A Prelude to Dinner

Let’s Make It Forever

Hello my lovelies,

I am so sorry it's been an age since I updated eek Authonim is very sorry, I promise I'm a still writing and have updates planned over a lot of my ongoing stories so please stay tuned.

Honestly can not wait to hear what you think of this update, I have a feeling it's going to shock you and you all know how I love to do that.

Let me know what you think!


Baekhyun's POV Three Days Later.

Gently carding his fingers through his hair he shakes out the moulding clay he's borrowed, making sure his hair is tousled just the way Chanyeol likes it. A shiver runs through him as memories of those large big hands carding through his strawberry locks the first night they shared together, it's followed swiftly by a vision of their carnal intimate moment right there on his sewing desk chair. A red hot heat spreads across his cheeks when he visualises exactly what they did on that chair just a couple of days ago. Soon he hopes that he will be brave enough to ask his tall handsome to stay the night, he's not ashamed to admit he's addicted to his partner's warm embrace spooning him. That hot hard chest and the citrusy smell of Chanyeol's shower wash and aftershave drive his senses wild. 


He would much rather be enjoying a different type of date, but is resigned to the fate of meeting Chanyeol's parents a lot sooner then he would like. 


Ignoring the shakes of his hands he does up the last button on his shirt, if he was just having dinner with Chanyeol he would leave it open but tonight it's not just them and their own perfect bubble. No tonight it's dinner at the Park's Mansion, and he's absolutely bricking it despite being told it's going to just be his darling's parents and grandfather. He has this weird sinking feeling in his stomach that tonight is not going to just be a that typical movie night meet my family dinner. 


"Your making that face again!"


"What face!"


"The face of insecurity, you my friend are gorgeous and your soft kind hearted nature has swayed even the most steadfast of men, you definitely will win over the former president and the rest of Park Chanyeol's family!"


"Do you think Chanyeol's mother will think the same of me, that she won't just think I'm some cheap young hussey who's nothing but a good digger!" 


"What's bought this on, I know I've never been a fan of you being a sugar baby but know why you did it, please tell me you haven't been pressured into anything"


"No never, Chanyeol has been nothing but a gentleman I promise, but I'm afraid his mother will think that I've instigated to trap him for his money and influence, she knows we have been intimate already."


"Baekhyun, Park Soobin invited you too dinner I'm sure it's not going to be all that bad, she would not invite you too dinner if she wasn't invested in her son's happiness."


"I'm just anxious Suho, nothing seems to go well for me!" 


Baekhyun can hear the uncertainty and breathlessness in his own voice, as he turns to face his roommate. His intelligent friend who's been more of a brother then his ever has, who's been so kind to give him a place to stay when he decided to drop out of college to help his family. When he stupidly agreed to pay whatever he could for his father's medical expenses. Helped get him the job in the Swanky designer boutique downtown, and the kerbside bar he works late late nights most weekends at, neither are very well paid but they let him have a few luxuries as the commission money he did earn from Moonlight being a sugar baby went straight back home. 


It's not just Chanyeol that could never understand the reason why he helped his family, Suho too has been very vocal about it. Yes there are times why he too wonders why he does it, his father still detests his lifestyle, the scars of that awful fight can still be felt on his face, his mother he knows loves him, yet will never think differently to his dad. Shaking his head no he's not going to think about their strained relationship tonight, he has enough to worry about without his complicated relationship with his family. Something the older man seems to sense too.


Baekhyun watches as Suho enters his bedroom fully  before taking a seat on his bed, patting the edge indicating he too should sit down with him. He seats himself next to his closet friend and brother not surprised to feel a hand knead at the knots on his shoulder, the anxiety melting away under his friends warm hands. 


"Baekhyun she will love you, it may not be instant like Park Chanyeol, I won't lie and say she will take to you instantly families like the Parks are a completely different breed. Taught how to stand straight the moment they are walking, speaking several languages before they are barely teenagers. I don't say this to make it worse or scare you as I know you don't have the best relationship with your own family, don't let their hatred of your predilections or the Parks wealth scare you away from a beautiful relationship!"


"I know I'm panicking Hung, I wouldn't even know where to begin with Park Soobin, she's so graceful and elegant. So high class too she will sniff out the fact I'm not wearing designer labels, the moment I step foot through the front door."


"That may be but labels and money are not everything. Use your own knowledge of Fashion to your advantage, impress her by saying you made the shirt by hand, I'd bet when she finds out where you work I'm sure even she will appreciate a little discount!"


"Yes because she's going to want a custom made suit, you know the boutique I work in garners to the male  fashionistas of the world!"


"So sue me for forgetting that tiny detail, at least  I still get to benefit and help you get more then a basic wage now moonlight won't be paying you. Will your parents not notice the difference?"


"I suspect so, but if Chanyeol's calculations are right the hospital bills should be paid for, I know his treatment still costs a bit but the overheads at the shop so much more manageable!"


"Byun Baekhyun you really are a saint, I know, I know, no more talking about them as it will mess up your makeup! You look amazing by the way! Chanyeol will not be able to keep his eyes or hands off you!"


"Thank you Suho, Chanyeol picked it I was going to ask my boss for another suit to hire!"


"This outfit far out wins a suit Baekhie its the perfect mix of demure, elegant and a little bit y too!"


"Suho there will be none of that at quite possibly the poshest place in all Korea!" 


"Do you know roughly where Park Mansion is?"


"Somewhere out passed Namsam tower is all I know!"


Baekhyun doesn't want to admit he's never really thought to ask Chanyeol where his family home was, he knows they all have city apartments even his grandfather but from their prior conversations, Chanyeol's mother prefers to stay at the Mansion. He's pretty sure it has something to do with the smog that can cover the city, he himself struggled the first few weeks he was here now he's used to the way the air burns his nostrils and stings his eyes. 


"So what time ia Chanyeol coming to pick you up!"


"At 6.45pm, then he's going to drop me back here to grab my work bag, yes it's the one that I left at the door ready for me to to do the midnight to closing shift at the bar!"


"Not long before he gets here then, I know how anxious you are I promise it's going to be ok and if it's not call me and I will come to the  rescue."


"Thank you Suho, I don't know what I do with out you!" This time it's Baekhyun who reaches for the hand beside him, he truly owes this gentle patient man everything. He almost chokes up at what could of been had Suho been there the day he had a nervous breakdown, it brings un happy memories that he would rather not think about today. Instead of that  depression consuming his soul he smiles at Suho's next statement.


"Let's hope you never have to find out, now your handsome Prince Charming will not be long perhaps we should put the fear of god in to him and invite him to dinner with me!"


In fact at that statement he full on laughs, no one would even his gorgeous man would never find this bunny like man scary. It's so nice to have the support of someone willing to fight his corner with. The pep talk with Suho has helped ease sone of the anxiety coursing through his veins, it's not totally put out it's flames but it has helped. He should try and go tonight with an open mind, it could be everything that he's not expecting. "I will make you up a thermos for you as I doubt you will have time, there's a full moon tonight and the skies are clear. If I remember correctly you have had quite the start to intimacy and ! I mean you may not even make it  dinner looking like you do!"


Baekhyun can only look at his roommate in clear and utter shock as his angelic face wags his eyebrows at him. Whilst the idea of getting hot and heavy under the stars  with Chanyeol, makes his loins burn truly with a delicious zing, it's not going to happen tonight he will not give Mrs Park more reason to think him low class!




"I'm just messing, I have everything crossed for you tonight and will have your hot barley tea ready for you to make it to the bar tonight but first I have a date with Netflix!"


Baekhyun goes to say something, when his phone vibrates across his dresser Suho besting him to anything else he wishes to say. "Lover boy must be downstairs, remember the Park's may be a powerful and influential family, but they are human under all that grandeur. You will be fine and if you truly can't bare the dinner call me and ping my your find my phone location and I will be there as soon as!"


"Thank you Suho!"


"Ah less of that, go get em tiger!"


For the first time all day the anxiety in his limbs truly leave his system, he's about to see the man he's been pining over.  As he steps out the apartment building entrance hall, his jaw almost hits the floor, even in his most casual chino's and black cotton shirt Park Chanyeol is the devil incarnate! Baekhyun can't ignore the burn beneath his pants at the way his gorgeous intelligent man leans against one of his cars. Suho's suggestion of making out under the moonlight definitely more appealing then the dinner plans they do  have. He can feel his cheeks heat with the intense predatory stare of his partner, the pull between them electric as ever. Tonight however they can not act on any of their desires, despite the yearning and fire in his soul.


Instead of their many passionate kisses, Baekhyun feels a calming kiss to forehand as Chanyeol reaches out his head towards him. "Are you ready baby!"


"As ready as I'm going to be Darling!"


"It's going to be ok my prince, my father and dear grand papa are going to love you, my mum too she will just need a bit more time," Baekhyun has no time to respond as he feels one of Chanyeol's mighty warm hands encase his owns as he lifts it to place a kiss to the back of his own hand. A move that has him locking his knees in place so as not to swoon, a feat that gets incredibly difficult when warm heat caresses his lower back from his love's other hand. A hand that guides him towards a car he doesn't recognise, but asking about the fleet of cars his partners owns can wait as it's truly happening. He's about to meet the family he's heard and read so much about, gulping down the nauseous feeling in his throat he nods quickly and allows Chanyeol to guide him to the car.


One Hour Later

After fighting with Seoul's legendary traffic they finally arrive to the imposing tall whitewashed walls and gate that must surround the Park Family main residence. A boundary complete with security guard, who simply nods in their direction before allowing them entry. Baekhyun has seen impressive houses of the rich and famous on the TV, but nothing prepares him for seeing what stands in front of him. He half expected some massive mansion based on a french chateau, but he's met with clean lines and white washed concrete covered glass and steel modern palace that must be a reinvention of their old Hanocks. One that's complete with a split level Japanese garden and beatiful ornate Chinese lanterns , it's gorgeous and totally intimidating. Looking down at his outfit he suddenly realises he's woefully underdressed to have dinner in such an environment. They aren't even inside and he can tell what ever is going to be served for dinner will be finer then any restaurant in Seoul.


He has no time to ponder on it, as their car doors are quick to be opened by security, security clearly here for the former president. The trembling of his limbs  as he gets outs the car, however stops the moment he feels a hand on his thigh and his darling man's supportive soft smile that he knows is just for him.


"Your going to be fine my darling prince, I'm right here beside you."


"I know I just don't want to mess this up."


"You won't that beautiful smile will win over my dad and grandfather within minutes, now shall we!"


Baekhyun doesn't say anything else for fear of the nausea in his stomach actually coming up his throat, settling instead for his own smile. Accepting Chanyeol's hand he takes a deep breath aa they go up the stone steps in to the foyer of the grandest house he has ever seen. Teak pillars support wide panels of glass that wrap around a minimalist marble courtyard, a classic version of with or without you softly playing in the background. "There you are my boy!"


Baekhyun can't help but gape as a much older version of the man he's so desperately in love with walks towards them with a grace of a distinguished gentleman and smile that lights up the room.


"Grandpa you should be sitting down!"


"Oh hush up boy I wanted to be the first to meet your young man before my Soobin puts the fear of god in him. Well aren't you the stunner I never expected to meet on the arms of my grandson. Now I don't want any of that pompous formal address directed at me, you can call me Jahyun!"


It takes a moment of awkward silence for him to realise he's been addressed  directly, embarrassed by his faux pass of silence he's bowing at 90 degrees and softly whispering "it's a pleasure to meet you sir!"


Chanyeol's POV

He has to clamp his mouth shut at the way his gorgeous prince nervously stutters in the presence of his grandfather. Every word out of those dusky pink lips send sparks of fire right through his groin, and makes him want to groan out loud, and find the closest bed. He's absolutely addicted to the sound of Baekhyun's voice and the way that soft tone makes him feel. In fact he loves the sighs, moans and whimpers his prince makes when he takes them both to nirvana and back. He so wishes he was wine  and dinning Baekhyun privately in his penthouse instead of this dinner.


He does feel slightly less agitated to know his grandfather is here, it will reign in his mother and her inappropriate questions. He doesn't feel that dread so much knowing his grandfather is here, they all know how his mother is but if any one can reign her in it's his grandfather. His father god love hun just doesn't have that all commanding presence his grandfather has. He just hopes tonight will go off without any drama, his boyfriend is timid and shy enough. Chanyeol feel that's spark of lust and arousal morph in to anger when he remembers the hate this beautiful young man suffered in the hands of his own family. 


His strawberries prince certainly doesn't need to feel inadequate in front his family aswell. He's fully aware of how sensitive Baekhyun is about their social class difference, which makes him feel all kinds of stupid and regret he should of done all he could to stop this dinner, let Baekhyun become more comfortable as his boyfriend before this. Thankfully he had the good sense to tell Chen and Yixing not to head to the little bar to night, Baekhyun would just self combust at meeting every one all at once. He may not of been able to say to his mother, but he was able to stop information overload. He's bought out of his thoughts when he hears his prince giggle and his grandfather chortle, his own cheeks feeling hot when he realises he's completely zoned out.


"Good of you to come back to your senses my boy, I was just regaling Baekhyun about the time you ran in to my Nato meeting with just your super man pants and colander on your head saying how the evil NATO would never catch you. "Grandpa that was over 35 years ago, are you ever going to let me live it down!"


"Would you rather we tell him about the time you wore those same pants on your head and ran through your classmates 6th birthday party."


Whirling around as both his grandfather and Baekhyun giggle he finds his father with four glasses of scotch in his hands. Park Miho still looks good for a man of 65, really good in fact, he truly hopes he ages just as well. Tonight is not the night for fitness, tonight he has to stay close to his partner and support him any way he can. "Dad this is Baekhyun, Baekhyun this is my dad Park Miho!"


"It's nice to finally meet you sir."


"Oh no there will be none of that here tonight young man, we don't stand on tradition here!"


"I did try say this too Miho, but it's refreshing to see such manners, but let's quickly enjoy this fortifying whiskey before Soobin sees us."


Chanyeol takes his drink and passes the second one to Baekhyun, it's not likely his gorgeous boy will drink it he's not really a fan of alcohol, and definitely wont drink it if he knows how much money the aged rare Scottish single malt cost. He can't help but smile when he watches his young prince scrunch his nose up as he takes just a sip of the warming rich oak barrel whiskey.  He is beyond thankful his father and grandfather don't notice Baekhyun's facial expression, but can understand why his father gave them the scotch it's a rouse so that Baekhyun will let the rich golden liquid calm his nerves. 


Sadly he knows if they are any longer his mother will send the estate manager to find them, "we better head in!"


"Yes she's had the kitchen staff plan an elaborate feast of traditional royal cuisine, I hope your hungry boys!"


Chanyeol once again zones  out the conversation between his grandfather and  Baekhyun, as he concentrates on his own father. It's his mention of royal cuisine that has his internal alarm bells going, his mother only insists on serving royal cuisine when she's trying to intimate someone, or is serving politicians Royal Cuisine is expensive. His stomach boils in anger and anxiety at his own stupidity at failing to think that his mother won't be up to something to prove some kind of point. That possibility all the more real when he looks a little closer at his father, his always supportive father actually seems to be fidgety. Like he's hiding something, on instinct he takes a step close to the man he's desperate to spend the rest of his life with as act of protection. 


He doesn't want to believe his mother would intentionally sabotage his very new relationship, yet a 1000 different possibilities flash through his eyes at what could be going on. His grandfather is harder to read a politician all his life, he's had many years practice at his neutral face. He has no choice but too implore his father to give any kind of sign, as he really doesn't want his shy delicate prince to cotton on to anything being wrong. With any luck he's imagining his fathers fidgeting, and the royal cuisine is just his mother being happy for him and  going over board. He knows the only way to find out will be to enter the dinning suite that has a small reception area just before a traditional formal teak low table will be adorned with small plates filled with delicacies.


Thankfully at least hai grandfather has made Baekhyun feel welcome with small talk, and his father welcomed Baekhyun with some whiskey to help calm the nerves. The two sips his prince has had won't be enough for most, but his darling prince doesn't drink hard liquor often. Whatever happens pay the two doors they are slowly approaching they will face together, he makes a silent promise both to himself that Baekhyun will not be left alone with his mother just in case. Sensing eyes on him he looks up to see his father with a soft smile and eyes that clearly seems to know something is going to happen the other side of those doors. Chanyeol just hopes it's his mother in a good mood and not the entitled ruthless heiress she can be at times.


It's too late to turn back now anyway, as he gently holds Baekhyun back to let his grandfather and father proceed into the room. Pulling his love into him he whispers into that glorious strawberry hair, "through the storm we reach the shore I promise I won't leave your side!"


Holding his delicate princes soft small hand he puts a finger up against those plump lips, hoping his face and body language say everything that's needed. When he feels the hand he holds squeeze back he knows they can face whatever his mother may or may not of done. 


Accept when they finally stop staring in to each other eyes and step in to the reception he feels his limbs freeze, at the additional dinner guest standing with his mother clearly absorbed in conversation. Ice cold dread overcomes his senses when the man with his mother finally notices their presence. "Chanyeol you remember Wook Hanbin he's the son of  Wook Yejin my friend who's husband is a VP at Jun holding. Well he's visiting Seoul for a project and I thought why not invite him to dinner as his parents are out of the country!"


Chanyeol can only gape at his mother in shock, he can't believe she truly would do this, knowing full well what's she's playing at. His gorgeous strawberry prince too seems to understand the words not said, as the hand he was holding quickly drops his own hand as if burned.


To be continued....

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740 streak #1
Chapter 11: It took me a minute to remember where we left off but it all came back as I was reading. Baek has suffered so much, I hope the tide is finally turning. Looking forward to reading the continuation.

I am so sorry to hear about your friend, please accept my condolences. Hopefully, writing will be therapeutic for you.
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 10: I had forgotten how truly ugly the dinner party had been but I'm very happy with the next chapter!!
Chapter 11: Ah. I want to be the ba ajumma with tongs
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 10: Chan is certainly having a bad night too - can he get to Baekhyun without having to punch someone??
TIZZI91 #5
Chapter 9: Wow just discovered this story and i love it! Hope that Chanyeol will fix it asap !
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 9: So intense and said - why do people of privilege think that they can say anything and get away with it?? I love the fish lips visual even though it was so mean to Baek!
Chapter 9: Ugh poor Baek. They'll all get what's due in the end.
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: so her strategy is to embarrass Baek by comparing him to someone else - how mean!! I am envisioning a storm coming followed by a storming out of the house!!
Chapter 7: Whew 🥵🥵
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 6: At least Baek can honestly say he is no longer a sugar baby to Chan's mom!!