Chapter 33: What goes around, comes around

The Marriage of Convenience
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Park Chorong was roused up by a sharp kick to her abdomen. She flinched in pain as she tried to move, realising that she had been trussed up like a hare, a cloth stuffed into to prevent her from speaking. She fought against her restraints violently, hoping that it would loosen the ties.

“Put her on that chair,” commanded an older gentleman gruffly, a person that Chorong had recognised as part of the Unification movement. If she wasn’t mistaken, this was Julia’s father. He had looked so different from the suave and composed gentleman she remembered. There was a madness in her eyes that terrified her. She swallowed visibly, sensing danger,

The PA glanced around her swiftly and recognised the place at once as the basement cellar of her family home. Sweat beaded on her brow, knowing her fate.

Two burly guards gripped her by the shoulder and forced her into a sturdy chair in the middle of the chamber. They strapped her arms and legs to the chair tightly and she grunted from pain. Her panic settled in at once and she yanked and pulled, unable to break free from the tight restraints, the belt cutting not her flesh.

The jingling of chains and her struggle annoyed Old Park who waved his hand at her. The guards immediately obeyed and started punching and kicking her until Chorong kept silence, blood dripping down the side of .

Pain skyrocketed through her system and all she felt was the desire to curl within herself. The pride of the Park urged her to ignore her weakness, glaring at the guards who had hit her defiantly. How dare they hit her when she was the heir of the Park family and they were guards of the family?

“Traitors,” hissed Chorong, her eyes dark. “You’re still guards of the Park family, sworn to protect the main family.” She gritted her teeth, noticing one of the guard looked guilty. “And I’m the only heir of the main family—”

“Do you even know where your loyalty lie, vile girl?” Old Park snapped, slapping her hard to silence her. “We have sworn ourselves to be the hands and the feet of the True Family. You’ll cost us our salvation! How dare you work with the staff in Park Hospital to get the True son into trouble with law!”

The flicker of doubt in the eyes of the guard disappeared at that reminder. Chorong sighed to herself, knowing that she could not worm herself out of this situation. “I did nothing of that sort, Uncle Park,” spat the sweet-looking PA at once. “The True Son is honourable and righteous, I’m sure that the truth would only send him free. It is you, dear Uncle. How could you accuse me, a frail omega, of possessing the ability to vilify the powerful and honourable True Son as if he was a frail boy that needs protection?”

Old Park turned puce as he pointed a trembling finger at her.

Seeing him lose his composure was a boost to her confidence, Chorong smiled faintly, flashing her bloodied teeth.

“Lies of the devil,” declared Park harshly, his eyes so dark that it sent shivers down her spine. “Park Chorong was excommunicated from the Unification movement when she turned her back on us. Listen to her and lose your salvation!” He proclaimed with such conviction that the PA ached to clap her hands.

There was some scuffling at the only entrance of the basement cellar of the Park Mansion. “All glory to our True Father and the True family!” A chorus of voice greeted with such vigour that Old Park was stunned.

A nearly balding man dressed in an expensive and bespoke business suit walked down the stairs with such nobility that one would assume that they were in presence of a better. He wore a faint smile, greeting his devout as he entered the basement with his daughter-in-law, the beautiful and perfect Julia Moon who had given birth to the only True Grandson.

The True Father frowned at the sight of his right-hand man standing before a familiar young woman strapped to the well-used electric chair. Instantly, Park dropped on both his knees to offer his servitude. “All glory to our Honoured True Father and True family.” He kept his face down.

The leader of the Unification Movement. snorted and did not bother to close the distance and help the middle-aged man on the feet. “Free this young woman at once,” ordered the True Father, frowning. “She is the only daughter of a loyal guard of mine and the saviour of my grandson. How can we repay love with cruelty?”

The other guards sank on their feet, asking for forgiveness.

Old Park kept his face down, sweat beading on his forehead. His heart thumped furiously.

The guards swiftly undid the ties and helped the injured woman up. Julia waved these burly men away, her gaze severe. She caught her cousin gently and supported the younger woman gently. “Are you OK, Rong? Did these idiots do anything to you?” She had always been very worried about Chorong when she released that she was hanging out with Kim Yongsun and her pack.

Chorong smiled faintly and shook her head gently. Her gaze became haunted. She did not realise that Byulyi had ensure her protection all the time by assigning a team of guards specifically to her. These guards had given up their lives to keep her safe. Yet their mission failed at the end since they were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. Her heart ached at the needless sacrifice and the care that the silver-haired alpha had shown her since even when she was the recognised heir of the Park clan, obedient to the will of the True Family, they had never cared so much about her safety by assigning a team of well-trained guards. “They created a mobile accident to kidnap me while I was on the way from the Kim Inc to another client’s office.”

Julia’s expression became inscrutable at once. “Shall I take you upstairs first to rest. It must be quite a scare,” spoke the beautiful ballerina worriedly, studying the wounds on her wrists. Those needed urgent care at once.

“My honoured True Father, Park Chorong was one of the reasons for the True Son to be detained by the police—”

Moon Sun Myung’ s face became red with anger. “That was your incompetence!” He seethed, his voice reverberating in the chamber. At once, all the believers were on their knees, shaking. “I entrusted the care of True Son and the True Grandson to you, my most loyal friend. One is detained in police with iron-clad evidence that he had killed another man and tried to frame another alpha. My precious Minhyuk had to return to me in secret since someone is out to harm him! You have failed me!”

Old Park trembled at his potent rage. He had worked for Sun Myung for so long and never seen him fly into such a temper.

“Julia, take your cousin upstairs to recuperate first,” decided Sun Myung at once, glowering at the kneeling older man as if he were a dead man waiting for execution. “Our Minhyuk would be anxious if he doesn’t see you.” He turned to regard his daughter-in-law gently.

Julia bowed politely, the very paragon of elegance, still supporting Chorong carefully. “Thank you, my dear Father, for keeping my cousin safe. Minhyuk and I cannot express my gratitude more eloquently for your vast compassion.” She was secretly hoping that she could intercept the upset Moonbyul before she entered the fray of the elders of the Unification Movement.

The True Father smiled faintly, accepting her praise enthusiastically. The dignified older man straightened himself to his full height, trying to project a more commanding statue. He nodded at his personal bodyguard and he to the two ladies upstairs so that they would not have to witness what he would do to his subordinate had had suspected for disloyalty.

Julia was glad for the presence of the bodyguard since the other Park guards and members knew that they had the permission of the True Father—their god— to let Chorong go.

“Aunty!” Minhyuk greeted, running at full speed at her but he was held back by his mother at once. He frowned at once when he realised that his favourite Aunty was injured and he immediately took her hand gently and tried to help her to the spacious couch.

“Bring the first-aid kit please,” Minhyuk ordered. The help responded quickly to the request of the True Grandson, fetching the kit at once and setting it on the coffee table before Chorong.

“How?” The injured PA asked, confused. By her calculation, it wasn’t even an hour since the kidnap by the Old Park to punish her for disrupting her plans. Julia helped her to roll up her sleeves gently to expose her arms and check for injuries. Using this opportunity, she wrote on her forearm the character ‘Kim’. She nodded at once, her brows knitting in contemplation.

If Kim Yongsun had known of her kidnap, then Byulyi must be on the way to free her. She grasped the arm of Julia anxiously. “I need to call my superior so that we can pencil in another appointment for the client. This is an important business deal for the company.”

Julia smiled reassuringly. “Can you please don’t be so workaholic? You need a trip to the hospital, Rong. Are you on any special insurance plans that require you to visit certain hospitals?” She looked at her cousin pointedly.

“Ah right. Yes. There is one. I’m not too sure its name. Maybe I should check with Yong.”

The bodyguard frowned at once. “We can foot the medical bill for Ms Park, Mrs Moon. It is our fault that Ms Park was injured so badly.”

Julia tapped on the centre of the lips contemplatively, pondering over the two choices openly. This bodyguard was a trusted man of her Father-in-Law and needed to be treated with care. “Indeed, we ought to cover her medical bill since we’re at fault. However, Ms Park is an honoured guest, Mr Moon,” reminded Julia gently, smiling. “We won’t always remain here and Ms Park will need continued care from a hospital. I think it is better for Ms Park to select her own healthcare provider. Do you have a regular doctor, Rong?”

The bodyguard glanced at the wounded PA.

“I do,” returned Chorong, catching her meaning at once. “Dr Moon. She is a doctor that sees only the employees of Kim Inc. Do you think you could ask her to come here and let her assess my condition first?”

“And is this doctor on an NDC?” The bodyguard asked, making sure that the Unification movement will be protected.

“Of course,” concurred Chorong without missing a beat. Dr Moon Byulyi was usually the personal doctor of Kim Yongsun. There was no doubt in her mind that she could keep a secret since her original identity was a secret. “I’ll call her now and asked her to come here.”

The bodyguard nodded solemnly, giving his permission. The other men flew into action to find the artefacts of Chorong. They returned the PA her handbag.

Chorong’s mobile was returned to her and she could call Byulyi to pick her up. Byulyi had answered her call at first ring, her voice filled with relief. It did not take long for Byulyi to understand that she could only show up at the Park Mansion as Dr Moon, the personal doctor of Kim Inc.

Within ten minutes, Byulyi arrived as Dr Moon, the personal doctor of Kim Inc. She had a black bag with all the assessment tools along with simple wound care products. Her natural elegance as she walked into the foyer of the Park Mansion, captivated the guards. They stood straighter when she walked past them, trying to gain her attention. The beautiful alpha did not bother disguising herself, visiting as how she was: her shoulder-length silver hair gleaming in the sun, her eyes were of a remarkable blue.

Minhyuk brightened up at the sight of her idol but he was silenced at once by his stoic mother rapidly. The intelligent pup fell silence immediately, noticing that the situation seemed to be very tensed. The welfare of his precious Aunt was at stake so he did not dare to behave out of line. He sat properly next to his mother and remained quiet.

“You must be Mrs Moon,” greeted Byulyi with a lopsided smile, inclining her head politely. Julia stood up elegantly and greeted the silver-haired alpha, careful to keep her distance to show that she did not know her. She allowed some of her anxiety to be shown on her face as she thanked her for arriving so swiftly.

“Don’t worry too much about it, Mrs Moon. We rarely have emergencies in Kim Inc.” She glanced around the living room, her gaze fell on the tired Chorong sitting on a regal-looking couch, pale. She heaved an internal sigh of relief when she noticed that she was roughed up but still conscious. The more important thing was that the PA was finally out of danger. The way that Minhyuk gave the PA space, suggested that she was quite hurt.

Dr Moon allowed some of her shock to appear on her face before she schooled it into a neutral expression. She keenly felt the curious gaze of the lone bodyguard in the living room. Byulyi set her bag aside and began her examination of Chorong at once. The bodyguard watched this Dr Moon checked her vitals with such ease that he was reassured of her identity.

The frowning Dr Moon finally requested for the bodyguard to offer them some privacy by stepping away. The bodyguard was going to protest when Byulyi offered changing the place of visual examination for Chorong.

The bodyguard frowned hard but stepped out of the living room, leaving them alone. The silver-haired alpha frowned openly and looked at Chorong for permission to lift her shirt up.

“Let me do it,” offered Julia helpfully, knowing that the bodyguard was listening in.

Chorong frowned hard but relented. She allowed her cousin to help her lift her T-shirt up while she hissed from pain.

Byulyi’s brows knitted at once, her anger flaring briefly at the contusions on her slender body.

Julia gasped in shock, covering with her hand. She turned to glance at her childhood friend and was entranced by this refreshing sight of Byulyi and Minhyuk reacting exactly alike: their silver brows furrowed deeply as they glare at the bruises on the fair and slender body of Chorong.

The younger Moon hissed in rage, balling his hands into fists. Julia ached to comfort her pup but she continued to hold up the shirt of Chorong for the examination. Byulyi stepped closer slowly. “Ms Park, this might hurt a little. I promise to be gentle,” reassured the silver-haired alpha gently. She touched some of the contusions with utmost gentleness and noticed Chorong’s immediate flinching.

“I’m sorry, Ms Park. This is necessary,” offered Byulyi again as she checked her organs at her back and nodded to herself. Julia, so lost in the professional way that Byulyi was examining her cousin, did not notice a hand sign from Byulyi.

It took Byulyi two times to capture the attention of Julia.

Her gaze vacillated between the ballerina and the pup deliberately. “Pack to leave,” mouthed Byulyi silently. “Mrs Moon, that will be all. Ms Park, you can breathe now. I’m just going to check your lungs one more time to be sure.”

The bodyguard returned at once, studying them openly.

Byulyi checked her lungs once again and nodded to herself. “Ms Park needs a visit to the hospital immediately. She seems to have fractured her ribs but we need to do an X-ray to confirm this.” She spoke to the bodyguard emotionlessly. Naturally, she was too busy explaining to the bodyguard to realise that Julia was stealing looks of her.

Julia wasn’t surprised that Byulyi had plans to rescue she and her pup somehow. The silver-haired alpha had freed herself from their influences but never realised that she would subject she and their pup to them. She wanted to sigh at Byulyi’s sense of justice.

Strangely, the silver-haired alpha was unaware of how captivated Julia was of her. The beautiful ballerina simply held her pup in her arms as she admired the professionalism of Byulyi. That was the individual whom she had given her heart to, so remarkable and talented. She was the wishing star that had the congregation completely spellbound when she was still Moon Heungjin and she wasn’t surprised that the True Father could never truly replace her.

Julia remembered herself and resorted to the soft and silver hair of Minhyuk gently. Her little prince was distressed, producing a sharp smell that beckoned omegas to his aid. She resisted the call, knowing that she could not baby him in front of the bodyguard: she was merely a steward of Minhyuk, not his true parent. Her heart ached when she caught sight of the deep wounds on the wrist of Chorong, signs that she was bounded roughly.

Byulyi dressed all the open wounds with military precision, her most frequently-used skill. Her silver brows were furrowed as she examined the shape and depth of the wounds on her wrists and guessed that she was first held by metal handcuffs before she was strapped down by belts. The sweet PA comforted the protective alpha secretly by squeezing her thigh discreetly, reassuring her that she was fine.

Chorong was moved by the sincere concern of Byulyi. After all, this alpha was only the best friend of her wife and had barely known her. The silver-haired alpha need not care for her but somehow, their camaraderie had developed through their shared objectives of caring for Yongsun. In this moment, she realised that she had become someone that was also important to Byulyi.

Julia smiled faintly when the Sire and the pup tried their best to make Chorong more comfortable in their own ways. The PA had an exasperated look, babied by the two protective Moons. She did not doubt that Minhyuk would grow up into a very powerful, talented and handsome alpha just like his sire.

“Minhyuk, promise me that you will not be so greasy,” blurted Chorong suddenly, grabbing the hands of her nephew pleadingly.

The little pup cocked his head to the side, confused. “OK.” His blue eyes gleamed with determination. “I promise to shower every day and make sure that I’m not greasy.”

The PA nearly burst out laughing at the solemn promise of her adorable nephew but decided not to correct him. “Yes. Yes. My precious Minhyuk will not be greasy.” She patted his shoulder as he smiled toothily.

Julia frowned, wondering why Chorong was so concerned about her son’s hygiene. It did not sound a valid concern as she studied the well-slicked hair of her pup.

“Cheesy,” answered Byulyi flatly when she saw the vivid confusion on the ballerina’s face. “It isn’t a hygiene issue.” She cleared , embarrassed. Of course, Chorong had to make her uncomfortable somehow.

“Oh.” Julia glanced at her, surprised. “Cheesy?” The Moon Heungjin she knew was a very serious but charming person. There was no way that he would drop cheesy pick-up lines that caused their goosebumps rising. She smiled faintly, glad to learn this new facet of Byulyi.

Chorong sighed wistfully, shaking her head. “I think it might be a lost cause.” She could see how similar the pup was to the Sire. “I think this is the very case of genetics.”

Julia coughed, hiding her laughter. Her heart was saturated with warmth when she realised that the pup and the Sire were so similar, even if they did not acknowledge each other as family. A pressure built behind her eyes at once and she fanned herself with a hand, trying to stop herself from crying.

“Mother?” Minhyuk noticed that his mother was on the verge of crying and immediately tried to comfort her by putting his small arms around her neck tightly. “Don’t be sad. Aunty is now safe. Don’t be sad.” The familiar scent of her pup comforted the professional ballerina at once.

Her little sunshine and little blessing. Julia would not mind a life of a widow simply just to have this precious pup, her little blessing. The little pup was very attentive to her, just like Moon Heungjin, with his own brand of warmth that put most people at ease. She wrapped her arms around him gently. “Mother isn’t sad. Don’t worry.” She kissed the top of his head as the attractive pup purred instinctively, glad to be in the embrace of his mother.

“PA Park, if you don’t mind. I’ll take you to the hospital. Anyway, I drove here,” spoke Byulyi casually, glancing at Julia. “Mrs Moon, will this arrangement be fine?” She started to clean her hands with a hand spray and stow her tools into the bag.

Julia nodded at once, hugging Minhyuk absently “This is the family home of my cousin, Rong. It would be amusing if she was not allowed to leave the house as if she was a prisoner here.” She chuckled, covering with her hand daintily.

Byulyi had to lower her face to hide her smile. She pretended that she did not understand the subtext that was addressed to the bodyguard in the living room.

Julia maintained her gaze on the bodyguard silently, reminding the older man that she was part of the True family and she could make such executive decision.

The bodyguard cleared his voice finally, getting their attention. “With your permission, Mrs Moon. I will Ms Park and Dr Moon to their car,” decided the bodyguard at once, looking away. He wore a neutral expression, behaving just like a guard of the family.

Byulyi helped Chorong to her feet carefully as she picked up her bag. The PA could barely hide her wince from moving. “Thank you.” She waved her hand ahead and Chorong walked ahead of her.

“I’ll see you later,” promised Chorong, tousling the hair of Minhyuk wildly and the pup whined in frustration, hating that his well-slicked hair looked like a bird’s nest. It was a heart-stopping experience for Chorong to be escorted to Byulyi’s SUV, her heart pounding at the impending taste of freedom.

Next to her, Dr Moon seemed to be collected, walking towards her car, carrying her bag. Her silver hair gleamed under the sun, one of the most obvious traits of the True Family. She was surprised that no one had remarked on it.

She sighed. Someone really had nerves of steel. They got into the car without any trouble and Chorong was starting to be queasy at the very thought of Byulyi’s identity uncovered.

When Byulyi drove out of the Park mansion, cleared through by the Park guards themselves, Chorong expelled a breath that she did not know she was holding, nearly collapsing. “Oh god! You actually managed to do that,” breathed Chorong, patting her chest to comfort herself.

Byulyi shook her head at her, glancing at her. “You of little faith, Unnie. It’s not difficult to create a quick digital identity of Dr Moon Byuljin” She winked at her, her cherry-shaped lifted in a lopsided smile. “My license checked out anyway.” She shrugged absently, frowning. “I’m taking you to the hospital first. Yong will be very happy to see you at last.”

She frowned, turning to look at her openly. “What are you going to do then?”

The silver-haired alpha remained silent.

“Byul,” prompted the PA, disliking her silence. “Are you going to do something that will hurt yourself?”

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Swfsmoo #1
Chapter 35: Love the story... Thank you author ❤
194 streak #2
Chapter 35: Marvelous! tyvm for this!
Chapter 35: Wow… thank you authornim ❤️ I enjoyed every chapter. Now I wanna see 4 kids with silver hair and blue eyes 😂
_moongalaxy #4
Chapter 35: i know i'm late but....ahahahahahaha it's on you byul for being the only jobless person to care for the pups🤣
and congratulation for this ending of an amazing story author-nim🥳👏🏻💜
tiggerbounced #5
Chapter 35: this was honestly an amazing ride, really enjoyed it thanks so much for creating this universe!
sspy1006 #6
Chapter 35: Ooo...loved my sweet happy ending :) Thanks for an interesting read
Chapter 35: Aww! I can’t believe it’s over, I’m going to miss reading your updates :c I really fell in love with the story and each character, everyone had great personalities (but my fave will always be Byul) thank you for giving me a roller coaster of emotions in every chapter, I love your stories author nim! ❤️
Ichig02101 #8
Chapter 35: I love this story so much😍
Its a masterpiece authornim. Tq
One of my fav story
Gwkazu #9
Chapter 35: Aww love this so muchh😭😭🥹
_moongalaxy #10
Chapter 34: 🎢🎢🎢😂😭🤭😳🙈