Chapter 19 : Omega Bout

The Marriage of Convenience
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“I’m very sure that Rongie Unnie is fine,” muttered Moon Byulyi, looking very bored as she was dragged by her beautiful and determined wife, Kim Yongsun to the doorstep of a modest house with a garage on the first level. They parked the chili-red sports car along the street of a very exclusive, tranquil and gated community in Seoul.

The neighbourhood looked too perfect with its evenly-spaced plants, identical houses lined neatly along the street beyond the security post. It was an idyllic neighbourhood, but one that Byulyi would never willingly live in. She preferred to stay in a house with more character. However, it spoke of Park Chorong’s love for things in order—it was that or she did not see this house as a home.

“I don’t believe it until I see her in person. At this time, she ought to be up,” countered Yongsun gruffly, dragging her taller wife along with her to the doorstep roughly. 

Yongsun did not rest well the night before, her mind filled with the unlimited possibilities of a person hacking from Chorong’s location into the encrypted files of Moon Byulyi on the police mainframe. She knew that she should not worry since Byulyi was certain that her best friend was fine. However, the younger woman did not offer a suitable reason to account for her confidence other than the lack of hiding the hacking attempt. Without hesitation, the CEO pressed on the doorbell and waited with bated breath.

Byulyi sighed internally, rubbing her nape tiredly. She was ready to fall asleep on her feet from her exhaustion. The previous night was a torture. She was still healing from her injuries which made her very cranky. She was also a light sleeper, kept up by the older woman’s incessant tossing and turning in the bed, uncharacteristic of the heavy sleeper who knocked out almost instantly when her head hit the pillow. She had no idea why her wife was so worried since she did not see a cause for it.

The door opened suddenly, revealing a put together Park Chorong, looking like she was going to head out for work. All she needed to complete her outfit was her handbag. There was surprise in her eyes when she saw the married couple at her doorstep. “Yong? And Byulie? What are you doing here?” She frowned in confusion, closing the door behind her automatically.

Yongsun breathed out a sigh of relief and gathered her best friend in a tight and uncharacteristic hug. Chorong was even more perplexed since the CEO was not a woman who was comfortable with such casual physical affections. She quirked a brow at Byulyi who dawdled behind her wife, silently asking the purple-haired woman to account for the eccentricity of Yongsun’s behaviour.

The purple-haired alpha merely gave her a resigned shrug and jerked her head towards the house, indicating that she would explain when they were inside. Chorong returned the embrace, patting on the back of Yongsun absently.

The hug was getting far too long and Chorong was impatient to learn about the reason for the panic in her friend’s eyes. “Yong, we haven’t seen each other for only a night. Do you really miss me that much?” The PA joked playfully, drawing away from her best friend, slinging her arm across the dip of her back casually. “Come inside.” She guided her best friend into modest and comfortable house. The front door opened to a living room that was decorated sleeky. It reflected the character of the owner, the style of the room decorated minimalistic, embracing the spaces.

“Rong, who is at the door?” A sweet, feminine voice surprised the couple who were removing their footwear absently near the door. The accent was decidedly belonging to an individual who lived in New York. Yongsun was mildly surprised since she knew that her best friend stayed alone.

Byulyi paused to look at her wife who seemed to be astonished by sudden entrance of this guest.

The guest of Chorong was a stunning and willowy woman who moved with a grace of an accomplished ballerina. She walked through the living room in those familiar quick, light and graceful steps that belonged to dancers. Byulyi, who was more focused on removing her combat boots, piqued with interest when the sweet, floral note of hydrangea saturated the air suddenly. Its eerie familiarity reminding the purple-haired alpha of a long-forgotten past. She stiffened when she remembered the scent and her eyes went wide as she reeled from the sheer surprise.

“Heung!” The relief and unadulterated delight in that heavily-accented sweet voice reverberated in the living room. Before Byulyi’s mind could register the familiar presence of a friend from her past, she was embraced tightly, their bodies pressed so closely that it was impossible to tell where one began and the other ended.

The way their bodies were pressed together was foreign and jarring. Byulyi’s first instinct was to shove this thinner and older woman away from her but that desire faded quickly when their gaze met and clung.

The thick eyelashes of Julia Park were fluttering, her soft mocha eyes glistened with unshed tears, hopeless etched on her hauntingly beautiful face reminding her of beautiful and frail heroine in tragedies.

Unfamiliar hands cupped the face of Byulyi with utmost fondness as Julia closed the short distance between them with a desperation that left Byulyi’s mind blank. Her body still ached slightly from her nearly recovered injuries. Their faces were so close that the two women were sharing a single breath.

“Julia?” Byulyi was confused. Prior to her ‘death’, they were only friends, slightly closer than a pair of acquaintances. She was baffled at the sheer affection in her mocha eyes as if the latter was reunited with her beloved.

Julia sighed and purred happily, a sound of contentment that came from the soul. “My Heung-ah, you’re alive…” There was breathless awe in her voice as she stared at the slightly older face of her beloved—never had a day passed when she did not think of him. The face of the youth, dashing Moon Heung Jin superseded with this older, purple-haired beautiful alpha with the same penetrating sapphire eyes.

The gorgeous ballerina swept her purple hair away fondly, leaned in and kissed the perplexed woman fully, stunning the younger woman into full immobility. One of her hands dived into the thick tumble of purple hair and entangled itself with her silky tresses, locking the younger woman in place as she deepened the kiss.

The foreign touch, pressure and taste on her lips stirred Byulyi from the very surprise of encountering the ghost from her past. That shock became a full-blown outrage as she stiffened. Byulyi scowled, the creases above her cheeks deepened, her well-sculptured brows pinched as the older woman applied more pressure to her face to keep the younger woman in place and captured her lips again in a scalding and possessive kiss that took everything and gave nothing in return.

There was a sharp note of distress in the wild peony scent which permeated the living room—Yongsun’s—the only warning before pandemonium broke out in the living room of Chorong’s house.

There was a loud snarl, sending shivers down the spines of the stoutest of hearts. In a heartbeat, Byulyi was set free. She gulped air greedily into her lungs when someone finally peeled the ballerina roughly away, discarding her to the side.

Byulyi’s eyes narrowed as she touched her broken lip—why the hell would this woman even kiss her?

The confusion faded when the scents of distress spiked in the living room. The enraged Yongsun was glowering at the ballerina, upset that she had taken advantage of Byulyi. “That’s my wife,” snarled Yongsun sharply, glaring at the taller, obviously Korean lithe woman. She was enraged that this omega had the guts to walk up and kiss her wife as if she had every right to. They circled around the living room, their bodies braced for combat, measuring each other up.

“Wife?” Julia hissed, her gaze vacillating between the blond and enraged CEO before her and the hunched purple-haired alpha, growling menacingly in reaction to her wife’s fury. She staggered slightly at the revelation and the way the purple-haired alpha orbited around the beautiful and blond omega like a devoted partner.

Julia Moon-Park could never forget Moon Heung Jin. She knew from a young age from her father and the True Father that she was going to be his lifelong partner. Everything she did was to prepare her for the glorious day in which she could stand next to him with the same level of confidence and know that she was contributing to the movement as much as him. That consuming motivation to be his equal faded when she had finally met him in person—he was effortlessly charming with his lazy lopsided smile, with a wit and effortless charms that affected her pulse. She felt the first stirrings of love when upon first sight when he greeted her with a warm smile.

The ballerina was confident of her ability to identify him no matter how much he had changed. Her love for him had transcended beyond the physicality; it was the connection that she had with him enabled her to ascertain that it was him, her husband who had allegedly died to save her many years ago.

Julia shook her head lightly, her expressive eyes narrowing when they fell on the incensed Yongsun. She straightened herself, jutting her pointed chin defiantly. “That, you thief, is my husband, Moon Heung Jin.” She snapped, her American accent thickening with her wrath. She continued the languorous prowl, not wishing to cave into the pressure of attacking the smug blonde first.

“You took my husband from me!” Her beautiful face was twisted with anger as her eyes blazed.

Byulyi, who was in the centre of this confrontation, was simply mystified by Julia’s words. When the mobile accident happened in New York, she was turning fourteen, on the cusp of presenting, not at all ready to take a wife.

The hardened gaze of the ballerina softened evidently when it lingered on the soft, feminine face of Moon Byulyi who had schooled her face into a neutral expression to hide her confusion. The smile that graced the ballerina’s face was absolutely smitten and radiant, belonging to a devoted lover who was finally reunited with her love. There was only longing and affection in her emotional gaze.

Yongsun, annoyed, stepped between Julia and Byulyi at once. Her possessive nature unwilling to allow another omega looked at her wife with so much passion. She was already upset that this woman had dared to kiss her wife and that her wife could not push her away. Her lithe body braced for combat as she met the gaze of Julia challengingly, almost daring the ballerina to try getting a peek of her wife again.

Naturally, Yongsun’s challenge infuriated the ballerina.

The living room stank of the concoction of distress from two different omegas as tension began to rise to a boiling point.

The bizarre scene of omegas, reassured of their love for the same alpha, circling around the living room, contesting for the claim of the same alpha. Byulyi who was the centre of this confrontation was at a loss—what could she do when two omegas tried to fight for her? She had heard of alpha’s bouts or even displays of aggression to chase any potential suitors away so that they could lay claim to their chosen mate. It was simply unheard that gentle, nurturing, placid omegas would attempt to fight to claim an alpha.

The wolf in Byulyi was unimpressed, trying to rise to the surface to simply claim both besotted omegas. The purple-haired alpha simply shoved that alpha wolf back into the depths of her soul. Her bows furrowed, hating that the wolf had surfaced instinctively again.

The tension had skyrocketed so high that it was palpable. Byulyi was contemplating on how to de-escalate the situation when the two encircling omegas launched at each other suddenly, snarling, their gazes dark with rage.

Byulyi’s sapphire eyes darkened at the sharp scent of distress from Yongsun, her body tensing instinctively when the two omegas started exchanging blows in the middle of the living room.

The two nimble omegas exchanged blows, tapping on their own advantages. Yongsun’s fist had caught Julia’s pointed chin, the devastating force behind the force throwing her head backwards.

Somehow, Julia using her agility and strength as a professional ballerina, landed a sharp kick on the stomach of Yongsun. The blond CEO heaved, folding from the impact. The ground seemed to rush towards Yongsun as she fell.

Byulyi leapt into action, snarling fiercely. She intercepted by pushing the ballerina away so hard that the latter fell on her bottom, shocked. She caught her wife, supporting the hurt Yongsun before she face planted on the ground. Her darkened eyes surveyed Yongsun frankly for injuries, checking every inch of her. She had only relaxed when she found no injuries and Yongsun had recovered from the pain sufficiently that her generous lips curled into a smirk.

The blonde CEO slung her arm across the shoulder of Byulyi possessively, staring at her opponent smugly. She hooked the other arm around her neck, staking her claim on this beautiful purple-haired alpha boldly. She might have lost the fight to claim Byulyi, but she had won the battle since Byulyi had obviously preferred her.

Julia growled wordlessly, driven completely mad at her provocation. She leapt at the blond CEO, ready to attack her when her cousin caught her firmly around her midriff and pulled her back. “Stop it! Julia Moon-Park, you should be ashamed of yourself! How are you going to face your son when you are mistaking a woman for his male Sire, your husband!”

“That’s Heung Jin!” Julia snapped loudly, hot tears filling her eyes, trying to break free from her bear hug. She twisted agilely and pushed her cousin away, lurching forward to meet Byulyi’s gaze. “Heung-ah, why don’t you recognise me?” Her voice trembled as her entire shoulder quivered. There was only plea in her eyes as she tried to meet the gaze of the stoic Byulyi.

Byulyi’s expression remained dispassionate as she held Yongsun’s hand, standing shoulder to shoulder in a united front. When Yongsun tried to step forward to block the ballerina’s view of Byulyi, the purple-haired alpha merely interlaced their fingers together, meeting her gaze sternly—there was no need for Yongsun to be all possessive when she wasn’t going to reunite with the ballerina.

“Cus, please,” pleaded Chorong, putting a firm hand on the shoulder of Julia. She was worried, knowing how intimidating Byulyi truly was. Even though Byulyi was dressed casually in a threadbare white T-shirt and jeans, she still radiated barely leashed, ruthless power. The younger woman’s body was already braced for combat and she really did not want her cousin to be hurt.“I know all that talk about Heung Jin’s spirit reincarnating that your leaders preach. You must see that it isn’t true,” begged the PA openly, meeting her gaze. She gestured animatedly to the couple. “This is the wife of CEO Kim Yongsun, my superior. Look carefully!”

“Rongie, I swear that this Moon Byulyi is my husband!” Julia interjected vehemently, grabbing her arms and shaking her. Suddenly, that energy dissipated from the ballerina, her shoulders slumped. Tears trailed down her cheeks unchecked as she continued to look at Byulyi desolately. “Heung-ah, we were married after I recovered from the mobile accident. True Father insisted on the marriage so that you could go to heaven.” She raised her hand up, revealing a familiar wedding band. “You must recognise this?”

Byulyi knew that band far too well. Father had brought her to a metallurgy class to craft a wedding band for her future wife when she had turned twelve. She knew her duty to the movement. She would be a role model and take a wife once she had presented to complete the ‘Adam and Eve’ model of blessing. Father had wanted her to begin the process of sanctifying and preparing herself for the eventual marriage with a candidate he would select for her. She was looking forward eagerly to that day since it would also mark the start of her ministry.

Twelve-year-old Byulyi had slaved over the process of forging the perfect ring, repeating it again and again until she was finally satisfied with the final work. The pair of bands were further polished professionally before they were stored in a classy black box she had selected. She had been involved with the crafting of the ring from the start to its very end, treating it completely like a sanctifying process.

The flicker of recognition and inscrutable emotions in the familiar cerulean blue eyes bolstered Julia’s confidence that this woman was her husband. Tumultuous emotions flooded through her system. She covered with a hand, trying to swallow a sob as her face contorted with agony. “It’s you, Heung.” She sobbed, brushing the back of her hand across her face roughly. “It’s really you.” There was a mixture of relief and pain in her voice.

Chorong was befuddled, looking around the living room helplessly. She had no idea how to comfort her cousin or smoothen this awkwardness that permeated the room. She glanced at Yongsun secretly, expecting to see an equally confused expression. The tensed expression of Yongsun surprised her but it was an answer to this mystery—her best friend knew what her cousin was talking about. Her gaze shot to Byulyi instantly, noting her blank expression as the alpha looked at the sobbing Julia nonchalantly.

For the first time, the PA was afraid of the stoic purple-haired alpha—did Byulyi truly not know her cousin when all signs seem to indicate that her cousin was telling the truth? Considering her cousin’s single-minded devotion, Byulyi seemed to be too vicious. She could accept ruthlessness against opponents, not this cruel indifference to a devoted lover.

Chorong had actually pitied her cousin for being a willing pawn to the movement. That stupid woman had married a dead boy at the heights of her illustrious career willingly, knowing that she would be subjecting herself to a life of a living widow. She had given herself fully to the cause, replacing her husband in the plans of the True Father. In her opinion, the True Father had gained more than he had lost since he gained a successor and an apparent-heir, Moon Minhyuk.

Her gaze vacillated among the occupants of the room as she backed away, running her hand through her hair. “Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?” She placed a hand on her forehead as she collapsed on her sofa.

“Rongie, that’s my husband and Sire of my pup, Moon Heung Jin,” began Julia in a broken whisper, her gaze haunted. “I…I have no idea why he doesn’t know me.” She let out another sob before she inhaled sharply, trying to force herself to remain composed. She met Byulyi’s gaze pleadingly. “You’re Byulyi now? It’s OK. I don’t care about your name or even gender. All I care about is that you’re still alive. We’ve a pup together, Moon Minhyuk. He is turning three.” Her watery smile became tender. “He’s very much like you, very charming and curious.”

“S-Sire?” Yongsun echoed, staring at her wife incredulously. Byulyi had told her about her past so she was aware that Byulyi was indeed Heung Jin. Her heart sank to her stomach at the thought that her Byulyi already had a pup with another omega.

She could not even wrap her mind around it since they haven’t even spoken about starting a family.

That cold sinking feeling was dispelled when she recalled that Byulyi was far too young to father a pup with this ballerina. All fears were allayed when she remembered that she had claimed the younger woman’s first time. How could a twelve-year old father a child? She steeled herself, squeezing the hand of Byulyi.

The purple-haired alpha had heard enough from the ballerina.

“Rong Unnie, we are here because someone hacked into the police files from your location,” stated Byulyi casually, returning the conversation to the reason they were there. “I presume that the culprit must be your cousin.”

“What?” Chorong glanced at her cousin, appalled. “What did you do, Julia! I could get into a lot of trouble with the law!” She scowled at the ballerina “We’re not above the law, Julia, no matter what your family think!”

Julia looking suitably chastised, wiping the tears away from her face. “I’m sorry, Rongie.” She looked suitably chastised. “It was not my intention.” She ran her hand through her black silky hair absently. “I know it in my heart that this is my Heung-ah.” She looked at the stalwart Byulyi hopefully once again. Her heart sank when there was no sign of recognition in those familiar blue eyes. “I had to be sure.”

“Cus, why? You owe me an explanation for nearly getting me into trouble with the law! How did you even know of Byulyi’s existence? How did you even know to hack into the police mainframe for her files? Aren’t you still in the US, helping that True Father or something—”

“—By the will of God, of course,” chim

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What colour do you think Byulyi ought to dye her hair into ?



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Swfsmoo #1
Chapter 35: Love the story... Thank you author ❤
194 streak #2
Chapter 35: Marvelous! tyvm for this!
Chapter 35: Wow… thank you authornim ❤️ I enjoyed every chapter. Now I wanna see 4 kids with silver hair and blue eyes 😂
_moongalaxy #4
Chapter 35: i know i'm late but....ahahahahahaha it's on you byul for being the only jobless person to care for the pups🤣
and congratulation for this ending of an amazing story author-nim🥳👏🏻💜
tiggerbounced #5
Chapter 35: this was honestly an amazing ride, really enjoyed it thanks so much for creating this universe!
sspy1006 #6
Chapter 35: Ooo...loved my sweet happy ending :) Thanks for an interesting read
Chapter 35: Aww! I can’t believe it’s over, I’m going to miss reading your updates :c I really fell in love with the story and each character, everyone had great personalities (but my fave will always be Byul) thank you for giving me a roller coaster of emotions in every chapter, I love your stories author nim! ❤️
Ichig02101 #8
Chapter 35: I love this story so much😍
Its a masterpiece authornim. Tq
One of my fav story
Gwkazu #9
Chapter 35: Aww love this so muchh😭😭🥹
_moongalaxy #10
Chapter 34: 🎢🎢🎢😂😭🤭😳🙈