Eury's Vacation 2

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Characters (so far):

Head Master Naomi Gonsalves - Im Nayeon

Lord Jade Drakos - Yoo Jeongyeon

Count Freyseia Sullivan - Hirai Momo

High Priestess Chantal Eustrige - Park Jihyo

Princess Arizona Forestiere - Myoui Mina

Count Eury of Selsi - Kim Dahyun

Count Myrll Rioca - Kim Minju

Sir Terrence Lockwood - Kang Taehyun

Count/General Itzayana "Itzel" Xerrion - Son Chaeyoung

Empress Savina Leigh de Zestria - Minatozaki Sana

Onyx Safriyel - Shin Ryujin

Grand Duchess Eloisa Ventis - Irene/Bae Joohyun


Last night was a mess. The Grand Duchess kept on bickering with the High Priestess and Count Frey. Trinity told me they're good friends that's why they bicker. Now I'm wondering if Itzel and Trinity are also good friends because they've been at each other's necks since yesterday trying to compete for my 'best mate' title. 


"Mine is a little more intricate so it probably means Eury spent more time making mine." 


"She may of have spent time but not the effort. If only your name can be as short as you then maybe Eury wouldn't have the trouble of spelling it all out." 


"Wha—Your name is harder to write! My name only has one vowel throughout which is easier to spell." 


"Were you hatched early or is it just your plain idiocy. I only have "i" throughout while you have an "i" and "a". I can't believe I have to teach a Commander how to spell her name right." 


"Hah! Blab all you want at the end of the day, I still have the coolest brooch and you can't deny that." 


"You need to let Arizona check your eyes and include your brain too while you're at it."


I can only just sigh adoringly at these two. I may of have not noticed it but I was already able to form some kind of attachment towards them. I was the youngest in my group of friends and having someone younger is actually a really nice feeling. 


Currently we're on our way to the dining hall to take our lunch. with Terry closely following us. This is what I dislike in a medieval setting, aside from having to wear these tight and uncomfortable dresses, the walk towards the other parts of the Mansion is quite long that's why I can't help but release a yawn which made the both of them stop. 


"You're still sleepy. I heard about the incident last night. Did you have trouble sleeping because of it?" Trinity asked. 


I immediately shook my head, "It's not that." 


"Best Mate, since when did you have women problems? Last time we talked I'm pretty much sure the Princess still holds your heart." 


I almost choked at what Itzel said. It was so casual! Did this oaf forgot about Trinity's presence already? It would've been awkward if Trinity—Tzuyu didn't know my side. 


We looked at each other for a second before I cleared my voice.


"As I was saying! I'm not having women problems. Where did you two even get that idea? All of what happened last night was just a misunderstanding. I'm actually sleep deprived because I woke up early." I explained, hoping their idea about such things would fade. 


"Oh is that why you got invited to join the Craftman's daily workshop with the Archduke?" I nodded and plastered a smile. 


Although it cost me morning energy, I can't deny that I was genuinely having fun. Back when I was still Kim Dahyun, I'd always observe florists, painters, and various artists do their work. I've always wanted to try things like this but never got the time to do so and that's why I wholeheartedly participated in this workshop and achieved four products. 


2 were blue and white ornamental brooches which I gave to Itzel and Trinity. It's not possible to give one without the other getting upset. 


We arrived at the dinner hall and saw the High Priestess Chantal and Count Frey sitting across each other. 


"Count Eury/Eury!" The two said at the same time.


and is it just me or did the air suddenly shifted as their gazes clashed. I wonder what happened to the three of them last night? I never really had the chance to talk with them yet. 


"Greetings to the Cathedral's Paragon, High Priestess Chantal, Your Holiness and to Count Freyseia Sullivan, my Lady." I greeted with a smile to hide my fatigue. 


The High Priestess was the first one to clear her voice before Count Frey can even open , "I believe you have things you'd like to ask upon your return in this Archduchy. I can enlighten you of it during the meal." 


Oh that's right. I did mention I'd like to re-learn all the things I'm supposed to know about this place. 




"I believe the most suitable one to engage Eury in that topic would be someone that actually resides here."


Hello?? Did I miss some few chapters? Are they trying to get close to me now that my relationship with Trinity has been fixed? Errr well at least they're not trying to kill me. 


I glanced at Trinity and saw her shooting a knowing smirk at me. Huh? What did I even do? 


"Best mate, are you now seeing my point?" Itzel asked, just audible for me to hear. 


"Eury will be seating at the center. That way we can all engage in a talk with her." Trinity stated and proceeded to sit beside the High Priestess. 


I think my theory was right when I saw Count Frey frowned. Geez such main character vibes, in the flesh! 


"Commander, your brooch looks amazing. I can't help but praise it. Where did you buy it?" 


As per Trinity's decision, I was seated at the center, with Trinity and the High Priestess Chantal on my right side and Itzel and Count Frey on my left.


Itzel held her chin up high and plastered on a proud smile as Count Frey complimented the ornamet clip I gave her. 


"This is given to me by Eury as her Best Mate. She made this with her hands and considered even my favorite color, I couldn't be more proud to wear this even in battle." She exaggerated. 


I didn't know blue was her favorite though and surely I didn't say anything about this 'best mate' thing she and Trinity are seemingly fighting over. 


"Ahh I see." 


What was that cold reaction! I didn't expect that from Count Frey. Oh no have I done something offensive again? 


"It seems that the Count gifted both of her closest aids. Trinity also has one on her garment." The High Priestess pointed out. 


Thanks to that, it somehow lightened up the atmosphere. Well not until the Head Master arrived and flaunted the other ornament I made, a hairpin designed like how it is in my previous world that it's hard not to notice it. 


I made it with the thought of upping my favor on the Head Master since I must've miscalculated my relationships status rating with her. I remembered that she's also one of those who opposed in having me here. I became complacent, too complacent and now, despite not knowing what she truly feels towards me as a character, I'll risk my route with her by doing such things. 


I don't know, her overall vibes just kind of reminds me of my older cousin back in my previous world. 


"Late Good Morning to you Ladies." She simply greeted with a smile etched into her face. 


"Aunt, are you happy because you were bathed in Lord Jade's presence all night? Now that's what I call a score!" 


Whatthehshdj Itzel you brave bastard! 


I secretly pinched her when Head Master Naomi narrowed her gaze at her and clicked her tongue before crossing her arms.


"I'll let it pass since I'm in a really good aura right now." 


The doors then opened and enter the Archduke, the Grand Duchess and Lord Jade followed by the servants. 


"Sorry for being late. The Craftsman had to leave early due to a conflict that he has to settle." The Archduke started after we stood up and greeted him.


"Eury was so good with her hands!" 


We just started eating and I already choked on my food. Waving my hand to ask for water and not too long received, immediately five glasses of it—yes, five! 


One from the High Priestess, Count Frey, Itzel, Trinity and even Terry. 


Although these era of people wouldn't relate or understand it that much but that wording is kind of....errr well, a high level of compliment in my world.


"Eury, eat your meals properly. There's no spell that can cure someone from choking." The Head Master reprimanded me as she almost stood up from her seat. 


The heimlich maneuver hasn't been introduced in this century yet?! The basic? The legend?! 


"I apologize for making you worry everyone. I was just taken a back with what the Grand Duchess said." The moment I said that, I can almost feel the glare Itzel is throwing at the Grand Duchess and once again I had to pinch her secretly at that.


"What I was saying is true though. Father, tell them how the Craftsman complimented Eury's skill." 


I sheepishly smiled and I don't know why but those compliments kind of made me happy too because I didn't know until now that I have a knack for it. 




"I saw Count Eury early in the morning at the yard and since I don't have any companion for my daily art workshop, I invited her in. My craftman told me her designs are out of this world!" He said and released his signature heft laugh. 


Out of the world—well that's true in one way or another though. 


The Grand Duchess clasped her hands, "The Marquess and Commander are so lucky to be in a close relationship with her that they receive hand-made brooches from the Count." 


Oh right she left before I finished the other two.


The Head Master cleared her voice, "The Count also gave me this one earlier." 


"Hmmm is that so?" 


Lord what did I do again? How come the room suddenly turned dark somehow. I swear I almost can see a gloomy cloud ovee this table. 


Fortunately, I was able to finish our lunch with my limbs still intact. I kind of get the feeling that another fight has begun the moment the room darkened or was it just me because Itzel was snickering and Trinity's just throwing an amused smile every now and then. 


I sighed and held the bracelet I made for the Princess tighter. I figured the best way to warm up to her is a little genuine gift that she'd appreciate. Trinity gave me that tip earlier when I gave her the brooch. Although making it was a little challenging, it doesn't compare as to the process of giving it to her. There's always rejection to consider. 


"Master, you're worried about your gift for the Princess I assume?" 


Terry and I are on our way to the main entrance to give Princess Arizona the bracelet I worked hard to form earlier. It's not that much and we only used some common materials but I do hope this could at least give me the ticket to have a proper conversation with her. 


I hummed and looked at the handcrafted jewelry on my hand with a smile, "Do you think it's pretty Terry?" 


"Only a fool would doubt its value, Master." 


Terry's answer gave me hope. 


Lately, the Princess is busy doing her Royal duties in the East that's why she hasn't been able to spend time with us yet. Plus add the fact that it's a nice reason to avoid me here. 


I looked at the hug windows where the sun is shining through and hoped that the Princess hasn't departed yet—


I stopped walking and widened my eyes when I saw the Royal Carriage starting to move. No, I wasn't worried because of that. I was worried when the coachman jumped from his seat as soon as the horses started to move. 




Then without any warning, I sprinted towards the main door with nothing but haste. 




"Terry! There's a suspicious coachman running towards the south side of the estate. I entrust him to you! Please!" 


It was a quick order but Terry managed to get my point when he stopped and jumped out of the nearest window. My mind is getting cloudy and I'm pretty much sure I'm having a hard time hearing because the sound of my pounding heart was enough for me to go insane. 


Aghhk! This kind of garment is slowing me down! 


I pushed the entrance door opened and saw two Ventis Knights stationed at the entrance and another Knight putting on a saddle. Perfect! 




"C-Count Eury?" 


The moment I swifty boarded the horse, I turned to them and yelled, "The Princess is in danger! Call her Royal Guards and Lord Jade immediately!" 


After laying out an order I kicked the horse's with my heels. I wasn't used to the horse's sound and winced when it neighed. I forgot to consider the fact that I have no horse-riding experience before! 


"Mina!" I yelled and used the rope to divert the horse's direction towards the Royal Carriage who just entered the woods with such speed. 


The road is bumpy and I'm calling it a body memory when I lowered my.body, leaning it forward to minimize the vibration. It also gave me the opportunity to rip off the tight clothing on the lower part of my garment. Giving me more space to use my flexibility. 


"Princess Arizona!" I yelled again trying to get her attention. 


Damn it! The carriage is going fast! If only there's something I can throw—that's right!


I grabbed one of my heels and tugged the horse's rope which gave me more speed before I threw my shoe at the back of the carriage. 


My worries lessened when the Carriage's curtain opened revealing the Princess' face who's clueless as to what's happening right now. 


"Count Eury?" 


"Princess! You don't have a coachman right now and your horses are going wild! Would you go to the—"


What?! The coachman's seat is ruined! It's only in a matter of time before the tube connecting to the horse and that to the carriage breaks! 


I groaned before using my strength to shorten the distance between the carriage and the horse I'm riding. 


"Give me your hand!" I yelled as I reached out my hand before making sure there's no hurdle coming our way. 




"Spare me your hard-headedness and give me your hand! The carriage is going to break any time now!" 


She knew I was right when she looked out and saw the front part of her carriage.


The Princess opened the carriage door before placing her hand on mine. She was hesitating to jump that's why I used all of my strength to pull her in making her yelp in the process as she fell seated in front of me. 


I can't risk making her sit at the back in case someone is following us with a long-range weapon in hand. I was panting but I didn't care until I get us in a safe place. 


"My scarf.." I heard the Princess muttered before she tempted to jump back to the carriage. 


We almost fell off the horse if it weren't for my adrenaline and Eury's hidden muscle strength. The road is getting even more bumpy that's why I was worried she'd fall wheb she reached out her hand to the carriage. 


"What were you thinking?! You could've fallen to your death back there!" I yelled not even thinking if she's the Princess or what anymore! I can't believe she just tried to place herself in a dangerous position! 


"My scarf! Trinity...Trinity gave me that scarf!" 


I darted my eyes to the scarf that got stuck on the Carriage's door frame. You've got to be kidding me. I closed my eyes for a brief second before biting my lip. We are reaching a curve and the carriage way behind us is heading straight to its edge. I need to be fast! 


"Please hold the rope." 


"Eury what are you—"


"It's important to you, right?!" 


Our eyes met for a moment and that's when I got my answer. Now, not waiting for hers, I placed the rope on her palms and unhesitatingly jumped. I rolled on the ground gaining another set of fresh cuts. I yelled but pain is the least thing I have to worry about. 


I heard the Princess gasp and yelled for my name.


I ran towards the carriage and grabbed the handle before caredully approaching the coachman's seat. I first released the horses' link to the carriage so it would lose its speed and once the horses are freed, I held tight when the carriage dragged itself through the ground, taking it as an opportunity to grab the scarf. 


"Oh for ducks sake you're kidding me?!" 


It's stuck! I'm having a hard time pulling it! 


"Eury!" I heard the Princess yell as she speeded towards my direction. 


It was the last thing I saw before the shaking stopped and then I realized I've already crossed the edge and now I'm falling from a high ground. 


Being on air gave me a little bit more strength to pull the scarf and I did! 


"Eury's body... I'm... I'm going to trust your regeneration! If you really have strong mana please, just please for once save me! I don't want to die again! Not now! I need to get back!" 


I hugged the scarf and braced myself before I felt a really hot energy rushing through my veins. It's painful, so painful! But it's giving me hope as of the moment ans that is why I focused all my remaining energy to my right hand as it morphed a glowing red-orange chains and hooked itself where it can serve as an anchor to prevent my self from falling. 


However it is imperfect as I spiderman-ed my self right into its surface and hit my head really hard. 




I shouldn't lose focus. I shouldn't lose my consciousness. I'm hanging and there's still quite a bit of height before the ground. I don't want to ruin the scarf that's why I'm only using my right hand but I don't think I can keep this up longer. 




I slowly turned around and saw a huge green dragon with Itzel riding on it followed by the High Priestess and Head Master sitting on a moving magic circle. 


This is the very first time I became reassured when I saw their faces and that is why despite the injuries that I attained, I smiled at them and waved, breaking the chain that I was trying to maintain. 


Kim Dahyun you stupid . 




I must've lost my consciousness because the next thing I saw when I opened my eyes were the high ceilings and white covered sheets everywhere. 


Ah what a nostalgic feeling. 


"Sir Terrence are you sure this is the man we are all looking for?" It was Archduke Ventis' voice. 


"I am confident Your Grace. It's the same person my Master and I saw leaving the carriage." 


"That is indeed odd because the coachman is telling the truth. According to his statement, his vision suddenly darkened and his body moved on its own." Then it was the High Priestess Chantal's voice. 


What is happening? What are they discussing?


"Then it's clear to assume someone instigated this. A certain group who got wind of this vacations perhaps." 


Oh that's right. Something happened earlier and I almost fell to my death. 


Wait where's Princess Arizona?!


I jolted up and immediately searched the room for her. 




"Where's the Princess?!" I asked, a little bit hasty.


Before any of them can even reply, the door opened and I relaxed when I saw her unharmed. 


"I'm here." 


"Greetings to Kingdom Eria's first Princess, Princess Arizona." They greeted. 


Yes they—them because I was too stunned to speak. 


"Eury how are you feeling?" 


Again it was Count Frey who first approached me and made sure I'm feeling well. I looked at my arms and caressed my face. I can see or feel no scars. This body really has some sort of regenerative ability. 


"I'm... exhausted." I honestly said.


"It's normal for you used too much Mana when your inner container is still unstable from the holes on its cap." The High Priestess explained. 


"My child, I sincerely apologize for this incident. My Archduchy shall be responsible for this." Archduke Ventis started. 


The Grand Duchess sat on the edge of my bed and took my hand, "You don't know how worried we are." 


"I'm guessing Itzel and Terrence went wild again?" 


Lord Jade released a short-lived chuckle at that and ruffled my hair, "Itzel is busy beati—" She cleared her voice, "—reprimanding the Royal Guards and Archduke Ventis' Knights." 


"Sir Terrence was busy torturing the coachman in hopes of squeezing some answers from him." Trinity said as she stepped in. 


I see. I guess both parties deserved that one. 


"Count Eury, you did such risky actions not befitting that of a Noble—"




"I don't care." 


I heard gasps when I said that. Truthfully? I really don't care anymore. As much as I'm an easy person to talk to, everyone in here needs to hear a piece of me sometimes. 


I removed the covers and stood up facing the Princess. 


"Since you are going to punish me anyway, let met at least vent this out. With all due respect Your Highness, I think it's time for you to give importance to your Royal Guards. I noticed they have quite a vacant time to be able to drink in the barns in broad daylight. You may not like it but Itzel is right when she said that the Royal Palace's Security System is trash. You're babying them too much." I spat. 




"No please let me talk. I know I said I'll make it up for my bad behavi

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Once again I remind you that this is a work of fiction and i'll be using different names for my characters with the image of twice members doing this role. If you're uncomfortable or it's not your cup of tea it's perfectly fine <33


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Aiko8114 #1
I hope everything is okey with you author, it's been 2years but here I'm again read the most beautiful story of all time
Meliodas27 #2
Hi tor nim hehe pls know that we are always waiting for you hope you come back soon u really really love your story that's why i keep repeating it and i hope you continue it 🥹
Chapter 19: I keep coming back and re-reading this. Hope it's not discontinued as it would be a shame. This is really good, ant I hope we get to the end someday.
Meliodas27 #4
Author nim please update we are still waiting for you i keep reading your aus everyday and i have repeated this one many times because its so good pls update 🥹🥹
Meliodas27 #5
Author nim 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😭 please update 🥹🥹 we are waiting for you 🥹🥹 hope you update soon 🥹🥹
Author-nim...T.T wala na ba talagang pag-asa ang Eury-Savina ship namin T.T
Pakpak99 #7
Chapter 19: Please update author-nim 🥺
Aiko8114 #8
Author.. please update- I'm still waiting new chapter, as if it's yesterday, I'm still reading all the previous once.
Meliodas27 #9
Tor nim hello hehe update na I'm not angry anymore update na pwease tor nim
Ms_Freed08 #10
i miss this story please update author