Private Message

Unlocking his front door, Baekhyun couldn't wait to take a shower and completely unwind from his stress-filled day with some Netflix -perhaps he could finally get around to finish watching White Collar -the show he had decided on watching after finishing Brooklyn Nine-Nine- he did want to know if the conman had succeeded in fooling the White Collar agent he worked with. 

He let out a content sigh when his school bag fell from his shoulder, landing perfectly on its bottom by the front door, tucked just right so it wouldn't interrupt when he ordered food later that evening. The next thing to come off were his shoes, the black shoes tumbled off his feet as he tucked them off with his toes. With a frustrated sigh he quickly placed them into their allocated space before stretching himself back up, a satisfying crack released the tension from his shoulders. To think that at this time tomorrow, he would be on a plane leaving behind these horrid memories brought a smile to Baekhyun's lips. He couldn't wait. 

A buzz sounded from his jacket, the student's brows furrowing in confusion as his fingers worked to draw the device from his pocket. 

Pandajams: Hey Baek you finished school?...

Satansoo: Baek text me when you're home it's important...

imabottom: Let us know when your home Baek...

Minnie: Hey Baek there's something we need to talk about...

Allihaveismoney: Baek text us back soon...

Baekhyun's brows furrowed deeper, confusion growing as he gently pushed his phone back into his pocket. He continued on into the kitchen, his friends had never requested that he message them back once he had returned from school. He didn't plan on ignoring them, but he was thirsty and in his desperation for a drink the messages were brushed off for a moment. 

A soft clang of his tumbler landing on the counter echoed throughout the tiled room, his fingertips rushing to curl around the neck of the orange juice bottle. Thankfully he had just enough to quench his thirst, having promised his mother that he wouldn't leave any food in the fridge just in case it went off while they were both away. 

A new sound echoed throughout the room, Baekhyun's free hand rushing to take his phone out from the pocket he had pushed it into a moment ago. His physically brightened when he saw just who had contacted him. 

Real_Dumbo: Hey baby

Baekhyun had never moved to answer a text message so fast. 

Idontgiveacrap: Hey I just got home

Real_Dumbo: How was school?

Idontgiveacrap: It was alright

Glad that it's over now officially

Real_Dumbo: I'm sure you are


Um I got you a present

Idontgiveacrap: A present?

Real_Dumbo: Yeah

Check your front porch


It took him a moment to fully register the text message. Chanyeol had sent him a present from Japan? And why was he so confident that it was currently on Baekhyun's porch right now? How the hell did Chanyeol know his address? Baekhyun was certain that it had never come in conversation before. 

Despite his questions, Baekhyun still found himself rushing towards his front door. His grip tight on his phone as he glanced through the peep-hole, stomach flipping once he realised what was standing outside his front door. In his desperation to get the door open, Baekhyun almost hit himself in the forehead with it. 

"Next time, answer our text messages first!" Kyungsoo scoffed, arms crossed against his chest though he was sporting a bright smile. 

Baekhyun could feel the ball form in his throat as he took in the sight of his internet friends. Suho stood towards the back of the group with Minseok right by his side. Luhan and Kyungsoo were talking closest with Tao hovering to his left, each of them looking pleased to see him. Baekhyun jumped at them, knowing that he could trust them to catch him. 

"You guys are actually here!" he shrieked, wallowing in the warmth from the group hug. 

"Surprise!" They all cheered, bringing tears to Baekhyun's eyes. He tightened his grip around them all, pulling them impossibly close. 

"You idiots!" he cried, pulling himself away to lightly dab at his eyes. "I was coming tomorrow!" 

"We couldn't wait that long," Luhan giggled, his fingers fanning his wet eyes. "so we jumped on a flight and came when we had the chance." 

"We also thought that we could be your dates to your dance." Tao announced, holding up his makeup bag with a toothy grin. 

"No need to worry about tickets either!" Suho rushed to reassure him, pulling an enevelope out of his back pocket. "we got everything covered!" 

"How?" Baekhyun whispered, allowing his emotions to shine through now as the realisation of this not being a dream finally started to sink in. 

"Why don't we go inside and talk Baek?" Kyungsoo wondered, tapping his shoulder. 

"Yeah of course!" he shrieked, pushing the door wider for them all to walk through. His group of friends rushed into the building, giggling amonsgt themselves as they bumped into each trying to take off their shoes. Baekhyun closed the door over, his eyes trained on the five other boys, heart full hearing their casual conversation fill his ears. With trembling fingers, he managed to send one last text. 

Idontgiveacrap: I don't know how you did it, but thank you so much Chanyeol 


"I completely forgot how good Korean food is!" Kyungsoo moaned through his fourth mouthful of rice. Baekhyun chuckled and offered him out a napkin, his best friend accepting it with an embarrassed smile. 

"Well consider yourselves lucky that I had enough money for all of this, Eomma completely freaked out when I called her to inform her about your arrival. She sent me so much money that I'd be able to rent an entire restaurant for the night!" Baekhyun sighed, head shaking from to side as he considered what he had just said. His Eomma truly was the best human being in this world, it was such a shame that she wasn't here to meet everyone. 

"How was your day at school today Baek?" Suho wondered, taking it upon himself to clear away the empty dishes. 

"Let's not talk about that right now," he responded with a sigh. "Let's talk about how you managed to keep this a secret from me!" 

"We nearly blew it so often!" Minseok laughed, pausing to take a sip from his coke can. "Remember when we disappeared and sais that we went shopping?" Baekhyun nodded his head, recalling it as the worst week of his life, and due how horrible every week was that meant something. "We were making sure that everything was prepared to surprise you!" 

"We bought makeup, suits, skin care, accessories and hair products!" Luhan grinned, clearly proud of himself having recalled the list of things they had brought for this special night. 

"All that for one dance?" 

"Well no, we got some other things but that can be discussed later on tonight after we come back from the dance." Tao smirked, his mysterious eyes making a shiver rush down Baekhyun's spine. 

"Look guys..." Baekhyun sighed, closing his eyes as he allowed the air to flow from his mouth. "I don't think I even want to go to the dance later.." 

"Why not?" Minseok wondered. "I mean school dances can't be that bad!" 

"They are if the Queen Bee gave you strict instructions to not go." 

The sound of a fist colliding against the coffee table, had him hopping in his seat. In surprise, his head snapped up to look at Kyungsoo who was harshly through his flared nostrils. "I swear to God I'm going to kill that ." 

"Blasphemy!" Luhan gasped, shedding some light on the serious conversation. Baekhyun found himself cracking a grin as Luhan went into ranting mode, wondering if Kyungsoo was okay since he wasn't sure if a demon could say the Lord's name and not completely burst into flames. Kyungsoo gave him a deadpanned expression, gesturing to no-flaming body. 

"I think I'm okay Lu." 

"Forget about it Kyung," Baekhyun suddenly felt filled with confidence, body straighting up, chin raising higher. "I'll go to the dance. She won't be able to touch me when you guys are there with me!" 

"Yes!" Tao cheered, throwing his arms into the air in excitement. "The character development! I love this!" 

"So," Luhan announced, wiping his hands together in his napkin. "do you have a suit?" 

"Well yeah, Eomma bought me it when I first told her about the dance." 

"Can we see it?" 

"Yeah, it's upstairs." Baekhyun had barely moved and his friends were out of the room before he could blink. He rushed to follow them up the stairs, screaming after them to lead them to where it was. "The room on the left, it's hanging on the back of the door!" 

He sighed as the door slammed in front of his face, a moment later he heard his friends squeal as their eyes finally landed on the suit. The door opened again and Baekhyun could only laugh at their facial expressions. He was pulled over the threshold, Minseok and Suho taking it upon themselves to gather the bags they had left downstairs - afterall they only had a few hours left before the dance and there was a lot to do! 

While Luhan and Tao took over Baekhyun's study table filling it up with various makeup and skincare products. While everyone was busy, Baekhyun allowed himself to be pulled pver to his window-seat by his best friend. 

"How did you manage to sneak away from Jongin?" He whispered, gently nudging his best friend in the ribs. 

"It was a lot easier than I thought it would be, he knew that I would see him again soon so he easily let me go." 

"You had to get Sehun and Kris to hold him back.. didn't you?" 

Kyungsoo's head fell between his shoulders, bobbing up and down in his answer. Baekhyun fell against the side of the window, giggling happily into his palm. "Usually it's Chanyeol and Sehun that has to hold him back whenever we need to part, but Kris managed to fill the space." 

"I miss him," Baekhyun admitted, feeling as his cheeks dusted over in a pale pink hue. "I know he's busy but-" 

"No need to pout you little puppy," Kyungsoo chuckled, gently nudging his chin in hopes of raising his spirits. "Your Prince Charming will sweep you off your feet sooner or later." 

"I would like if it was sooner rather than later.." The words slipped out before he even had the opportunity to register them, his hands flying to his lips in hopes of preventing the situation from happening again. Kyungsoo sent him a knowing look, fingers reaching out tighten against his thigh. 

"Don't worry, it will be sooner than you think Baek." He winked. Baekhyun really hoped that he was right. 


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748 streak #1
Chapter 33: Welcome back and thank you for the update, I really enjoyed this chapter. The others pressing them for details was too funny, but they were right to keep the specifics to themselves. I love that they’re getting to know each other again, and it’s not a case of too much, too soon.
748 streak #2
Chapter 32: Aww, the entire scene in the garden was just beautiful. You can feel the mentioned chemistry, it’s practically palpable. Happy New Year and thank you for the update.
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 2: Nice start - I like the back and forth in the chat!!
748 streak #4
Chapter 31: Thank you for the update, you never disappoint.

I hated that the little witch managed to hurt Baek, but at least Chanyeol was able to dish it back to her. Needless to say, I don’t think she’ll be hurting anyone else.

The guys banter is so much fun to read, especially Sehun’s comments. That boy is a whole mood on his own. Baek and Chan’s reactions to each other never get old either. Can’t wait to see the start of university life.
748 streak #5
Chapter 30: Oh my gosh, all the drama surrounding their first meeting could not have been more fitting, I absolutely loved the buildup. Chanyeol’s “hey, baby” was so y, but not sure it was meant to be exactly.☺️ I can just see Baek taking a flying leap into his arms. Thank you so much for this update.
748 streak #6
Chapter 29: A lot sooner than he thinks!😉 I loved this chapter, Baek’s happiness at seeing the others was palpable. I almost shed a tear myself when he hugged everyone.🥹
748 streak #7
Chapter 28: The suspense is killing me! I can’t wait for Chanyeol to show up and surprise Baek.😁
748 streak #8
Chapter 8: I’m still getting caught up, but this is so cute! I love your idea of telling the story through the chat room, as well as the characterization. The different personalities really shine through.