Private Message


Satansoo: Good Morning!!!!

Bubbleteaking: I want you to burn in hell

Pandajams: Happy Saturday everyone!!

imabottom: It's such a beautiful day today!!

Real_Dumbo: Its 5 am!?

Idontgiveacrap: Why exactly are you all awake so early?

Minnie: Kyungsoo called us all into his dorm room

Idontgiveacrap: What why??

Notmystyle: No idea but I ain't moving from my bed

Real_Dumbo: Then good luck with the backlash of Satan

TrollingMachine: Minnie~~ I love youuu

Allihaveismoney: You guys said you had an appointment yesterday what was that all about?

Minnie: ...Nothing!

TrollingMachine: Oh suho~ we had a date yesterday that's all!

Minnie: Aish

Idontgiveacrap: You guys had a date?!

Without me knowing?!

How could you 😢😢

Real_Dumbo: Ahhh don't worry baby!

I'm sure they are very sorry that they didn't tell you right Chen?

TrollingMachine: Yes sir!!

Idontgiveacrap: Hmm okay

Satansoo: Where's Lay??

Chickennuggets4life: With me getting coffee, we will be up soon!

Idontgiveacrap: Why are you all meeting up?

imabottom: Just to go through class schedules and boring stuff

Notmystyle: Then I'm not coming

Pandajams: Get your lazy up or we are finished

Real_Dumbo: Damn...

Allihaveismoney: Nicely said Tao

Satansoo: Evil...I like it 😏

Chickennuggets4life: Don't you dare get any ideas

Bubbleteaking: Can I go back to sleep please??

Satansoo: Since you always deal with my early morning text messages and are stupid enough to not log out then yes you can.

Chickennuggets4life: That is so not fair

Satansoo: You better hurry up and get my coffee or no for you tonight

Real_Dumbo: I hear him coming up Kyung

imabottom: Damn that was quick

Idontgiveacrap: Interesting~

Bubbleteaking has left the chat

Laymedown Is now online

Allihaveismoney: Hey Lay come over to my dorm before you go to Kyung!

Laymedown: Is Minseok there?

TrollingMachine: He's with me

Idontgiveacrap: Jesus are you two ever away from each other?

Real_Dumbo: You are like rabbits!

Notmystyle: How has your not fallen off?

Pandajams: I don't know Kris how has your not fallen off?

Allihaveismoney: I said it once I'll say it again Tao is my favourite child

Satansoo: Everyone get their asses to my dorm while I'm still speaking nicely

Idontgiveacrap: Sorry Kyung

Satansoo: Don't apologise Baek I should be apologising that we are meeting up without you here

imabottom: Yeah Baek we are really sorry

Idontgiveacrap: Nah don't apologise I'll be there soon I promise!

Laymedown: Just another 2 weeks Baek!

Idontgiveacrap: Exactly and I can't wait!! 😊😊

Real_Dumbo: I'm counting down the seconds!!

Allihaveismoney: Why am I not surpised Chanyeol??

Notmystyle: Because all he does is talk about Baek

Real_Dumbo: I do not!!

Chickennuggets4life: You might as well considering you talk to him all the time

Idontgiveacrap: Awww cute

Real_Dumbo: I don't ><

Idontgiveacrap: Are you shy now that you got caught out?

Real_Dumbo: ...no

imabottom: Bull!!

Allihaveismoney: We do not lie in this family

TrollingMachine: Since when do we ever tell the truth?

Satansoo: He's blushing

Real_Dumbo: Dammit Kyungsoo

imabottom: Yes Baek your boyfriend is in our dorm room are you jealous? 😏

Idontgiveacrap: I think the jealous ones should be Kai and Sehun

Satansoo: ...

imabottom: ...

Satansoo: Did Baek just admit that Chanyeol was his boyfriend??

imabottom: He didn't deny the fact

Idontgiveacrap: Oh come on!!

Allihaveismoney: You didnt deny the fact when Luhan said that your BOYFRIEND was in your dorm Baek

Chickennuggets4life: Wait why would I be jealous that Chanyeol is there?

Idontgiveacrap: Because you left your man with a hot guy

Chickennuggets4life: Oh ...

I'm coming Soo!!

Real_Dumbo: Did you just call me Hot?

Satansoo: Relax Kai I'm not going to cheat on you -_-

imabottom: Sorry Sehun but I might 😏😏

Idontgiveacrap: Keep to your boyfriend and leave mine alone

imabottom: ...HA!

Satansoo: HE CLAIMED HIM!!!

Laymedown: You walked into that Baek

Real_Dumbo: Relax baby I'm only yours Baek 😙😙😙

Idontgiveacrap: Wait what?

imabottom: I only said that so you would admit that Chanyeol is yours

Idontgiveacrap: Ah I see~

Notmystyle: Too much romance this early...really?

Idontgiveacrap: You should be used to this

Notmystyle: Its the weekend!

imabottom: And?

Baek's right you should be used to this

Notmystyle: First it was Chanyeol and his early work out routine now this

Real_Dumbo: Of course blame the roommate!!

Notmystyle: oh come on its a thing now

Real_Dumbo: Blaming me for everything under the sun isn't a thing

Minnie: It started to become a thing

Satansoo: Like that time when Luhan was doing laundry and he turned the whites pink we blamed you

Real_Dumbo: I wasn't even in the laundry room!!

Satansoo: We know

Real_Dumbo: -_-

Idontgiveacrap: Huh, I will use it too

Real_Dumbo: No you won't

Idontgiveacrap: Oh I plan on it

Real_Dumbo: You meanie!!

And no it's not the ship!

Idontgiveacrap: It is the ship

Real_Dumbo: It's not -_-

Allihaveismoney: Anyone know what they are talking about??

Satansoo: Do we ever?

imabottom: Nope

Idontgiveacrap: Fine I'll agree only because I don't want to argue

Real_Dumbo: Thank you baby 💖💖

Idontgiveacrap: Yeah yeah whatever🙈🙈

Satansoo: What was that?!

Minnie: It ended so quickly

imabottom: They are perfect for each other

Laymedown: They are adorable

Notmystyle: Get me a barf bag

Allihaveismoney: Shut up Kris

Idontgiveacrap: I'll see you all later then have fun at Kyungsoo's!

Allihaveismoney: Aw Baek don't be upset

Notmystyle: It's nothing important Maknae

Chickennuggets4life: We can still talk Baek

Idontgiveacrap: Nah it's okay

I dont want to distract anyone

I'll talk to you all later


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Private Message

Real_Dumbo: Hey baby

Idontgiveacrap: Hey

I told you I'll leave you be so you can concentrate on Kyungsoo's plan thingy

Whatever it is

Real_Dumbo: Already heard all of it

So I'm back at my dorm now

Idontgiveacrap: Rightttttt

Real_Dumbo: I am 😂😂😂

Wanna see a pic?

Wanna see a pic?

I'm in bed

Idontgiveacrap: You just had to show your abs didn't you

Real_Dumbo: Do they bother you love?

Idontgiveacrap: What pfft no

Real_Dumbo: Oh really 😏😏

Idontgiveacrap: Fine you got me

They look amazing

Real_Dumbo: Drool worthy right?

Idontgiveacrap: -_- can I take away points?

Real_Dumbo: Nope 😂😉😉

Besides don't worry babe no one besides you will see them

Idontgiveacrap: Oh jeez thanks

Real_Dumbo: You are very welcome

Idontgiveacrap: So throw me a bone here

What were you Luhan and Kyung talking about?

Real_Dumbo: Just school stuff how since Luhan got the spot on the student council
he wanted to make sure that we gave in our opinions

Idontgiveacrap: Wait school hasn't even started yet though?

So how did he get on the council?

Real_Dumbo: Right!


My mistake it's the library

Idontgiveacrap: What about it?

Real_Dumbo: Ugh... there was some gratify all over one of the walls behind a bookcase
so they want to find the person responsible before the year kicks in!

Idontgiveacrap: Ah okay~

Real_Dumbo: ANYWAY!

How is your weekend going?

Idontgiveacrap: Really weird

I got this card through my door this morning

Real_Dumbo: Oh what for??

Idontgiveacrap: Already paid for tickets to my schools graduation ball

Real_Dumbo: Oh? And why is that weird??

Idontgiveacrap: Well the ball is on the day before I plan to go to the college and I had no intention of going

Real_Dumbo: But someone paid for those tickets baby they might want you to go

Idontgiveacrap: My name is written on one so it's not a mistake

It's just weird

I mean like come on who would pay for me to attend the ball?

Real_Dumbo: Your guess is as good as mine 😅😅😅

Idontgiveacrap: I got a plus one

Real_Dumbo: Okay..?

Idontgiveacrap: Chanyeol have you not been listening, or reading?

I have no friends in school so why would I need or even think about bringing a plus one??

Real_Dumbo: In that case crash it!

Idontgiveacrap: You want me to crash my school ball?

Real_Dumbo: Isn't that what Cinderella did?

Idontgiveacrap: No I don't think so

Real_Dumbo: Ah well you dont have to worry about that right now anyway

Idontgiveacrap: What do you mean?

Real_Dumbo: The dance isn't for 2 weeks Baek plus it doesn't start till 8pm
anyway so you have that full day to prepare!!

Idontgiveacrap: You have a point...

I'll think about it

Real_Dumbo: Okay 😁😁


Chanyeol's p.o.v~

Sneaky operation ft. NO BAEK

Laymedown ✔
Allihaveismoney ✔
imabottom ✔
Chickennuggets4life ✔
Pandajams ✔
TrollingMachine ❌

[Everyone online: ❌]

Notmystyle: So tell me that again but in detail

Laymedown: How stupid can you be man?

Allihaveismoney: He can be very stupid Lay

Real_Dumbo: Will you guys leave your fighting for the other groupchat please

Kyungsoo, Luhan take us through it again!!

imabottom: With pleasure

Satansoo: Baek is the youngest out of us all correct?

Bubbleteaking: Yeah

Chickennuggets4life: Correct

Satansoo: And we love him dearly right?

Pandajams: Not as much as Chanyeol but yes

Allihaveismoney: He's my son of course!!

Satansoo: And we all know how bad his life as been, he's been so focused on coming here
that he doesn't notice the fun or the memories he will forget to make while he's there in Korea

Real_Dumbo: He's too focused on trying to leave all the broken memories
and heartbreak where he should be making new ones with friends!

Notmystyle: But it's pretty obvious that he has none

Allihaveismoney: You could have said that in a nicer why dickhead!

Pandajams: Shut up Kris, Baek has had backstabbers as friends in the past
everyone turned away from him once they found out he was gay!

Laymedown: Kyung what exactly are you implying here?

Satansoo: I'm saying since school hasn't started yet and won't for another 3 weeks
and Baek isn't coming till the end of week 2 we should go and surpise him!

Pandajams: In Korea?!

imabottom: Tao you asked that question when you were in our dorm 10 minutes ago!

Yes in Korea!!

Bubbleteaking: How do you plan on doing that??

Satansoo: You can thank Chanyeol for that

Real_Dumbo: :)

My uncle works over in Korea for some big computer company, he said that he would be able
to give us some plane tickets and hook us up with some transport

Notmystyle: Dude you never said you were rich

Real_Dumbo: Well no one really brought up the topic so I didnt want to magically come out and tell you about it

Pandajams: Baek is one lucky guy

imabottom: But we got one problem

Chickennuggets4life: What Is it?

Laymedown: What Lulu?

imabottom: We don't technically have a reason to be there

I mean of course yes we are going to see Baek but we can't just show up at his house
in the middle of the night and be like "Hey Baek we are your internet friends we came to see you!"

No that's just weird

Real_Dumbo: What if we were attending a ball?

Allihaveismoney: A what?

LaymedownWhy would I want to attend to a rubber sphere object?

Bubbleteaking: A ball is a dance you idiots!!

Real_Dumbo: Baekhyun's school holds a graduate ball every year
for the seniors of the school, every year it's a different theme
but this year the theme is classic suit and tie!!

Notmystyle: Can I go in jeans?

Satansoo: Shut up Kris!!

Allihaveismoney: That's great and all but for things like that you need invitations
and we aren't technically students that attend that school

Real_Dumbo: If I'm able to get Baek two tickets I'm able to get us some

Chickennuggets4life: Wait you did what?

imabottom: Chanyeol what are you talking about??

Real_Dumbo: Well when you two were finished talking to me about how much you
wanted to go and see Baek before he comes to the school it got me thinking

What better way to surpise him than having 5 of his best friends show up to take him outand get him all dolled up
only for 6 handsome gentlemen to come and swip them all off their feet?

Notmystyle: What twisted Disney fairy tale have you been watching?!

imabottom: That is so romantic!!

Notmystyle: Or just incredibly stupid!!!

Pandajams: We can make the new memories with him there!!

We can make him forget all the bad times and replace them with our own memories!

I'm going to cry, this is perfect!

Satansoo: He could show us around town and maybe even let me taste some of his mum's cooking!!!

Bubbleteaking: Does that mean I have to buy a suit... -_-

Real_Dumbo: Well you'll need to buy 2

Bubblteaking: WHAT WHY?!

Chanyeol you do know I'm only a student right??

I have college loans to pay off!!

I mean we don't all have rich uncles!

Real_Dumbo: Well you'll need one for this and one for when me and Baek get married

Notmystyle: You'll definitely be adding more bonus points to your scoreboard when you pull this whole thing off

Satansoo: One thing is still confusing me though

Real_Dumbo: Oh and if Baek asks Kyung you and Lu brought us over to talk about the gratify on the wall in the library

Laymedown: You mean the student art wall? Where they go and paint or spray paint whatever they want?

Real_Dumbo: Yep that one

What is it Kyung??

Satansoo: How did you know about the ball?

You said Baek didn't want to go so he wouldn't have told you anything about it

Real_Dumbo: You're right he didn't

Bubbleteaking: Then how??

Real_Dumbo: Well I guess you could say I got it from a source

Notmystyle: Who is...?

Real_Dumbo: Well its a small world after all

But I got told by my cousin

Laymedown: You have a cousin in Baek's school??

Real_Dumbo: I have a cousin who knows Baekhyun very well

Satansoo: You do?!

Pandajams: Who is it?

Real_Dumbo: She's that Dara



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748 streak #1
Chapter 33: Welcome back and thank you for the update, I really enjoyed this chapter. The others pressing them for details was too funny, but they were right to keep the specifics to themselves. I love that they’re getting to know each other again, and it’s not a case of too much, too soon.
748 streak #2
Chapter 32: Aww, the entire scene in the garden was just beautiful. You can feel the mentioned chemistry, it’s practically palpable. Happy New Year and thank you for the update.
Beau1996 1379 streak #3
Chapter 2: Nice start - I like the back and forth in the chat!!
748 streak #4
Chapter 31: Thank you for the update, you never disappoint.

I hated that the little witch managed to hurt Baek, but at least Chanyeol was able to dish it back to her. Needless to say, I don’t think she’ll be hurting anyone else.

The guys banter is so much fun to read, especially Sehun’s comments. That boy is a whole mood on his own. Baek and Chan’s reactions to each other never get old either. Can’t wait to see the start of university life.
748 streak #5
Chapter 30: Oh my gosh, all the drama surrounding their first meeting could not have been more fitting, I absolutely loved the buildup. Chanyeol’s “hey, baby” was so y, but not sure it was meant to be exactly.☺️ I can just see Baek taking a flying leap into his arms. Thank you so much for this update.
748 streak #6
Chapter 29: A lot sooner than he thinks!😉 I loved this chapter, Baek’s happiness at seeing the others was palpable. I almost shed a tear myself when he hugged everyone.🥹
748 streak #7
Chapter 28: The suspense is killing me! I can’t wait for Chanyeol to show up and surprise Baek.😁
748 streak #8
Chapter 8: I’m still getting caught up, but this is so cute! I love your idea of telling the story through the chat room, as well as the characterization. The different personalities really shine through.