Chapter five

Teenage Dilemma
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Kang Haerin had been on Minji's mind for a few weeks before actually talking to her for the first time. One afternoon after class, Haerin came to the gym to cheer on the new addition for the basketball team, who happened to be her best friend and also Minji's classmate. Even from the first few times the girl came to practice, Minji noticed how strikingly pretty the girl was. The staring coming from Haerin didn't help Minji at all and those big cat-like eyes made the captain slowly fall. Minji knew it wasn't appropriate for her to let feelings get in her way; she was the captain, she needed to focus and be someone her team could rely on. But Haerin made those temptations worse with each practice she came to. Minji had a good reputation to maintain and slacking because of some girl wasn't in her plans. She promised herself to keep being focused in both basketball and her studies. However Haerin became a major distraction, especially during practice. Minji would make minor mistakes on the court that she usually wouldn't make and although her teammates never seemed to notice, that didn't mean that the perfectionist Kim Minji wasn't bothered by her mistakes. She has been thinking about Kang Haerin and the way she felt and came to the conclusion of it not being just a crush, but something much more. Minji had crushes before but they never affected her the same way Haerin did. 


So, with the first chance she caught the younger girl alone, she made a move. And surprisingly it has been working out for Minji quite well. She was doing great at both basketball and school, and had Haerin around quite often. 


"What are you still doing here, Hyein-ah?" Minji just finished showering and returned to the gym's locker room, finding the younger girl dressed in her uniform but still waiting around. 


Hyein didn't say anything but handed the older girl a letter, making Minji frown. She tightened the towel around her body, before sitting down beside the younger girl, confused.


'My beloved Hyein,


I can't hide these feelings anymore, so I decided to confess.

I watch you practice everyday, yet I still feel like we are strangers. Well, we are strangers but I want to change that despite the fact that you don't know who I am. I know I sound crazy, insane even, but this kind of feeling is more than what a fan should feel for their idol. I am in love with you. I've been in love with you for over a year now.

You are so concentrated on your games, on your studies, on your life that you always fail to notice me, even though I am always there. I'm not blaming you however. I'm older than you by a bit and I should take initiative so I always blame myself for not being brave enough to talk to you. Yet, here I am recklessly confessing my feelings, not knowing what the future holds. I sincerely love you.

Your silly number one fan ♡ 

P.S. If you ever figure out who I am, please look for me. I'll be waiting, always and forever. '


Minji gulped as she handed back the piece of paper to the younger girl, not daring to say anything. She didn't know how to process everything she had read so having Hyein sitting beside her just as speechless as she was, was relatable. 


"Do you have any idea who this person might be?" The older girl broke the silence in the end. The school only had just a few hundred students, both Minji and Hyein must have come in contact with this person at some point. 


"No idea. The letters always travel from student to student until they reach me. I asked a couple of times if anyone knew who this person was, but they didn't." Hyein said as she folded up the piece of paper and shoved it into her pocket. She stood up abruptly and walked over to her locker from where she pulled out a folder full of similar letters, showing it to the older girl. "All I know is that it's a girl and probably the same grade as me or one above. I've been receiving her letters since I started studying here…" Hyein placed the folder back into the locker and locked the door. "The most stupid thing is that I started having a crush on someone without an identity. But this is just absurd. If she loves me that much as she said in that last letter, she should come forward. I'm not in the mood to play detective anymore." Hyein was about to leave the room but Minji stopped her. 


"Wait, Hyein-ah! Don't get upset now, I'll help you figure out who this girl is. You know I'm always here when you need me." 


"No need for that, unnie. I would like you to help me with math after the second practice though." Hyein said and left the room without saying anything else. 






Minji stopped once she heard the coach blow the whistle, indicating the practice was over. It has been the first day of both morning and afternoon practice for the basketball team; this was something that the team did before every big game. The school allowed the team members to skip their first two morning classes in order to have more time for training. Minji was an athlete, she was used to heavy training since they did it every season and before important games, however the newest addition to the team wasn't that easy.


Minji found Heesoo breathing heavily, hunched down while resting her hands on her knees. She walked over to her classmate and rubbed her back in encouragement, making the girl straighten her spine. 


"I'm exhausted. The coach worked us to shreds today." Minji couldn't help but giggle since she didn't even break a sweat. Seems like the other girl needed some more resistance training which Minji would gladly help with.


"We'll be rewarded with a two week break after the game, Heesoo-yah." Minji looked down as she sensed that one particular girl was approaching them. She was still a little bit timid but she didn't want to let it show. Minji took a deep breath and brought her head up, welcoming Haerin with a big smile. She heard her classmate whisper to her 'fool' under her breath before the girl took one of the bottles of water the younger girl brought them. 


"Thank you." Minji said as she took

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chubiboy08 #1
hi. its been a year. come back to us author please 😭
Chapter 9: And also thank you for another well written ff tho
I kinda rooting for this ship to sail. Still some few ff on the platform. Very very appreciate it🐸
Chapter 9: oh my god this is so good i almost scream at 1.30 in the morning. I just found this story and i loveeeeeed it i like those kind of high-school-ish romance vibe. You wrote so well i almost peed myself reading that intimidate moments. You almost gave me a heart attack i was like aren't these too soon girls??? Lol
Keep it up but take your time author-nim😉
Nyasken #4
Chapter 9: Please update 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Nyasken #5
Please update 😭
Nyasken #6
Please, update
Nyasken #7
Pls update
keren_hmlm #8
Chapter 9: Minji-ah, don’t be so hard on yourself. Haerin does really have a point reminding Minji to not forget taking care of herself and not forgetting herself. I hope Haerin continues that and be her rock.

As for Heesoo and Danielle. Heesoo, girl, you really gotta have to earn that chance. Good luck. 😩
Chapter 9: interesting, and to whom does Heesoo tell the truth? Haerin or Danielle, I don't want Danielle to suffer again. I think Minji needs to take a break, find some time for themselves, relax, reflect on their life.
Nyasken #10
Chapter 9: is this not the end? I hope so