Because Of You

Both Winter and Minju walked to the parking lot where Winter's car was parked. Winter immediately opened the passenger seat for Minju.


"Where are we going?"


"Just get in, don't ask too many questions" Minju just got in and Winter closed the door and turned to the driver's seat.



"Where we're really going?" Minju asked again but Winter didn't answer. Minju just sighed and look at window.


"This is going to the Factory of Giselle's family, right?" Minju asked when she saw the big hotel on the way.


"Yes" Minju looked at her.


"What are we going to do there?" Minju asked in confusion.


"I'll just ask Giselle's dad for help" Winter answered.


"What for?"


"You'll find out later"






"Why are you here again?" Giselle said annoyed.


"Am I not allowed to come here?" The other asked.


"Yes." She coldly said.


"Why? It's like we're not friends" the other said sadly.


"That was then and not now" Giselle replied and she crossed her arms.


"You're bad girl, it's like we didn't become best friends" the other just held they chest while saying it.


"I don't care about you and I know you will ask me about her again"


"You really know me" The other said with a big smile.


"I don't know you but every time you come here that's what you always ask me" the person she was talking to just scratched his head.


"Did she come here?" He asked shyly.


"Excuse me, why would I tell you if she came here, huh?" She asked with raised eyebrows.


"Why are you mad at me?" He asked sadly.


"Because I don't want you for her and I prefer my friend for my best friend"


"What? That Artist from some group?" The other said and suddenly laughed.


"Yeah!" Giselle answered.


"You know that she won't get anything from the Artist who is your friend, you know why? It's very difficult to have a relationship with an artist who is very busy with his work and I know that she doesn't like that Jeno boy"


"You know I want to punch you...."


"Giselle!" Winter greeted happily, Minju was behind her, Winter looked at the man Giselle was talking to.


"Oh, Heeseung?"


"Hey Jeongie, Long time no see" He turned and smiled widely.


"What are you doing here?" Winter asked confused.


"Uh, Actually I've been looking for you for a long time because we haven't seen each other and I miss your presence" then he looked at Minju.


"Oh you're with someone?" Heeseung asked Winter.


"Yeah. Minju, this is Heeseung, Heeseung this is Minju" Winter introduced.


"Hello" they greeted each other.


"I notice that everyone you become friends with is beautiful except to the one" and something flew towards him and hit him on the head.


"Ouch!" he held his head while giving Giselle a deadly look.


"Deserve" Giselle said sarcastically while raising the other part of her lips.


"Why did you throw bottle at me?" He asked Giselle annoyed.


"You just told me I'm not pretty!"


"I didn't mention any names" He said.


"Get out of here!" Giselle kicking Heeseung out.


"I'm not leaving, I'll talk to Jeongie"


"No, you can't. So leave before I kill you!" She ready to smack Heeseung when Winter interrupted them.


"Wait, stop your bickering. I'll talk to Heeseung first, you stay here Minju. And Giselle Behave."




Heeseung said goodbye to Minju and he stuck his tongue at Giselle and he just received a deadly stare from Giselle again. Winter and Minju just laughed at the two.


"Why did you come here and you bring Minguri with you?"


"Actually, I would like to ask for Uncle Uchi's help, is he there?"


"Yeah, he's inside"


"Okay, thank you. Let's go, Minju"


"Wait a minute.. You won't even talk about what Heeseung told you?" Followed the two inside.



"Winter, hurry up! They're waiting!" Ryujin shouted from the living room of Winter's Apartment. Winter hurried downstairs while adjusting the flannel she was wearing.


"You move too slowly"


"I'm slow but atleast I'm not lazy like you" Ryujin rolled her eyes.


"Where's Yujin?" Winter asked getting the key from a drawer in the living room.


"Already at the secret place, Karina Unnie makes her go with her to buy an extra drink" Winter eyes suddenly changed.




"What happened to your finger?" Ryujin asked when she saw Winter's injured hand on the steering wheel.


"Uh.. I got hurt when I was fixing things in the storage room at my Apartment" She lied while still looking at the road and Ryujin believed her.


"We will pick up Minju first before we pick up Yeji Unnie" Winter said.






"Why did you just come now!" Minju complained.


"Complain to Winter, she fell asleep"


"I'm sorry" Minju just shook her head and they left to pick up Yeji.


"Do you know Choi Yeonjun?" Winter asked the two.


"Yeah, he's from the Dance Club, why?" Ryujin answered while typing at her phone.


"I heard that he is planning to court Yeji Unnie" Winter said and Ryujin frozed.


"How did you know?" Minju answered.


"So it's true? That man is planning to court her?" Ryujin asked, Minju looked at her.


"Don't you know? She didn't tell you?"


"No" Ryujin said quietly.


"I heard that Yeonjun is a nice guy and top in their department, I have a feeling that Yeji Unnie will like him" Winter said.


"She won't like him" Ryujin said


"How did you say so?" Minju said.


"People like that guy are not her type"


"Are you sure? Because Yeji told me that her types are dancers, kind, hardworking and top students" Minju lied.


"I said that's not her type!" Ryujin said suddenly that made the two startled.


"Why are you angry?" Minju asked.


"I'm not" Ryujin answered quietly and just looked out the window. Winter and Minju looked at each other in the rearview mirror and smiled knowingly.




"I have been waiting outside for a long time. Karina has been bombarding me with messages saying that they have been waiting for us for a long time. Why did you just come now?" Yeji said sitting on Minju's left side.


"Winter fell asleep that's why" Yeji nodded and started teasing Winter. Yeji looked at the passenger seat.


"Hi Ryuddaeng!" Yeji greeted happily.


"Hi" Ryujin said without emotion without even looking at her best friend.


"Are you alright?" Ryujin just nodded and leaned her head against the window.


"What's her problem?" Yeji whispered to Minju.


"I don't know, the mood suddenly changed" Minju whispered back. Yeji just looked at her best friend who was still leaning her head still looking out the window.


They reached Karina's secret place and went inside.


"Hey!" They heard screams, and they went to the kitchen and saw their two friends putting flour on their faces.


"They're already here!" Karina said and Yujin stopped putting flour on Karina's face and just looked at the newcomers silently.


"Why did you just come now?" Karina asked and approached them while Yujin washed her hands before approaching them.


"Winter fell asleep so she was late picking us up" Yeji replied


"What were you and Yujin doing earlier and smearing flour on each other faces?" Yeji added and approached the place where the two were earlier.


"We were making Cheese sticks and we had fun because this Yujin put the cheese on the breadcrumbs first before the egg" Yeji and Ryujin laughed except for the two and Yujin just pouted.


"Well, let's start the night out?" Karina asked



Winter and Minju sat next to each other on the couch while Karina and Yujin sat next to Winter while the other two sat next to Minju. They opened the bottles of alcohol and the karaoke machine. Karina sang first after she sings Yeji followed.


While Karina was getting food from the kitchen, Yujin sang. Winter took an orange to eat but she was struggling because of her wound. Minju noticed that so she took the orange from Winter's hand and returned it after she had opened it.


"How's your wound?" Minju asked


"It's okay, it doesn't hurt too much"


"Let me check your wound" Minju said and took Winter's hand to check her finger. Minju suddenly let go of Winter's hand due to surprise when Karina suddenly dropped a plate of cheese sticks on the table in front of them. Winter and her looked at Karina and she had no emotion and returned to Yujin's side who had just finished singing.


"Winter! Winter! It's your turn to sing!" Minju called and pulled Winter up.


"I don't want to"


"You'll sing, whether you like it or not. You're an obedient kid, aren't you? So follow me, sing! That's it, that's the song you sing!"


All About You By Taeyeon


Since when I saw you

Did you feel it was fate?

Like the stars in the night sky were shining

You've been around for a long time

Every time I think of a poem called 'you'

I want to memorize it so I can remember you

When the sad night comes, I'll protect you

Can you hear my heart?

Don't forget


In the passing season my heart

I know it doesn't change

Just the way you look at me

I think you have the whole world

Every time I think of a poem called 'you'

I want to memorize it so I can remember you

When the sad night comes, I'll protect you

Can you hear my heart?

Don't forget

Even when the day comes when the flowers bloom and fall

Just remember about this one

My heart to you

Someday we'll be

It may be a long way off

I could wait if I were you

I'll be standing here in time

Don't be hesitate

When that time comes




"Wow, the emotion" Yeji said while clapping her hand.


"That's what it's like if you're in love, right Winter?" Minju said while looking at Winter. Winter smiled at her and Minju smiled back.


"Is that me?" Minju joked. Winter just shook her head while smiling and just sat on the couch and drank her beer.


While Yeji and Winter sing happily, Yujin notices Karina's silence.


"Are you alright?" Yujin asked and Karina just nodded without looking at her. Karina took a long sip before setting her glass down on the table. Ryujin looked at her and turn to Yujin.


"Yujin, I think you need to take her to her room, she's already drunk" Yujin just nodded.


"Come on, let's get you up to your room"


"I don't... want to! Let... me go!" She said while Yujin pulling her up.


"You're drunk, you need to rest" Yujin said holding Karina's arm.


"I don't.. want to.., I can still.. drink!" Karina said


"No, you need to rest"


"I.. said.."


"Go up to your room and sleep. You're already drunk" Karina stopped when she heard the voice and slowly looked to her right.


"Why do you care!" She told Winter emphatically and didn't notice the sadness in Winter's eyes when she said it.


"Why are you interfering?" She added while glaring at her.


"Yujin, take her upstairs, to her room" Yeji said and Yujin did take Karina upstairs.


"I'm going upstairs too" Winter said and she went upstairs followed by Minju. The two who were left took a deep breath together.


"I guess we're the only ones left to drink here, so let's get drunk" Yeji said and raised her glass in front of Ryujin. Ryujin also raised her glass and forced a smile.


"Cheers!" Yeji said happily.



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