Private Message

Groupchat: Greg0r

Allihaveismoney ✔
immanly ✔
Notmystyle ✔
Bubbleteaking ✔
Laymedown ✔
Chickennuggets4life ✔

[ Everyone online? ❌]


immanly: *claps hands*

Idontgiveacrap: *joins in*

Allihaveismoney: *claps loudly*


Idontgiveacrap: And I told you, you were supposed to go out with Luhan but you don't hear me complaining

Real_Dumbo: Why didn't you listen to your Eomma? Hmm? Plus it's just past lunch!

immanly: Baek leave it, it's fine

Idontgiveacrap: He has a date you know

Real_Dumbo: Ah you missed your chance Sehun!!

Bubbleteaking: Wait what?

You have a date?

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Private chat: immanly

Idontgiveacrap: Don't question, just go with it!!

immanly: Go with what?

Idontgiveacrap: In the groupchat just go with what I'm saying

immanly: WTF!!

Baek I don't have a date!

IdontgiveacrapWe are giving Sehun the chance to get jealous!

immanly: Or give him a reason to get away from me!

Idontgiveacrap: That won't happen

immanly: How can you be so sure?

Idontgiveacrap: Call it Eomma's instinctive

immanly: I don't think that's what it's called...

Idontgiveacrap: Read my username

immanly: Why haven't you changed it back yet?

Idontgiveacrap: Not bothered

Too much effort

immanly: You're words were:

Life is a path of efforts

Idontgiveacrap: Doesn't mean I live up to them

immanly: Aish!

Fine I'll go alone with your plan

Idontgiveacrap: Good, tell Kyung too

immanly: He's reading these over my shoulder

Idontgiveacrap: Good so he'll know about the situation when he texts back

immanly: Yeah... I guess?


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Group chat: Greg0r

immanly: Yeah I have a date

Idontgiveacrap: With this really hot guy

Real_Dumbo: You do know I'm right here right?

Idontgiveacrap: Aish...

Bubbleteaking: But I thought that you said that me and Luhan were going to get together

Idontgiveacrap: Well you missed your shot, this guy is very interesting I can see a future with him for Lu!

Bubbleteaking: What's his name?

Satansoo: Jisoo

Bubbleteaking: The guy from your acting class?!?

Satansoo: Yeah?

immanly: I came to pick up Kyungsoo so we could go to the libabry to study. He approached me and asked for my number

Idontgiveacrap: When is the date Lu?

immanly: He's taking me out at 6

Satansoo: Which I can't wait for

Idontgiveacrap: I bet Lu was so overdramatic about going on the date

Allihaveismoney: Aww my baby is growing up!!

Notmystyle: I'm proud of you Hannie!!

Satansoo: OH MY GOSH Baek he wouldn't shut up about it

Laymedown: Can I play guitar at your wedding?

Chickennuggets4life: Woah Lu going on a date?! Congrats man!

immanly: Ah, thanks for the support guys!

Idontgiveacrap: No problem Lu I have a good feeling about this guy ;)

Real_Dumbo: I just need to apologise in Sehunnie's steed for not taking the chance to be with you

immanly: Ah he said it himself he didn't want to be with me anyway

Laymedown: ouch...

Chickennuggets4life: At least Lu said it honestly, shows that he knew Sehun didn't care

Bubbleteaking: Who said I didn't care?

Idontgiveacrap: You did when you said you were explaining that Suho told Lay about my ship for you two!

Notmystyle: Where is he taking you?

immanly: To the movies, it's a pretty good movie too

Allihaveismoney: What is it?

immanly: Black Panther, he likes Marvel movies!

Idontgiveacrap: You're so lucky!!

Satansoo: Already seen it

Chickennuggets4life: Well part of it....

Idontgiveacrap: I don't wanna know

Real_Dumbo: Interesting

immanly: I'm nervous...

Idontgiveacrap: Don't worry!

Tonight is going to be fun!

immanly: I guess you're right

Bubbleteaking: Wait why would you guys need to go to the libabry school, hasnt started yet?

Satansoo: I had to do a script for my acting class

immanly: Yeah that

Idontgiveacrap: Poor Lulu too nervous to even think straight

Bubbleteaking: Or just too crazy to think properly

immanly: That's true

But Jisoo didn't mind hehe

Bubbleteaking: of course he doesn't

Real_Dumbo: Baekkie answer our pm

(1) New message from Real_Dumbo

Chickennuggets4life: ooooo how interesting...

Idontgiveacrap: Leave me alone Kai

Allihaveismoney: Kai shut up

Laymedown: Let the innocent ones be

Notmystyle: Innocent?

Are you kidding me?!

Bubbleteaking: My parents innocent?


immanly: Hey Baek is innocent!

Real_Dumbo: I haven't done anything!!

I literally just had my first kiss that's it

Idontgiveacrap: Wait you haven't done anything?

Like ual before?

immanly: Well this just got awkward..

Chickennuggets4life: Its the dudes 3rd day here and everyone already knows he's innocent...poor Chan

Real_Dumbo: If you must know, I only had my first kiss and I got off before nothing else

Notmystyle: More than any action the rest of you got

Laymedown: That's true

Idontgiveacrap: Well I haven't done anything

Pandajams joined the conversation

Bubbleteaking: What about your first kiss? Do you still have that?

Satansoo: Yeah Baek do you?

Allihaveismoney: Honey it's okay to tell

Idontgiveacrap: I'm not sure

immanly: Huh?

Idontgiveacrap: Its complicated I had a dream where I kissed this guy in kindergarden but I don't remember his name or if it even happened

The idea of it is so faded

Real_Dumbo: Really?

Idontgiveacrap: Why do you care anyway?

Bubbleteaking: Luhan when did you say that guy was coming to pick you up again?

Real_pcy: I need to know what my future husband has done before I can become his last everything!!

Bubbleteaking: Ew

Allihaveismoney: Awwwww

Laymedown: How cute!!

Notmystyle: I just threw up in my mouth a little...

Pandajams: At least he does cute things!


Idontgiveacrap: Huh that was sweet

immanly: 6 Sehun

Bubbleteaking: Huh alright

Satansoo: That time cannot come any quicker, I want him out of the dorm

Idontgiveacrap: Hehe~

Real_Dumbo: ^ㅅ^

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747 streak #1
Chapter 33: Welcome back and thank you for the update, I really enjoyed this chapter. The others pressing them for details was too funny, but they were right to keep the specifics to themselves. I love that they’re getting to know each other again, and it’s not a case of too much, too soon.
747 streak #2
Chapter 32: Aww, the entire scene in the garden was just beautiful. You can feel the mentioned chemistry, it’s practically palpable. Happy New Year and thank you for the update.
Beau1996 1379 streak #3
Chapter 2: Nice start - I like the back and forth in the chat!!
747 streak #4
Chapter 31: Thank you for the update, you never disappoint.

I hated that the little witch managed to hurt Baek, but at least Chanyeol was able to dish it back to her. Needless to say, I don’t think she’ll be hurting anyone else.

The guys banter is so much fun to read, especially Sehun’s comments. That boy is a whole mood on his own. Baek and Chan’s reactions to each other never get old either. Can’t wait to see the start of university life.
747 streak #5
Chapter 30: Oh my gosh, all the drama surrounding their first meeting could not have been more fitting, I absolutely loved the buildup. Chanyeol’s “hey, baby” was so y, but not sure it was meant to be exactly.☺️ I can just see Baek taking a flying leap into his arms. Thank you so much for this update.
747 streak #6
Chapter 29: A lot sooner than he thinks!😉 I loved this chapter, Baek’s happiness at seeing the others was palpable. I almost shed a tear myself when he hugged everyone.🥹
747 streak #7
Chapter 28: The suspense is killing me! I can’t wait for Chanyeol to show up and surprise Baek.😁
747 streak #8
Chapter 8: I’m still getting caught up, but this is so cute! I love your idea of telling the story through the chat room, as well as the characterization. The different personalities really shine through.