Chapter 29: Speechless

The Marriage of Convenience
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“Are you telling me that Moon Minhyuk is your son?” The blue-haired omega’s eyes were wide like saucers as she gripped the forearm of the beautiful silver-haired alpha next to her, her knuckles shinning white. Her bright eyes were begging the older woman to tell her that the claims were untrue.

An equally startling and beautiful woman with shining golden hair leaned forward to ease that vice like grip from the forearm of her wife, Moon Byulyi. She was sympathetic to her wife but comprehend Jung Wheein’s shock at the series of revelations that shook the younger omega’s world. To the blue-haired omega who worshipped Byulyi, it was unthinkable that the heroic and powerful older alpha was a victim of a malicious plot and that she had willingly abandoned her pup because she did not have the strength to challenge the powers-to-be.

Neither Byulyi’s past of being the heir of the True Father of the Moonies nor being the successor to the Illuminati surprised the financier since Moon Byulyi was simply too extraordinary to have humble beginnings. No, the famous financer was flabbergasted and disappointed that Byulyi would not do more to protect Moon Minhyuk or his mother Julia Moon.

Hot tears filled Wheein’s eyes as she clutched Byulyi’s hand again, maintaining unwavering eye contact with the indifferent Byulyi. “Why would you let him go, Unnie? He is innocent, just another cog within the machineries of individuals in the greater power. Why don’t you take him under your wing?” Desperation bled into her heartfelt plea.

Byulyi maintained that eye contact, like a sinner enduring its penance. She decided to be vulnerable before her family, allowing some of her depthless despair flicker in her remarkably blue eyes. She looked extremely sombre as if she was coerced to submit to this will. She a breath. “Wheepup, even if I take Minhyuk and … Mrs Moon in, I will not be able to shelter them for long.” She was very realistic. “No matter their objectives, Moon Sun Myung cares for Minhyuk and in extension, Mrs Moon. They will not be in any danger—”

“Unnie, it’s your pup, no matter how he was conceived!” Wheein fired at the top of her voice. Her chest heaved from her distress as she tried to calm down. Yongsun tried to calm her down by releasing her calm pheromones to reduce the tension in the sitting room. Uncomfortable silence stretched in the sitting room of the married couple. When the blue-haired omega finally calmed down, her shoulders slumped in defeat. “Unnie, Minhyuk is only a pup. He’s innocent.”

Byulyi let out a soul-deep sight before pulling the younger omega into her arms firmly, sensing that she needed an embrace. The younger woman went into her arms willing and started to weep.

The married couple traded a glance, silently communicating their support for each other. Yongsun was seated on the couch, facing her wife. It was also difficult for Yongsun to allow Julia Moon and Minhyuk to be enslaved by the True Family after just a brief respite. She was moved by the sincere devotion of Julia to Byulyi, she had loved her so much that she had only felt relief knowing that Byulyi had survived the mobile accident and had managed to leave the True Family. The proud ballerina was contented to be a single mother to Minhyuk and a widow for the rest of her life by honouring Byulyi’s personal decision for ‘Moon Heungjin’ to remain dead.

Yongsun knew that Byulyi felt no hint of guilt for the plight of Julia. The silver-haired alpha had never loved the older woman, simply seeing her as the accepted bride of Moon Heungjin and thus did not feel the same ache that the older CEO felt. If Byulyi had once loved the ballerina, then the silver-haired alpha would feel very differently about the situation. No matter their differing feelings, the CEO appreciated Byulyi’s respect for her feelings and opinion.

The sobs that wrecked the body of Wheein soon petered out. Byulyi took the tissue that Yongsun offered and cleaned the tears Wheein’s cheek like an indulgent older sister, her gaze gentle and understanding.

In face of Byulyi’s affections, Wheein bowed her head in shame. She was far too judgemental. She had hurled accusations at Byulyi relentlessly even though the older alpha had allowed her into her confidence. The blue-haired omega felt horrible at once. “Unnie,” hiccupped Wheein, tears filling her eyes once again. “I’m sorry—”

Byulyi cupped her cheek gently, staring deeply into her eyes. “It’s forgiven, Wheepup. I don’t want to stereotype and explain away your protectiveness over Minhyuk as a sentiment of an omega,” joked Byulyi, her eyes sparkling with humour. “I accept your viewpoint and hear that we could do more as a pack for Minhyuk and Mrs Moon.” She hesitated for a moment, her brows furrowing. “I’ve a very small heart, just sufficient to care for my mate and my pack.” She smiled dryly. “In the case of Minhyuk, I’m nothing but a convenient Sire, no different from any other donors. He wasn’t conceived out of my devotion and love I share with my lover. I’m not inclined to risk the pack for them.”

Wheein’s heart fell at the crystallisation of Byulyi’s thoughts. The younger omega turned sharply to the right and glance at Yongsun. She noticed that the CEO had also became sombre. “Unnie, what if you could help them from the plight without risking us?” She looked at her hopefully.

The silver-haired alpha became contemplative at once, thinking through the possibilities unhurriedly. “Wheepup, the issue isn’t about freeing them from the clutches of the True Family. The issue lies in what Mrs Moon and Minhyuk could do after freeing themselves from the True Family,” explained Byulyi patiently. “I do not see that Mrs Moon has the determination to leave the True Family and they would only rely on us for support if they were freed.”

The blue-haired omega finally comprehended Byulyi’s reticence. If they had tried to free Julia and her son, they had to take that responsibility of protecting and caring for them. She felt defeated at once.

“Wheepup, if you really desire to do something for Minhyuk, you could always guarantee his future financially if he chooses to leave the True Family,” suggested Byulyi after several moments of contemplation. “You don’t have to since we won’t know if he would leave the True Family. However, that will ensure that when he does, he doesn’t need to worry about his security and finances.”

Yongsun nodded absently, agreeing with the idea at once. Among the members of the pack, Wheein had the largest purse due to her gift. She smiled brightly. “That’s a good idea. I’ll call my lawyer now!” She leapt away from Byulyi’s thighs, her eyes bright with enthusiasm.

“Slow down, Wheepup. Don’t forget about dinner tonight,” reminded the silver-haired alpha, amused. Her nose was scrunched adorably as she smiled at her lopsidedly.  “Your heart wants to take you as her partner.”

Wheein pressed her cheeks with her hands. “Yah! I forgot about that. I’m going to pretty myself up for that dinner. See you later, Pretty Unnie and Unnie.” She flung her arms around Yongsun in a quick hug before running off in the direction of her suite.

The CEO shook her head indulgently before turning to glance at her brooding mate. The silver-haired alpha slipped into her thoughts when the younger omega left their suite. She stood up slowly, brushing her golden tresses away from her face absently. She tried not to startle her wife by moving steadily and slowly, giving Byulyi ample opportunities to move away if she did not wish to for physical contact.

“Hello stranger,” greeted Yongsun, her distinctive generous lips curving in a sweet smile, cute little indents appearing under her lips. She looked unusually youthful when she smiled sincerely.

Byulyi smiled faintly at her attempt at humour, guiding the older woman to straddle her thighs so that they were face to face. The silver-haired alpha did not speak, choosing to card her hand through her blond hair with loving attentiveness. She focused fully on this menial task, as if it was the most important and sensitive job in the world. Her long fingers gently ran through her straight blond hair in a soothing and rhythmically manner and Yongsun relaxed at once. She understood that this was Byulyi’s way of searching for comfort as she mused over decisions and affairs.

Yongsun mirrored her actions, carding her hand through her gleaming silver hair with equal affection, her eyes a wealth of love. That pert and defined nose crinkled as two dimples appeared on her high cheekbones as she smiled fondly. She picked the other hand and pressed her lips on it, closing her eyes to savour the sweet contact.

“Star-ah, you look like you’re planning a delicate and insidious op,” mused Yongsun, tracing her brow with a finger sweetly. “Should I be mentally prepared?” She joked, smiling to herself.

Byulyi shared that smile, amused that Yongsun believed herself to be funny. “Yong, you aren’t wrong but I’m waiting for new essential players to move.” She answered earnestly, not seeing a point to hide her plotting. The smile faded from her face. “Master will be there at the dinner tonight. I’m sure that he would try to be introduced to us. He’s looking forward to meeting you. Anyway, he’s probably there to babysit his pawn.” Her face became dark, promising death and destruction.

The CEO frowned. “Would you rather not attend this dinner party host by the Parks tonight? Their only daughter has decided to opt out by hiding in our guest suite, I don’t see why we cannot do the same.” She massaged her tensed shoulder gently.

The silver-haired alpha shook her head lightly. “Yong, you have just climbed the social ranks by devouring the Lee Chaebol. There is even more interest in you and speculations of your ambitions. I think it’s favourable for your reputation to turn up at such prestigious event to show that the recent events haven’t changed you. We can also glean some information about the True Family’s standing here. Of course, you could always ignore the invitation. I’m here. I’ll do anything to protect you.” She kissed the hand of Yongsun tenderly.

The CEO contemplated for several moments, brushing the back of her hand against the cheekbone of Byulyi soothingly. The silver-haired alpha was so indulgent that she could tweaked her plans just to suit her needs. Her heart softened with love for this beautiful and thoughtful woman. She did not fear any storms with Byulyi by her side since the latter would find ways to navigate through them.

“Yong-ah, I have something I wish to confess but you must promise not to get too mad,” blurted Byulyi suddenly.

Yongsun glanced at her suspiciously. She evicted from the lap of Byulyi as the younger woman straightened herself stiffly as if she was bracing herself for a scolding. She folded her arms. “I’m guessing that this confession will awaken the green-eyed monster?” She raised a brow at her.

“Maybe?” Byulyi hedged uneasily, shrugging. She caught herself bouncing her lap nervously and halted that action. “Sugar-ah, Rong Unnie knew about my relationship with Minhyuk when she caught me in his bedroom last night.” She rubbed the back of her nape uneasily. “I had no choice but to explain to her.”

The CEO scowled at once. “Last night huh,” parroted Yongsun, her face remaining stiffly neutral. Her unblinking gaze had Byulyi shifting uncomfortably in her seat. She rose to her feet slowly, giving her a forlorn puppy look. She wasn’t swayed by that adorable display, steeling her heart at that cuteness overload. She wasn’t going to let her wife off the hooks so easily. “Are you telling me that after our vigorous lovemaking last night, you had left me for a while to speak to a very single, beautiful omega alone in the dead of the night?”

Byulyi wanted to deny at once out of instinct but she considered her question. It sounded wrong in many ways but it was true. “Not exactly that way,” began the silver-haired alpha trying to point out the errors in the statement. “Uh…you’re right,” decided Byulyi finally, defeated.

When Yongsun glared at her, Byulyi reached for her hands desperately. “Yong-ah, I can explain!” The CEO allowed her to clasp her hands but still stared at her accusingly. “Sugar, I was overwhelmed by the revelations after meeting Master. I just wanted to see Minhyuk, the little boy whom I’m the convenient sire,” admitted the future leader earnestly. “And Rong Unnie caught me.” She sighed, looking helpless. “Yong-ah, it’s your fault. Your friends are equally stubborn, intelligent and confrontation like you.”

The eyes of Yongsun widened at once. “Now it’s my fault?”

Byulyi puffed her cheeks. “Of course, Yong. I wouldn’t be kept away from you if your best friend did not confront me,” justified Byulyi, allowing some heat in her tone so that she sounded like she an outraged victim. “Besides, didn’t I leave our bed due to your best friend? I had to rescue her cousin,” gushed Byulyi, on a self-righteous tirade, slapping her hands together to make a point.

The CEO gave her an unfriendly smile, but she allowed the younger woman to believe that she had gotten away scot-free with her outburst. “Is that so?” Yongsun asked sweetly. “Why don’t you pin the blame on me for taking in Rong and Minhyuk then?” She folded her arms across her chest impatiently. “Yah! Why don’t you go on, Moon Byulyi—”

“—Kim-Moon Byulyi,” mumbled Byulyi, correcting her wife under her breath. “If you want to use my full name, you shouldn’t get it wrong, Yong.”

The muscle under Yongsun’s brow twitched at her cheek. She gritted her teeth and continued. “OK.” She nodded at herself, looking edgy. “Our Kim-Moon Byulyi is definitely not in the wrong—”

Byulyi held her hands, smiling weakly at her. She coughed, uncomfortable. “Uh, I guess I should take some responsibility.” She rubbed the back of her neck, losing her bravado at once, appearing meek.

“Should you?” goaded Yongsun silkily, looking unimpressed.

“I’m sorry, Yong,” blurted Byulyi at once. “Will you forgive me?” She asked softly. “I’ll do anything.”

The older woman harrumphed. “Oh really? You wouldn’t even stay in my bed after we loved each other.”

Byulyi offered her both arms to her. “Yong, you could chain me to your side,” suggested the younger woman with a scrunched-nose smile generously.  “There is nowhere else I rather be.” Despite the humour in her voice, her blue eyes was saturated with sincere affection.

All that affection in Byulyi’s eyes had Yongsun blushing furiously and she smacked her chest hard before she fled in the direction of her office. The younger woman merely threw her head back and laughed brightly at the way that Yongsun adorably shied away from her. “Yong, don’t forget about me,” quipped Byulyi, chasing after her and gluing on her like an annoying stain.

Chorong joined the bickering married couple in the private office of Yongsun, shocked when Yongsun gave her a death glare. Byulyi instantly mouthed ‘last night’ and the intelligent PA got the hint at once and avoided annoying her best friend. Her remuneration was simply not high enough for her to deal with the mood swings of her best friend when it came to her wife. It seemed like Byulyi possessed no such desire, pestering and annoying the CEO until the latter unglued her from her side and kicked her out of the office.

“The next time I see you, it better be when we’re going for the dinner,” concluded Yongsun sternly before she shut the office door and locked it from the inside. The CEO had forgotten totally about the rendezvous between her PA and Byulyi last night, simply relieved that she could finally focus on her work. “How can a person be so annoying,” complained the blond under her breath as she returned to her seat.

The PA hid her smile, amused by the sweet married couple and the intriguing way that they defuse conflicts and reconcile. Obviously, Yongsun enjoyed the undivided attention from her alpha even though it was costing her precious time at work. She may looked upset due to Byulyi’s pestering but the CEO secretly enjoyed it and thus silently approving of her younger mate’s antics. She sighed to herself, wondering when a mate like Byulyi would cross her way.

“By dinner, you’re referring to the circus that my parents are hosting in their mansion, Yong?” Chorong questioned solemnly. She clasped her hands politely, looking troubled. She had fallen out with her family due to their beliefs and had tried to stay away from them.

Yongsun did not lift her head from her screen, studying the screen swiftly. “Ah huh. Apparently, I’m now officially part of the exclusive guest list after the take over of the Lee Chaebol.”

Chorong nodded at once, surprised by her best friend’s political acumen. She had always felt that Yongsun was like a goddess, famed for her beauty but never descending to mingle with the mortals. “Yong, you aren’t wrong. I had the impression that you don’t socialise.”

The CEO nodded. “My dear Rong, you aren’t wrong. Byul convinced me to accept the invitation to appear magnanimous and dovish. Kim Inc was a sizable firm but it wasn’t so influential to be considered a mover and shaker in the world of commence. The prevailing reputation of disliking to socialise because I’m busy solving the internal issues of Kim Inc was totally acceptable. Now, I don’t really have the choice.” She shrugged absently. “We need partners. The base of Wheepup and Irene’s operation are not here so we need to maintain friendly relationships.” She steepled her hands together.

“How about Moonlight Lounge?” Chorong questioned. It wasn’t true that Solar Kim had no allies since Hwasa seemed to be serious about dating the baby sister of the pack, Wheein. “They are a very respectable partner with considerable influence on both sides of the law.”

Yongsun hummed a sound of acknowledgement. “We don’t have a formal partnership,” clarified the CEO honestly. “At this point, I don’t think it’s necessary. I kinda still want Kim Inc to remain authentic to my Apa’s dream.” She drummed her fingers on the desk absently, studying the demo. She sighed. “Sheesh, she’s real talented.”

The PA could not help but giggle, knowing the reason for Yongsun’s sigh. She had to calm the head of the game designing department when she had handed him the new updates for the popular MMORPG that Kim Inc was famous for. The story was written to honour the founder, Mr Kim as the main character. The character was faithful to the founder, a bold dreamer. It included anecdotes from the Kim sisters and CFO Ahn. When the head learnt that it was the work of a singular game designer who had even streamline the files and pushed the boundaries of graphics, he had gone raving mad, demanding the PA to introduce him to the mysterious designer.

Yongsun smiled to herself, feeling the sting in her eyes as Apa seemed to be alive in this game update. Byulyi had taken a lot of time and effort to craft him so that he would be a faithful representation of the founder. She had justified that this was her Father-in-Law, hence she needed to ensure that it was authentic.

How would Apa feel that they were commemorating him in the game that he had painstakingly created and invest

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Swfsmoo #1
Chapter 35: Love the story... Thank you author ❤
194 streak #2
Chapter 35: Marvelous! tyvm for this!
Chapter 35: Wow… thank you authornim ❤️ I enjoyed every chapter. Now I wanna see 4 kids with silver hair and blue eyes 😂
_moongalaxy #4
Chapter 35: i know i'm late but....ahahahahahaha it's on you byul for being the only jobless person to care for the pups🤣
and congratulation for this ending of an amazing story author-nim🥳👏🏻💜
tiggerbounced #5
Chapter 35: this was honestly an amazing ride, really enjoyed it thanks so much for creating this universe!
sspy1006 #6
Chapter 35: Ooo...loved my sweet happy ending :) Thanks for an interesting read
Chapter 35: Aww! I can’t believe it’s over, I’m going to miss reading your updates :c I really fell in love with the story and each character, everyone had great personalities (but my fave will always be Byul) thank you for giving me a roller coaster of emotions in every chapter, I love your stories author nim! ❤️
Ichig02101 #8
Chapter 35: I love this story so much😍
Its a masterpiece authornim. Tq
One of my fav story
Gwkazu #9
Chapter 35: Aww love this so muchh😭😭🥹
_moongalaxy #10
Chapter 34: 🎢🎢🎢😂😭🤭😳🙈