Engagement Party II

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A/N: please refresh ur memories with the characters first before proceeding, it's been a month since I updated, some of you might of have forgotten them already which is fine! Then you may proceed to enjoy the update <33

Arizona's POV

Meeting Veronika and Indigo again is a breath of fresh air. After all we're a victim of an inevitable race. Our generation has become a pivotable timeline in all of Zestria's history. The Empress has no direct family, no siblings, no first and second degree cousins and doesn't even have a secondary family. Which means that—per National Law and Tradition—if She's unable to produce an offspring once she reach the great age of 30, Empress Savina would have to choose a next in throne between all Prince and Princesses in this Nation just in case something grave happens to her and in that list includes me, my Sister Megara, my Brother Azure, (First Princess of Zest) Erza, Veronika, Lewis, Indigo, (Third Prince of Zest) Revos and the least likely to get anointed—Prince Markus 


Between us, Prince Markus and I have the highest probability to get chosen due to us being the Crowned one but Empress Savina changed that criteria, she made it open to all and would only choose one based on their performance which is why Prince Markus resorted to courting her instead. The race between us was supposed to be healthy if it weren't for the Elders and Loyal Parties who would try their hardest to stir things up.


But despite that, I've always wanted to maintain good relationship with the Zest Family with the strong exception of Prince Markus, whom I failed to connect with from the very beginning. 


And after the breathe of fresh air comes great suffocation from his toxic words, clouding our minds with negativity and trying to pressure us down with his aura. 


I hate him.


That is the only explanation I got from the way my heart is raging right now.


"I don't get you dear Marquess, we're supposed to be allies here. After all, our common enemy is none other than—"


My eyes caught a glimpse of Chantal and Jade almost running towards us and fortunately Earl Quinton, Trinity's Best Mate of Honor for the night, stepped in between the two and cut the rising tension. 


I was grateful, yes, however it wasn't him who evaporated that tension into thin air. It wasn't him who changed the drift of everyone's attention. It wasn't him who lured us all in with his great presence. It wasn't him who made Prince Markus shake.


It was her.


"Archduchess of the North, Euryvias Kalixta Von Strauss.....


I thought that if I see her tonight, a million of things would start to crumble, a thousand of thoughts would flood my mind, and a hundred of confusion would take place...but that wasn't the case because the moment I saw her walked in, a million of things started making sense, a thousand of words danced around my mind and instead of a hundred confusion, I was left with one realization. 


"Ari, please stick with your decision once you see Eury tonight." 


I am indeed torn between these two. 


and I know why....


Because the blonde, long-haired Count was my nightmare but this sharp yet gentle black-haired Archduchess was the person I've always dreamed of....and prayed for.


That's when it dawned on me.


How come it took me this long to realize? 


Count Eury and Archduchess Eury are two different people. 


"...together with her date, Count Freyseia Sullivan has arrived!" 


My grip on Trinity's hem loosened and that's when where the questions starts pouring in. 


Freya? But I thought she doesn't like dates and found it too bromide that's why she usually just stay behind the curtains till the last hour where the crowd has lessened. Not just her but Eury, she....she has never brought any dates to formal gatherings. 


I thought nothing can surprise me more than Frey and Eury going out but when Azure yelled and ran through the aisle, it's safe to say that everyone in this Kingdom is speechless, shocked and enchanted when the whole North's Congress starts entering in pairs and it's then I can't help but notice how Prince Markus's shoulders tensed. 


Prince Markus abruptly turned around and tried to cover the look of his fear by smirking, "Hah. See what I mean dear Marquess? She can easily steal the spotlight from you. Must I say that you're cruising with the wrong boat?" 


I am known for my patience but I guess even I, have my limitations. 


I swiftly lifted my hand to grab his ruffled scarf and pointed my index finger under his chin. I used the opportunity where everyone is still entranced with Eury's arrival and relay a hot, burning feeling from my fingertips which would make him stop talking. 


"Don't get me wrong, I am indeed happy and grateful that the Zest Royals made it to my Engagement Party however....I am not one to forgive easily for slandering my friend in front of me, depicting her as an evil person as well as insinuating that the love I have for my betrothed is shallow." 


My vision almost changed in relation to my emotion and if it weren't for Trinity's hand squeezing mine, I would've lost it right there. 


Prince Markus raised his hands and released an almost nervous laugh, "You don't need to tell me that. My mood is already ruined the moment that damn Axel's voice reached my ears." 


He gave Trinity one last glare before he turned around and left the hall by the side exit. 


I released the breath that I didn't know I was holding. Trinity immediately wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to her. 


"Are you okay? Your eyes, just now, they glowed." 


I subtly massaged my forehead and turned to her with a small smile, "Yes. Don't worry about it."


It's my Shaman genes acting up. 


"Ari, what did that bastard told you? Do I need to teach him a lesson?" 


"Nami, that's the same thing as waging war with them." 


"Chantal is right however, I can't just let him off the hook like that after he made such a comment. Give me your orders and I will shred him to bits." 


When I looked up from the ground, my nerves relaxed and I was able to finally breathe properly when I saw Naomi, Jade and Chantal's faces. 


"We're fine. He just wants to taunt you guys into doing something like that for his own benefit. It's fine. You can see how horrified he was when Eury and the whole North Congress arrived due to their bad history with each other. We can use that to our advantages and keep him in bay. For now, let's just try again and enjoy the party." 


Trinity is right, Prince Markus wanted attention and he knows how to get it in the most annoying way he can. I guess that was the whole plan until it shattered when the Von Strauss' unexpected arrival trampled over it a million times over when the attention shifted unto them in an instant. 


Naomi still looked worried that's why I gave her a genuine smile and placed a hand on her shoulder, "I really am fine now. We're both glad you three are here and also for them who literally took everyone's eyes away from us the moment He started to take his provocation to a whole new level." 


"All right, I'm sorry. I know this is the day you two prepared for the most and I just didn't want some buffoon of a Prince destroy that just because his ego can't accept the fact that Eury and Trinity is leading the highest in every Bachelor's List in town." Naomi stated as she pulled me in an embrace. 


"With that being said.." Chantal turned to Trinity, "...you need to make a toast and allow for the feast and amenities to commence. Look, despite the whole North's presence, their eyes are still on her." 


All of us followed Chantal's gaze and there we see how Eury is having a hard time looking at anywhere else but Frey's eyes. Part of me can't blame them—she looked dashingly attractive and it's hard not to look at her when her entire being is coated with power and exuding the highest class of nobility there is. 


My eyebrow twitched at the sight of hearts-eyed Nobles, blatantly showing off their interest towards her regardless of gender and despite the date she brought with. I find it so annoying how they obviously ogled at her when she plastered that bright smile I once knew and once thought gone. 


"You're right, I should—"


It was as if my feet has a mind of its own that it started to move along with my hands' coordination of seizing the glass from the side table and held it up high before hitting my metal ring softly against it 


They're making her uncomfortable. 


Now that I got their attention, I put up a smile and greeted the whole Kingdom with my sincerest gratitude for their support on this very important day. 


"...the night is still young and with that I would like to make a toast, For Eria.....!"


Trinity's arms s around my waist and I can't help but stretch my smile for the reassurance and support she's constantly showing me. 


"For Eria!"


I waved my hand and allowed for a change of atmosphere, lighting up the pathway towards the buffet area, hoping it would divert their attention to her. 


"All amenities are now open for everyone to use. Our finest Chefs were able to make signature dishes from each region. I hope you enjoy the banquet this evening." 


If this is truly the Eury I once fell in love with.....


then I would have to need a form of closure from our past endeavors. 


My Trinity doesn't deserve to be bounded to someone who's not sure in giving her all to loving her. 


"Well, I have to go and greet Eury and Frey. The Nobles are lining up behind us to have a moment of greetings with you two. Still, I wish you the best evening." 


The four of us were left surprised at Chantal's blue moon smile as she hurriedly left the pavement with such glee. I watched where she was heading to and....oh.


Don't tell me..?


Naomi's scoff immediately brought me back to my senses. 


"That's quite unfair! I also want to go and squeeze that kid for making us worry." 


Jade and Trinity laughed at Naomi's childish antic. I can only smile in adoration as I realized how much she was drawn to the person she once hated the most. 


"You know that can wait, right? We still have to check on security before mingling with the others. Even Eury looks like she wants to just dash here with the way she's giving us those eyes but she needed to be patient. Especially since the Nobles' are literally, really, lining up to greet Your Highnesses." 


Naomi was groaning as Jade dragged her out of our sight. I guess she really did took a huge liking on Eury after her drastic change. I hope it stays that way. Naomi is not someone to take lightly when angered. 


"Russell, take the lead and make sure no suspicious noble gets to come near us." I heard Trinity said to Earl Quinton before we took our seats on the center most stage. 


Earl Quinton nodded and gave us the Royal's greeting before he descended the stairs to facilitate the movement. 


I hope I can still find time to converse with her. 




Count...no....Archduchess Eury drew a long sigh which is the cause of why Count Freyseia's high-pitched laugh to erupt. The beautiful Count of the East found the situation funny, how Eury was trying to hide herself from her brothers only for the loudest one to find her. 


"Khaeli is there!" 


One might take a guess who that one is. 


Basked in her family's influence and authority as well as surrounded by North's reputation, Eury expected for at least the division of attention and yet, why is everyone's eyes still lingering on her? As Kim Dahyun, there was never a problem with the public's eye but as Eury who, now, holds great power that leaves the Nobles speechless at her appearance and awe in her presence, she wasn't able to prepare for such a situation.


"What in the name of inappropriateness are you lounging here for, Kyle?" 


Kyle or commonly known to others as Dmitri, the second eldest, placed a hand on the floating circular plane that served as their table and looked at him as if he hasn't done something incredulous (at least to Axel). 


"I'm taking my seat Dear Brother." Grand Duke Dmitri simply replied with a shrug. 


"That's unfair, as Captain of the Atlas Knights, I also can't accept this!" 


Eury looked away from the scene, silently pleading to whoever gods are on active status right now to hear her prayers of stopping whatever they are trying to start. 


Duke Henriksen chuckled at the sight as he and Earl Stavros took a seat—everyone in the North Congress took a seat—making sure they surround Eury's table so that no, Noble can even dream of coming near her. 


"I can't believe they're really fighting for the table right next to Eury." Viscount Reese muttered as she shook his head and greeted Count Freyseia who's too amused at the scene in front of her. 


After Viscount Reese and Count Freyseia's exchange of greetings, before Eury can even introduce her to the others, Duke Henriksen already lunged forward and gave Count Freyseia a huge embrace. 


"Freya! It's good to see you!" 


Count Freyseia returned the greeting with equal enthusiasm, "Bryce! I didn't know you can come, given the North's circumstances right now." 


"Lily is handling it for the night and besides, it's the first time Eury looked forward to having us in gatherings, can't really miss her redebut, now can I?" 


The two released a soft laugh of agreement before Count Freyseia nodded, "Well then I shall wish the Marquess for the best. Especially since your territory is quite the monster magnet, yes?" 


Duke Henriksen released a rather light pitched chuckle at her comment, "Indeed." 


Eury was just looking at the interaction back and forth while her brothers are arguing at the background. The Archduke Von Strauss was momentarily led to the King's private room to formally give his greetings and Maxim was there to accompany him that's why they're not in the argument yet. 




"Wait you two already know each other?" 


Eury said it ever so candidly that Count Freyseia can't help but look at her with so much adoration, along wiith a wide smile etched unto her face before she leaned her body to the oblivious Archduchess. 


"Bryce and I took missionary activities together while Earl Stavros and Marquess Xerrion are acquaintances." 


It was a given that she knows Viscount Reese due to their work line but to think she's also good friends with the others, that makes it a whole lot easier for Eury to get by this evening. 


"Freyseia, right? Man, Itzel kept on complaining about you. Something about ruining a Best Mate's Night with your gown fitting and rehearsals. It was vague but I'm sure you two are good friends too, correct?" 


Oops, Eury thought. 


For the past days of preparations, Eury's time wasn't evenly divided well. She made sure Count Freyseia is well accomodated rather than entertaining her guest (Self-proclaimed resident of her Manor) and because of that, Count Freyseia and Itzel never really meet each other eye to eye—no pun intended for Itzel's height! 




Eury gulped when Count Freyseia looked at her then to the surroundings, trying to find a certain short Commander with a sweet-laced dangerous smile on. 


"T-They get along quite fine Brother Primo." Eury interjected. 


"I'm the eldest so I should have the most rights to have the table beside our dearest sister!" 


Oh good Lord, the three weren't done arguing yet. They're clearly making their companions and subordinates stressed so early in the party. 


Grand Duke Dmitri's scholar Lord Jeord was just standing on the side with a soft, nervous smile plastered on his face as he fumbled with his hands. The power twins from the Atlas Knights were a bit unbothered and was rooting for their Captain to win the argument from time to time while Grand Duchess Assyla stayed on the side with her arms crossed and her head shaking. 


"That is quite enough." A low, authoritative voice immediately made them quiet and also made everyone around them shiver. 


"It's Theo's fault." 


"Ha?! Why is it always my fault!"


"You're the youngest and loudest of us three, it's only fair to give you the blame." 


Their Father, Archduke Von Strauss, pinched the bridge of his nose before releasing a disappointed glare at them. 


"Such a bunch of fools! We all know that I will always take the nearest place to Kalixta! She has my looks, humor, gentleness, appearance and greatness. As her Father, I will be the one occupying this space. Go find your table elsewhere." He declared before continuing to quell the whines and complains from the Grand Dukes. 


The rest of the Seven Noblesse just snickered at their predicament, they can't say they didn't expect it to turn out like this but here they are. Eury, on the other hand, instead of covering her face from embarrassment, the inner Kim Dahyun in her can't help but stifle a small laugh accompanied by Count Freyseia's giggle.


"You three never learn, do you?" Grand Duke Maxim uttered as a sigh escaped his lips.


Eury's smile became brighter and out of excitement, she almost ran to her little brother's side and embraced him tightly. 


"Killian! I'm so glad you're here!" 


The little Grand Duke wanted to push her away, act all tsundere-ish but his soft side towards his only sister is reigning that's why he shyly just rested his head on his sister's shoulder. 


"Of course, Dad won't function well without me. He's a mess and he's really guillible. To add to that, these three buffoons pitch in the same room as you would be troublesome. Let's face it, you need me in here Khaeli." 


Eury chortled at Maxim's fast rant, he was adorable in all sort of ways and she appreciated it more than anything else. 


"That I do." Eury answered and ruffled his hair before she looked back at Count Freyseia who's smiling at them warmly.


"Frey, this is my brother K—"


Oh that's right. Only family members can call each other by the K names. 


"Maxim. His name is Maxim. Our youngest sibling." Eury finished and placed a hand on Grand Duke Maxim's shoulder. 


"Kill, this is Freyseia. Count Freyseia, she's a very close friend of mine." 


Since Count Freyseia is still taller, she had to bend down slightly to level their gazes before she did the Archduke's bow, applicable to all his familial blood. 


"Greetings Grand Duke Maxim, It's an honor to finally meet you." 


Grand Duke Maxim on the other hand, eyed the woman in front of him with a tinge of scrutiny but failed to see any hints of red tint warning signs. 


"So you're the one Khaeli chose. You must be a lucky one, she rarely picks 'just' an anyone, that must mean you're a 'someone'." The little boy spat and instead of getting offended by it, Count Freyseia's cheeks turned blossom pink. 


"T-thank you, Your Grace. I also heard a lot of good things about you from Eury herself." 


Grand Duke Maxim's stick cold expression abruptly fell and changed when he heard about his sister talking about him to her potential significant other. 


"R-Really? I believe this is enough to continue as...a conversation for the next time round. Unfortunately, I have to attend His Highness' stupid needs." The little Grand Noble stated, followed by a tired sigh as they spotted the Prince happily making his way to their table. 


"That's even more great to hear! Don't worry about your Father, Eury and your brothers are here. You should go and have some fun too." Viscount Reese stated. 


Eury gave him a nod of agreement and also encouraged her brother to go, "Don't stray too far from the Prince, okay?" She added. 


"Of course." Grand Duke Maxim then turned to Count Freyseia, "However! I still don't allow for a Mana Union though! T-that's outrageous without a proper wedding! Good Bye!" 


What Grand Duke Maxim said left Eury and Count Freyseia flushing on their spaces while Marquess Xerrion nudged the Archduchess. 


"Don't take him seriously Count Sullivan, Mana Union before, during or after the wedding is okay. It's your body and your decision. Maxim just didn't want the idea of an offspring given the robbed time he has with Eury. I hope you understand." Earl Stavros elaborated in which Duke Henriksen agreed with. 


Count Freyseia cleared to recompose herself, "That's mo problem at all. I believe it was hard for him when Eury adopted Maeve. I understand where the Grand Duke is coming from and I do not take it offensively." 


Now that, that was cleared, Eury has to settle the men's silly fight. 


"You can't use the Father card on us!" 


"Oh, ho-ho-hoh, you're really testing your inheritance will here Latheos." 


Kim Dahyun didn't know how to solve this case 


Eury turned to Terry, who's been silently guarding and then Myrll who's been silently laughing. 


"Terry can you request for a larger table? I don't think they'll be able to settle this problem soon." 


Her Left Hand Man stood straight and gave a slight bow before he excused himself. 


"Oh wait, I can help him with that! Here let me accompany you." 


Terry gave the Count a slight bow before he shook his head, "Please don't worry about it Count Sullivan. It is my honor to see my Master happy so please, continue to enjoy this evening with her." 


Instead of urging her, Eury smiled at what Terry said. It made her realize just how many people are with her in seeking happiness. So with that, Eury placed a hand on Count Freyseia's shoulder. 


"Are you—"


"Terry got this Frey, don't worry. He's not my Left Hand for nothing." 


Count Freyseia shifted her gaze back to Terry and gave him a courteous nod, "Okay, just tell them it's my request!"


"You didn't have to." 


The Archduchess looked dashingly cute just by scratching her cheeks like that and Count Freyseia fought the urge to just pinch it, instead she settled with just tapping it gently.


"Oh come on, it's the least I could do." She replied. 


Going back to the ongoing argument, the free-spirited Grand Duchess saw how the rest of the Seven Noblesse teased the poor Count of Selsi with her date and took that as an opportunity to slide in the conversation in hopes of getting acquainted with her soon to be sister-in-law. 


"Why don't you men go try and hush the hooligans arguing over there and I'm going to take these two lovely ladies to the side, hmmm?" 


Both Count Freyseia and Eury turned their heads to see Grand Duchess Assyla taking the both of them to another table where the rest of the companions are staying at. 


"Primo! I told you, you should've just tied Theó to your side instead!" 


"Assyla is right, we're really, really drawing their attention here."


"Ain't always?"


"Oh shut up Cody!" 


Eury saw how Grand Duchess Assyla playfully rolled her eyes as a smile crawled its way on her lips. 


"Look at you Eury! It's been so long and the next time I see you, you're still as popular as ever. Especially towards women." The Grand Duchess sent a wink and nudge her, urging Eury to take a glance at her surrounding. 


Apparently everynoble is still gawking at her, it was as if they cannot comprehend how someone can be attractively powerful and gorgeously handsome at the same time. It didn't compare to the old, destructive and mad Count Eury in the manhwa and in this present world's past.


"And you must be Count Sullivan. I heard great things about you! I'm Eloisa's twin sister, Assyla, nice to finally meet the both of you." 


When Grand Duchess Assyla offered her hand for Eury, Count Freyseia immediately grabbed it and gave her an exchange of greetings in a formal way. 


"Nice to finally meet you too, Your Honor." 


Of course the action didn't go unnoticed by the perceptive Grand Duchess and gave out an amused laugh in return. She waved her hand and placed both her hands on Count Freyseia's shoulders. 


"My, you don't need to worry Count Sullivan! You've got the wrong sister! Our setup must of have been a bit complicated but I assure you, I do not intend on replacing Axel any time soon, especially not to his younger sister. That's absurd!" 


Huh? It was clear on Eury's face that she was instantly lost in the conversation, going back and forth to Count Freyseia's flustered face, apologizing and then to the Grand Duchess who's laughing while telling her it's fine. Just what the heck is happening right now? 


"I partly can't blame the Count My Lady, lately my Master is so in demand, even before her Von Strauss redebut. Now I can't help but get curious as to how the Grand Duchess Eloisa is taking it in now that you've openly confirmed your engagement with Eury's brother." 


Since Grand Duchess Assyla's table is just beside the Hands', Myrll was close enough to share a conversation with them. Well, aside from the fact that she still is legally under a Von Strauss family umbrella, Myrll is also quite acquainted with the Grand Duchess since she's become Eury's representative during their family's quarterly gathering. 


"She went hysterical I tell you. Not only she got stressed but her handmaiden too! I didn't even know she fancied Eury like that. Whenever I ask her before, it's always the same lame 'I'm not interested' narrative." Grand Duchess Assyla explained as the two shared a hearty laugh.


The rest of his brother's companions took a huge bow of respect towards Eury and gave her a smile before they introduce themselves as per Myrll's encouragement earlier. 


"Good Evening Your Grace, My Lady...." Eury's brother, Kyle's scholar was the first one to introduce himself, nodding to the both of them in acknowledgement, "....I'm Grand Duke Dmitri's scholar from Apoville, Jeord Heartfilia. I've heard a lot of your great help during the war Count Sullivan and I've certainly heard highly of thy grace from My Lord as his astounding little sister." 


"Oh right, right. I've been in and out of the Von Strauss Archduchy and I'm pretty sure you haven't met these lovelies, yes?" 


Grand Duchess Assyla immediately stepped aside to make way for the companions to get accustomed to the newly returned Archduchess. 


Eury did worry about a gap between his brothers' people but after Young Sir Jeord's introduction, Eury found herself relaxing nd gaining courage as Count Freyseia smoothly interlaced their fingers together. 


"It's nice to meet you Jeord. Thank you for taking care of my brother." Eury responded. 


"Likewise. I've read about your journals and I must say, you have a way of tugging people's hearts. Did you want to become a part of the cabinet sometime soon?" Count Freyseia asked which painted a hue of reddish pink on the Young Sir's ears. 


"You flatter me My Lady but I don't have the thoughts for now. As of the moment I feel more than honored to work with the Grand Duke. I still have a lot to learn from him." Young Sir Jeord bashfully replied. 


"Oh he's just so humble." The Grand Duchess stated which made them release a light chuckle. 


"Your Grace, tis also a great privilege to finally meet you in person. My sister and I were always taught how amazing of a person you are both in mind and in power." 


Myrll's short snicker didn't go unnoticed by Eury and narrowed her gaze at her. It was hard maintaining the serious look when she's greatly flustered by the shower of compliments she's getting. 


Next to introduce themselves were the Twin Sergeants who joined shortly after Eury was staged-evicted from the North. Despite the rumors circulating about her, their Captain Theó and Eury's brother made sure they were aware of the truth of who she is and that to have faith that even a prodigal child can learn how to return on its own feet. 


"Count Freya! We missed you!" 


One of the twins lunged towards the Count and gave her a huge embrace. 


"Cassiopeia! I'm glad you were able to come! I'm terribly sorry for delaying our little sessions. It's sad to say I've become quite busy these days." 


One of the twins, Cassiopeia just shook her head, "Not at all! I was the one asking for a favor and I understand your ground. Ever since attack on Archduchess Eury, the Archduchy was four times busier than the usual." 


Before Eury can even ask, Count Freyseia turned to her and re-introduced them. 


"Eury, this is Cassiopeia a student of mine in my dancing hobby—"


"You dance?!" 


"—yes—so as I was saying, Cassiopeia is in charge of supervising the Upper North while Cassandra oversees the lower part. I'm fairly acquainted with them." 


It just dawned on Eury how much of a lowkey social butterfly Count Freyseia is and to think she's fairly reserved with her status. 


The short talk with them was actually fun and informative that Eury was able to learn more of his brothers' sides while she was away from them (not that Kim Dahyun has been with them a first time round) but just their daily life without Eury around. 


Theo or her brother Kio was actually the loudest one to rebel against Eury's exilation during the first few months and that would often result to him getting restrained by the Atlas Knights themselves then there's Dmitri or Kyle, who'd lock himself up in his study for weeks for no apparent reason and maybe the only one constant with his character is the eldest, Axel or Kei.


Everyone's attention momentarily diverted when Princess Arizona spoke, garnering everyone's ears. 


"...the night is still young and with that I would like to make a toast, For Eria.....!"


They all raised the glass with that and returned the chant,


"For Eria!" 


After her short speech, letting the banquet begin, the lights changed and this time it highlighted the buffet tables where all types of dishes were served. 


"All amenities are now open for everyone to use. Our finest Chefs were able to make signature dishes from each region. I hope you enjoy the banquet this evening."


Right then, Eury saw how the Nobles moved as they clutched near their gift for the betrothed couple's night of celebration. It was the only time she was able to fully relax as the stares on her lessened greatly while they follow tradition of greeting the Royal Highnesses personally to send them their wishes. 


Even the rest of the Seven Noblesse excuses themselves as they went to greet the two before they diffuse into the crowd of nobles who also wanted to greet them. 


By the time the Banquet started, Terry already solved the quarrel between the boys in the family by providing them with a much larger surface area to work with. However, it is also thanks to the banquet commencement that they were distracted by socializing with others. 


"I'm so glad you chose a table near the buffet area, this makes it easier to just grab something and go." Count Freyseia giggled before Eury encouraged her to go. 


The moment Count Freyseia left the table, her brother approached her as he brought two nobles over. 


"Khaeli there you are!" 


When Eury turned around, she was met with two high-class individuals, one is of great age while the other looks like he's in his mid 40s. 


Despite not knowing who they are, she took a bow in respect and greeted them. 


"Commander Tyrone, Baron Viz, this is my younger sister, Euryvias, the one I'm always telling you about." 


Under normal (manhwa) circumstances, Eury would've just gave her greetings and walk away trying to get a chance to talk to the Princess but as Kim Dahyun, she knew better. She knew she had to start making connections to strengthen her stronghold. This isn't just for her but it's also for the people supporting her, it's the least she can do for them in return of their service. 


"Khaeli this is Commander Tyrone, the retired 4th Division Commander in charge of deploying troops in rural areas and securing their safety. Baron Viz on the other hand is the craftsman of all Noble Household Knighthood Management, he's responsible for providing Nobles the safety precautions they needed." 


Through the short conversation they shared, Eury was grateful for their insights on certain things and she was able to know them better. They had their strong way of exuding such aura but she guess it just comes with the strong sense of justice they are embodying. 


"Your Grace, are you sure you don't want to have an established Knighthood in your County?" Baron Viz offered. 


Eury didn't need to think about it. She knew the answer from the very start. Having a Knighthood means having a group of people to protect the Noble and their estate. With that in mind, Eury thought that it might be an insult to Onyx, who's guarding the White Forest one must trudge through to get to the front gate, The Twins who's guarding the vicinity through their respective towers and even to Madame Hayle who coordinated with Licht to come up with an anti-attacker floorplan both in the Manor proper and the entire grounds of Selsi. 


Smiling she politely declined and said, "Thank you for the kind offer Baron Viz but I believe that my subordinates and I are enough for our humble abode."


They love their place now and to love is to protect. They'll doo everything to keep their peace safe. 


From a far, Eury saw a glimpse of Lord Jade's electrifying green hair, trying to get through the crowd of Nobles and her smile instantly widened. 


"Now if you may excuse me Brother Kio, Dear Lords, I still have to greet the Head Master and Lord Jade." 




"Itzel you told me this is the right way!" 


I scratched my head with all of the frustration I got from this woman ever since she wanted to go to the bathroom and for this I surely missed the Noble fools' reaction when my Best Mate arrived. Hah! For sure they couldn't afford to even think of belittling her anymore. As they should!


"It's not my fault these corners look all the same." I grumbled back as we took another turn.


We were then greeted by a group of ladies giggling to themselves as they are passing by. 


"Isn't that Commander Xerrion?"

"It is!" 

"Oh my! Greetings Commander!" 

"You look daring in your garment."

"It's an honor to see you up close!" 

"Thank you for your battles!"


Suddenly these pretentious ladies started to squeal and surround me with such high energy. I'm already frustrated with our little endeavor and now this. 


"Can y—"


"Jillian, if you wanted to like fellow women, you should've just fancied Commander Xerrion instead of Count Eury!" I heard one of them said. 


There was a tone in the way she said it that I didn't quite like. It was a default move that I instantly dropped my facial muscles. I turned to her and clutched the hand that was trying to hold my chest's ribbon.


"And what's with Eury?" 


I applaud this lady's nerve of steel who didn't flinched when I asked her about it unlike her companions. She seemed to be blinded by something that she wasn't actually focused on my question. Is it me? She's still looking at me dreamily. Well, that's unfortunate because I couldn't find myself giving a single dime of care right now. 


"Eury, ah that Count! Oh no Commander, you mustn't associate yourself with a deranged—"


I felt a hand stopped me when I suddenly pulled out my sword and jerked the blade to the side. 


"Itzel, that's enough. Let me handle this." 


I shook my head and gently took a step forward from Chloe's grasp, making sure I level my gaze with this, idiotic lady in front of me right now. 


"I don't choose no tongue to cut, I suggest you be careful what you speak against my best mate." 


Since Chloe is unfortunately taller than me, she was able to cover my view with her back to excuse ourselves from those horsebutt nobles and dragged me out of there. 


"Hah. Just because they're ladies doesn't mean I would tolerate that kind of comment!" I scoffed before returning my sword to its sheath. 


I heard Chloe drawing out a long sigh of relief before she started chuckling, "My, Lord Jade is indeed correct. It'd be impossible for you to get a lady on your own." 


I fixed my garment and looked straight ahead with my chin held up high, "I don't need such baggage." 


Chloe gasped and suddenly slapped my shoulder as she stifled a laugh, "That's horrible!" 


O..kay? Why is she laughing. I wasn't joking with her though?


I chose not to respond, in hopes that she can quench her amusement about the matter. 


"If you don't mind me asking, why are you so drawn to Count Eury though?" 






"It's Archduchess Eury of the Von Strauss Archduchy." 


I was forced to halt on my steps when Chloe abruptly stopped and when I turned around, I was met with her widened eyes and two palms hovering over . 


"It must be a joke, tell me it is!" 


I raised my eyebrow and looked around. Who the hell is this woman talking to? 


"She's the Arch—but she doesn't have black hair! I thought that was a strong, dominant trait of the Von Strausses?" 


Oh I see it now. Should I blame her for not realizing just how great my Best Mate is? But I heard Chloe's an adventurer and information could go on both ways. She can be very much informed if her party followed a city track or they could be clueless if they went through the mountains. 


"Before I answer that, Could you tell me where do you and your party usually go?" 


Chloe was confused at my suddenly question at first but eventually replied, skeptic.


"Deep in the mountains, why?"




"Then yes, she is the one and only female born in their family. She was exiled and forced to change appearance for certain reasons but they've

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Once again I remind you that this is a work of fiction and i'll be using different names for my characters with the image of twice members doing this role. If you're uncomfortable or it's not your cup of tea it's perfectly fine <33


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Aiko8114 #1
I hope everything is okey with you author, it's been 2years but here I'm again read the most beautiful story of all time
Meliodas27 #2
Hi tor nim hehe pls know that we are always waiting for you hope you come back soon u really really love your story that's why i keep repeating it and i hope you continue it 🥹
Chapter 19: I keep coming back and re-reading this. Hope it's not discontinued as it would be a shame. This is really good, ant I hope we get to the end someday.
Meliodas27 #4
Author nim please update we are still waiting for you i keep reading your aus everyday and i have repeated this one many times because its so good pls update 🥹🥹
Meliodas27 #5
Author nim 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😭 please update 🥹🥹 we are waiting for you 🥹🥹 hope you update soon 🥹🥹
Author-nim...T.T wala na ba talagang pag-asa ang Eury-Savina ship namin T.T
Pakpak99 #7
Chapter 19: Please update author-nim 🥺
Aiko8114 #8
Author.. please update- I'm still waiting new chapter, as if it's yesterday, I'm still reading all the previous once.
Meliodas27 #9
Tor nim hello hehe update na I'm not angry anymore update na pwease tor nim
Ms_Freed08 #10
i miss this story please update author