Eury's Origin

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I may look calm in the outside but my nerves are all unstable wreck. 


Through Myrll, I was able to know a few things about Count Eury and of course her feelings during the 'evil phase' should I say.


Turns out that Myrll did betray her at some point. 


I was just grateful at how honest Myrll is to me yesterday. She confessed that 90% of Count Eury's doings failed because she went behind her back. 


Myrll knows what she was doing and what line her cousin should be in an extent. It was more of like a moral obligation rather than a betrayal because Myrll never really made contact nor is close with the main characters (Marquess Trinity and Princess Arizona). She simply just can't stay still knowing her cousin is taking the wrong path, blinded by love. 


I actually appreciate her for that. 


I also thought Myrll would have a hard time believing me but she just looked at me for one whole minute before sighing. 


"At this point, I wouldn't even doubt it anymore." 


That time I was able to see a lot of mixed emotions on Myrll's face and my tentative guess was that she was holding it in for quite a while. It was mixed of sadness, relief, a little bit of frustration and regret. 


"They were right when they said that a person can't be changed overtime. When you were on your last year, you came home wearing a foreign smile on your face and your behavior changed but we can't pinpoint it out."


I sighed again as I caressed the spectacle hooked on my right chest pocket. Myrll only told me the parts I've missed as Count Eury from before and not Count Eury from the Manhwa which I told her about. 


Even when I begged her to tell me how 'bad' Eury was, she refused to do so with a sullen expression and sad smile, telling me that it's all in the past now and that something like that is not important anymore since the Manhwa already illustrated the entirety of it. 


This Count Eury's phase they've been talking about. 


"So does that real cousin Eury is not in this world anymore?" 


My heart broke for her as I felt the wave of guilt wash over me.


"I'm sorry for lying Myrll." 


We patched things up by hugging it out. I know it was kind of out of nowhere and nonsense but at that time, I knew Myrll needed warmth. She may of have been the sassy, responsible and matured cousin of mine—or Eury's—but Myrll has this soft spot for everyone she loves. 


Unfortunately for me, Myrll did not know who sealed my Mana Cap because according to her, Count Eury went home from the Academy for a break and has already got her Mana Cap sealed. Now it's making me wonder if Count Eury sealed it on purpose or did someone stole it or forcefully took it. 


Now there's two of them: 


Trinity and Myrll knows about me—Kim Dahyun. 


and I just hope I wouldn't regret telling either one of them. I trust them of course but in a world where walls can literally have ears, it's better to be careful. 


"Count Eury, we have arrived."


Oh. I must be spacing out for quite some time because it took Terry 2 light pokes to get me out of my headspace. 


"I'm sorry, I'm just tired." 


Terry bowed at me, "Then I wish you a smooth conversation so you may go home early and rest, Master."


The trip to the North wasn't that far because, as I've said, Selsi is in the borderline of East and North. Although we purposely travelled by ship as to reach Archduke Ventis' Villa in less than the days travelled by carriage. 


The moment I went out of the carriage with the help of Licht, I almost fell over at how massive the place is and the choice of colors in this infrastructure. 


In front of me is a large, Castle-like Estate themed in Dominant white, secondary for Gold and Metallic Gray as well as Red highlights.


The family crest and the Empire's Diamond Serpent Crest proudly sat on its tower, side by side.


Compared to the Royal Family, this Mansion's grounds has a few more number of Knights stationed on its entrance, suited in a black suit, covered by a really cool design of red coat with silver linings. 


They looked so professional than that of the Royal Guards and with that, the nervousness I felt just worsened. I was afraid they would immediately suspect me as an impostor. This is a rushed visit and all I ever have are the information I gathered from Myrll who, only focused on telling me who and what my family looks like (through a rough sketch and painting) as well as what they do for a hobby or living. 


Myrll told me they were okay for most parts but she did warn me that I may get overwhelmed and scared now that I'm back after being exiled. Damn it I can't stop my hand from shaking, I'm really, really frightened at how Count Eury's family will take me in! 


Count Eury this is all your fault! 


What horrifies me most is Count Eury's father because Myrll never actually had the chance to get to know him that much. He's always on his study, focuses on Royal Matters and his duties as a functioning noble in this society. 


The typical jerk father in the manhwas I've read. 


Currently I'm wearing a slim-fit, quite stretchable mid-length dress (corset still active) paired with a wedged-heels that made me somehow comfortable than usual, courtesy to Myrll who hand made this one again and adjusted the corset to my liking. Seriously, I wouldn't last a day in this world if it weren't for her. 


Especially now that she understands the sudden change of preference when it comes to dresses. What can a meta do with such uncomfortable garments? Exactly. 


Two Knights—a woman and a man greeted me in a formal way before pushing the doors open. 




If the outside was marvelous, the inside was breath-taking! 


I immediately nudged Terry on my side, "Tell Licht to take notes of such immaculate designs." 


"Understood Master." 


Hehe It's not like I'm stealing ideas! Eury came from this household so I can just say it's inspired from her origin. Goddamnit I'm so brilliant. 


"His Grace is still on a meeting with his confidants, he will call your presence shortly after." 


I'm guessing this is their Head Butler, an old man with such a wise tone and quality in his voice.


"I understand." 


Good job Dahyun! You didn't stutter! 


The Butler seemed shocked before flashing me a warm, genuine smile, "And also, welcome back My Liege." 


My head blasted an emergency siren. Myrll didn't told me about such Butlers! He's old so he must've been here even before Eury was born, aish!


After giving him a hesitant smile in return, I was fortunate enough that he chose to excuse himself after he ushered me in towards the living room because truthfully I don't technically know him moreover, what to say to him. 


Everything around me screams expensive and modern. I mean don't get me wrong it's still has that medieval feels but there was already an advancement in terms of their architecture as can be seen in their interior designs. A modern touch, must I say. 


As we walked through the corridor leading us to the living room, I can already hear loud, deep voices arguing on something. That's what I thought but the more we got near to the area's entry, the more I realize that it was more of like a playful banter. 


"Preposterous! You wouldn't even survive a day without me out there and you wanted to circle the Nation?"


"Huh?! Why not! I'm the Captain of the Atlas Knights, what can possibly harm me?" 


"Theo, I think what Axel wants to point out is that you wouldn't last a day with your gullible personality. You'd be mugged off in an instant."


"Dmitri is right, you're only good with straightforward things. You can't even read the room you square-headed buffoon.." 


I felt like the air got stuck in my throat because Count Eury's body just casually reacted at those voices. She knew them for sure. It was a familiar feeling as well as familiar voices but unless I see them personally, I can't put a face on their voices. 


The only thing that's stabilizing me right now are their loud and light-toned voices. 


"Terry, I don't know what will happen but please just don't engage combat if ever one of them attacks me." 


"But Master—"


"I can handle it." 


Terry might've been moved from the way I looked at him. Sure I acquired him so that he can protect me but this isn't something I should be protected from. Whatever doom awaits, I shall receive for this is the punishment of a daughter that foolishly went against her father's will.


"I understand Master." I sighed in relief as soon as he said that.


This is the time I shall use all of the information I've got to push my way through and avoid a doom route. 


"Let's get this started with." 


I pushed the doors open and their expression froze as soon as they saw me walking in. It looks like they're playing something on the table. Aish shoot I already ruined my chance for disturbing their game. 


"Well, well, well, look who it is! Has the sun turned blue too because look! The rogue sibling is here instead of that brat Myrll!" 


A tall guy exuding a vast amount of confidence slid towards me. I can't figure out his reaction but he looked amused at my presence. 


Myrll told me about him, perfectly combed—jet black hair and a smirk-like smile. There's no doubt about it. 


I did the Nobles' greeting and slightly bowed at him, "Greetings Big Brother Axel." 


"Axel?" The man behind him suddenly spoke with such bewilderment and it instantly got me into panic!


I forgot! Myrll did told me we address each other using our second names. 


"I sincerely apologize." I cleared my throat and looked at him once again.


"Big Brother Kei." 


I glanced at the man behind Brother Kei and saw his stern expression, staring right into my whole being as if he's thinking where to burry me already. 


There was a whole minute of awkwardness before Brother Kei finally broke the ice. 


"Mhmm, yes, that's more like it—"




A deep, loud voice garnered our attention as a disheveled, guy with box-like grin sprinted towards me and locked me in. It took me quite a while to realize that he wasn't exactly trying to kill me, he was just...embracing. 


The guy behind Brother Kei pulled him away from me and also gave him the same stern expression he gave to me while the person who bear-hugged me just pouted and...wait was that a tear? 


"Behave yourself. This is exactly why you're always bullied here." The man with an also deep voice said, scolding him. 


Wait am I seeing this right? 


"But, but that's Khaeli right there! It's been ages and we're not even allowed to see her! I can't be happy for finally getting a glimpse of my only sister?!" 


I shut my mouth close and maintained my composure. Who knows? Maybe in the moment I break my expression, their true colors would also show. 


Disheveled hair (also jet black), coat with the same type of material as with the Knights outside but more intricate and majestically well done as well as the inner white suit and a mismatched socks—


"I apologize for intruding Big Brother Kio..." 


Then I turned to the man with a formal stance and clean cut, wearing the family's crest golden pin on his gold splashed white suit. 


"...Brother Kyle." 


Count Eury's three brothers. 


Kei, the oldest who's the current head of the Ministry of Magic and Defense.


Kyle, the second one and also the heir to the family business


then there's Kio, the third and also the Captain of the Order that's supposed to rescue Terry in the original storyline. 


Order of the Scorching Eagles: Atlas or simply the Atlas Knights


"I'm sorry for his energy. Ever since the letter arrived informing us of your visit, this dalcop right here just couldn't contain his excitement and even left the supposedly monthly scout to his troop."


I tried my best not to raise a brow at the sudden apology Count Eury's brother gave. 


"I should be the one apologizing, given the many attempts I had in dishonoring our family." I stated in a low voice. 


"Peculiar! Why do I feel like something shifted with you and this time I can pinpoint it out!" 


What Brother Kei said froze my breathing for a moment. 


Did he already figured me out? 


"Big Brother, that's enough. We've talked about this already. If Khaeli wanted a fresh start. We would give it without questions." 


My opinion about Count Eury's second eldest, drastically changed when he said that. I mentally scolded myself for judging him first, I should know better. 


"Dmitri's right. Your little sister won her trial without much help from jackass East's nobles. Not that you don't know this, you're literally up to date when it comes to your sister's activities." A familiar voice, sitting on a one-man couch, said. 


I smiled when I recognized him, he's one of those Council who raised his hand and showed neutrality/professionalism during the whole session of that trial. 


I placed two fingers over my chest and greeted him the Noble way, "Good Day, Earl Stavros." 


He nodded curtly and waved his hand, "Likewise." 


"Hey Eury! It's good to see you again, it's been a while! How's that midget doing there? I hope she did not cause you too much trouble." 


Another familiar face. I couldn't forget it for the first meeting was something engraved into my brain at how much strength this man had for him to throw an arrow (not a javelin arrow) in an unimaginable distance with only his hands. 


"It's also my pleasure to see you too Marquess Xerrion." I paused after doing the Noble's greeting, "Congratulations on your Turnover Ceremony." 


I heard from Itzel he just recently became the head of their household which meant that their father had already retired and Itzel's brother also retired from being the Chief General of the Imperial Knights. 


"Primo's just saying that for formalities. Deep inside he already knew his sister would cause havoc." A platinum haired man, sitting with his legs crossed, holding a teacup and a saucer in a really elegant way, said ever so softly. 


I never heard a man with voice so soft before! 


"Anyways, I hope you're alright during the attack. I heard your have acquired a strong Head Butler? That's a good management and also a good safety precaution." 


Myrll also told me about the group of friends Count Eury's brothers have who usually spends their time in one setting: Here in this household and in this living room. 


This one is the one Myrll refers to as the 'sweet guy' in the group and just by hearing him talk, I couldn't agree more. 


"Greetings to you Duke Henriksen, don't worry about Itzel. She has helped me a lot and I couldn't be more grateful for it. She may of have had short-comings before but I can see that she is slowly changing herself to properly uphold her title's integrity." 


I mean it. Itzel may of have been so blatant, rude and such a war-freak before but now, it's more of like a light banter and she's trying to hold her tongue by practicing 30 seconds a day. Well err that's still a hundred for the effort! 


"I heard that! Gosh Eury, we're glad nothing serious happened to you or else a civil war would've been called. We had a hard time apprehending Theo here when he got wind of the news. Turns out you already took the necessary measurements against it. That's praiseworthy!" 


A smiling sunshine, was the next one to greet me and I instantly recognized him just because of his coconut hair description Myrll gave me. 


"I appreciate it Viscount Reese, it's an honor." I my lips, feeling the nervousness fading as I get warmed up to them. 


"The attack was also partially my fault." I confessed.


"What?! Who told you that and let me slit their—" 


Brother Kio fell silent as Brother Kyle covered his mouth and gave him another stern stare. 


"My past actions urged them to act on it. If only I have been more careful and responsible, this wouldn't of have happened in the first place." I elaborated, trying to make them understand how I'm also at fault here. 


"Revenge is a sweet thing but they should've thought of it before coming for you. You may not be under our crest anymore but you are still protected by name." Brother Kei stated, this time there was no suspicion in his eyes.


Whew. That's a good thing. 


"Polis probably didn't know that. He's only after fights and he sleeps during Intel Giving as well as other prominent meetings." Itzel's brother said. 


I mean why am I still surprised at that? He was a petty person to begin with. For sure the Imperial Knights willl heighten their standards when it comes to Knights and Commanders alike. 


"Ah now I remember him. He's the one who rudely interjects in the middle of the trial. He's one brave fella for speaking in front of Her Majesty, even trying to convince her to turn the tables."


Earl Stavros was right. Polis is brave, yes but there's a limit to that bravado because once he's pinned down with no pawns to move, he becomes this ball of sand—one touch and he'll crumble. 


"Mhm, I heard about that from my cousin." 


Wait! Of course how can I be so stupid! Marquess Henriksen is Duke Henriksen's cousin. That's why his surname was really familiar. 


"Commander Polis is now under Itzel's care, Lord Jade and Marquess Trinity is there with her so I am complacent that his punishment will be fairly served." I said, reassuring them.


However, as soon as I said that, Brother Kio's eyes started darting elsewhere and I don't know why but I have this feeling. 


"Brother Kio, is something the matter?" I politely and carefully asked. 


I heard Brother Kyle sigh and nudge him, "Might as well tell her." 


"Err, I may or may not brought him in." 




"But Khaeli it's not like that promise! No funny business! I just broke his sword in front of him." 


Okay? But why do I feel like there's something more? 




 I knew he had done more the moment Brother Kei snickered. 


"Fine, maybe a bit of his fingers too." 


God what is this family? Does it run in their genes and it's just Eury who received the worst? 


"Told you Eury would be disappointed." Duke Henriksen said. 


"Oh shut it Bryce." 


Duke Henriksen just rolled his eyes when Brother Kio made a face at him. 


"Don't mind these kids Eury, how about you tell us about the Empress?" Viscount Reese started with a teasing tone. 


Brother Kei looked at them with a confused face, "Huh? But I thought she likes the Princess?" 


"Way to read the room Axel." Earl Stavros interjected. 


My face betrayed me even though I tried really hard not to think too much nor remember the kiss that brought me a million feelings over. 


"T-That was just a punishment for violating her condition." 


I jumped a little when Marquess Xerrion yelled, "Aha! You stuttered. Gentlemen, Eury stuttered!" 


"Shut it Primo, Khaeli's a grown up now, maybe she already got rid of that trait." 


I looked at Brother Kyle with furrowed brows, "What trait?" 


"You can't remember it? Primo used to make fun of you for stuttering while lying." It was Brother Kei who replied. 


Was I that too obvious?! Damn this. It's all the Empress' fault! 


Brother Kio gasped and shook my shoulders lightly, "Was it the High Priestess?! I heard she gave you the Cathedral's Mark!" 


My peripheral view caught Duke Henriksen and Viscount Reese's jaw dropped with an astonished expression on display. 


It's not like that—! Aish! Too much misunderstanding.


"But I thought Count Sullivan, who you invited to the Princess' Engagement Party, is the one? There's more?!" 


I can't contain my sigh as I look at Brother Kei's face. 


"They're all just my affectionate acquaintances—"


"So, you haven't moved on yet?" 


It should've been easy to deny and yet my lips are having a hard time to move and that's probably because, it's true that I am still in love with her.


And I know I shouldn't. 


She's not my Mina.


"Pardon me My Liege, you are requested to be in the presence of His Greatness." 


Under normal circumstances, I would've thanked the Head Butler for saving me from such a question but when he mentioned His Greatness, I got nailed to the ground, body refusing to move. 


I heard Brother Kei click his tongue and saw him crossing his arms, "That old man is just going to ruin everything as usual."


"Now, don't be like that. He's still our father no matter what." 


"But Kei is right! Khaeli haven't even greeted Kill yet and now he's going to ruin her day so early." 


What Brother Kio said did not help at all. 


"You know the drill Khaeli." 


Drill? What drill! Myrll didn't told me about a drill! 


"Just yell, 'Big Brother Kei is so cool!' and we'll instantly come to your rescue." 


Somehow, that line got me suppressing a laugh, "Pfft."


I immediately stopped when I saw their worried faces. 


Wait, that was serious?!


"Please follow me, My Liege." 


I gulped but nevertheless followed the Head Butler upstairs. Viscount Reese waved me a goodluck, Duke Henriksen also did the same while both Marquess Xerrion and Earl Stavros just gave me a thumbs up. 


Alright here I go. 


The walk towards his study was a dreadful silence. The nervousness I felt, came back in an instant the moment the Head Butler told me to come. I can already hear

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Once again I remind you that this is a work of fiction and i'll be using different names for my characters with the image of twice members doing this role. If you're uncomfortable or it's not your cup of tea it's perfectly fine <33


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Aiko8114 #1
I hope everything is okey with you author, it's been 2years but here I'm again read the most beautiful story of all time
Meliodas27 #2
Hi tor nim hehe pls know that we are always waiting for you hope you come back soon u really really love your story that's why i keep repeating it and i hope you continue it 🥹
Chapter 19: I keep coming back and re-reading this. Hope it's not discontinued as it would be a shame. This is really good, ant I hope we get to the end someday.
Meliodas27 #4
Author nim please update we are still waiting for you i keep reading your aus everyday and i have repeated this one many times because its so good pls update 🥹🥹
Meliodas27 #5
Author nim 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😭 please update 🥹🥹 we are waiting for you 🥹🥹 hope you update soon 🥹🥹
Author-nim...T.T wala na ba talagang pag-asa ang Eury-Savina ship namin T.T
Pakpak99 #7
Chapter 19: Please update author-nim 🥺
Aiko8114 #8
Author.. please update- I'm still waiting new chapter, as if it's yesterday, I'm still reading all the previous once.
Meliodas27 #9
Tor nim hello hehe update na I'm not angry anymore update na pwease tor nim
Ms_Freed08 #10
i miss this story please update author