Chapter two

Teenage Dilemma
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"Can you please tell me what happened yesterday?" Haerin sat down beside Jihye at the table during lunchtime. Her classmate shook her head as she was moving her food around on the plate with her fork. Clearly something bad had happened and Haerin could tell by the way Jihye was acting the whole day.


It happened last night when Jihye didn't reply to her messages on their group chat and continued that morning when she was ignoring both her and Hanni. Haerin tagged along her friend the whole day but now was the only time they sat properly down to talk.


"There's nothing to say, Haerin-ah. I bet Heesoo told you already." Jihye said, making the other girl frustrated by this kind of behavior. Jihye was upset and Haerin didn't like seeing her friend like that.


"Heesoo unnie didn't mention you at al-" 


"Great! Now I don't even exist to her anymore!" The angry girl tossed her fork to the side, leaning her torso against the backrest of the chair with her arms crossed to her chest. Haerin sighed, this attitude curbed her appetite as well. 


"I cannot help you if you don't tell me what's wrong, Dani. Please, I hate seeing you like this." Haerin begged and grabbed Jihye's hand, uncrossing her arms and placing the hand she was holding into her lap. She heard the classmate sigh, before the girl brought her free hand up to her head and massaged her temple. 


"Everything went fine until I got overly excited and kissed her. I messed up everything and on top of that, it was my first kiss. I didn't even get the chance to enjoy it." Jihye looked down at her fingers being interlocked with Haerin's and looked away. 


"Who's kissing who?" Hanni appeared and sat down opposite of the other two girls, placing her tray on the table. Haerin remained silent and eyed Hanni for a second before eyeing the table the basketball team usually sits at. Hanni formed a big oh with leaning into the table on her elbows, wanting to know more. "And what's the problem? Isn't kissing Heesoo sunbae something to be happy about?" 


"She blocked my number and she blocked me on social media as well, Hanni! I f****d up everything!" Hanni backed up, startled by the tone of Jihye's voice and Haerin frowned at the language the girl used. She has never seen her classmate this mad before. 


"I'll drop by Heesoo unnie's house after school. No, I'll better talk to her right after practice. I think both of you need some time to figure things -" 


"There's nothing to figure out, Haerin-ah. She hates me and I bet she'll tell all her other friends how pathetic I am. Ah, I just want to disappear!" Haerin sighed and embraced her classmate, quickly being joined by Hanni who hugged the girl from the other side.


"Yah, I feel for you Dani, but please cheer up. Now I'm anxious to even think about Hyein, let alone have the courage to make myself know- Ough!" Hanni grunted as she received an elbow into her stomach from Jihye. Haerin let go of the girl as well and looked at both of her friends.


"Saturday we'll have a sleepover at my house. I'll kick both of you out in the middle of the night if I hear about Heesoo or Hyein. You need to relax and get distracted from your crushes or you'll end up insane."  






Later that day Haerin waited patiently by the entrance of the gym. It would be less than five minutes until the basketball team would finish their practice. Five more minutes until she'll have to confront her best friend about some stupid thing Jihye impulsively did. Sometimes she wondered if there was something in that brain of her classmate but in situations like this she doubted it. She tagged along Jihye for the rest of the day, skipping Heesoo's practice and being a moral support for her classmate. She had to deal with them separately until everything settled down between them. 


Yet again, Haerin didn't quite understand why Heesoo was acting the way she did. Jihye was a pretty girl with a bright smile and a kind heart. There was nothing not to like about Jihye and it was proven by the lineup of boys chasing after her. But Haerin never had those kinds of feelings before. There was no one chasing after her and no one she liked in a romantic way. There were some things Haerin was too young and too naive to comprehend but she was willing to learn in order to help her friends out.


"Oh, are you looking for Heesoo? She didn't come to practice today." Haerin's thoughts were interrupted by the one member of the team, that someone being the captain.


Haerin's fight and flight instinct suddenly kicked in once the four pairs of eyes of the team members and a few more of the students she recognized as being fans of the said team, were directed at her. However Haerin's

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chubiboy08 #1
hi. its been a year. come back to us author please 😭
Chapter 9: And also thank you for another well written ff tho
I kinda rooting for this ship to sail. Still some few ff on the platform. Very very appreciate it🐸
Chapter 9: oh my god this is so good i almost scream at 1.30 in the morning. I just found this story and i loveeeeeed it i like those kind of high-school-ish romance vibe. You wrote so well i almost peed myself reading that intimidate moments. You almost gave me a heart attack i was like aren't these too soon girls??? Lol
Keep it up but take your time author-nim😉
Nyasken #4
Chapter 9: Please update 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Nyasken #5
Please update 😭
Nyasken #6
Please, update
Nyasken #7
Pls update
keren_hmlm #8
Chapter 9: Minji-ah, don’t be so hard on yourself. Haerin does really have a point reminding Minji to not forget taking care of herself and not forgetting herself. I hope Haerin continues that and be her rock.

As for Heesoo and Danielle. Heesoo, girl, you really gotta have to earn that chance. Good luck. 😩
Chapter 9: interesting, and to whom does Heesoo tell the truth? Haerin or Danielle, I don't want Danielle to suffer again. I think Minji needs to take a break, find some time for themselves, relax, reflect on their life.
Nyasken #10
Chapter 9: is this not the end? I hope so