Chapter eight

Teenage Dilemma
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Haerin couldn't sleep again. Not because she was on the phone with Minji or because Minji was on her mind 24/7, but because she was in Minji's bed. 


The older girl was fast asleep in Haerin's arms, snoring lightly and mumbling incoherently from time to time. Haerin didn't mind neither the weight of the older girl on her body nor the noises she was making, in fact she couldn't find anything about Minji that she didn't adore. 


What truly was keeping Haerin up was the fact that the girl in her arms was her girlfriend now. She was excited about this new relationship they decided to have, she was happy that she could call Kim Minji hers and she was looking forward to all the new experiences and events that will come their way now that they are a couple. Haerin couldn't help but think about all the cute dates and anniversaries they'll have and all the cute nicknames she might receive and also give from and to her girlfriend. 


From Bunny unnie🐇🏀:

Haerin-ah, are you up?


Haerin quickly grabbed her phone as soon as she heard receiving a notification, not wanting to wake her girlfriend up. She wasn't surprised to see a text from Heesoo because her best friend would text her at ungodly hours when she was in the mood to talk. Haerin figured it was one of those nights and she decided to reply since she couldn't sleep also. 


To Bunny unnie🐇🏀:

Yes! What's the matter, unnie?


From Bunny unnie🐇🏀:

Can I come over? I'm near your house. We need to talk. I just broke up with my boyfriend. 


Haerin noticed the time being two in the morning and she found it a little bit weird that her best friend was outside at these kinds of hours. The short and scattered phrases made it clear that the older girl had an urgency, but sadly Haerin couldn't leave in the middle of the night, especially when she was far away from her home.


To Bunny unnie 🐇🏀: 

I'm sorry, unnie but I'm not home. I can give you Hanni's or Jihye's number if it's an emergency. I'm sorry again. 


To Bunny unnie🐇🏀:

Forget about that. You better go home and stop wandering the streets at this hour, unnie, it's not safe. Go home and I'll meet you later at noon.


Haerin felt horrible for not being able to help her best friend but she also couldn't leave Minji's side. She double texted her best friend and waited for a reply that she soon got.


From Bunny unnie🐇🏀: 

I can say the same about you. Where on earth are you if not at your house, Kang Haerin?! 

And it's not an emergency, I'm just sad and I need someone to talk to. Hanni will do, I guess. Jihye's mad at me, she might even kill me someday. 


To Bunny unnie🐇🏀:

I'm at Minji sunbae's house. That's all I can say now, I'll tell you everything later. Take care and call Hanni. Love you♡


Haerin typed in the last message together with her classmate's phone number before putting her device away. 


"I'm jealous of Heesoo for that." Haerin almost had a heart attack when she heard speaking from the girl that a few minutes ago was still asleep. She found herself blushing once she figured what Minji meant; lucky the dim light of the bedside lamp didn't betray Haerin. 


"You don't have to be." Haerin lifted the hand that was resting on Minji's waist up to her head and brought the older girl closer, kissing her forehead. "I'm sorry for waking you up." 


"Your phone was so bright I thought I would go blind." Minji joked as she buried her face deeper into the crook of Haerin's neck. The younger girl circles against Minji's back, trying to soothe the older girl back to sleep. At least one of them should have a good night's rest if the other couldn't close an eye. "I could stay like this forever." Minji mumbled as she was babied by her lover, Haerin also loving every affectionate gesture she was giving. 


"I'm here. You can go back to sleep now." Haerin reassured the older girl that she would be in the exact same spot in the morning. Minji responded by bringing herself even closer to Haerin, if that was even possible. Their closeness was a new type of intimacy the 11th grader didn't know existed; Haerin felt vulnerable because of how close together their bodies were. If atoms could merge simply by being in close enough contact with each other, she and Minji would have been one single person at that exact moment. 


"Why aren't you sleeping?" Minji asked as she brought her head up to look at Haerin. The younger girl didn't say a word but kissed her girlfriend to which Minji, as tired as she was, still responded. She shifted her position and hovered over Haerin, not breaking the kiss for even a second. Minji dared to slip her cold hand underneath Haerin's shirt, only to be bit by the lip in protest. "You're burning." Minji said as her hand was still on Haerin's abdomen, caressing her skin. 


"You kept me warm." Haerin said, wrapping her arms around the older girl's neck, bringing her closer. Minji lowered herself and kissed Haerin, but it didn't last long. She removed her hand from underneath Haerin's shirt, moved both of their bodies on their sides, spooning the younger girl from behind but with enough space between them so they won't overheat again. Haerin rested her head on Minji's arm and closed her eyes, trying to calm her mind and get at least a couple of hours of sleep.






Just like Haerin promised, she met up with her best friend after she left Minji's place that late morning. 


Haerin knew that Heesoo would attack her with a ton of questions regarding her best friend's classmate and their relationship, but the same thing could the younger girl do as well. It felt a little weird that Heesoo broke up with her boyfriend so suddenly. 


"So, tell me all about it." Heesoo sat her best friend down on her bed, grinning from ear to ear as she was looking at Haerin. The younger girl was

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chubiboy08 #1
hi. its been a year. come back to us author please 😭
Chapter 9: And also thank you for another well written ff tho
I kinda rooting for this ship to sail. Still some few ff on the platform. Very very appreciate it🐸
Chapter 9: oh my god this is so good i almost scream at 1.30 in the morning. I just found this story and i loveeeeeed it i like those kind of high-school-ish romance vibe. You wrote so well i almost peed myself reading that intimidate moments. You almost gave me a heart attack i was like aren't these too soon girls??? Lol
Keep it up but take your time author-nim😉
Nyasken #4
Chapter 9: Please update 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Nyasken #5
Please update 😭
Nyasken #6
Please, update
Nyasken #7
Pls update
keren_hmlm #8
Chapter 9: Minji-ah, don’t be so hard on yourself. Haerin does really have a point reminding Minji to not forget taking care of herself and not forgetting herself. I hope Haerin continues that and be her rock.

As for Heesoo and Danielle. Heesoo, girl, you really gotta have to earn that chance. Good luck. 😩
Chapter 9: interesting, and to whom does Heesoo tell the truth? Haerin or Danielle, I don't want Danielle to suffer again. I think Minji needs to take a break, find some time for themselves, relax, reflect on their life.
Nyasken #10
Chapter 9: is this not the end? I hope so