
Call Me!
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„Why didn´t you bring him yesterday?! Or last week? God damnit guys, have you any idea how many customers would have paid double for this gorgeous guy? Or even better, you guys AND him in a group?“

„GUYS I AM HERE!“ Taehyung couldn´t help but smirk at Jungkook.

He was furious.

They were standing in their boss's office and, as expected, he was so excited that he couldn't utter a sensible sentence.

"I'm dead serious. Yesterday, for example, all guys were busy and I had a customer that was asking for a friendly yet cute company for the evening. I had to turn him down because you guys were busy as well, Taehyung was in a session and THIS guy would have been perfect. Aish!“ Taehyung´s boss continued to question his life decisions.

„You could have waited for Taehyung´s session to be finished.“

Taehyung groaned annoyed when he heard Yoongi´s giggle in the back but his boss only got angrier.

„I didn't have the feeling that after this session he still wanted to please a lady with loving gestures."

Yoongi grinned. "Was at least this lady satisfied afterward?"

Taehyung nodded with an almighty smile on his face.

„HELLO?!“ he heard a cute voice again that desperately tried to get attention. Taehyung bit his lip when Jungkook struggled in Jimin´s grip who just fixed his hair.

„And now look at this guy! Cute, shy, and a body that would even be y in a potato sack. I would love to cut the salary of you idiots.“

„So, you like him?“ Jimin asked the boss and he nodded.

„Has he any experience with customers?“
„No.“ Jimin smiled.

„Has he any experience in this field at all?“

„No. So you can say that it is a diamond in the rough.“ Hoseok couldn´t hide a smirk.Taehyung busted into laughter when his boss got so hyped up

Jungkook had enough of this nonsense. He had tried several times to get the attention of all the weird people in this room now and he was fed up.

He let his hand slam onto the desk that was standing in the corner of the room.

Everyone was turning their head in surprise.

„YES! Surprise! I am still here. And I've already told you several times that I only came along so that my roommates won´t annoy me anymore. I do not intend to work in your establishment or spend my evenings as a customer. I don't care what you will pay me." Jungkook said but he could see that Jimin and Hoseok ignored his complaints.

„Once you get the hang of it, you'll probably be one of the most booked employees around here. Have you looked in the mirror today? Just walking up here from the main entrance would have gotten you four jobs."

Jungkook was furious.

He knew that he was a grown man who could make his own decisions and that no one could force him to do something he didn't want to do.

-Well, Yoongi forced you in these clothes right?- a voice in his head giggled.

But somehow these four guys had managed once again to drag him along. Perhaps his brain was so drilled on the maknae position that his body simply went along.

The whole atmosphere and, much worse, his hyungs didn't look like they wanted to help him out.

Jimin and Hoseok stood next to him and they looked like parents who accompanied their son as the top student of the class to the graduation ceremony.

„You guys are the worst, seriously.“ He whispered to him but Hoseok just continued to fix his hair.

Jungkook tried to get Yoongi's attention but he was sitting in the corner reading a magazine.

Cautiously, he crept to his seat.


Yoongi's head snapped up. "What is it?"

"You say something. Please! You can't tell me you're going along with this nonsense, can you?"

Yoongi looked at him with a serious expression. "Well… I do."

Jungkook was just able to prevent himself from grabbing his hyung and shaking him with rage. Yoongi didn't even try to hide the nasty glint in his eyes.

Jungkook clung to the only option left to him and took two steps to the side. Somewhat ashamed, he got a little closer to him.

„Hyung…“ he whispered and could see that Taehyung sighed.


„Help me get out of this mess, will you?“


Jungkook stared at Taehyung.

"Well because... I'm relying on you! Come on, what am I going to do without you?" he muttered, pulling out the maknae card.

Taehyung laughed and just patted his head.

Jungkook was about to reply when the agency boss suddenly waved a piece of paper at him.

„Sign that.“

„No.“ Jungkook said stubbornly.

„Goldfish, if you want to move out then sign it. Otherwise, you will have to share a room with the master forever.“ Jungkook heard Yoongi´s voice.

Jimin and Hoseok made it even worse when Jimin got on his knees and Hoseok pretended to slap his with a pen.


Taehyung got mad.

"Sign that! Don't be shy, okay?"

Before he could say anything, however, his boss suddenly waved the contract in front of Jungkook's nose.

The latter took a step back and... locked

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194 streak #1
Chapter 8: ok just realized I read this back in may of 22 because of a post I made...
__butterfly #2
Hi! Is that how the story ends?
Chapter 39: Oh that was the end already im crying this fic was so good and deserves more readers!!! I might request something later on when I'm less busy haha but you wrote it so well, you're no in the area but damn you can do the dom-sub tension very well oof and you made me a real big taekook shipper now xD
Chapter 38: Wah taekai tension here and heechul is my ultimate bias, him being mentioned here makes me love this fiction even more and sad that it's almost the end T^T
Chapter 30: Oh damn all the finally being of use
Chapter 26: Omg did you ever write the session between them?
boy_love12 #7
cant wait to read
Congrats on winning the bid!!!!
194 streak #9
Chapter 26: ok...Need to STOP reading the comments ....spoiler alerts they
Chapter 39: Awwww thank you <3 I’m glad you like the character posters and cover, if there’s anything you need lemme know!! I freaking love this fic (>////<)