Private Message




Chickennuggets4life: Good morning Kyungie

Bubbleteaking: Ha! Jokes on you Kyungsoo!
Luhan came over to wake me up beautifully today

Satansoo: I know I'm his roommate Sehun

imabottom: Good morning Hunnie

Bubbleteaking: Good morning Hannie

Chickennuggets4life: You two are literally sitting right next to each other

TrollingMachine: Hey love is love so what if they want to exclaim it here

Minnie: Hey that's what I'm going to say!

TrollingMachine: And I beat you too it 😉

Pandajams: What is this? Did someone fast forward to Valentine's day or something?

Notmystyle: What do you mean? I decided to make you breakfast in bed and that's the reaction I get?

Pandajams: Come back here and I'll show you how much I appreciate it 😉

Allihaveismoney: How is everyone this morning?

Laymedown: I am amazing thank you for asking love

Satansoo: I'm fine a bit pissed off that I couldn't wake up Sehun

Chickennuggets4life: I'm great thanks for asking hyung

Idontgiveacrap: Goodmorning everyone 😊😊

imabottom: Hey Baekkie

How come you're all smiles this morning?

Idontgiveacrap: Oh no reason 🙈

TrollingMachine: Anyone else sensing bull??

Satansoo: Leave him be he can be happy when he wants to be

Chickennuggets4life: Awww my Kyungie is a poet

Bubbleteaking: gag

imabottom: Aw come on Sehun they're not that bad

Allihaveismoney: It's such a beautiful day today!

Laymedown: We are out in the park if anyone is wondering where we are!

Satansoo: Thanks Lay

TrollingMachine: Minseok is the most prettiest flower in the entire world

Bubbleteaking: Did you just call hyung a flower?

Idontgiveacrap: Yup he did

Minnie: Aww Chen!

Idontgiveacrap: Hey guys does anyone know Chanyeol's favourite colour?

Bubbleteaking: Are we meant to?

imabottom: Why Baek?

Idontgiveacrap: No reason I'm just curious

Chickennuggets4life: It's red

Satansoo: Yours is blue right Baek?

Minnie: You can make purple!

Idontgiveacrap: Thanks Kai!

So what are you all going to be doing today?

TrollingMachine: I'm taking Min to the movies

Satansoo: I'll be baking with Lu at 2

Bubbleteaking: Kai and I have a video game tournament with Chanyeol later

Idontgiveacrap: Ah~

I see..

imabottom: Baek how long is it until you come here?

Idontgiveacrap: I think it's 10 days now

Minnie: And your ball is 9 days?

Idontgiveacrap: Yep!

But I could only book the flight at night so it's technically 11 days

Satansoo: So you'll have your ball than you can relax the following day
but then you gotta leave to the airport at night?

Idontgiveacrap: Yup!

Good thing is my Eomma already held my going away party
she went away on a business trip so we won't have to say goodbye that night

TrollingMachine: Didn't you say that you're Eomma is a nurse? Why would she go away in business?

Idontgiveacrap: Another branch of the hospital she works at had a fault
in their employees so they reached out to my mum and a few other of her co-workers

They were transferred over to the country side to help out she won't be back till the end of October

Chickennuggets4life: That's a long time Baek, you've been home alone till you leave??

Idontgiveacrap: Well I had the idea of inviting someone over...

But the tickets are expensive and besides I don't want to burden

imabottom: Woah what?!

You wanted to invite someone over?

Idontgiveacrap: Well yeah..

The tickets for my ball magically came in the other day and it has a plus one so I thought...

Why not invite someone..?

Satansoo: Awww Baek that is so sweet!

Idontgiveacrap: I'm still thinking about it though...like I said I don't really want to go to the ball

Real_Dumbo: You're Cinderella you have to go to the ball

Idontgiveacrap: Ah 🙈

Good morning Chanyeol 🙈😊

Real_Dumbo: Good morning Baekkie 😊

Satansoo: You two are overly joyful this morning

imabottom: Sorry I'm still shocked about the fact that Baekhyun wanted to invite someone over

Bubbleteaking: Which will obviously be me because I am his son

Chickennuggets4life: Bull!

It would be me because I can slow dance the best!

TrollingMachine: At least if he was with me than we know Baek would be having a good time

imabottom: Ew! NO!

TrollingMachine: I mean I would be cracking jokes!!!

Pandajams: Yeah...right

Minnie: I trust my Chennie

Notmystyle: Hey if anything I'd be the one going because I am his Father
and I'm the tallest and look good in a suit

Laymedown: But me and Baek get along the most with each other

imabottom: Why does it have to be you guys we could be inviting one of us!

Real_Dumbo: How are you today baby?

Idontgiveacrap: I'm actually really good 🙈

Satansoo: I'm with Luhan on this! Why does it have to be you idiots?! I'm his best friend

Real_Dumbo: You're not too tired right? We did stay up pretty late last night

Allihaveismoney: Baek is my son obviously he'll pick me!

Idontgiveacrap: No I'm fine 😊

Besides it was worth it

Bubbleteaking: He might be your son but I'm his!!

Minnie: I'm the oldest! Of course it will be me!

Real_Dumbo: It was fun 😋

imabottom: Tao and I are the makeup legends it should be of us

Idontgiveacrap: Yeah it was 😊

Laymedown: It's not about makeup it's about dance!

Chickennuggets4life: Yeah!

imabottom: A ball isn't about dancing it's about looks!

Real_Dumbo: What you up to today?

Idontgiveacrap: The usual I guess

Real_Dumbo: You going to be baking today?

Idontgiveacrap: I was in the mood for cupcakes

Chickennuggets4life: No it's about dance!

Satansoo: Friends!

Real_Dumbo: OooooOooo that sounds amazing

What kind??

Idontgiveacrap: I was thinking lemon?

Real_Dumbo: A little bit of sweet and sour


Idontgiveacrap: I'm glad you think so 😊

Real_Dumbo: Of course 😉

Laymedown: Dance

Minnie: Friends

Notmystyle: Looks


It's not about the way he looks, it's not about the way he dances,
it doesn't matter if friends are there or not.

The point is he has fun! And that's all you should be considering! Besides
he told you he wasnt even sure he wanted to go to the dance in the first place so leave him be

Satansoo: Woah...

Chickennuggets4life: You have a point..

Minnie: Yeah sorry Baek

Laymedown: Yeah me too

Bubbleteaking: Me three

imabottom: Me four

Idontgiveacrap: Oh?

It's okay guys

I didn't even notice you guys were fighting

I'm sorry

imabottom: What do you mean you didnt notice?

Idontgiveacrap: I was talking to Chanyeol

Satansoo: Oh

Minnie: 😲

imabottom: Wow that's a first...

Real_Dumbo: 😊



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748 streak #1
Chapter 33: Welcome back and thank you for the update, I really enjoyed this chapter. The others pressing them for details was too funny, but they were right to keep the specifics to themselves. I love that they’re getting to know each other again, and it’s not a case of too much, too soon.
748 streak #2
Chapter 32: Aww, the entire scene in the garden was just beautiful. You can feel the mentioned chemistry, it’s practically palpable. Happy New Year and thank you for the update.
Beau1996 1379 streak #3
Chapter 2: Nice start - I like the back and forth in the chat!!
748 streak #4
Chapter 31: Thank you for the update, you never disappoint.

I hated that the little witch managed to hurt Baek, but at least Chanyeol was able to dish it back to her. Needless to say, I don’t think she’ll be hurting anyone else.

The guys banter is so much fun to read, especially Sehun’s comments. That boy is a whole mood on his own. Baek and Chan’s reactions to each other never get old either. Can’t wait to see the start of university life.
748 streak #5
Chapter 30: Oh my gosh, all the drama surrounding their first meeting could not have been more fitting, I absolutely loved the buildup. Chanyeol’s “hey, baby” was so y, but not sure it was meant to be exactly.☺️ I can just see Baek taking a flying leap into his arms. Thank you so much for this update.
748 streak #6
Chapter 29: A lot sooner than he thinks!😉 I loved this chapter, Baek’s happiness at seeing the others was palpable. I almost shed a tear myself when he hugged everyone.🥹
748 streak #7
Chapter 28: The suspense is killing me! I can’t wait for Chanyeol to show up and surprise Baek.😁
748 streak #8
Chapter 8: I’m still getting caught up, but this is so cute! I love your idea of telling the story through the chat room, as well as the characterization. The different personalities really shine through.