Top Dom?!

Call Me!
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Jungkook was mindblown.

He had no idea what to say or how to react. He didn't even know if he should dare to move.

He heard someone breathing deeply in and out.


Jungkook narrowed his eyes and waited for his hyung to throw a tantrum.

But this did not happen.

Jungkook cautiously raised his head and looked around.

Hoseok and Yoongi stared at each other.

It wasn't just petulant ing, Jungkook sensed that this moment would probably influence their future living together.

Jimin sat completely lost on the other couch and was so intimidated that Jungkook almost wanted to take him in his arms.

"What happened just now?"


All attention in the room shifted to him and six eyes were piercing into his own.

"We argued." Hoseok growled.

"An argument? If Yoongi hyung hadn't come, Taehyung would have lost his patience too, and then you would have been fighting here like kids on the schoolyard. That was NOT an argument."

Hoseok was stubbornly staring at him.

"That's none of your business, Jungkook-ah. We've been living together for a long time and sometimes you just have arguments. Sometimes more sometimes less."

"Hyung, calm down, please. That was really mean what you said. You know that he is sensitive about that." Jungkook saw Jimin stand up cautiously.

"I know and that was the plan. He knows exactly how... difficult it is for me to see someone treat you like that. Especially when he is the one doing it. If he feels he has to continue like this then we can work on it but then you have to do something about the packages Yoongi hyung. Let him do what he does best and keep us working at the club. Then there won't be any trouble."

"Hoseok-ah, you know you're talking bull. You know that I won't get involved in this, but you hurt him."

"I don't care."

"What if he doesn't come home? What if he goes back... well, to his old club."

Jungkook saw Hoseok clench his fists.

"But, aren't you guys friends...?" Jungkook whispered as even Yoongi remained quiet.

"Hoseok-ah, go after him. You know that you overreacted. I don't want him to go back to this place."

Hoseok glared at him, stood up, and slammed the flat door behind him as he walked out of the dormitory.



Taehyung was sitting in the cafe opposite a nightclub. The waitress came up to him and didn't even ask if he wanted to leave. She just put a glass of water on his table. He had been sitting here for hours, watching people come in and out.

He wasn't sure but he thought he recognized some of them. And by recognizing he did not mean the faces.

But the sessions, the instruments, and the voice of the customers. The begging and crying. 

He didn't know exactly why he had come here.

"I thought you'd be here."

Taehyung smiled sadly.

"What are you doing here?"

Hoseok sat down at the table with him.

"Hyung, you're not invited to the party in this club. That is my playground, remember?" Taehyung whispered.

"But neither are you. What are you doing here?" Hoseok asked.

"I'm thinking about changing my job location."

"Taehyung-ah... I didn't mean it like that. You know how angry I get when it comes to Jimin. Especially when it is you who is physically approaching him.  And I also know you didn't mean it when you grabbed him."

"Maybe. But it's true what you said. It‘s completely stupid for me to keep working at the nightclub with you guys when I could be better employed here. . You are right, I have a hard time adjusting sometimes. Top Dom in our club, my . If the hardest customer at our nightclub would book a session here they would end up as breakfast for these doms and you know that. I am no exception..."

"Taehyung-ah, listen to me." Hoseok tried to take his hand.

Taehyung slapped his hand aside and stood up.

"I'll check if my ex boss is around..." he muttered, ignoring Hoseok who looked sadly after him.



„Can please someone explain to me what´s going on?“ Jungkook was close to a mental breakdown.

„I don´t want to talk about it.“ He heard Jimin´s voice and before he could react his hyung stood up and walked back to his room.

Jungkook heard the noise of the coffee machine.


„Will you talk to me?“

„About what?“
Jungkook wanted to ram Yoongi´s head into the coffee machine.

„You know exactly about what!“ he snapped at him angrily.

After a short silence, Jungkook heard the coffee machine a second time and relaxed a little bit when Yoongi put the coffee mugs in front of him on the table.

„It all started with a stupid bet between Hoseok and me.“
Jungkook waited for more information.

„Hyung, do I have to punch every word out of you?!“

„When we moved in together, I was working for the agency for a year already. Jimin and Hoseok didn´t know that at that point and I knew that Taehyung had some kind of stuff going on but I didn´t care at that time. And Hoseok and Jimin are idiots but not stupid. They quickly asked some questions and when I answered them, both got excited to join me. I was a normal call boy at that time, I didn´t… plan the bookings as I do now. When I told them that I don´t want them to work with me, Hoseok triggered my pride when he said that he would take over all of my customers in less than a week. I accepted the challenge and won but my boss had been all over Hoseok and Jimin. Jimin was a carefree person at that time, he just blindly signed the contract as you did.“

Jungkook nodded slowly and took a sip of his coffee.

Yoongi leaned back into a big pillow.

„So we started to work with each other. It was fun because we lived together and Taehyung was cool about it. We still had no idea what he was doing but it worked out well in the dormitory so we didn´t bother him with it. Until that one evening…“

Jungkook got curious.

"That evening?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes. At that time someone else was in charge of the bookings and we had two doms in the agency. Taehyung was employed by another agency at that time, as it turned out later. The reason he was so pissed off that you didn't read the contract was actually because of Jimin."

"I have a bad feeling about this hyung..." whispered Jungkook and Yoongi nodded.

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194 streak #1
Chapter 8: ok just realized I read this back in may of 22 because of a post I made...
__butterfly #2
Hi! Is that how the story ends?
Chapter 39: Oh that was the end already im crying this fic was so good and deserves more readers!!! I might request something later on when I'm less busy haha but you wrote it so well, you're no in the area but damn you can do the dom-sub tension very well oof and you made me a real big taekook shipper now xD
Chapter 38: Wah taekai tension here and heechul is my ultimate bias, him being mentioned here makes me love this fiction even more and sad that it's almost the end T^T
Chapter 30: Oh damn all the finally being of use
Chapter 26: Omg did you ever write the session between them?
boy_love12 #7
cant wait to read
Congrats on winning the bid!!!!
194 streak #9
Chapter 26: ok...Need to STOP reading the comments ....spoiler alerts they
Chapter 39: Awwww thank you <3 I’m glad you like the character posters and cover, if there’s anything you need lemme know!! I freaking love this fic (>////<)