A Day Out With The Princess

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Count Eury of Selsi - Kim Dahyun

Head Master Naomi Gonsalves - Im Nayeon

Lord Jade Drakos - Yoo Jeongyeon

Count Freyseia Sullivan - Hirai Momo

Empress Savina Leigh de Zestria - Minatozaki Sana

High Priestess Chantal Eustrige - Park Jihyo

Princess Arizona Forestiere - Myoui Mina

Commander Itzayana 'Itzel' Xerrion - Son Chaeyoung

Marquess Trinity Gureistone - Chou Tzuyu

Grand Duchess Eloisa Ventis - Bae Joohyun


Count Myrll Rioca - Kim Minju

Sir Terrence 'Terry' Lockwood - Kang Taehyun

Sir Clyde Holt - Choi Beomgyu

Sir Licht Palven - Choi Soobin

Blanche Jouvez - Hwang Yeji

Noir Jouvez - Hwang Hyunjin

Rouge Jouvez - Nishimura Riki

Prince Azure Forestiere - Park Sunghoon

Madame Hailee 'Hayle' Saavedra - Lee Jieun

Earl Russel Quinton (refer to Chapt 2) -> Han Jisung

Vice Captain Fennec Ross -> Choi Yeonjun

"Your Highness please refrain from walking so fast!" I called as I tried to catch my breath. 


If someone asks, hey Eury what the hell are you doing here in the busy streets of Valemia running around looking like a tomato with an even more ridiculous hair color rather than polishing your plan for the Engagement Party that's going to happen in two days time.


My answer would be her.


"Valemia is the busiest town in Zestria, Eury you have to keep up!" 


It's not quite obvious she's used to this already, no? Yeah cue in my sarcasm. 


Why am I even here? Well....


//-- FLASHBACK --//


"Good Morning Master! A letter from the palace was delivered this morning." 


I was just peacefully having my coffee while engaging on a light talk about unicorns with my five year old when Terry rushed in the scene, almost as if panting. 


The Palace? Is there a problem? 


I took the letter from his hand and somehow panicked when I recognized Princess Arizona's handwriting in addressing my County, thinking if something bad had happened while I was imprisoned in my County for five straight days. 


I took a sip of my coffee ans instantly regretted it when I blurted it all out the moment I read the first line on its content. I felt bad for Terry who's still bowing slightly at me while Maeve giggled at his coffee-stained trousers. 


Dear Eury, 

It has been a while since our last meeting that's why allow me to ask you out on a date. 


Warafuk man? 


I immediately apologized to Terry before placing the letter down and took a quick second to pinch the bridge of my nose and fished out my—or well, Count Eury's—spectacle out for a better look. 


I read it again, then again and again and another again. 


But it still states here the word 'date' almost as if it's pronounced in such a fancy way. 


"Eury, Your Father wants to schedule a vi—Why do you look like a tomato?" 


Damnit! Focus Kim Dahyun! Don't lose your cool over some engaged woman. 


I cleared my throat and gave Myrll the letter. 


"I just wasn't prepared to read this...this godforsaken word." 


Myrll looked at me as if not-so-subtly telling me I'm dumb with just the gaze, "A date? What's so wrong about being called out as a companion." 




"A companion?" 




Oh hell no did this world change the essence of the word 'date' What am I supposed to think whenever it gets mentioned? 


Hey that was a splendid date! I had so much fun and my betrothed would be so happy to hear about this. 


I would go rabid oh my god. 


"The Princess would like it if you can accompany her in a stroll out in Valemia. Wait, you know what? Forget it. She wants you with her this instant. This isn't an invitation, it's more of like a summoning card." 


Valemia? Ugh I was so distracted that I wasn't able to read the following sentences. 


I looked up to Myrll just in time to see her do her infamous eye-roll.


"What's with the tone and eyes?" 


Myrll just shrugged.


"Well, you know. I'm more of a Count Sullivan type of supporter." 




"I like Aunt Frey too!" Maeve cutely interjected.


I broke a smile at that and patted her hair gently (because she just had it done) before bopping her nose.


"Of course you do, kid." 


I then turned to Myrll and leaned in for a whisper, "I thought you didn't like her?" 


Well I would assume so with the way she kept on questioning me about my date choices during the fitting. 


"That came out of your own mouth my dear cousin, I never said that." 


Myrll walked towards the table and gave Maeve a cute bow of greeting in which my little girl replied with the same gesture but, cuter. 


"Plus she's a great model. While I was doing her measurements, I can't help but gawk in awe because her proportions were to die for. I'd say you go for it Eury." 


I felt the heat instantly rose up to my cheeks as she said that. Can she try and censor things down? Hearing those can't stop my mind from thinking about it. It's not like I didn't notice it before but it's more like I kind of have not to.


"That's not the subject here! Come on help me out. It's the first time someone invited me out, I don't know what to do!" 


This is all so sudden. I wasn't, really, actually prepared. 


"First time? How about that time when a fellow noble from the County Society asked you out?" 


Count Chesika? 


"That's about business!" 


"Yeah say that to the typical candle-lit dinner flooded by a bunch of really red rose petals as if someone got stabbed and left there to color the ground." 


"Wait, there were petals back there?"


"You didn't notice?!" 


I took off my spectacle and this time, massaged my temple. 


Lord give me strength. 


"The point is!" I released a deep sigh of frustration which seemed to have made Maeve giggle.


"This is the Princess we're talking about!" 


This is the least of what I've expected she'd do. I'm panicking because she's a sharp person and any more time spent with her might raise her suspicion towards me especially this time round where I feel like I'm at the edge of something most of the time. 


"Well, there's nothing you can do about it Dear Cousin, you've received the blue seal so it means that you really should comply with the calling." 


my life.




And that is how I'm here in the middle of the streets with different kinds of stalls lined up to the side, chatters of daily news and the huge voices of vendors promoting their stuff. 


It is indeed the busiest city I've ever been to. 


"Your Highness, just because we're under a transformation spell, doesn't mean we can let our guards down. What if someone can recognize us?" 


It was the truth. Aside from the Royal Knights patrolling around the parameters, there are also civilian-dressed Knights keeping their distance from us as we surfed through the streets with our disguises on. 


But with this I can't get complacent, we're out in the open right now and who knows what'll happen. 


My nose bumped right into the Princess' hair but before I can even process the scent that invaded my nostrils, I was alarmed when she suddenly turned around and captured my gaze which seems to have been the cause of breath shortness. 


Her hands, gently grabbing my shoulder did not help at all.


"You're quite tensed lately, is there something wrong?" 


For a moment there, I saw nothing but genuine worry in her eyes and her soft voice just makes me want to give everything up and tell her the whole truth. 


But I know I can't.


I sighed and looked away, "It's nothing. I'm just probably stressed with paperworks." 


White Lies


The Princess hummed and lifted her hand to fix my stranded hair, "I see. Well can we take this time to relax then? Trust me, I needed this as much as you do." 


How can I say no to that gummy smile? Seriously...


But then again maybe she's right. There's really nothing I should be worried about. This town is flooded with Knights on disguise as per my instruction, eyeing the surroundings for any suspicious individual. 


"Okay. Okay, okay. You're right." I cleared my throat before taking a step back and clasped my hands behind me. 


"I apologize Your Highness." 


I was taken aback when the Princess pouted, "Whatever happened to calling me the way you should be?" 


Ha? What's with these Royalties and Nobilities not letting me call by their title? 


"Forgive me for that, Arizona." 


I awkwardly glanced to the side when the Princess just stared at me, no words, no actions—nothing. 


"Is there something wrong?" 


The Princess blinked and shook her head, "It's nothing. It's just... it's been so long since you've talked that way." 


Talked that way? Oh . Did Eury have some kind of accent I'm missing on?


Before I can even ask her what she meant by that, the Princess already turned around after nodding at me.


"Fret not Eury, the day is still long and we shouldn't waste it!" 


The giggle of excitement was enough to convince me that I really should just focus on the 'now' rather than overthinking, like I usually do. 


So, with a smile, I followed her down the road where her eyes feasts on the trinklets and goods they are selling. 


Ugh come to think of it I never had the opportunity to enjoy such a stroll, so might as well let myself be. 


Princess Arizona and I found ourselves on a corner surrounded by a lot of people, cheering and whistling that we got ourselves curious about. 


I barricade my arm on the Princess' side as I used my own body to slightly push the guys to the side as we went in the commotion.


"Excuse me. Yes, yes. Can we pass through? Thank you." 


I immediately grabbed my personal handkerchief made my Myrll and placed it on the Princess' hand before gently pushing it to cover and nose. 




Goodness gracious. I forgot how a bath is literally not that popular in old culture yet! 


Once we made it through, I almost gagged at the stench from the crowd but thank heavens for the Princess' presence! 


"Are you okay?" 


The residue stench in my nose dissipated when the Princess walked near me and fixed my collar. 


"Yep—Yeah I'm fine." I breathe. 


We were interrupted with another wave of loud cheer as we were greeted with a sight of a humongous person sitting on an elevated pavement with a buff guy trying to chew his fist on the table.


What even—????


"Even the Mighty Paolo can't open Greg's fist would you look at that!" 


The crowd laughed when the host of this event pointed it out. The man named Paolo was removed from the table by a bunch of guys and a few other followed by cleaning up his mess. 


"Woah, this is.... interesting." I heard the Princess mutter and I can really see in her eyes how fascinated she is with, literally everything around us. 


I turned to my side and poked the nearest person next to me.


"Excuse me but may I ask what this event is all about?" 


"Sure! See that giant guy's fist on the table? You'll get 20 gold coins if you can unclench it. Many have tried but none succeeded thus far." 


My mouth instantly formed an 'o' because now it explains the commotion. This Greg guy really must be strong huh? 


"How long is he seated there?" 


I asked while not taking my eyes off the next guy that took the challenge. Greg's eyes seemed dull and he already looked so tired even if it's still prior to noon. 


"He never moved an inch since 2 days ago." 


2 days ag—what the hell are these organizers thinking?! 


I nodded and thanked him for the information, quite just in time for the host to start another call. 


Then I noticed someone kept on pushing the side that even my arm, caging (I'm not touching the Princess! I'm still too much of a duck for any physical interaction right now) her in wasn't able to stop them from nudging us. 


"Awe honey you're so sweet!"


"Only for you my sweetiepie."




"...any contender out there?!"


I subconsciously rolled my eyes thinking about how stupid this young couple beside us look like. They're causing a domino effect!


"Please step forward if you'd like!" 


Stop pushing you goddamn cancers! The Princess is getting—


and before I knew it...I was the one that got pushed to the front. 


"We have a new chal—oh? A stout one eh?" 


My eyes widened when the people around me cheered once more but this time louder. I captured the Princess' wide eyes of disbelief. 




I didn't hear her but she was mouthing it clearly.


Wait! Who he callin stout??


"Young Miss! Are you sure you'd want to try? There is still time to save yourself from—pfft—embarrassment." 


I frowned when everyone laughed at his not-so-subtle misogynistic comment. Even the Princess is looking at him with sharp eyes.


"Little Miss give it a try!" Someone from the crowd yelled. 


I was about to tell the host this is just a mistake when I saw the Princess' look on me as if telling me it's okay. She even gave me a tiny fist pump while mouthing a 'You can do it' before giving me a nod. 


She's too cute! How am I supposed to respond to that?! She looks like a penguin giving a dumb human a cheer. 


In the end I grumbled before turning around to face the host with such disinterest. 


"I'll be taking the challenge."


Their holler got a lot more louder than that but mostly just judgemental comments about my gender, physique and height. 


What do I even expect from....from their species? 


The host looked at his fellow organizer and chuckled, "All right then!" 


I paid first for the registration (which is the primary source of income for such a scam) and rolled up my sleeves. Since we're on a disguise, I had to wear a commoner's dress which is by the way, way more comfortable than those laced—silk materials Nobles have. 


"So basically, I can do anything to make him undo his fist?" 


"Precisely, Little Miss."


One more Little Miss and I'll smash your head on his knuckles.


"Literally anything?"


"As long as it can be done within the given time and won't kill our subject here then yes." He sarcastically said and laughed again. 


All right.


I'm feeling confident about this that's why I turned to the Princess and flashed her a smile. 


"Before we start, it's only right to ask our challenger's name, isn't it?" 


Oh crap I can't say Eury now, can I?!


Well.... it's not like someone can recognize me here.


"Dahyun." I answered, feeling a bit nervous there. 


"Dahyun. What a weird name for a pretty fella!" 


I literally pinched myself to stop my eyes from rolling. Myrll's habit is quite contagious! 


"Now without further ado! Let us start the challenge!" 


Many might've expected me to go berserk right away, try various of hard techniques, slam the nearest chair, or maybe even use magic but I was just there, standing as I roamed my eyes on the crowd until I found someone eating a sausage fresh from the pot—perfect! 


I walked towards the person holding the sausage and gave him 3 gold coins in exchange for it. That's quite a lot for a sausage I know! It's the average salary of a commoner but with this sausage I can teach these bunch of fools how violence isn't always the answer. 


By now the cheers went into a decrescendo and confused murmurs began to overlay the environment's sound. 


I stood in front of Greg and smiled at him. 


Oh god, I'm about to be mean but this is the only thing I can think of! 


Even the host's face fell into a puzzle of question marks when I started eating the sausage in front of Greg. I made sure to eat it slowly and to let the smell of its juicy-ness flow through his nostrils. 


"What even is this!"

"We did not come for such a lousy act!"

"Step down!" 



Oh just you wait motherers. I'm going to make your asses run a mile after this. 


I knew I was on the right track when Greg's nose scrunched up. 


Not too long after, it's as if everyone is seeing a miracle unfold (literally) their jaws dropped when Greg started to relax his hand and slowly opened it on his own. 


"Can I have some?" 


I smirked in victory when I succeeded. I looked over to the Princess and found her covering , trying to stiffle a laugh. 


"We—We have a winner!" 


Everyone was still to awestruck to even respond or give out a holler. I gave Greg the rest of the sausage and turned to the Host. 


"I won 20 gold coins right? How about I add on another 100 gold coins in exchange for Greg's freedom?" 


Coming up here, I just saw the chains and shackles attached to his ankle. He must've been a captive or an illegal breakthrough just for the sole purpose of entertainment and I do not tolerate such movements.


The organizers' eyes widened. 100 gold coins is a lot and it's quite a big deal already if you ask me. However, money is not the problem here. 


"P-Preposterous! How can a mere commoner—"


I leaned towards them a bit and smirked as I showed them a badge from my inner chest pocket. 


It was the Von Strauss pin. 


Now I know I'm not supposed to blow my cover but...


When their faces went white, I lifted my finger up to gesture a hush and winked at them. 


"Of course Your Grace!" 


After they handed me Greg's key, they immediately scrambled away with their things and with that I made eye-contact with Terry from a far, sending him a silent message to follow them and make sure they won't say a word. 


"What happened?" 

"Did she just threatened them?"


Chatters, chatters, chatters. Sigh. 


The sound of his shackles getting unlocked made them quiet and Greg's face illuminated with happiness. 


"Go now Greg. You're no one's property anymore." 


Greg wasn't able to utter coherent words anymore and turned to the crowd instead. They must've misunderstood the look on his face because when Greg stood up, towering on all of us here—they started running away. 




I gave Greg one final nod before he started to run away, making the streets go in chaos as the crowd from earlier, around us greatly misunderstood his actions. 


I was laughing to myself while muttering, "Told you I'll make you run a mile." when the someone pinched my side. 


"Ow! What was that for?" I complained but immediately, instantly regretted when I saw that it's just the Princess, standing there while trying to hide her gummy smile.


"You shouldn't of have done that." 


I looked at her carefully before breaking a laugh because hey! She can't hide that amusement look from me. 


"Pfft yeah tell that to your self cause from what I see, it's exactly the same thing you wanted." I playfully spouted. 


My smile widened when she was thrown into a fit of giggles. 


"Have you seen the tough guy's face from the far left? I never would've imagined someone like him could hit an a5 that fast." 


Oh good lord, I sincerely apologize to the people of this town for my loud laugh as we took our path once again cause what the hell? An A5 joke coming from her? That was a good one. I really have to give it to her. 


"I can't believe you just stood there and laughed at his pathetic . That's the least thing I expected from you Princess!" 


I was retaliated by a slap on the shoulder before the Princess replied, not even trying to bite back her giggles anymore. 


"? What a directly specific thing to say. I never would've thought such a word could fit in nicely as an insult." 


I've lost it enitrely and just laughed my '' off at her remark because for a moment there, I forgot that I'm in world in where such slangs don't exist. 


The Princess was also chuckling to herself in a volume that I never knew she could pull off while she tried her best to cover my mouth with her hand, trying to save our image. 


After what seems to be a series of just laughs, push, pull and slaps on the shoulder (all of which are from her) we finally arrived in front of a small but homey-lookin diner. 


I pushed the door open and let the Princess walk in first. I almost forgot to follow her in because I was just amazed at the imagery I'm seeing right now. It really looks like it's straight out of the Manhwa! 


"It's been so long since the last time I went in a Diner." She muttered to herself.


I playfully scoffed and pulled out the chair for her, "Tell me about it." 


Fortunately, Myrll was able to share me her stories while she was traveling to Zest. She and Chloe's gang kept on staying in pubs and diners that's why, in words, I'm quite familiar with this one. 


"Do you have any cravings these days, Arizona?" 


I was busy looking at their wooden tablet where the menu was engraved when the Princess squealed, catching me off-guard. 


"I do! Nami's been blurting gushing over their Fish Soup and I've really wanted it ever since! But Triny wouldn't let me." Her cute pout didn't went unnoticed to me. 


I peeked out from the tablet and sighed, "Well that is because Fish Soup is quite unhealthy and only those with strong stomachs can take it in." 


Wait was that an eye-roll I see? 


"I'd like it if you challenge me with that, thank you very much." 


I hid my smile behind the tablet and fixated my gaze on the table.


"Very well then." I uttered before raising my hand. 


Not a minute later, a young lady arrived in front of us and took our orders. 


"We'd like to have your signature Fish Soup please and 2 regular steak." 


The waitress nodded at us, leaving with the assurance of 2 minutes tops. Once I placed the tablet back on the table, Princess Arizona's shocked expression greeted me.




I shrugged, "I won't tell the Marquess, don't worry." 


Now I hope the Princess wouldn't misunderstand my actions. I'm not doing this to win her over, No. I already gave up that thought long ago. I'm also not doing this just because she looks like my girlfriend. I'm doing this because in her world of responsibilities, an kmage to uphold and a health to keep—I just want to let her experience the things she wants to before she ties down the knot.


Besides, she won't be satisfied with Trinity's point if she haven't tried it yet. 


"Thank you Eury. This has been a best day thus far. I've never laughed that hard these days." 


I can't help but retaliate her smile. It was just too contagious. 


"Tell me about it, the way you're laughing earlier it looked like your intestines are going to come out." 


She laughed at my comment again and I successfully evaded a slap this time. 


"No but seriously Eury that move of yours earlier was really brilliant. How did you even came up with that?" 


Oh she's talking about the sausage technique. 


"Well, Greg's been there for days and I doubt those bastards feed him enough for that. Originally, I just wanted to teach them a lesson about violence not being the solution to everything but when I saw the shackles on Greg's ankle, I instantly didn't like the situation he's in." I elaborated.


I don't know how it came to be but everything just fell silent with just the Princess' stare directed at me. The way she's looking—it's as if she's trying to search something in my eyes. 


"Is there something wrong?" 


Princess Arizona gave me a small smile and shook her head before humming, "Hmmm nothing. It's just—you really did change Eury." 


At this point, I'm not even trying to hide it anymore. 


In a way, of course I did. I'm not the original Eury to begin with. 


I'm this universe's substitute Eury. 


And come to think of it? It's not that bad at all.


We were talking about mundane things like Duke Castillon's wig which I didn't know about till now when the large bowl of Fish Soup arrived along with the steak and mashed tatoes. 


"Wait, Miss? I believe we didn't order these tatoes." 


She must've mistook it for someone else's. 


"Oh that's alright. It's on the house." She winked at me before she shyly walked away with a silly smile on her face.


The hell just happened? 


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Once again I remind you that this is a work of fiction and i'll be using different names for my characters with the image of twice members doing this role. If you're uncomfortable or it's not your cup of tea it's perfectly fine <33


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Aiko8114 #1
I hope everything is okey with you author, it's been 2years but here I'm again read the most beautiful story of all time
Meliodas27 #2
Hi tor nim hehe pls know that we are always waiting for you hope you come back soon u really really love your story that's why i keep repeating it and i hope you continue it 🥹
Chapter 19: I keep coming back and re-reading this. Hope it's not discontinued as it would be a shame. This is really good, ant I hope we get to the end someday.
Meliodas27 #4
Author nim please update we are still waiting for you i keep reading your aus everyday and i have repeated this one many times because its so good pls update 🥹🥹
Meliodas27 #5
Author nim 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😭 please update 🥹🥹 we are waiting for you 🥹🥹 hope you update soon 🥹🥹
Author-nim...T.T wala na ba talagang pag-asa ang Eury-Savina ship namin T.T
Pakpak99 #7
Chapter 19: Please update author-nim 🥺
Aiko8114 #8
Author.. please update- I'm still waiting new chapter, as if it's yesterday, I'm still reading all the previous once.
Meliodas27 #9
Tor nim hello hehe update na I'm not angry anymore update na pwease tor nim
Ms_Freed08 #10
i miss this story please update author