Not my fault?!

Call Me!
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Mingyu was nervous.  

He was staring at the piece of paper in his hands and took a big gulp out of his water bottle. 

The opening ceremony did finish about two hours ago and now he finally had all documents in his hands. Timetable, list of books he needed, rules of the school and... his room number. He was one of the lucky students who got a room in the dormitory. 

His mother made the application secretly and when she surprised him with the news he told her that he was happy about it. 

But he was NOT happy.  

He knew that the apartments near the campus were very expensive but he had a lot of savings.  

And he had planned to use them to live by himself because he didn´t like to be around other people.  

Especially students that only knew how to drink and party AND to share a room with one.  

And now, he had a room number in his hands and was praying to all gods that he did not believe in that he would be lucky and his roommate had decided to move to another university. 

“As if…” he mumbled to himself. 




Wonwoo was watching the ridiculous scene in front of him. 

The semester holidays were over and he was sitting with his friends on the campus. Several blankets were on the grass and they enjoyed the good weather. 

Jeonghan and Jisoo were playing soccer. Well, at least they tried but Jeonghan was too scared that his clothes would get dirty and Jisoo was too lazy to run after the ball every time Jeonghan was too stupid to return it properly.  

“I feel like an embarrassed parent on a sports day.” Minghao sat up beside him and his hyung exhaled deeply. 

Wonwoo lay down on the blanket and covered his face with his hands.  

"Jisoo is mean to me. I need love." 

He heard Jeonghan's voice who joined them. 

"I want to cuddle." Jeonghan said struggled to move Wonwoo's leg to the side and when he finally succeeded he lay down and put his head on Wonwoo´s thigh. 

“Is it comfortable?” He asked the younger and Jeonghan nodded. 

Wonwoo started playing with Jeonghan´s hair. He dyed it yesterday and the colors were still very intense.  

But violet? Wonwoo thought and smiled.  

“Oppa!” he heard the voice of a girl.  

Not just one girl. THE girl.  

“Guess it's Breakup Time.” Jeonghan said and sat up. 

Wonwoo chuckled.”Why don´t you just tell her to leave you alone?”  

“Because she is a nice . You should try that for once too.” 

“Don´t worry, I am satisfied with the current situation.” Wonwoo laughed and Jeonghan stood up. 

He walked towards the girl and she began to shout and curse at him. 

Wonwoo saw a shadow in the corner of his eye and a very nice smell hit his nose. 

“New perfume?” He asked when Jisoo sat down beside him and grabbed a soda. 

„Is she still trying to convince him that she is all he needs?“ he chuckled and Wonwoo twitched his shoulders.  

„Ya… Wonwoo-ah…“ Jisoo suddenly pulled at his arm. 

Wonwoo turned his head and was staring at him. 

„What?“ he asked. 

„Look at him.“ Jisoo said and Wonwoo knew that expression on his hyung´s face. 


„The guy with the plan of the campus. The yellow shirt? Is he a first-year?“ 

Wonwoo sighed.“Hyung, the new year started two hours ago and you already check out the new students?“  

„Of course! Imagine that your stupid friend would pull through the juniors like a flagship and I would have to WORK for my entertainment.“ 

„That stupid friend´s name is Jeonghan. And you idiot share a bedroom with him.“ Wonwoo busted into laughter.  

These two dorks had the weirdest relationship that he had ever seen.  

„See! That´s what I mean. Even you know him.“ Jisoo laughed and Wonwoo kicked his when his hyung stood up again to join Jeonghan and rescue him from the sobbing mess that he tried to break up with. 

Wonwoo grabbed his phone and checked it. 

36 Messages in the last 3 hours.  

He carefully pulled through the overview until he had decided who he would offer the session tonight. 

Jeonghan lingered back towards the blanket. He saw Wonwoo holding his phone. 

„Did you find something interesting? Or somebody?“ Wonwoo heard the younger´s mocking. 

„I did.“ He laughed. 

„I already feel sorry for the girl.“ Jeonghan giggled.  

„No, it is a guy today. We have a regular customer that we grant special service.“ Wonwoo laughed. 

„Yeah… I know your service.“ Jeonghan smiled and walked back to the girls. 

When Wonwoo put down the phone, he heard a heartbreaking sigh behind his back. 

„What is it now hyung? What hardships do you have today?“ he said and earned a slap from Minghao.  

„Don´t make fun of me. YOU guys are the only hardship I have. Look at them. Jeonghan is flirting with the best friend of the girl that he dumped one minute ago and Jisoo is comforting Jeonghan´s ex-girlfriend now. And we both know that they give a because tonight they have their other little lovey-dovey appointment. And you are the worst of all of them! You enjoy that bull. Shame on you guys, seriously.“ 

„Maybe you just at guiding us well, hyung.“ Wonwoo jumped up and dodged the soda that Minghao threw at him with a curse. 

This group Was a mess and he loved them. 

He was sure that there was no other person that would fit into their group at all. 




Mingyu was staring at the map.  

„I am here… and the dormitory is…“ Mingyu lifted his head and saw a red building.“…there.“ 

When he tried to shoulder his bag, he forgot that he was still holding the water bottle and it splashed all over his yellow shirt. 

„Great…“ he mumbled and squeezed his eyes together in shame when he heard a group of girls laughing at him. 

He in a deep breath of fresh air. 

He saw a lot of students just laying around, relaxing in the sun, playing games or sports, and were chatting happily. 

This was so unnecessary, he thought. 

All this was a waste of time that they could use to study.  

He was on this campus for half a day now and he was pissed already. This carefree attitude, the not existing dress code, and the happy-go-lucky atmosphere were pissing him off. 


Mingyu jumped in surprise and he dropped all of his books. 

„What…?“ he stammered and saw a guy standing in front of him. 

„Hey I say you walking alone and I thought I join you? I am Jung Jisoo, and you are…?“ 

Mingyu sighed deeply.  

It was one of those campus peacock boys, he thought.  

He saw several girls standing close to him but he didn´t mind them.  

„Can I help you carry that stuff? Which dorm is it? What room number do you have?“  

Mingyu squeezed his eyes when Jisoo didn´t stop talking.  

„It´s okay. I can do it by myself. See you on the campus.“ Mingyu said and continued to walk towards the red dormitory. 

He ignored the guy´s dropped jaw.  






„Look at that. Jisoo got ignored by the guy!“ Wonwoo giggled when he saw that the guy passed past his hyung and Jisoo´s world seem to crumble.  

„What?!“ Jeonghan ran towards him and sat down again. 

„You know him, he just started talking to him as usual. At first, the guy was confused but then he just ignored him.“ 

Jeonghan lifted his hand and tried to dry the tears of laughter with his sleeve. He cursed a second later when his perfectly drawn eyeliner left a nasty mark on his white sweater. 

Wonwoo saw that Jisoo came back to the group. 

„Don´t be mean. Just leave it like that, don´t say anything.“ Wonwoo whispered to Jeonghan because he knew that his dongsaeng would tease Jisoo. 

„Okay.“ Jeonghan whispered and lowered his head. 

Jisoo sighed deeply when he finally came back and sat down.  

„You hyung.“  

Wonwoo bit his fist but still broke out in laughter when Jeonghan, of course, didn´t let it go and mocked Jisoo with this.  

„I have no idea what happenend. That guy just… ignored me. I just wanted to offer my help.“ 
„You wanted to offer him a lot more hyung.“ Wonwoo giggled and earned an angry glance from Jisoo.  

„Guys.“ He heard the voice of Minghao.  

„Mh?“ Wonwoo turned around.  

„Let´s go. I am curious about our new roommate.“ Minghao smiled and Wonwoo got excited. He totally forgot about that.  

The campus offered normal rooms with two beds and bigger apartments for students that were… well rich. These rooms had room for about six students. They had two bathrooms and a small kitchen. A dining area and a balcony.  

But until now they had been just the four of them. 

A week ago they had gotten the information that a fifth student would move in with them.  

How could he forget about that?! 

He stood up and reached his hand out to Jeonghan to pull him up.  

They packed their belongings and walked back to their dorm. 





Mingyu was impressed. 
The red building in front of him was a dormitory but it was not the same as the others. He had the feeling to stand in front of a damn five-star hotel and double-checked the house.  

„Wow… just wow.“ 

He groaned when he shouldered his heavy bag again and walked into the building.  

„Thank god…“ he whispered when he saw that it even had an elevator.  

He walked right into it, pulled the documents out again and guessed that the first number of the room was also the floor, and pushed the button. 

He waited until the doors slid open. On the wall, he saw markings that led to the various room numbers and he followed the direction. The room was at the end of the hallway and he got nervous. 

Lost in his thoughts he heard footsteps behind him and turned around.  





Wonwoo´s hand slipped the sandwich when he heard the excited scream of Jisoo.  

„What is it?“  

Wonwoo laughed when Jeonghan ran into the living room.  

„This is sooooo cool!“  

„Man… he is so loud. I hope this is worth standing up for.“ Minghao pestered and Wonwoo smiled.  

Wonwoo picked up his sandwich and walked into the living room.  

Jisoo looked as if he had won the big jackpot in the lottery. It took Wonwoo a moment to spot the completely shy little student still hiding behind the door. 

„Is he our new roommate?“ Jeonghan asked curiously and Jisoo laughed. 
„Yes. And look who it is!“  

Jisoo took a step to the side and the room became a mess.  

Jeonghan laughed, Jisoo jumped around happily and Minghao just pestered something and walked back to the gaming room. 

Wonwoo couldn´t help but smile at the chaos in front of him.  

„Guys, you scare him.“ He said and pushed Jeonghan to the side and walked towards the door.  




-Holy .- 

Mingyu wanted to run away. 
It was not just ONE roommate.  

There were ing four others guys in this apartment.  


And to make it worse, the campus peacock from earlier just dragged him into the room and he got crowded by the excited group. 

„Guys, you scare him.“ He suddenly heard a voice and one of the guys slowly walked towards him.  

He seemed to be the only sane guy in the room at the moment.  

„Hi.“ He said and Mingyu swallowed.  


The guy looked at him as he would wait for something.  

„Eh… my name is Jeon Mingyu. Nice to meet you.“ He mumbled and earned a big smile from the guy.  

„Kim Wonwoo. I will be your roommate.“ 

Mingyu was about to say something when he saw one of the other guys jump on Wonwoo´s back.  

„Forget it. He will sleep with me.“  




Wonwoo laughed.  

He had anticipated this reaction and he laughed even harder when he felt that Jisoo´s weight disappeared and the angry curse from Jeonghan.  

„Forget it. You are my roommate. I won´t give you an advantadge, hyung.“ Wonwoo heard Jeonghan growling and he grabbed Jisoos‘s hand just to drag him towards the gaming room again. 

Once Jisoo had found a victim for his flirtations there was usually no stopping him. 

And that left Mingyu and him alone in the living room. 

Mingyu was staring at him. 

„Well… these guys can be a little bit over the top.“ 





Mingyu couldn´t help it but the honest smile of the guy was charming and made him smile as well.  

„Sorry but I am not used to sharing a room with other people or an apartment. I am an introvert, to be honest.“ 

„Then you should outrovert soon, kid. These idiots will eat you alive if you act like a baby.“ 

Wonwoo busted into laughter when he heard Minghao who walked into the room again.  

„You are the one to talk...“ Wonwoo chuckled.  

Mingyu still had a very lost expression on his face. 

„You want to sleep with me now or with Minghao hyung? Jeonghan and Jisoo are sharing a room already.“ 

„WE CAN CHANGE THAT!“ he heard Jisoo´s voice and a second later another slap from Jeonghan.  

So far he had the feeling that out of the whole chaotic bunch, Minghao was the calmest. 

He opened his mouth to say something and clapped his teeth together when he saw Minghao´s stare. 


Mingyu his lower lip.  

„Then I guess I am your roommate. I show you the apartment. Don´t worry. It will be fun.“ He heard Wonwoo´s voice and lowered his head in annoyance.  

„I doubt that…“ he whispered but followed Wonwoo. 


Chap 2 



„And this is our bathroom.“ 

Mingyu followed the stretched-out arm of Wonwoo who showed him a bathroom that was connected to their bedroom. 

As expected, the room was small. 

There was a bed against each wall. Two desks stood next to the beds and there was a large closet. Two bedside cabinets and a small mini-fridge. Practical was, of course, that you could go from the room directly into the bathroom. 

„I used the right bed, so I guess it will be okay if you take the other one?“ Wonwoo asked and Mingyu nodded. 

He didn´t care at all in which bed he would sleep. 
It would be hard for him anyway. 

A long silence followed. 

„Want to join us in the gaming room?“ Wonwoo asked and Mingyu sighed. 

-Great. Gamers.- 

„I guess I unpack first Wonwoo-ah… hyung? I am 21 years old. You?“ 




Wonwoo laughed. 

That kid had some manners, he had to acknowledge that. 

„I am older. To be honest you are the youngest in the dorm. The others will love that. So far, Jeonghan-ah was our baby.“ 

Mingyu was staring at him.“I am the youngest?“ 


Wonwoo saw that Mingyu sighed deeply.“Great.“ 

„So… you want to join us in the gaming room or not?“ 

„No thank you. I think I unpack first and then go out and eat something.“ 

„We have a kitchen here, you know? We normally cook for ourselves. Minghao loves to cook for us. He would never admit it, but he does.“ 

Wonwoo chuckled when Mingyu got all shy. 

„You know what? You unpack later and join us in the room now. Don´t be stubborn.“ 




Mingyu yelped in surprise when Wonwoo just grabbed his hand and dragged him outside. He could hear the guys already. They were pestering and laughing, shouting and cheering. 

„Hyung, I want to…“ he tried it again but it was too late. 

He was standing under the door frame and gasped in surprise when one of the guys jumped up from his seat and walked over to him. 

„I am Jeonghan. You will like me.“ He smiled at him and Mingyu got shy again. 

„He is so cute, hyung.“ Jeonghan said to Wonwoo and Mingyu wanted to escape into a mouse hole. 

„Guess what, he is the new maknae. Jeonghan you got upgraded to a hyung now.“ He heard Wonwoo´s voice and the mouse hole transformed into a grave. 

The violet-haired guy was staring at him.“Really? I am a hyung now?“ 

Mingyu nodded carefully. 

„Oh, this is so cool. I can comfort you and cover you with a blanket when you are cold. I will cook for you and listen to all of your worries.“ He proudly presented himself and Mingyu wanted to slap his forehead. 

„Ignore him.“ Wonwoo leaned over and whispered to him. 

Mingyu got stiff. 




Wonwoo noticed that he made Mingyu uncomfortable with his approach and pulled back. 

„You can sit on my seat, Mingyu-ah. Hyung will sit on the floor.“ 

He couldn´t help but bust out into laughter when Jeonghan tried to act cool just because he wasn´t the youngest anymore. 

Jeonghan pushed Mingyu into the chair and the youngest was staring at Wonwoo. 

„Yaaaa… really? You are the maknae now?“ 

Jisoo passed Wonwoo when he came back from the kitchen and patted Mingyu´s head. „I will lead you well, don´t worry.“ 

Wonwoo bit his lip and tried to prevent a giggle. Mingyu was completely lost in the crazy pile-up of his hyungs and he looked at him pleadingly to save him. 

„I think I need to unpack my stuff now.“ He tried to escape the situation but when he tried to stand up he got pushed back into the chair. 

„Here is your controller. Do you know that game?“ Jisoo handed him the controller excitedly. 

„No, I never played that before.“ Mingyu lowered his eyes when Jisoo sat down in front of the chair next to Jeonghan. 

They continued to talk to Mingyu and Wonwoo walked over to the couch. 

He heard a pained gasp as he dropped onto the couch. He fell directly onto Minghao´s body who was lying all over the couch and relaxed. 

„Make some room.“ He laughed when Minghao tried to get him off of him. 

„Do you guys work later?“ Minghao asked and Wonwoo nodded. 

They didn´t talk for a while. Wonwoo couldn´t help but laugh when Jisoo and Jeonghan were annoying Mingyu again with their game. 

Mingyu´s expression was a mixture of anger and shyness. 

Wonwoo decided to help him. 



„Guys you scare him. He knows us for half an hour. Calm down.“ 

Mingyu sighed in relief as Wonwoo sauntered over to him. Jeonghan and Jisoo were much too loud and too close for him. He didn't like the closeness to others very much. Especially the two of them because they were still strangers to him. 

„But…“ Jeonghan started again and Mingyu twitched in surprise when he heard a third voice from the couch. He turned his head and saw the third guy. He hadn´t even noticed him. 

„Jeonghan-ah, I bet you have to work later. Don´t you think that you should get dressed? And all the other stuff that you guys do?“ 

Mingyu wondered what he was talking about. 

But it seemed to help because Jeonghan stood up and mumbled something. Jisoo wanted to continue the game but Jeonghan slapped his head. „You too.“ 

Mingyu tried to prevent it but his mouth left a single giggle. 

A second later he wanted to slap himself as the complete attention of the room was on him now. 

„He laughed.“ Jisoo stated and Mingyu felt that his hair got ruffled by someone. 

It was Wonwoo.“You´ll get used to us. The guy on the couch is Minghao. He is the oldest.“ 

Minghao stood up. 

„Are you hungry?“ 

Mingyu needed a moment to realize that he was talking to him. 


„Who else? Are you hungry?“ 

„No thank you.“ 

„He is hungry, hyung. He is just too polite to say it.“ Wonwoo´s voice popped up behind him. 



Wonwoo saw Mingyu´s blushed cheeks. 

„Hyung, it is really not nec…“ 

„I cook for you then." 

Wonwoo REALLY had to keep his composure when he saw that Mingyu got dragged away by Minghao. He probably didn´t admit it but even he was excited that he had a new kid to care for. 

He pulled out his phone and checked his messages again. 

„I need to get dressed.“ He mumbled and left the gaming room. 



Mingyu was still chewing a piece of meat that Minghao was shoving into him when another one popped up in his face. 

It was fantastic, he didn´t know when he had enjoyed such a good meal. 

He swallowed the pork belly and Minghao put the pork in his mouth. 

„Do you want some more? I can make something else?“ Mingyu heard his hyung saying and hectically shook his head. 

But he was so full that he felt sick. 

„Thank you for the food, hyung.“ He said and saw a shy smile on Minghao´s face. 


Mingyu didn´t know what to do. 

He wanted to unpack but he didn´t want to be rude by eating all the things that Minghao had cooked for him AND even fed him and then just leave the room. 

„Let me help you clean up.“ He said but Minghao turned around and shook his head. 

„Unpack your stuff.“ 

Mingyu stood up and walked towards their room. 

When he turned around the corner he saw Jeonghan standing in front of him. 

At least he thought it was Jeonghan because the guy in front of him was… ing hot. 

Mingyu didn´t know how to describe it but the funny dork from the gaming room had transformed into one of the most handsome men he had ever seen. 

„What the …“ he whispered while he was staring at his hyung. 

„YA! That´s my shirt!“ 

Mingyu jumped when he suddenly heard Jisoo behind him. He turned around and wanted to step aside so Jisoo could pass him but his eyes were glued on him as well. 

Jisoo´s whole attitude had changed. 

It was fierce? 

Mingyu wanted to say something but nothing came out of his mouth. 

„Do I look good, Mingyu-ah?“ Jeonghan asked him and posed a little. 

Mingyu nodded. 

„And me?“ Jisoo came a little closer but then leaned towards Jeonghan. 

Mingyu nodded again. 




Wonwoo checked himself in the mirror the last time and opened the door of his room. 

Their room, he corrected himself because he had a roommate now. 

He walked out and saw Jeonghan and Jisoo cornering the pitiful maknae again. 
Mingyu was probably completely overrun by the two of them. Jeonghan and Jisoo had styled themselves for the evening and Wonwoo was always surprised how good they looked when they weren't bouncing around like little kids. 

He laughed when Mingyu escaped somehow and walked towards him. 

The younger lifted his head and froze in his movement. 




Mingyu had no ing idea what had just happened but when he saw Wonwoo his mind just went blank. 

„Holy … you are hot hyung.“ He blurted out and wanted to slap himself. 

Why had he said that?! 

But Wonwoo didn´t seem to bother because he smirked at him. 

-You are straight… what the is wrong with you?!- the voice in his head screamed. 

Wonwoo joined the other two and turned around. 

„We have to go to work guys. See you later.“ 

„Yeah, you go to work. These kids just have some fun.“ Mingyu heard Minghao´s voice out of the kitchen. 

But the three of them were on their way to the door already and left the dormitory. 

Mingyu slowly lingered in the kitchen. 

„What… why…?“ he stammered when he sat down on a chair. 

„What?“ Minghao snapped at Mingyu. 

„Five minutes ago both were the biggest dorks on this planet and now they look like god damn models.“ 

„It´s for their part-time job.“ 




Wonwoo admitted it. 
When Mingyu had complimented him, it felt really good. 

He was used to compliments, especially from customers or other people around him. And it made him proud every single time. 

But Mingyu´s reaction had triggered another feeling. 

„You got shy hyung.“ 

Wonwoo clenched his jaws when he heard Jeonghan´s voice behind him. 

„I didn´t.“ 

„Of course you did. You were flustered by Mingyu´s reaction.“ Jisoo joined Jeonghan´s teasing. 

„ off.“ 

„Our customer is a difficult one tonight, I think we will come back home late.“ Jeonghan said and grabbed Jisoo´s hand. 

„What about you hyung?“ Jisoo asked. 

Wonwoo smiled devilishly. 

„Oh, believe me, this session will be long.“ He giggled and saw his dongsaeng´s rolled eyes. 

„See you later.“ 




„Come on… hyuuuung… tell me. I am so curious. What is their part-time job?“ 

Mingyu had been trying to get Minghao to tell him what his flatmates were up to for ten minutes. And especially why they were dressing up so much. 

„I am not telling you. Ask them later.“ Minghao groaned in annoyance. 

Mingyu was pouting. 

He wondered what they were doing right now and walked off to unpack his stuff. 




Later that night 



The guy in front of him was a mess.  

He tried to speak but it ended in a pitiful attempt.  

Wonwoo exhaled deeply and slowly opened the handcuffs.  

That guy had been a handful. Stubborn and with a lot of pride. But at some point, he always gained the upper hand. He couldn´t think of a single person that had been in his right mind after he was finished with them. 

The hands of the young guy just fell on the bedsheet because he had no strength left. 

He would probably need some time to recover. Wonwoo would bring him some water and a refreshing towel. 

A man was sitting on a chair next to the bed and he was studying the guy like an insect. 

Wonwoo took off his gloves and put them on the bedside table along with the handcuffs and the small whip.  

„Excellent work. I see why you were recommended by your agency. This session was great. He enjoyed it too." The man said and stood up.  

He patted the head of the shaking body in front of him.“Good boy.“ he whispered and earned a weak but very happy nod from the younger.  

„I am impressed. Your skills must be extraordinary if even HE is in this kind of state. He is not easy to handle.“ the man praised Wonwoo. 

„Yes Sir. We would be honored if you would visit our establishment again. We provide a wide range of different services.“ 

„Oh, I will. You can be sure about that.“ The man said and carefully wrapped both arms around the guy in the bed. 

„Let´s go. You did well.“ He said. 
„Thank you, Master…“ the young guy whispered. 

Wonwoo left the room. 




Chap 3 


The sun was already slowly rising, and he was so tired that it was difficult for him to keep his eyes open while walking.  

Besides, he had drunk too much when he finished his session and visited the party with Jeonghan and Jisoo because of several businessmen that were looking for some pretty company. 

Ten minutes ago, all three had come home and Wonwoo stole into the room.  

Mingyu was still in his bed as expected. As Wonwoo carefully slipped into the bathroom to change, he could hear him moving restlessly in bed. 

Wonwoo froze in his movement.  

He did not want Mingyu to see him like this. He was drunk and sweaty from the party. Probably the lightly applied eyeliner was also a bit affected and his hair was tousled. He did not know why it was always so much fun for the customer to pat their heads.  

Jeonghan and Jisoo didn´t mind but they were enjoying themselves most of the time.  

Mingyu seemed to relax again, and Wonwoo changed into his pajamas. Normally he would wash up first but the night had been tiring and he just wanted to sleep.  

He sneaked into his bed and closed his eyes.  




Mingyu woke up.  

After Minghao had made it clear to him three more times last night that he would not say a word about their part-time job, Mingyu had given up.  

He had unpacked his things in the room.  

When he had organized half of the boxes, he almost fell asleep just looking at his other stuff.  

He rubbed his eyes. 

It was quiet around him and he needed a moment to orientate.  

He turned around and finally remembered that he had fallen asleep yesterday while sorting out his books.  

They were still at the end of the mattress. 

Mingyu peeked at the other bed and saw that Wonwoo was still asleep. He hadn't heard him when he came in, he probably had been so tired that someone could have landed a damn plane next to him and he would have continued to sleep. 

He sat down quietly on the edge of the bed and looked for his slippers. He slipped in and closed the door quietly behind him so that Wonwoo could continue sleeping when he left the room. 

"Of all the stupid dormitories I could have lived in, it has to be this mess. I just wanted to be to myself and study in peace. " he muttered when he walked toward the kitchen.  

They were loud and usually there was permanent mess everywhere. One had to constantly compromise, which usually ended in him having to put back.  

And now he was even the maknae and had to be polite and obedient around them. When he arrived in the kitchen, he ran to the refrigerator and opened the door. He reached out for the milk and was about to take it out when he remembered that none of it was his.  

Ashamed, he put it back and looked around.  

Finally he took a glass from the tall cupboard and filled it with tap water. 

He didn't know exactly what to do now. It was really early and everyone seemed to be asleep. 

He actually wanted to take a shower. Yesterday he had been too tired and there was no way he would leave the house in this condition.  

Mingyu got nervous when he heard footsteps that came closer.  

He turned around had to suppress a grin.  

Minghao trotted into the kitchen. One eye was open, the other still closed.  

He looked so tired that Mingyu was worried if he would find his way to the coffee machine. 

He grumbled something as he staggered past Mingyu and grabbed a cup from the cupboard.  

"Good morning Hyung."  

"You don´t have to add the honorifics all the time Mingyu-ah, okay?” Minghao turned his head and looked at him.  

Mingyu bit his lip and nodded. 

Minghao placed his cup under the coffee machine and pushed the button. 

He pointed to the cupboard.  

"Do you want one too?" he asked. 

Mingyu wasn't really a fan of coffee but he was in the mood right now.  

He nodded and walked over to the machine. He waited until his hyung´s cup was filled and handed him his own one. 

Minghao ignored his stretched out hand. 

"Then make it yourself." Minghao chuckled and walked out of the room. 

Mingyu couldn't help but laugh. 





Wonwoo pulled the blanket over his head when he opened his eyes and his alcohol level was still so high that his headache got worse. 

He peeked out from under his covers and realized he was alone. Mingyu's bed was empty.  

Wonwoo sat up and almost lost his balance.  

"Those two always make me drink too much," he complained to himself for being such an idiot. 

He stood and after a few seconds the dizziness in his head got better.  

“I need coffee…” he mumbled and left the room.  

He heard the coffee machine already and smirked. Minghao was always the first one to stand up.  

All of them were in their second year now and started living together from day one.  

They had hit it off right away and over time they had become close friends.  

Since he spent most of his time with them they were like family to him.  

He waited at the door to the kitchen because the sound of the coffee machine had stopped. 

As expected, a second later a tired Minghao trotted out of the kitchen and ignored him.  

Wonwoo knew exactly that he made himself a coffee in the morning and then came out of the kitchen. They had therefore gotten into the habit of waiting a short time so that he would not run into them and spill the hot coffee all over them.  

This had happened to Jeonghan twice before, and since then he had been careful to avoid Minghao's morning coffee route. 

He wrinkled his forehead when he heard the machine a second time.  

Wonwoo walked into the kitchen and Mingyu was adding sugar to his coffee.  

The younger didn´t seem to notice him.  

“Morning.” He said and Mingyu turned around to him. 

“Good morning, hyung.”  


Wonwoo jumped at Minghao´s sudden outburst from the living room.  

He saw that Mingyu´s face got all red. 





Mingyu was embarrassed.  

He was used to talk very politely to older people, even if they were just one year older than him. That was the reason why it annoyed him so much that he was the youngster.  

Wonwoo was looking at him. „What was that about?”  

"Nothing." he said, stirring his coffee to dissolve the tons of sugar with it. He loved sweets. 

He put the spoon in the sink and was about to turn around when he saw Wonwoo's expression.  

"In the dishwasher?" he asked nervously.  

Wonwoo grinned. "What do you think? Imagine if each of us left our stuff lying around. The kitchen would be a nightmare after half a day. I don't really care, but Jeonghan is very picky." 

Mingyu grabbed the spoon and put it in the dishwasher. He wanted to slap himself.  

Normally he wasn´t messy at all. 

He heard a giggle from his hyung and turned around.  

Someone… well something stumbled into the kitchen.  

He took a closer look and smirked when he was pretty sure that it was Jisoo.  

Jisoo mumbled something and almost fell into the refrigerator. 

Mingyu saw that he was taking out the milk and poured himself a glass.  

After that, he put the milk back and almost ran into the doorframe when he left the room.  

"Are you going to move aside and stop blocking the coffee machine or should I teleport the coffee maker over to me?"  

Mingyu heard Wonwoo´s voice and stepped to the side.  

He heard him laughing and left the kitchen embarrassed. He was walking towards their bedroom.  

“Where are you going Mingyu-ah?” He heard Jisoo´s voice and his hyung seemed to in his right mind now after his milk. 

“Well… to the room I guess?”  

“Sit down. Minghao will make breakfast after his coffee. We always eat together.”  

Mingyu was just able to hide his annoyed groan. That was exactly what he meant. He wanted coffee and to go to the room.  

But since his roommates seemed to sit together every morning, he had to do that now too because it would be disrespectful otherwise.  



"Sit down." Jisoo grinned and slid to the side to make room for him.  

Mingyu walked over to the couch and sat down. He put down his coffee and widened his eyes in surprise as a body fell on top of him. 

“Ya, Jeonghan-ah. Go somewhere else, this is Kookie´s spot.” 

Mingyu somehow managed to push Jeonghan off of him. Jeonghan had apparently just let himself fall onto the couch because he looked just as exhausted as the others. Mingyu really wondered what the three of them had been up to. 

"But that's where I always sit..." he heard Jeonghan's voice.  

"You don't want your dongsaeng to sit on the floor, do you?" Mingyu heard Wonwoo´s voice and he had a big smile on his face.  

But it seemed to trigger Jeonghan´s “I am not the youngest anymore” button and managed somehow to join Minghao´s couch.  



Wonwoo watched Mingyu.  

He did not seem to feel well. He was apparently not used to living with others. And even if he was, Wonwoo had to admit that probably everyone would have problems with these dorks at the beginning. 

"Hyung...." Jeonghan poked Minghao in the side several times but was ignored.  

"Hyuuung... I'm starving... "Jeonghan continued to whine.  

Mingyu had to grin without meaning to as Jeonghan's just kept nagging until Minghao stood up and slapped his head. 

“You are always like this when you come home late. All you do is eat after it.” 
Wonwoo saw that Mingyu sat up and was looking at Minghao curiously.  

Oh no…  





Mingyu sat up straight. Apparently, Minghao had once again brought up the subject of what the boys were doing at night. And since Mingyu wanted to know anyway, he looked around in the round.  

"You guys talk about your part-time jobs all the time? What exactly do you guys do? Waitressing?"  

Everyone seemed relaxed.  

Jisoo laughed. "Well...I also bring the drinks to the table sometimes you could say." 

"You certainly did last night, hyung." Jeonghan laughed and stretched.  

"It was definitely exhausting. The two guys were super annoying and wanted constant attention. That's why Wonwoo came along, so one of us could take a break." 

Mingyu didn't know exactly what to make of this explanation. 

"Stop babbling and go take a shower. Breakfast will be ready soon and the first lecture is in an hour."  

Mingyu winced when he heard Wonwoo's voice. He sounded annoyed.  

The others seemed to think the same because they looked at him in surprise. 

"Since when are you so annoyed when we talk about this?" 

"This is our business and we've decided together to keep it between us. Stop inciting him. It's none of his business." 



Wonwoo war surprised at his own reaction. Normally he really didn´t give a about it. Some of the other student probably suspected something like that but he didn´t hide it either.  

But it felt weird to blurt it out in front of the youngest.  

Wonwoo clenched his jaws when he saw that Mingyu was bursting with curiosity. 



“Guys, you can tell me. I can keep a secret.” Mingyu smiled and suddenly Jeonghan´s face got serious.  

“If you keep it then we´ll tell you, Mingyu-ah.” 

“Jeonghan-ah, shut the up. Show a little respect to Wonwoo.” Mingyu heard Minghao´s warning. 

Mingyu sighed in disappointment when he saw Jeonghan sulkily sitting down again.  

But thank God there was someone else.  

"He'll figure it out anyway. We live together. What do you think? He's not stupid," Jisoo said and Mingyu regained hope. 

"Don't make such a deal out of it. It's not like you guys are hitmen, right?" 

Jisoo laughed. "No, of course not. But you can ..." 

"Ya. Jisoo-ah. Shut up or there will be trouble with him." Mingyu heard Minghao's voice and when he looked at Wonwoo he swallowed nervously.  

His hyung was looking scary.  

It seemed like he was really uncomfortable with the situation.  

Jisoo, however, did not seem to be bothered by this.  

"... call me." 

Mingyu frowned. "For what?" 

"Well, for me."  

Mingyu heard Jeonghan chuckle.  

"You can call all of us. We'll take you out to celebrate or you can just show us off." 

Mingyu was still confused, and his facial expression seemed to show it.  

He heard Wonwoo's annoyed snort.  

"You can book us in our company. We are callboys." 


Chap 4 



Mingyu was staring at Jisoo. 

“You are… wait… what?!”  

“I want to make it clear, that you idiots are doing your callboy stuff. I work in a supermarket, and you can call me for rice and noodles.” Minghao said and stood up. “I will prepare breakfast. When your brain is working again you can eat with us. “ 

Mingyu had absolutely no idea how to react to Jisoo´s statement.  

He heard an angry curse from Wonwoo and saw him walking towards their bedroom. He openend the door and slammed it behind him.  

“He will be pretty pissed. I will shower first.” Jeonghan laughed. 

Jisoo jumped up.”Forget it. I am first.”  

He won the couch fight when he threw one of the big pillows on Jeonghan's head and while Jeonghan tried to crawl out from under it he was already at the door to their room. 

"Aish..." cursed Jeonghan and followed Jisoo. 

Mingyu sat on the couch and stared at the place where the two airheads had just sat. 

"This is really a joke now..." he muttered. 


Mingyu winced as Minghao yelled from the kitchen. 

"But where?!" he shouted back. 

"In your bathroom!"  

"Wonwoo hyung is in there!!!" 

"So? Get used to it. He won't eat you. Unless you call him." his hyung chuckled. 

“Of course, he wouldn´t eat me. He has to be nice and cute, right?!” Mingyu got mad. 

“Let´s say he works in another department of the agency. He is not in charge of being nice and cute.” Minghao shouted back. 

Mingyu had no idea what Minghao was talking about but he had enough of this nonsense. He would move out.  


He stood up and walked towards the room.  





Wonwoo cursed angrily when the soap slipped his fingers.  

He had no idea why he was so mad.  

Sure, their part-time job was not the type of job that you ran around and bragged about. But they kept it a secret for a year now and were sure that some of the students suspected something because they left the dormitory in the evening looking like ing peacocks and in the lectures like beggars. 

When the heard the news of a new roommate, all were excited about it.  

He clenched his jaws in anger.  

And now they had a problem. 
“Aish… that damn Jisoo hyung.”  

For some reason, it bothered him that Mingyu would think bad about him.  

He got out of the shower and grabbed a dry towel. He dried himself and checked his face in the mirror. Satisfied, he noticed that the small misunderstanding in one of his sessions yesterday had left no traces.  

He had been fast enough to dodge the little attack from one of his clients. 

They were sometimes a little too emotional before they realized they were going to enjoy it. 





Mingyu heard Wonwoo turn off the shower.  

To be honest, he had no idea how he should behave now. It was none of his business what his hyungs were doing. 

Mingyu grabbed his phone and typed a message.  

After he had sent it, the door from the bath room openend and Wonwoo was walking out.  

With only a towel around his hips, he walked to the closet, completely relaxed, and gathered his clothes. Mingyu saw him reach for the towel and then stopped moving.  

He seemed to remember that he was no longer alone.  

"I'll be done in a minute, you can take a shower then." Wonwoo mumbled. 

Mingyu nodded and stood up. He organized his clothes too and put them on the bed. He was staring at the two boxes that he were still unpacked. 

The door of the bathroom openend again and Wonwoo came out.”I am done.” 

Mingyu grabbed his clothes. 





After Wonwoo had blow-dried his hair, he went into the living room and prayed that Jisoo was not there. Normally he was polite, but now he would have liked to tear off his cheeky head.  

As expected, Jisoo sat on the couch and grinned at him from ear to ear. 

Wonwoo tried to suppress it but got louder. 

"Did you have to do that, hyung?!"  

"Chill out. He would have noticed sooner or later anyway. So it was better to say it right away instead of having a weird mood here for weeks." 

"Breakfast is ready." Wonwoo heard Minghao's voice from the kitchen.  

Jisoo was still smiling at him. "Tae... What's the big deal? Why does that bother you? You've known him for less than 24 hours. Get over yourself, okay? 

“That was ed up. Seriously.” Wonwoo growled at him and saw Jisoo´s rising an eyebrow.  

“I know that you are pissed but watch your language, kid.”  

Wonwoo bit his lip and walked into the living room. 




Mingyu walked out of the bedroom and felt better.  

He heard his hyungs from the living room already.  

When he walked into the room he saw them sitting on the dining table.  

Jeonghan saw him and waved. 

”Sit here.” He pointed beside him and Mingyu nodded.  

He was stunned. The table was filled with food. 

“Wow that’s a lot.” He said surprised and was looking at Minghao.  

“Did you do that by yourself?” Mingyu suppressed a grin when he saw that Minghao was shyly avoiding his gaze. 

"Yes. Now eat and don't bug me." 

"Don't bother. Minghao hyung is always so moody when it comes to eating. He grumbles and grumbles but no one is allowed to help him. Just eat and be done with it." Hoesok said while munching happily on a piece of meat. 

Mingyu jumped in surprise when an egg roll popped up in front of him. He turned his head and had to laugh when he saw Jeonghan holding the chopsticks out to him with a serious expression on his face.  

"I am a hyung now, I will take care of you. Don't worry. Aaaah..."  

Mingyu sighed and opened his mouth.  

Jeonghan nodded, satisfied with his speech. 

Mingyu peered over at Wonwoo.  

He still looked annoyed and Mingyu could understand why.  

For the first time, Mingyu observed his roommates more closely and he immediately noticed a few things.  

Minghao sat sullenly on his chair and poke at his food. Mingyu saw that he was watching the plates of the others closely and that the bigger pieces of meat landed on the plates of Jeonghan and Jisoo. Jeonghan was getting on his nerves again with a piece of Eggroll, but he kept looking cautiously at Jisoo who was staring at Jeonghan. 

Wonwoo pushed the carrots aside and earned a nasty look from Minghao. 

"I don't make them just for the others. If you're going to eat everything without helping, then eat it all." Mingyu grinned as Minghao grumbled at Wonwoo. 

And of course Wonwoo gave him the retort. 

"You're not supposed to be helped, hyung. So stop talking big here."  

Minghao glared at him and took the carrot from Wonwoo's plate. He picked a big piece of lettuce from his plate and pushed it on Wonwoo's plate.  

"At least eat something healthy."  

Wonwoo grinned. "You're cute, Hyung." 

Jisoo paid no attention to the two fighting housewives and picked a large piece of meat from his plate and held it in front of Jeonghan's nose.  

Jeonghan backed away, startled. 

"Are you too cool to be fed by your hyung now, Jeonghan-ah? Because you are one now, too?" he asked him, and Mingyu had the feeling that the two had been arguing.  

And he had probably been the reason.  

Jeonghan turned his head away in a huff.  

"I'm not hungry anymore." 

Jisoo and pushed past Jeonghan. Mingyu stared at the chopsticks in front of him.  

Jisoo held it out to him. 

"You must still be hungry, right?" he whispered. 

Mingyu didn't know exactly what to do because he saw Jeonghan getting angry in the corner of his eye.  

But his hungry brain stubbornly opened his mouth and the piece disappeared into his mouth.  

Jisoo laughed. 




Wonwoo groaned in annoyance.  

"Look at those two weirdos fighting over the maknae. Jisoo should know that Jeonghan won't like it if he favors him so obviously." 

"It's not like he favored him. Jeonghan was pouting. And when I cook something, it should be eaten. I don't care who opens his mouth." Wonwoo heard Minghao grumble and grinned.  

Today his hyung was especially grumpy. 

When a drop of sauce ran down Mingyu's lip, he saw Jeonghan grinning wickedly and catching the drop with his thumb.  

"Aigoo... Watch out or you'll get it all soiled." he said and Wonwoo wanted to ram their heads against the wall.  

"You two child heads stop your crap now and finish eating. We have to get to class in a minute." he snapped at them, surprised at his own tone.  

Jisoo's stare spoke for itsself but he apparently let Taeyung get away with it.  

Without another word, he stood up and took Jeonghan's hand.  

"Thank you for the food, Hyung," he said, briefly massaging Minghao's shoulder.  

Wonwoo grinned as Minghao enjoyed it for the first few seconds, then remembered he was too cool for skinship and pushed Jisoo's hand away.  

"Whatever. Go get ready." he grumbled. 

Wonwoo was staring at Mingyu.  




Mingyu had to admit that this breakfast was very entertaining.  

He was good at reading people and each of them had a different character. It was a mystery to him how this group got along.  

Each of them had a strong personality as far as he could tell.  

Wonwoo stood up and took two plates toward the kitchen. Minghao grumbled again that he shouldn´t touch it but Mingyu stood up aswell, grabbed another plate and ignored Minghao´s angry stare. 

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189 streak #1
Chapter 8: ok just realized I read this back in may of 22 because of a post I made...
__butterfly #2
Hi! Is that how the story ends?
Chapter 39: Oh that was the end already im crying this fic was so good and deserves more readers!!! I might request something later on when I'm less busy haha but you wrote it so well, you're no in the area but damn you can do the dom-sub tension very well oof and you made me a real big taekook shipper now xD
Chapter 38: Wah taekai tension here and heechul is my ultimate bias, him being mentioned here makes me love this fiction even more and sad that it's almost the end T^T
Chapter 30: Oh damn all the finally being of use
Chapter 26: Omg did you ever write the session between them?
boy_love12 #7
cant wait to read
Congrats on winning the bid!!!!
189 streak #9
Chapter 26: ok...Need to STOP reading the comments ....spoiler alerts they
Chapter 39: Awwww thank you <3 I’m glad you like the character posters and cover, if there’s anything you need lemme know!! I freaking love this fic (>////<)