Chapter 16: Being in love changes things

The Marriage of Convenience
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“Why are we here, Hamzi?” Kang Seulgi asked her childhood friend after they had placed their order. The two alphas had bolted out of home to grab a drink at the pub. It was Moon Byulyi who hatched the plan first and waited until Kim Yongsun was busy with work to grab the barrister and convince the latter to drink them here.

“Do we need a reason to drink?” Moon Byulyi asked, quirking a brow at her sceptically. There was a reason she had introduced Seulgi to her wife as her drinking partner since they often drank when they reunited. “I just wanted some time out after everything that we have been through.”

The barrister hummed a sound of acknowledgment. “It had been a very eventful few days. I managed to slap an attempted murder on the sergeant of the front desk. He was placed on front desk duty for shooting an alpha wrongfully. He shot at you without provocation, disrupted the order and caused mayhem would be taken into view when we build the case. As you know, there is no laws protecting alphas in this country so I have to slowly build the case to ensure his conviction.”

Byulyi’s eyes darkened as she snorted. “If he is convicted by the law with a suitable punishment, he ought to thank his lucky stars.” Unsaid was the intention of Byulyi to kill him for opening fire at Yongsun. That was an offence she would not forgive. Hence, the young officer would be left alone.

The barrister simply moved on for legal purposes. “The Kangs had finally sent their younger members over to clear their e. I think Leader Kang was hoping that I would train them since they were effectively whelps. However, I just tossed them overboard. The police will closed the case on the murder of one Mrs Kim soon. They will also stay to follow up with the cases of suing the police for brutality, unlawful detainment, and the kidnap of an alpha.” She clasped her hand together, her fine brows furrowed. “At least they had sent their friendlier members.” She made a face at the thought of seeing the younger generation of the Kang clan hanging around this city.

Byulyi hummed a sound of acknowledgment. It was terrible to be in Seulgi’s position especially since she had left that lifestyle behind. She mirrored the barrister’s posture, studying her tense expression. “Bear, when are you going to tell me that you have married?”

Seulgi’s eyes widened in shock, astonished by the out-of-the blue question that she did not maintain a neutral expression. “Aiggo, did you have to use this conventional method of grilling a person on me? I would have told you if you had asked nicely.” She frowned, looking away.

“Someone is really audacious huh,” smiled Byulyi, looking impressed. “When did you and Irene tied the knot?” She drummed her fingers on the table.

“Just before I left for my clan. I took a leaf from your books and married Hyunnie in a civil ceremony so that she could activate the relevant authorities to rescue me. I didn’t expect Hyunnie to tell you and be part of the rescue mission.” She shook her head lightly. “She has an admirable spirit of determination,” gushed the younger alpha, her gaze remarkably tender.

Byulyi found that gaze very familiar, but she could not put her finger on it. It did not stop her from rolling her eyes. “You could have told us. Yong is your wife’s best friend and you’re mine.” There was some petulance in her voice.

The barrister leaned backwards into her seat, relaxed. “No, we will have a wedding eventually. That wedding will take place in New York where her family is based. It needs to be very grand to fit her social status.”

The maître arrived with their drinks, just pale ale from the tap for them.

Seulgi tipped the maître and pushed one pint towards the purple-haired alpha. They clinked their mugs together. “To marriage of convenience.”

The older alpha drank from her chilled mug and exhaled at the smooth way the golden, bubbling liquid entered . She wiped away the froth on her lips with the back of her hand absently.

The barrister mimicked the way she drank, enjoying the beverage to the fullest. Those dignified wine tasters a table away were giving them disgruntled looks at the apparent lack of poise since this was a fine establishment.

“How is yours a marriage of convenience?” Byulyi questioned.

“Irene needed a reason to stay here. Her wife working on some cases here is a good reason for her to stay away from her clan. The Baes are a lot more stricter on the whereabouts of their main family since kidnapping is a real big problem.”

The future leader nodded absently. The Baes were fashion moguls, not marital families so they were susceptible to kidnapping. “I would like to see these kidnappers try while your Irene lives with us.”

Seulgi chuckled fondly. “I know. If the attempt is successful, I’m sure your master would have words about you.”

Byulyi shrugged nonchalantly. “Along with my wife. Irene Unnie is her best friend.”

The barrister laughed. She knew that the older alpha was more concerned about the scolding she would receive from her wife rather than her master.

“Bear, you know more about women and omegas than me. How important are weddings to them?” Byulyi asked suddenly, setting down her mug to give her answer her full attention.

“In general or a specific omega on your mind?” The barrister asked playfully, watching the way the purple-haired blushed furiously as she looked away. “Why so sudden huh? Did you somehow develop feelings for that beautiful, smart and awesome omega that you share a room with?”

Byulyi’s lips thinned as she recalled that sweet scene at the side of the pool. It was post-ic haze and she was trapped against the wall of the pool by her contented wife. She had kissed the older woman sweetly and confessed to her with trepidation and uncertainty if that overwhelming feeling that brought tears to her eyes was love.

That faraway look in Byulyi’s eyes made the younger alpha frown. She set her mug down heavily. “Hamzi, you developed feelings for Yong Unnie?” She asked with some vehemence.

Byulyi glanced at the barrister, surprised. “Is that difficult to imagine? I’m simply a mortal—”

“Yes,” snapped Seulgi and scrubbed her face tiredly. “Hamzi, I had imagined that you just wanted to have a taste of normalcy for the moment and all these was just your way of savouring this foreign lifestyle.”

The future leader frowned. “Bear, do you think I’m that frivolous?” There was some heat in her low tone. “I have never approached this exile as a last hurray or my first foray at experience a life outside of the organisation.”

“,” growled the barrister, raking her hand through her hair absently. “This is going to be a disaster.” She finished the mug in a swing, not realising that the light-hearted purple-haired alpha had become murderous, emanating an invincible and suffocating presence that made other patrons nervous. When she lifted her face, she saw that Byulyi’s eyes had darkened—a rare sight of true anger. “Hamzi, please control yourself,” placated the barrister, lifting her hands into the air immediately.

Byulyi,who realised that she had allowed herself to be consumed by anger, immediately suppressed it. She took the mug and finished it in a swing rapidly. She raised a finger, ordering another round.

Tense silence stretched between the two good friends as they used the space to regroup themselves. Never had Seulgi seen Byulyi lost her temper since the latter was very disciplined and possessed an incredible self-control. She also needed to use this time to build a convincing argument, analysing the possible claims that Byulyi would think of. Finally, she stopped herself—Byulyi was her good friend, not a witness on the stand or another lawyer.

“Hamzi,” began Seulgi, sighing wearily. “Why do you think your master is alone? He is a damn attractive, talented and powerful male alpha. He should have sufficient suitors to form a line around the world if they queue in a line. I’m sure he has been across the world too—”

“—He doesn’t want to be tied down by a relationship,” interrupted Byulyi when she noticed that her good friend was rumbling from her nerves. The very sight of the well-reasoned, intelligent smiling barrister giving away to this spluttering, uncertain younger alpha before her doused her anger completely. She decided to take the olive branch offered and relaxed. “His choice was never due to the organisation. On the contrary, the organisation encourages normal relationships for better cover. A very good example of that would be serial killers.” She became silent when the maître returned with a round of draft pale ale from tap.

Once again, Seulgi tipped the maître and handed a mug to Byulyi. “OK, I’m listening. That was a good point.” She nodded to herself, brushing her long hair back. “As long I don’t have to comfort my wife because my best friend broke her best friend’s heart, I’m all for it.”

Byulyi inhaled sharply, scowling at her. “I don’t ever want to break Yong’s heart.” Her eyes darkened slightly before they returned to the usual blue. She pinched the bridge of her nose at her glitching self-control. “I have already told Unnie everything. When I need to return, I’ll also let her and give her the choice to decide to stay or follow me back. After all, we have a house her with our pack. I’ll be assured even if she chooses not to leave with me.”

“You mean a city under the governance of the very talented pack?” Seulgi snorted. Understanding dawned on her. “Hamzi! How long have you been planning this? With such a city, you could very well leave and return under radar.”

There was a faint smile on her cherry-shaped lips.

“It’s not exactly totally my idea. Would you believe if Wheepup fine-tuned it for the sake of her heart?” She chuckled to herself, shaking her head. What would all of them do for love? “Ah, I forgot about our drinking session. I don’t bring the pup with us simply because she won’t be able to keep up.” She folded her arms resting on the table. “Our greatest problem is to justify the maintenance of a substantial security force. My first thought was to park it under Moonlight but it is also an issue. After all that was meant to be an intelligence agency.” She scratched the sided of her nose distractedly.

“Oh, that’s the simplest question you asked me tonight,” answered the cheeky barrister instantly. “Don’t get caught,” winked the younger alpha, sipping her mug of beer openly.

The future leader moved her head in a so-so way. “I guess that’s the solution.” She reached for her mug and sipped from it. “Should I give Yong a wedding?” The purple-haired alpha mused suddenly. Now that the married couple was sure of their feelings for each other, she wanted to give the CEO the best. “Girls tend to plan their own wedding and whatnot, right?” She scratched the side of her face absently. “And Yongsun had a normal childhood. She must have dreamt about her wedding.”

“Here comes the complicated question,” joked Seulgi, opening her hands up exaggeratedly. She noticed that the older woman was not laughing. “Hamzi, you’re serious about it huh.” She shook her head in disbelief. “Who are you really? My Hamzi is allergic to that institution.” The barrister knew of the purple-haired woman’s distaste for the institution, though not the reason for it. She sipped her mug of beer, knowing that she could nothing to dissuade her friend, all she could do was to support her fully.

The purple-haired alpha met her gaze solemnly. “It’s Yong,” maintained the future leader gravely. “I just want her to have the best. She deserves the best.” Her gaze became unusually gentle.

Why wouldn’t Seulgi not understand that sentiment? She was equally crazy about her short and adorable Unnie who packed so much dynamite in that slight frame of hers. “Ah, I know why you’re so crazy about her, Hamzi,” decided the barrister sagely, shaking a finger at her. The barrister looked very serious and leaned closer to her as if they were sharing secrets. Byulyi assumed that the younger alpha indeed had the answer, closed the distance and played along.

“Did Unnie pop your cherry?” Seulgi waggled her brows at her.

Byulyi’s sapphire eyes widened like saucer before her face became tomato-red. “What the hell?” The older alpha growled, leaping backwards. She grabbed her mug and finished it in a swing, trying to flush away her mortification.

Of everything, she did not expect her best friend to be spot-on.

Seulgi threw her head backwards and burst out laughing, clapping her hands happily at her embarrassment. It was always good to be able to tease the older alpha.

“Bear, you’re really something,” remarked the slightly annoyed alpha, looking away. “If we weren’t in public, you’ll lose that smirk of yours right now,” taunted the older alpha. The light-hearted twinkle in her eyes faded. “You might be on something? I was taught that the first-time is often memorable.”

The barrister snorted. What on earth was this alpha taught? “It is indeed memorable since it can swing both ways. In my case, I would always remember it because it was bloody embarrassing. There was this older and beautiful omega that I wanted to impress—”

“—I know that tale. Your wonderful brother told me when he was training under Master.” Her tone was full of derision. “Apparently, this older and beautiful omega that you had an eye on was interested in your older brother but decided to indulge you—”

Seulgi raised a finger, ordering another round. “I’m not drunk enough to hear what my Oppa might have told you about that time. We’ll return to the subject at the end of the night.”

Byulyi chuckled openly, her nose crinkled. “You mean at dawn right? What time does this fine establishment closes anyway?” She looked around and noticed that there were quite a number of patrons.

“Late.” Seulgi was glad for the change of the subject. She glanced at her close friend curiously since she knew that the latter was badly hurt. “You let Unnie do all the work?” Her eyes widened dramatically.

The purple-haired alpha blushed once again. “Ditto.”

The two alphas shared a look before they burst out laughing.

The maître cleared their table and offered them a variety of alcohol beverages. The two alphas continued to stick to beer since that was their thing whenever they had a reunion.

“It’s not the intimacy,” offered Byulyi freely after they had finished another two more rounds swiftly. “That stupid woman tried to take a shot for me,” hissed Byulyi, frowning. “I didn’t even know I could feel so much in a moment when she leapt into the way.”

“Wow,” gushed Seulgi, impressed. She had no idea that the stoic CEO had such guts. “That’s amazing for a woman who has never witnessed such violence and an omega to boot. You’ll expect that sort of protective behaviour from omegas for their pups—”

Byulyi raised a brow. “—Shut it. I’m not her pup and we were not together then.” The vehemence in her tone was amusing and the barrister decided not to take it too far lest the older alpha challenge her to a combat like a proper alpha.

She raised her hands up in surrender immediately. “I’m not infantilising your relationship with Unnie. I’m merely stating facts. Anyway, it’s really incredible. I’m unsurprised that thawed your iceberg of a heart.”

The older alpha sighed. “Where could I learn about love from? My parents erted that idea and we were too busy surviving to consider anything else. Anyway, I’m equally surprised by Yong’s courage to be in a relationship again after the betrayal from her kin and her former beau.” There was only admiration in her eyes.

“What about these icy, powerful and reassured omegas that makes them so irresistible?” Seulgi sighed wistfully, propping her face with a hand. She finished her beer and ordered another round for them.

The purple-haired alpha decided not to answer that question. She had been fascinated with Yongsun from the very first time their eyes met. She could not wrap around her mind over a well-dressed and sweet omega entering the premise that she was held and wished for a face-to-face meeting.

She finished her drink and stretched slowly, her ribs aching badly.

“Hamzi, are you not worried about losing your self-control completely?” Seulgi asked her suddenly, her eyes bright.

Byulyi froze and sighed. “Huh. You noticed.”

The barrister shook her head. “Eventually, Unnie and you would be mates and you will have synchronised heat. How are you planning to deal with that?”

The purple-haired alpha frowned openly, running her hand through her hair absently. “I don’t quite know though. I understand that we will be in a happy feral state to knot in our mates. I don’t know if there is a difference in that and normal feral besides having a knot. I think until I kinda figure it out, I’m really going into this slow—”

Seulgi nodded absently. “What if your Unnie was threatened? You have shown several times that you had nearly lost control when it involved her welfare—”

“I did not hurt Mother,” quipped Byulyi vehemently.

“And you weren’t in love with your Unnie then,” added Seulgi as if she was uninterrupted. She sipped her mug of beer. “How dangerous are you when you lose control?”

The purple-haired alpha inhaled and exhaled loudly, setting a mug down. “Li

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Swfsmoo #1
Chapter 35: Love the story... Thank you author ❤
194 streak #2
Chapter 35: Marvelous! tyvm for this!
Chapter 35: Wow… thank you authornim ❤️ I enjoyed every chapter. Now I wanna see 4 kids with silver hair and blue eyes 😂
_moongalaxy #4
Chapter 35: i know i'm late but....ahahahahahaha it's on you byul for being the only jobless person to care for the pups🤣
and congratulation for this ending of an amazing story author-nim🥳👏🏻💜
tiggerbounced #5
Chapter 35: this was honestly an amazing ride, really enjoyed it thanks so much for creating this universe!
sspy1006 #6
Chapter 35: Ooo...loved my sweet happy ending :) Thanks for an interesting read
Chapter 35: Aww! I can’t believe it’s over, I’m going to miss reading your updates :c I really fell in love with the story and each character, everyone had great personalities (but my fave will always be Byul) thank you for giving me a roller coaster of emotions in every chapter, I love your stories author nim! ❤️
Ichig02101 #8
Chapter 35: I love this story so much😍
Its a masterpiece authornim. Tq
One of my fav story
Gwkazu #9
Chapter 35: Aww love this so muchh😭😭🥹
_moongalaxy #10
Chapter 34: 🎢🎢🎢😂😭🤭😳🙈