? When I can help you with it! It’s unfair for both!” More tears rolled down Jimin’s eyes. “You already sacrificed so much of your life, you don’t need to keep doing it.”

Minjeong wiped her tears from her cheeks and dropped her forehead until it hit her shoulder. Silence fell for a few moments, all while she fought her own thoughts. Telling them to off wasn’t enough at this point, but knowing it was Jimin that was there, that it was her arms that were around her shoulders helped.

“I’ll think about it,” Minjeong said, raising her head, meeting Jimin’s widened eyes. “Let me think about it. Let me see if there are other options. I promise I’ll think.”

Jimin exhaled, her shoulders relaxing, and a couple more tears ran, but she smiled now. “Thank you. Thank you, baby. If you prefer to do it alone, do it. If you want my help to explore any solutions, I’ll be here.”

Minjeong nodded. “I know.”

“Remember that above everything, I just want your best. So, if whatever you choose is the best for you, I’ll support you.”

With a smile, Minjeong approached and kissed her lips. “Thank you. And thank you for listening to me and considering my side as well.”

“Of course.” Jimin planted a long kiss on her forehead. “Wanna go rest for now? I can go and make dinner.”

“No, it’s okay, I can make it. Yerim must be hungry.”

Jimin frowned. “Are you saying my food is bad?”

“No, no, not at all!”

Jimin laughed and bopped her nose. “I’m joking. Okay, go ahead, I’ll check on Yerim and then I’ll join to help you.”

“Okay, sounds great. Poor Yerimie, when she mentioned her father, I just... I don’t want to make her remember. I don’t want to be like him.”

“Hey, hey.” Jimin cupped her cheeks. “You’re absolutely nothing like him. I’ll talk to her, reassure her we are okay. We are okay, right?”

“Of course. I know you want the best for me and nothing else.”

Jimin nodded. “But I also need to respect your opinion, I know that.”

Minjeong relaxed, her thoughts a bit more silent now.

Minjeong’s phone rang. She groaned as it interrupted her train of thought, and taking her eyes away from the English workbook, she frowned as she saw the unknown number calling her. She usually didn’t take calls if she didn’t know who it was, but she also always feared it could be related to Yerim. She swiped the green circle and took the phone to her ear.


“H-Hello. Is this Kim Minjeong?” the woman asked.

“Yes. Who is this?”

“Park Sooyoung.”

The next thump of her heart was so strong it blocked her ears. She held tighter on the phone, fearing it would escape her hand.

“W-Why are you calling me?” Minjeong asked, cursing at herself for showing how anxious her voice sounded.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fast. I don’t want to take much of your time. I called because I want to apologize.”

Minjeong blinked. “Come again?”

“I want to apologize for putting you in a troublesome situation. I know it must have brought you a lot of painful memories, all because I wanted to prove something that wasn’t there in the first place. I’m sorry for accusing you and Jimin. I was still blinded by grief and hurt and a twisted vision of justice. I’m not seeking your forgiveness. I can imagine how you feel about me, and I can’t blame you. I just wanted to let this out of my chest, after giving it lots of thought.”

A big void filled Minjeong’s brain, like an out of body experience.

“Hello? Minjeong?”

“Y-Yes, I’m here. I listened to it well.”

“I’m glad. I really wanted to tell you this, so I can close this chapter once and for all. I won’t bother you again with what happened five years ago, so I hope you can rest assured. And I hope that somehow, this brings you even if just a tiny bit of peace."

Minjeong wanted to answer, to say whatever, but the seconds went on.

"Well, that was all," Sooyoung said.

"Wait," Minjeong blurted, not knowing why she said that. "I..." She found sudden tears forming at the corners of her eyes, and quickly she sniffed. "I don't quite know what to say. I guess I would never think you would call to say sorry."

"You don't have to say anything, really. Thank you for listening, and I wish you all the best, you, Jimin, and your daughter."

The tears in her eyes ran down her cheeks as she bit back a sob. She cleared instead. "Thank you, Sooyoung. Y-You too."

Sooyoung hummed, and the call was over. She laid the phone down on the table, keeping her eyes fixed ahead at the nothing they had been fixing. She didn't quite know why, but she kept crying. A quiet whine brought her back, as she blinked and sniffed. She looked down, at Kong wiggling his tail at her, cocking his head as if asking what happened. Minjeong smiled and leaned down to grab him, pulling him up to her lap. It had been just a month, but he grew so much already, three times his tiny size when he arrived home.

“I’m okay,” Minjeong told him, scratching his soft cream fur between his big, cute ears.

Minjeong had told herself it was over when the case was closed. Minjeong had told herself it was over when Jimin paid the debts. But now, as she relaxed her rigid body against the chair, she could say again, and once and for all - it’s over.

The front door opened, and Minjeong rushed to clean her eyes and clear .

“Hi, mom!” Yerim ran to her, kissed her cheek, joined her in giving Kong attention, and dashed to the fridge.

“Hi, sunshine. Hungry? How was your day at school?”

Jimin approached as well, kissing the top of her head before plopping on the chair next to her, greeting Kong.

“I was just craving choco milk,” Yerim said. “My day was good. Can Yeojin come over on the weekend? And can she bring her dog? She said she wants him to meet Kong!”

Minjeong exchanged a look with Jimin, and she nodded. “Of course. See if she wants to stay over.”

Yerim’s eyes went huge. “Really?!”

“If you go and do your homework, yes.” Minjeong joked.

“You’re gonna meet Ggamangi!” Yerim told Kong before storming out to her room.

Jimin chuckled. “She was so excited during the ride home, saying Yeojin’s dog is so cute and how they wanted them to meet.”

“I’m so happy Yerim has such a good friend. I was honestly afraid of what her friends could say when they knew... about us.”

“They’re kids, they don’t see malice in things.”

“Not if their parents don’t educate them otherwise.”

“Don’t worry, if anyone said anything about it, Yeojin would be there for her. She may be a small bean, like Yerim calls her, but she also had assured me she isn’t afraid to step up to protect her friends.”

Minjeong smiled, and as Kong started getting restless on her lap, she set him on the floor, and he went straight to his bowl of water. Jimin stared at the mess of books and Minjeong’s laptop scattered on the dining table with a small frown.

“Are you sure you’re comfortable studying here? Doesn’t your back and hurt from sitting on this chair for so long?” Jimin asked. “They’re dining chairs, after all.”

“No, I really like to study here. I come here on purpose, I get plenty of natural light and I focus really well here. Way better than in our room.”

“Okay, I’ll believe you. But we can get you a better chair anyway if you want to!”

Minjeong chuckled and pinched her nose. “It’s okay. If I get a super comfy chair, I might get sleepy, and then I can’t study. And this chair makes me have a good posture.”

Jimin squinted at her. “Okay. How was your day?”

“Great.” The call with Sooyoung was still on her mind, but she would get there in a minute. “It feels weird to start working at nine in the morning and at lunchtime, I’m done. But at the same time, it’s great to work part-time, and have so much time to study and all.”

Jimin caressed her hair. “I’m so happy this is working for you. Also, don’t you have a dance class tonight?”

“I do!” Minjeong beamed. “I need to leave right after dinner.”

“What about your studies?”

“They’re going well. I’m using Youtube to help me with pronunciation and all. Listen to this,” Minjeong said, and clearing , she glanced at her notebook to remember the sentence she was writing before, then used the best English she could - “Tonight, I will have dinner with my girlfriend and daughter, and after, I will have a dance class.”

Jimin stared at her with a smile, but Minjeong could see she wanted to laugh.

“Was it that bad?” Minjeong pouted.

“No! It’s just that you’re so adorable. You’re doing amazing.”

“I’m gonna need you to help me with maths, though.”

“Oh, of course. And I’ll be sure to reward you a lot to motivate you.” Jimin wiggled her eyebrows.

“Now I’m sure those rewards will actually distract me, so, better leave them for some other time.”

A loud chuckle escaped Jimin’s lips.

“There’s something I want to tell you,” Minjeong said, getting all her attention again. “Right before you arrived, I was on the phone. Sooyoung called me.”

Jimin widened her eyes, her eyebrows rising high on her forehead. “Sooyoung?! What did she want?”

“She apologized to me.”

Now, it was Jimin’s jaw that dropped.

“She said she gave a lot of thought about what happened, and that she was sorry about putting me in such a painful situation. Then she wished us the best and said she would never bother us again with what happened.”

“O... Kay, I would never expect that.”

“Same. But... it gave me such an overwhelming sense of peace. Like there was something else I didn’t know that needed to be taken care of. And like she said, she wanted to let that out of her chest so she could finally put an end to that chapter in her life. I guess I can say the same.”

Jimin gave her a caring smile and cupped her cheeks, approaching to kiss her lips. “That’s great, baby. That’s so good, really. I believe she also feels at peace now.”

“I hope so. We weren’t the only ones suffering from all of that. I’ll mention this to my therapist in the next session, I’m sure she will be thrilled to listen.”

“Of course. I’m so proud of you, Minjeong. You have no idea.”

Minjeong beamed, dropping her head in embarrassment.

“How about you call it a day, and we go take Kong for a walk? I'm sure Yerim is almost done with her homework, she always does it so fast,” Jimin said.

“Yes, let’s do that. Go tell her while I take the things to our room.”

Minjeong closed her books, her laptop, and set them on their room’s desk, coming back to the living room just to find them there already, Yerim putting the leash on Kong.

The weather was getting chillier, now that it was October. The orange leaves fell from the trees, leaving a trail on the ground alongside the path they walked, hand in hand, Yerim ahead with Kong. Minjeong looked up at the sky and smiled.

How her life changed so much in just a few months, and how far she had come, and how much she still wanted to achieve. But everything was going according to that.

Looking ahead at Yerim and Kong, and at Jimin walking by her side, she felt an overwhelming warmth spreading across her chest. A life she never expected to have, but that she welcomed with her arms wide open.

“I love you.” Minjeong blurted.

Jimin met her eyes and gave her the smile she fell for. “I love you too, Minjeongie. Are you happy?”

“I’m so happy."

And if all the pain she went through was meant for her to get to where she was, then it was worth it. Because there wasn’t anywhere else she would rather be than with Yerim and Jimin.


A/N - Wow, it's over. Like... this story honestly gave me so much trouble but I'm proud of the fact that I didn't give up on it, and I managed to save it and finish it and be happy about the end result. I truly deeply hope everyone who read it enjoyed it a lot! And thank you THANK YOU for reading it! (and I am really sorry for the unregular updates... :sob:)

I'm already working on a new fic but I have no idea when it will come out, I only started working on it recently. It's a group I've never written for before!!! Hope to see y'all there when eventually I get to write it and upload it. 

Once again and as always, thank you so much for being here, it means a freaking lot <3

Twitter - @itzloonatic
CuriousCat -

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oofiee 1080 streak #1
Chapter 14: this is so good 😭 im happy winter found someone she could share her burdens with

thank you for writing this!
oofiee 1080 streak #2
Chapter 12: omg finallyyy, i was scared af w/ the vibe ningning was giving off initially 😩

scared irene and sooyoung will take the matters outside of court and harm them...
oofiee 1080 streak #3
Chapter 11: true... minjeong shouldnt worry too much abt jimin running away :')
oofiee 1080 streak #4
Chapter 10: 🥹
lordakm #5
Chapter 9: Chapter8: the heartwarming fluff was soooo overwhelming in the best way possible 😭🖤🖤
oofiee 1080 streak #6
Chapter 9: she was probably feeling lonely dealing with this case last time so it must be a v nice change to have jimin around :')
oofiee 1080 streak #7
Chapter 8: you are so good with words! their convo is so heartwarming 🥺
oofiee 1080 streak #8
Chapter 7: yerim almost lost both of her parents to the same thing...

didnt expect karina's reaction given all her reassurance to minjeong but understandable... she mustve never thought minjeong's past is directly related to her
Chapter 6: It’s okay!! Hope youre taking care of yourself aaand gosh not ready for a heavy one since im kinda in the slumps ;-; BUT ITS OKAY. WILL WAIT REGARDLESS
whykidleader_ #10
Chapter 3: This is so well written, I am really amazed. Glad I came upon this while I randomly searching for JMJ stories. Looking forward how the stories unfold. Author-nim, fighting ! 👍