Chapter six

Teenage Dilemma
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"Is everything alright with you, honey? Why are you so quiet?" Haerin listened to her mom talk as she was driving them back home from Minji's house.


Haerin kept her head down as she was still a little bit shaken up from what happened earlier; she couldn't believe she had her first kiss with Kim Minji and that she was the one to initiate it. Her lips were still tingling and the flavor of whatever chapstick Minji used was all she could taste. She couldn't complain though because she loved every second their lips touched. What Haerin regretted was that they had to stop because of her. She would have loved for the kiss to last longer but the older girl stopped once Haerin showed any sign of discomfort. She loved how careful and gentle her sunbae was; it made her fall in love even more.


"I'm fine, omma. I just had a long day. I've been studying at the library, you know?" Only part of what happened that day was true; of course she couldn't tell her mother what truly was going on. At least not yet, since Haerin wasn't sure herself what was going on. 


"Oh, you're finally taking your studies seriously? This sunbae has a great influence on you, it seems." Haerin looked at her mother for a second, and the woman understood the cue her daughter was giving; Haerin wanted her mom to stop teasing her about school. Of course Haerin cared about school, but she didn't care that much to be an above average student. For her mom to hear that she stayed at school so late to study was a little bit surprising. 


There was silence inside the car for the rest of the drive, only the radio could be heard. Haerin's mind was full of Minji; she wished she could have stayed. Then again, tomorrow was another school day and she'll be able to see the senior just like any other day. However Haerin wanted to meet the other girl privately again without the eyes full of hatred of Minji's fans and curious students having nothing else to do but stare at them. She just wished for too much, didn't she?


"Is that Hanni-ssi?" Haerin brought her eyes up from her lap as the woman mentioned her classmate. The girl found it weird to see Hanni waiting around by the front gate of their house, especially when the smaller girl was carrying a big backpack along with her school bag. 


"Hanni-ssi, did you wait there for a long time? Isn't Haerin's appa home?" The woman asked as soon as she and her daughter got out of the now parked car. 


"Oh eommeonim, I'm sorry for disturbing you at this hour. The lights seem to be off in the house so I didn't bother checking if anyone is home." The girl bowed and Haerin could tell just by the way her voice sounded that Hanni was not doing well. 


"Omma, Hanni will spend the night. Is that alright?" Haerin asked her mom to which the woman invited both of the girls inside. Haerin didn't ask Hanni anything yet because she knew her classmate would spill everything once they were alone.  


And that's exactly what Hanni did. After having dinner with the Kang family, both girls found themselves in the Haerin's room. Hanni immediately broke down once she was sure no adults could hear her; she didn't want her silly little teenager problems to worry the owners of the house.


Haerin knew exactly what the problem was since Hyein seemed to be off as well that day. She said nothing but wrapped her classmate into a tight hug, letting her cry everything out. 


"I confessed to Hyein today in a letter…" Haerin sighed as she heard the girl in her arms mumbling between the sobs. "I don't know why I did it because I'm sure she'll never like me back. I'm so pathetic, Haerin-ah… I don't know how to turn off my feelings for her. I just cause her problems she doesn't have to deal with." 


"You don't have to turn off your feelings. You just have to be you and most importantly you have to talk to her, pabo. She needs to know who those letters are from." Haerin grabbed the shorter girl's face and wiped away the tears from her cheeks. She felt awful for Hanni because she wasn't sure what to advise her; Haerin could only be a shoulder her friend could cry on. 


"You are so lucky to have Minji sunbae's attention. I wish I was in the same situation with Hyein." Haerin found herself suddenly feeling shy upon hearing her sunbae's name; she nearly forgot about their interaction from just a few hours ago. A small smile crept up on her face as the tingling sensation of her first kiss took over her whole lips again. Haerin was indeed lucky to experience something so special with someone even more special. 


"I never asked for anything, it was sunbae who decided to offer me her attention." Haerin paused for a moment before continuing. "I was embarrassingly shy at first, but everything is settling slowly. And I want the same for you and Hyein. Next time she comes around, just say hi no matter how awkward or how anxious you are. Promise me." Haerin held up her pinky finger, making the shorter girl hesitant for a moment. It didn't take long for Hanni to wrap her own pinky around Haerin's, sealing the promise. 


"What will happen if I won't be able to keep the promise?" Hanni quickly let go of the taller girl's finger doubtfully. Haerin truly believed Hanni would keep her promise, despite the lack of confidence the other girl was showing. Hanni just needed a little bit of work and a big push Haerin would happily help with. Despite telling herself that she would keep out of her friends' business, Haerin still wanted to help if she was able to. 


"Hmm… You will have to buy snacks for Jihye and I for the rest of our highschool days." 


"Yah Haerin-ah, that's not fair. You both eat so much, I'll go bankrupt." 






The next day at lunch, Haerin was nervously sitting with Hanni and Jihye, waiting for the perfect moment to come.


Last night after Hanni fell asleep, Haerin texted Minji and asked her to join them at lunch together with Hyein. She watched as the two girls purchased their food and walked past the table the basketball team usually sits. Haerin's face lit up as s

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chubiboy08 #1
hi. its been a year. come back to us author please 😭
Chapter 9: And also thank you for another well written ff tho
I kinda rooting for this ship to sail. Still some few ff on the platform. Very very appreciate it🐸
Chapter 9: oh my god this is so good i almost scream at 1.30 in the morning. I just found this story and i loveeeeeed it i like those kind of high-school-ish romance vibe. You wrote so well i almost peed myself reading that intimidate moments. You almost gave me a heart attack i was like aren't these too soon girls??? Lol
Keep it up but take your time author-nim😉
Nyasken #4
Chapter 9: Please update 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Nyasken #5
Please update 😭
Nyasken #6
Please, update
Nyasken #7
Pls update
keren_hmlm #8
Chapter 9: Minji-ah, don’t be so hard on yourself. Haerin does really have a point reminding Minji to not forget taking care of herself and not forgetting herself. I hope Haerin continues that and be her rock.

As for Heesoo and Danielle. Heesoo, girl, you really gotta have to earn that chance. Good luck. 😩
Chapter 9: interesting, and to whom does Heesoo tell the truth? Haerin or Danielle, I don't want Danielle to suffer again. I think Minji needs to take a break, find some time for themselves, relax, reflect on their life.
Nyasken #10
Chapter 9: is this not the end? I hope so