Salted Wound

Let’s Make It Forever

Baekhyun's POV 

This wasn't quite what he imagined when Chanyeol suggested heading somewhere quieter to talk. Admittedly he wasn't really surprised when they pulled up to the Signiel Hotel, the towering sail like building on the banks of the river. They have frequented this exclusive hotel several times for events, and even shared a night cap at the rooftopbar! Never did he expect to be standing in a presidential suite, his face is no doubt a picture of wild amazement as he wonders through the suites lavishly  connected rooms. Each tastefully decorated room comes complete with floor to ceiling windows allowing for an amazing view of the city! The whole suite flows with a calming energy, expensive crush velvet fabric sofas match the colour scheme of dove gray and taupe with a hint of cherry blossom pink, it's truly beautiful! The massive king size bed has the fluffiest looking crisp white duvet, one of those that swallows  around you when you lay down on it! He even spies a lavish white marble bathroom, complete with traditional wooden Onsen style bathtub. His shared apartment would probably fit inside this suite two fold, what catches his eyes the most is the table in the corner that he missed. Noticing that it's complete with ice bucket and filled with food! 


Taking one step closer he's positive Chanyeol will be able to see his mile wide smile illuminated in the windows, his heart feels so full with surprise by what he finds! Instead of champagne and the exceedingly expensive royal cuisine of their ancestors sits a pizza, one side Hawaiian the other pepperoni and a bowl of French fries! Its each of their favourite toppings, which he is surprised the older man remembers. It was months ago that they talked about favourite foods, Baekhyun hasn't had a mouthful of the greasy cheesy goodness in so long! To his delight there are cans of coke in that ice bucket, not a wine bottle in sight. 


Leading him to one conclusion, turning around he finds the smouldering devil incarnate that is Park Chanyeol starring at him with a look that's a cross between I want to eat you and I want to worship you! Perhaps what he's been desperate to happen between them since their fourth meeting, is not one sided. He truly longs to be more then just a companion for events, he wants late nights by the fire, too wake up and make Chanyeol his lunch maybe one day get a puppy! Dare he believe that this magnificent wants the same as him. 


"How long have you had this planned?"


"Since I asked for your time two weeks ago, there is something I think we should discuss!" 


Baekhyun try's very hard to keep his posture neutral, his heartbeat pounds in his ears as he keeps his eyes on Chanyeol.  The dream of something magical happening tonight suddenly feels like a far off dream, has he read the chemistry between them for something that isn't there! He can feel the flames of embarrassment creeping across his face, of course this makes sense. The quiet private location, the plate of his favourite foods all to soften the blow of their contract ending! The sudden callousness he feels on his cheek centres his skittishness, crap he had no idea he has closed his eyes and now he realises he shaking like a leaf!


Then it dawns on him that he's not dreaming, there is sudden extra welcoming heat on his cheeks! Willing his eyes to open he gasps when he realises  just how close Chanyeol is, and that the callousness he feels is Chanyeol's much larger hand on his cheek, complete his thumb gently over the blush he knows will be lobster red!


"You are shaking sweetheart, what's wrong?"


That thumb that rubs across his heated skin, sends frissons of arousal all through him. There is no way Chanyeol would touch him like this if he wanted to end things. Baekhyun calms instantly again when sees Chanyeol wearing that soft smile, he knows is reserved just for him. Placing his own hand above the much larger one on his cheek, he smiles before finally whispering "I feared that our dream was ending."


"I would like this to end, but not for the reason you fear, what I want is something so much more precious and I think you want it too?"


Baekhyun knows he shouldn't doubt the man in front of him, and looking in to those hazelnut eyes he finds his answer. Those deep intelligent eyes shine with what he hopes is love and a little bit of nervousness, Baekhyun was right to think when they left the bar something magical would happen tonight, he so desperate for this to become some thing so much stronger between them. Taking a deep breath, he squeezes the hand on his cheek as he takes a step closer, so close that it would be hard to say where he ends and this gentle amazing man begins.  Looking it those eyes, he lets the air fill with their super charged  tension and finally whispers "I do!"


He barely has time for anything when he feels Chanyeol's arm snake around his lower back, gently pulling him closer just as he captures his lips in a searing hot kiss. His own arm snaking up and and around the back Chanyeol's neck! Their kiss is desperate, hot and  sloppy and full of their tongues exploring each other's mouths, Baekhyun is all to happy to let Chanyeol take control! He can't help the whimper he lets out when this amazing man realises he needs to breathe, "I've wanted to kiss you for weeks my sweet strawberry Prince, Baekhyun baby lets make this more between us!"


"You could be my only star, you could be the moonlight and everything in between, please let me stay with you tonight and every night!" 


Baekhyun has never felt so bold, he's never really been in to , sure he's fooled around, it's never gone further then touches. Right now with the growing heat between them he wants to lay himself bare for the taking. He can see more than just lust in Chanyeol's eyes, he can see the love, the attraction, the raw visceral need! Something he hopes he replicates, his body certainly wants everything this raw powerful man has to offer. He wants to be consumed by all Chanyeol has to offer, he leans up on to his tiptoes to do just as he dreamed and softly starts to his tongue across Chanyeol's sharp jawline. 


Chanyeol's POV

Chanyeol can't contain the groan in his throat as he feels his beautiful strawberry haired prince along his jaw line. He is beyond ecstatic and so wired with arousal, especially after Baekhyun's whispered plea. God those words about staying with him, are for a long time words he only dreamed about. He can wait no longer as he slips his hand away from that silken cheek, and wraps it around Baekhyun's lower back, "if you will have me I will be yours and yours alone!" That statement is so brazen yet so softly whispered in to his ears, he's certain he shivered down to his toes! They need talk about this, despite how he can feel the magnetism between them boiling over. Chanyeol is positive Baekhyun now fully understands the undertones to all his statements this evening, he just needs to know they are on the same page. He will never take advantage of this delicate strawberry Prince.


"If we do this, there will be no contract between us, just our blossoming love my darling prince. I will help you not as your sugar daddy or patron, but as your lover."


"I'm yours, I will love you with all my heart and soul, not as a companion but as your lover!"


Chanyeol briefly closes his eyes at swell of emotions flowing through his veins, he is beyond relieved this precious and delicate man feels the same. It's the words he needs to fully enact on what's he been dreaming of for week! He leans forward to capture those plump rose pink lips in a kiss that he hopes pours all his feelings! All before gently lifting his prince clean off the floor, an easy task with how light the smaller feels in his arms. 


Chanyeol makes sure he is as gentle as he can be as he walks them through the suite towards the bedroom, only placing his prince down when he reaches the bed and the velvet bench at its foot. He can't help himself and once again runs his thumbs gently across those delicate silky smooth cheeks. Marvelling at how the city lights and deep inky black of the sky seem to make this delicate creature all the more ethereal. He truly has never seen a more beautiful creature!


"You are beautiful!"


Chanyeol can't help but chuckle as a rosy blush flushes across those pale cheeks! "The blush at my mere simple acknowledgment of your beauty always astounds me," unable to help him self and wanting to move this on so he finally get a taste of that pearlescent syrup. "Will you blush for me when I claim your body heart and soul." So that his beautiful prince fully understands his intentions he gently leans forward and les at a spot on Baekhyuns sawn like neck just above that bright red collar! The second whimper he hears is music to his ears as is the following whispered plea.




"Please what my darling prince!"


"I don't want to wait anymore, make love to me Chanyeol!"


Overcome by his visceral raw need to consume the man who fits perfectly in to his arms, he moans low in his chest!  Before pushing his delicate prince back up the windows not letting his adjust before claims those lips in passionate kiss. He can wait no more as he gently runs his hands along the lapels of Baekhyun's jacket gently pushing it down and off  his shoulders! The tension between them is so palatable as is the arousal flaring in his stomach. Chanyeol can feel how hard he is, something that only gets stronger when he takes a step back to remove his own jacket. His mouth watering as he unashamedly looks over his precious strawberry prince, he shivers when he notices a hint of a pinkish brown against the white of Baekhyun's T-shirt! 


His jacket is no sooner on the floor before his arms are full of his delicate prince, who once again kisses every part of his skin. They have all the time in the world but right now tonight he wants a taste of the forbidden! Knowing now that Baekhyun is definitely on the same page as he is whisks him up in his arms and walks them to the bed where he gently deposits his prince! The image of Baekhyun makes as he lays out against the white sheets is pure heaven. Reaching out he brazenly runs a finger down across a soft cheek, down that white shirt over one pebbled down that feminine waist and softly muscled stomach across to the bulge in those tight red trousers! Leaning down he captures those rosy lips in a passionate kiss as his free hand gently rubs that delicious bulge. The action once again making his Prince whimper and tremble,  its followed by a whisper of his name.


"Chanyeol wait please, I need to tell you something!"


To his own surprise he sees his strawberry Prince is now full on shaking and has tears in his eyes. Horrified he has done something wrong he goes to move away, stopping when one dainty hand wraps around his arm. That gorgeous blush on his cheeks "please don't stop you just have to know that I've never really done this before!" "You've never had ?" Chanyeol can only watch as his beautiful strawberry Prince shakes his head before whispering "I've done things but never gone all the way, I think even before we met I was waiting for you. I know I sound crazy!" Chanyeol doesn't let this perfect man finish that sentence all he does is place his fingers up to those rose petal lips and leans his body down against the perfect man beneath him. Making sure their manhoods are aligned so that his strawberry prince can feel exactly how he feels at being the only one to be with him like this! 


"I promise It's not crazy my love, just makes you all the more exceptional and ready for me and me alone from now on." The soft smile he gets from Baekhyun seems to be the answer he needs. that soft silky cheek, "I promise I will be gentle!"


"Im ready Chanyeol," 


(I recommend listening to Sia's Salted wound as you read this part of my update)


Chanyeol gently places open mouthed kisses across his princes beautiful skin, his hands busy with undoing those tight trousers. He can feel the heat emitting from Baekhyun's manhood, as he makes quick work of  his trousers and underwear. Baekhyun's is already hard and he's barely touched him. The sheen of sweat on Baekhyun's skin, the way his manhood is already so hard makes for the most sinful sight! A gasp of his own leaving his throat when he sees those tiny fingers reach out to his shirt and deftly undo the buttons of his shirt! 


Smugness fills him when he feels Baekhyun's hands all over his stomach down the washboard abs he works damn hard to maintain! "Your like a god Chanyeol, you could have any one, why me?" "Because your you Baekhyun, my love trust me what we have is special. You are special I don't want anyone else."


Proving his point Chanyeol gets off the bed, takes the two foil packets out of his pocket and slowly rids himself of his own trousers. Trying not to hiss at how hard he is as slowly reveals his much larger to his lover. The panic he sees has him instantly back on the bed "shh baby I'm here, I will be gentle!" The small subtle smile, and Baekhyun removing the very last barrier between them by taking off his shirt  and the whispered "I'm ready!" Has fire exploding in his veins as cocoons himself around his strawberry prince!


Chocking out when he feels those soft hands wrap around his manhood, Jesus it feels so sublime and every thing he ever wanted, as he moans and pants in-line with Baekhyun's pumps and  stokes over his length! All the from root to tip with just his thumbs, increasing in in speed hearing his hisses turning in to moans. He gently takes that dainty hand away from his !


"Am I doing it wrong!"


"No my darling boy, it was perfect didn't you feel how hard I was my precious stawberry. I will if you keep doing that baby, and I want to in you!" 


Leaning forward again he showers Beakhyun with gentle kisses. Those kisses soon turn desperate, Chanyeol takes full advantage of his princes need for oxygen. Gentle kisses rapidly become a war of tongues, as their create a beautiful friction that has his beautiful Baekhyun near screaming and himself . It's all sensation overload, he prides himself on his stamina but he is so loose to losing control. The delicious zing of arousal travels straight to his pulsing manhood, as he gently rubs himself up against his prince!




"I'm here baby!"


"I need more, please!"


Leaning up Chanyeol catches those lips again in a searing kiss, all before leaning back to grab the sachet of lub. "I will give you more darling, I'm going to give you everything!"


Baekhyun's POV,

Baekhyun can only marvel at the sculpted Adonis over him, rivets of muscle shining in the moonlight, it's a wonder he's not drooling. A pleasurable shudder zips through him as that gigantic heavy rubs up against his own. His eyes widen to impossible feats and he gasps when Chanyeol ever so gently captures the pre in his fingers, and then ally the drops from his own fingers. He's further surprise when he feels that same finger dip back down against his pulsing manhood and gather a second drop. This time instead of off his fingers, Chanyeol holds his finger up to his lips, and with dark predatory eyes he simply demands "!"


An action he is all to happy to oblige as he les at the essence coating Chanyeol's fingers! "Do you have any idea how delectable you look, mouth full of my fingers spread out for the taking!" Baekhyun can only whimper around the fingers in his mouth at that rich deep tone, he so alive with sensation that he hasn't noticed that Chanyeol has ripped the sachet of lube open and has a coating over his other fingers! He only notices when he opens his eyes to find those fingers dancing around that tight ring of muscle. An action that makes him choke when he feels a thick finger push through him, "Chanyeol!" 


"I'm here baby, you can do it!"


The action of Chanyeol's finger working him open is almost to much to bar, as is the fire of sensation in his stomach.  It all makes him whimper, and his body vibrate with a need he has never known, he's positive he's babbling as ripples of that amazing pleasure fills every pore! Those sinful talented fingers stop suddenly, leaving him shaking, leaning up he kiss the man above him! so amazed that he can finally call this man his own. Chanyeol is so beautiful, his hair is damp with sweat, and smooth skin glistens against the backdrop city lights and stars! He's so over come by how much he's wanted this it's almost too much to believe! Yet everything feels so right when a different type of fullness slowly pushes in, he lets out a moan at this most intimate special experience! 


He can feel it all, the pain of the friction of Chanyeol's slow  and steady entry. He can feel each beautiful vein through the , he had not noticed! When those  steady and determined s start, it almost sets off the fire works with in"shh my darling prince I'm here your so beautiful like this!" Not really sure what he wants all he can do is whimper out "please Chanyeol!"


Baekhyun can feel his arousal flare with each sensual , "you take me so well baby!" Baekhyun is so overcome with sensation he's positive he's not making any sense, just whimpering in pleasure he never knew existed! He feels so hot all over as he's once again cocooned in his gentle giants warm embrace! The friction of Chanyeol's stomach against his hard , is almost as beautiful as the hot heavy filling every part of him! All he can do is hold on to Chanyeol's  muscled back as those gentle rocks become something stronger, hitting a spot deep within he had no idea could erupt like a volcano. Baekhyun can feel his arousal building, it's like a supernova, it's just more enough as he pleads out "more!" 


He's seeing stars when Chanyeol rocks into him, almost to his stomach hitting that delicious spot deep within him. That's it, for me baby!" it's the gruff deep sound of Chanyeol's voice, the friction between them and the burn of that spot being hit, for that pleasure to ignite and he's screaming into Chanyeol's shoulder as he whispers sweet nothings into his ears! A gasp leaving his throat when those gentle rocks, up the tempo and this amazing man s hard just once and moans out his own ! Baekhyun has never seen a more sensual intimate moment and will savour this moment for as long as he can! 


He can feel how much he trembles as Chanyeol rides out the rest of his , it's only seconds later when he feels that familiar hand on his cheek. All to happy to lean into it like a puppy. Both clearly happy to remain together for a little bit longer and catch their breaths, he can see Chanyeol is desperate to say something, he doesn't need to Baekhyun can see it all in his eyes! They are full of wonder much like his own  as he places his finger gently against those large red lips still plump with their kisses! "Please stay here just a bit longer"  the soft boyish smile he gets in return might just be his favourite! 


Baekhyun knows they will soon have to clean up, and tomorrow he will have to break it to Luhan that he will not be an active sugar baby! Chanyeol he knows has a lunch date with the two other men in his life, men who's options he's values over that of his mothers! Right now all he wants is to bask in the arms of the man he is fast falling in love with. 


Hello my lovelies

Surprise! How was that for my second update! 

Firstly let me just say thank you so much for giving this the chance and for giving this 60 votes and over 250 reads I truly am amazed by your kindness 

I did alway plan for them to have straight away! I think it's a fitting way to end their contract and strengthen their relationship for what I have planned! The song I mention is what gave me the inspiration for this update! 

Please be honest in how you feel about this update? Your feedback helps me to be a better writer

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748 streak #1
Chapter 11: It took me a minute to remember where we left off but it all came back as I was reading. Baek has suffered so much, I hope the tide is finally turning. Looking forward to reading the continuation.

I am so sorry to hear about your friend, please accept my condolences. Hopefully, writing will be therapeutic for you.
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 10: I had forgotten how truly ugly the dinner party had been but I'm very happy with the next chapter!!
Chapter 11: Ah. I want to be the ba ajumma with tongs
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 10: Chan is certainly having a bad night too - can he get to Baekhyun without having to punch someone??
TIZZI91 #5
Chapter 9: Wow just discovered this story and i love it! Hope that Chanyeol will fix it asap !
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 9: So intense and said - why do people of privilege think that they can say anything and get away with it?? I love the fish lips visual even though it was so mean to Baek!
Chapter 9: Ugh poor Baek. They'll all get what's due in the end.
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 8: so her strategy is to embarrass Baek by comparing him to someone else - how mean!! I am envisioning a storm coming followed by a storming out of the house!!
Chapter 7: Whew 🥵🥵
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 6: At least Baek can honestly say he is no longer a sugar baby to Chan's mom!!