Are you serious?!

Call Me!
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Jungkook waited at the door frame and let Yoongi pass. He went to the kitchen to get his coffee mug, and in the same motion, he handed a glass into Hoseok's hand. While preventing Hoseok from running into the door frame , he pressed the button on the coffee maker. He took the sugar bowl, the small spoon, stirred, and opened the dishwasher to put the spoon in neatly.

He lingered into the living room around the couch and pushed Jimin's body to the side until his hyung finally made some room.

There was absolute silence and Jungkook sipped his coffee.

"Did you find a goldfish you like? Or are you still unsure what character traits it should have?" he heard Yoongi's voice while his hyung tried to prevent his eye mask to get soaked with coffee.

Jungkook choked and almost spilled the rest of the coffee on Jimin as Hoseok patted him hard on the back.

"Hyung, could you stop doing that? It' embaressing!"

"The story just never gets old, Jungkook-ah. It's going down in history with us. We'll write a book about it someday. Tales of Jungkook´s goldfish."

After his hyung's scolded him, he was surprised when he came home the same evening. After the lecture, he had left the campus to go for a walk by the river.

He was ashamed of himself.

Sure, he had always avoided these situations in which he was supposed to care for or even comfort someone. But that was not difficult because he avoided contact with others and thus did not bring himself into the situation in the first place.

But... Taehyung had asked for him.

And he had not taken his feelings seriously at that moment and had even made fun of it.

He delayed the return to the dormitory as long as possible.

As he opened the door as quietly as possible and took off his shoes and jacket, he twitched at the sudden noise.


Jungkook twitched when he heard Jimin´s angry curse and quickly hung his jacket neatly on the coat rack. He was surprised that all the jackets were there. The hyungs were not working today.

As he carefully walked around the corner, he saw that his hyungs were sitting at the dining table, probably talking about some nonsense again. Jimin and Hoseok were arguing while Yoongi was once again shoveling the biggest pieces of meat onto Taehyung's plate.

Jungkook was relieved, he looked much better. Not so pale anymore and since he ate something, hopefully, the nausea was gone.

"Look at that. Maknae alert."

Jungkook twitched when he heard Jimin's voice. Embarrassed, he stared at the floor.

"I swear if you run around all night again and let the food get cold here then you'll pay for dinner for the next two weeks. I've made a real effort here and you're running around. Have you eaten yet?! Don't you dare! Have you?!"

Jungkook stared at Yoongi, not knowing how to respond.

"You didn't even buy a ing goldfish, you idiot! Sit the down, Taehyung bought everything for Samgyeopsal. You're lucky I'm making you anything at all."



Taehyung was still slightly nauseous, but he was feeling much better. Jungkook stood in the doorway, pale as a sheet. Taehyung couldn't help but grin.  Another basic rule in this shared apartment was that things were settled directly.

"I'll translate that for you, Jungkook-ah. Yoongi means that he was worried that you didn't come home for hours after he yelled at you," Jimin said.

" you, Jimin. As if I would care. And SIT DOWN god damnit, Jungkook-ah!"

Taehyung had to laugh when he heard Yoongi's grumbling from the kitchen.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows when he saw Jungkook´s nervousness.

Jungkook slowly walked to the table and Taehyung pointed to the empty seat next to him.

"What is it?" he asked cautiously.



Jungkook had never heard these words from anyone except his parents.


"What is it?" he heard Taehyung's voice and winced as chopsticks suddenly appeared in front of him.

A shadow descended on him and when he looked up, a pissed Yoongi stood over him.

"Open your mouth."

Without thinking, Jungkook opened his mouth and Yoongi stuffed a large piece of meat inside.

Jungkook chewed for a moment.

"Good?" snapped Yoongi at him.

Jungkook couldn't help it, he tried to nod and chew at the same time. It was delicious.

"Wait here. I'll get more. Don't you dare run off somewhere again."

"You look like a ghost." Jimin suddenly appeared in front of him and Jungkook backed away a bit.

Jungkook chewed on his meat longer than necessary, trying to buy time.

"If you think we're going to sulk for days and make your maknae life like hell, you're mistaken. Yoongi already scolded the out of you, I think that's enough punishment."

Jungkook was staring at Jimin.


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194 streak #1
Chapter 8: ok just realized I read this back in may of 22 because of a post I made...
__butterfly #2
Hi! Is that how the story ends?
Chapter 39: Oh that was the end already im crying this fic was so good and deserves more readers!!! I might request something later on when I'm less busy haha but you wrote it so well, you're no in the area but damn you can do the dom-sub tension very well oof and you made me a real big taekook shipper now xD
Chapter 38: Wah taekai tension here and heechul is my ultimate bias, him being mentioned here makes me love this fiction even more and sad that it's almost the end T^T
Chapter 30: Oh damn all the finally being of use
Chapter 26: Omg did you ever write the session between them?
boy_love12 #7
cant wait to read
Congrats on winning the bid!!!!
194 streak #9
Chapter 26: ok...Need to STOP reading the comments ....spoiler alerts they
Chapter 39: Awwww thank you <3 I’m glad you like the character posters and cover, if there’s anything you need lemme know!! I freaking love this fic (>////<)