
Let’s Make It Forever

Jongdae's POV

He waits until his best friend's retreating form is safely in the lift before turning to the other man he calls best friend, not surprised to find the Chinese man already opening the bottle of Champagne. Jongdae subtly turns back to where Chanyeol made his getaway, even in haste his friend and business partner remained ever graceful. He's now completely out of sight spirited away in the lift to go to war with his mother. While It's been a welcome change to see his normally so stoic friend radiate such happiness, he just wishes his friend was perhaps a little smarter with his choice of new paramour. Of all the people available to him, as the grandson of a former President and heir to The Park fortune, even without his own business the man could have literally anyone. Yet chooses instead of all the models, singers, heirs and heiresses available to him, he chooses to fall in love with a man who's he's paid a handsome fee to spend time with. A sugar baby trained in all the fine arts of making whomever has paid for their supper feel like a rockstar. 


This young Byun Baekhyun sounds to good to be true, the thump in his chest tells him  he's being to snobby and to quick to judge, he should instead be happy for his friend. There's just a small part of him that is suspicious, Chanyeol is normally quite a shrewd businessman but it appears even he has fallen victim to Baekhyun's most likely coached sob story.  In truth he has already seen the signs of how his friend felt, even before today whenever this sugar baby is mentioned his best friend gets a good case of the gooey lovey covey eyes.


Jongdae is fully aware of the all the stress Chanyeol has been in thanks for his mother's meddling and completely understands that Chanyeol should be free to make his own choices, when it comes to his own relationship. All of the people Mrs Park has introduced in her quest to see her only son settle down in, have been in the goal to set up advantageous marriage that will further benefit the Park Family, so far they all have been disastrous. Not one man or woman was even remotely interested caring about Chanyeol as a human. Something he's proud to say his friend saw straight through. It always ended the same, when he politely declined anything further they turned in to monsters. 


The constant phone call to the office, the inappropriate gifts of used underwear that security alert to him instead of Chanyeol, just make him want to have cold bleach shower. Just four short months ago, the latest wannabe future Mrs Park barged in screaming up a storm, all the while they were on a video call with a prospectus client almost costing them millions. Chanyeol had been enraged and instead of being the gentleman he's been bought up to be, threw her to dogs so to speak. She wasn't the first wannabe to march in to their shared office, some have even been brazen enough to barge in as if already married, fussing over Chanyeol like mother hens. 


He's so exhausted on his friends behalf especially when he gets regular phone calls from Mrs Park  herself, demanding updates on everything from those disastrous dates to wherever or not her son is taking his vitamins. Shuddering at the thought of her already being in Chanyeol's penthouse, she will be stopping through everything that's not under lock and key. He has to mentally do the cross of  the Heavenly Father, and the holy spirt  in the hopes that Chanyeol at least had the good sense to hide the condoms. 


"Chen what's with the sour face, we finally got Chanyeol to pay for a round of drinks!"


"I don't like this Yixing!"


"Champagne? what's not to like!"


"Not the champagne Xing, Chanyeol saying he's in love with the man he pays to keep him company!"


"Chennie the sugar baby was your idea!"


"I know but aren't you concerned, our sometimes innocent gullible best friend is being taken for all his worth."


"Didn't you do a background check, aren't you in charge of your company's expenses, are there any abnormal transactions on Chanyeol's part and cause for concern on that resume."


"I didn't see the resume for Baekhyun, I  did veto a couple of other potential sugar babies from the same agency, it was obvious what they were after. I do also handle Chanyeol's personal finances, I've seen his personal statements, there's nothing more then the normal fee that i was told would be deducted every time he requests Baekhyun."


"I won't lie and say I'm not a little concerned, I mean we all know what can happen but we should be supportive and give this young man a chance, especially if he the angel Chanyeol makes him out to be. If he's not_"


"If he's not then we will make sure he knows his place, that he's handed over to the police for being that grubby little conman he's been trained to be. Whilst we piece our friends broken heart back together."


"Chen that's a tad dramatic, and I know you don't get any ideas, Chanyeol will not thank you for it! Don't forget we agreed to be supportive and even have dinner with Baekhyun!"


"I'm not going to sabotage his happiness, I will of course support him but I will not remain quiet if my hunch is right!"


Jongdae can see the turmoil that's in his own heart reflected in his best friend eyes, he truly meant what he said. They of course will support Chanyeol, he's fully aware he's been judgemental and unfair to a man he's not even met. If Baekhyun is everything Chanyeol claims him to be, he's going to need all the help he can get navigating the life Chanyeol leads. Baekhyun will need all the help he can get from them especially when dealing with Mrs Park. He may not like this particular brand of champagne, doesn't stop him necking back the glass he's offered at the mere thought of dealing with an unhappy Mrs Park. Guilt fills his belly like sour milk at his earlier thoughts, he truly wants his friend to be happy and if Baekhyun is it then he will offer whatever support he can. Where as Mrs Park will immediately declare Baekhyun unworthy and do anything she can to make Chanyeol see it.


Chanyeol's POV

He can't help but let out a sigh and tap his fingers to release the nervous energy hanging around him like a dark cloud. He's been a tad over dramatic about the dark cloud it's not going to be that bad, his mother just tests his patience, much like this slow moving gate. He swears this gates gets even slower every day, he can se the headlines about it now top idols and chaebol heirs private residence invaded due to slow moving UnVillage gate. He shouldn't joke about such things, that's nervous he is. Totally happy to sit here wasting precious seconds whilst his mother will be snooping through his kitchen and probably his bathroom. 


He should never of given her a spare key, he's being a bit a mean he does love his mother just she can be so high maintenance at times. He blames her old fashioned upbringing and his fathers constant indulgence of all her whims, yes his mother is an image conscious socialite but he knows she loves him. Park Soobin would not of been supportive of his preference for men, had she not. Yes as he's got older he's found her more overbearing then when he was a teenager, he knows it's because she likes to be in control. Parking his European luxury sedan in his spot he takes a moment to centre himself before getting out of the car and facing his mother's questions.


Less then five minutes later and he's opening up his front door, not surprised to see the two man guard outside it. Nor is he surprised to find his mothers Prada pumps sitting on tissues instead of his clean floor. His home is absolutely pristine as it should be, he pays enough to the cleaning company to ensure it is. He could be insulted by his mothers actions, but those pumps are not cheap and his mother is a nothing but a perfectionist. He can see the whole open plan lower level of his apartment, it never stops to make him smile. The elevated hillside position makes for some fabulous views of the moon. It's a place made famous by a certain world famous band, but at night the views from his apartment both the lower level and the mezzanine level would make for some fabulous relaxing and chilling moments with his strawberry prince. 


Moving out of the foyer he's surprised to find his mother simply sitting on his imported Italian leather sofa, just flicking through a fashion book his interior designer insisted on. He smiles softly despite the swirling anxiety, his mother is still very much a beautiful woman, for a lady approaching 65 she still as glamorous as ever. A chic bob that still holds its glossiness and shine, smartly dressed in pearls, a silk blouse and pant set and as formidable as ever. Many say he gets his shrewdness from her, along with the same smooth skin and dazzling eyes, his personality is all his father and grandfather. It's much kinder then his mother's constant ice Queen façade. That above reproach attitude he's seen all to often from those of old money whom think anyone else is beneath them.


Like now he can see the look many believe to be grace and poise, but he knows those sharp eyes, right now they scream annoyance at being kept waiting and desperate for information even her sea of  always gossiping sharks couldn't uncover. 


"There you are Chanyeol, I was beginning to suspect you had kept me waiting longer on purpose."


"Hello mother, I was at the four seasons can I get you some coffee!"


"I know I called Jongdae this morning when you wouldn't answer your phone, Yixing is back in town too I hear from the news. I will only have coffee if  you  have the fresh beans I like? You know I can't drink that granulated stuff that's cheap, it ruins my digestion."


"Yes mother, your assistant dropped off a packet and I have some prepared in the fridge and oat milk if you like."


"Perfect, then you can tell me about that young man you were with last night."


Chanyeol has to turn away quickly in order to hide the roll of his eyes, his mother never did beat around the bush always impatient. He can't help but smile over flash backs of exactly what he did with that young man last night and this morning, it would even make his mother blush.  It was the best night of his life his beautiful boy was so amazing, responded to each of his touches as if it were magic no beyond his wildest dreams. They have been apart for less then twelve hours and his heart already yearns to wrap his exquisite boy up in his arms and have him never leave. For someone so young he's had it tough, a harsh childhood in the county with a disproving family, one who made him pay his own way through college, despite his part scholarship. He was gobsmacked when he found out his darling boy became a sugar baby to support the family who cast him out, after having to abandon his studies.


"Do you know how embarrassed I was to receive that call from that woman? I had to make putt that I knew all along you know I hate being caught off guard!"


"Mother last night was a cocktail reception I was networking!!"


"You were more then networking, Yuk Sumi was very clear that she saw you with a young man, she said you appeared very intimate with him. That you had your hands on him and even left with him. Who is he Chanyeol?"


"You won't know his family mother, I know that's what your really wanting to find out, you want make sure he has potential from the right family, has the right pedigree!"


Chanyeol returns to his lounge area with his mothers coffee, in the bone China cup and saucer she insists on using. Getting closer he sees that she's wearing that look that has ripples of fear going right down his spine. He may be forty years old, accomplished and making his one money, but that look strikes fear in his very soul. He learned his lesson as young adult never to react to those pursed lips and narrowed eyes, to think twice before his own repressed but legendary temper takes over.


"Park Chanyeol don't sass me, is it so wrong for me to want the best for my only son, all those ladies and gentlemen were from well distinguished families that you deserve, ones that will be lucky to have the Park son and heir as their son in law. Sumi told me the man had pink hair, no one in our upper class  circles has a younger brother with pink hair Chanyeol!


"Eomeoni, you know I don't care about that!"


"You should, whomever is so lucky as to deserve your own pedigree should be from the right family! I'm still waiting for the name of that man Chanyeol!"


Chanyeol lets out a sigh his mother is clearly trapped in disturbia and the time marriages were arranged. He wants to look past her snobbery and believe it's because she means well, but he can see from the tension in her shoulders  and the tension in the air that she will not back down. He had hoped to introduce Baekhyun to his mother in person, perhaps in a few months after Baekhyun has become more settled in their newly formed relationship dynamic. That plan it would seem is just a pipe dream, and one that has the high of their very first intimate encounter crashing to the ground like a broken dream. 


"He is not from Seoul!"


"Oh is he from Busan, perhaps Incheon, or even Jeju?"


Shaking his head, he can see the hope that suddenly sprung to her eyes diminish as she fails to work out the suitable Chaebol family connection. He prays his strawberry prince will forgive him for bending to his mothers whims so soon.


"South Jeolla is the area, from a village an hour outside Mokpo."


"A land owners son could be of benefit to us, are his lands cultivated?"


"Mother don't get grand ideas, the family are not well off nor do they own the type of land your envisioning. The man I have been seeing is called Byun Baekhyun he's a student here studying fashion!"


Chanyeol can only wince as the colour drains out of his mothers face, before a flash of something manic  and angry appears. What ever that looks is makes him fear for his new found relationship ship with the man he loves, his mother will take her time to warm up to the man that lights up his life. He just hopes her old fashioned values will be cast aside and she will come to see how incredible his strawberry prince is.


"Well if you must sow wild oats it's at least with someone who will not get pregnant! I can sense from the smile your trying to hide that you've no doubt already ed!"




"I'll arrange for Dr Yoon to visit, you can never be to careful!"


"Are you trapped in distubia Mother, I've not _"


"Chanyeol you can not lie to me, your my son after all, and I can tell from your defensive stance that you have know him longer then your letting on!"


Chanyeol bristles at the way his mother has hit the nail on the head and is already assumes he's not been careful, as if he would anything to hurt his precious prince. He goes to open his mouth not quite sure what to say but is rendered speechless when his mother holds up her hand to silence him. He watches like a goldfish as she gathers her Hermes birkin bag. A sure sign she's heard enough, "Chanyeol your my son and I love you, I'm aware you find me old fashioned and elitist at times but I do it with love for you and this family. I will not pass judgement on this Byun Baekhyun until I have met him face to face Sumi made it very clear the young man was impeccably dressed and beyond ethereal better looking then many idols." 


Chanyeol can only simply nod his head at his mother, his stomach somersaulting at the bullet he may of just dodged as he watches his mother head towards him. "Bring him to dinner on Friday!" Chanyeol has to blink at the soft smile on his mothers  face an invitation to dinner was the last thing he expected. He's so sure he would of been told that his prince is not good enough for him, some demand for their relationship to end before it's even began, his heart feels so full that perhaps his mother will love this man as much as he does.


"Oh and Chanyeol I promise you if I don't deem this man to be suitable your relationship will be nothing more then your desire for the flesh am I understood!"


The bang of his front door is so loud it almost shakes the glass of his windows, as he watches his mother leave his apartment. He feels like the wind has been knocked from his sails, if any thing he's the one not deserving of the Angel on earth that is his strawberry prince. If it takes years he will hold on his prince until he that worlds famous designer he dreams of being. Taking a step towards his floor to ceiling windows and the warm of the early afternoon sun, he knows exactly whom to call to calm his racing heart.


Grabbing his phone, he dials the number he memorised the moment he was given it. He can already feel the stress of being alone with his mother leave his body when his call is picked up on the fourth ring and that soft soprano voice he loves giggles into his ear.


Hello my lovelies,

Please before you all send the pitchforks after me for this update, please know that both Chen and Soobin will both come to love Baekhyun.

Chen perhaps quicker then Soobin as she will receive some hard truths that make her realise the error of her ways. So as not to give the game away too much you will just have to read upcoming updates to find out what I mean. :)

I hope you like this little insight to the trouble brewing for our lovebirds, have no fear more of them coming in the next update.

Next story I update will be Children of the Moon, 



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748 streak #1
Chapter 11: It took me a minute to remember where we left off but it all came back as I was reading. Baek has suffered so much, I hope the tide is finally turning. Looking forward to reading the continuation.

I am so sorry to hear about your friend, please accept my condolences. Hopefully, writing will be therapeutic for you.
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 10: I had forgotten how truly ugly the dinner party had been but I'm very happy with the next chapter!!
Chapter 11: Ah. I want to be the ba ajumma with tongs
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 10: Chan is certainly having a bad night too - can he get to Baekhyun without having to punch someone??
TIZZI91 #5
Chapter 9: Wow just discovered this story and i love it! Hope that Chanyeol will fix it asap !
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 9: So intense and said - why do people of privilege think that they can say anything and get away with it?? I love the fish lips visual even though it was so mean to Baek!
Chapter 9: Ugh poor Baek. They'll all get what's due in the end.
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 8: so her strategy is to embarrass Baek by comparing him to someone else - how mean!! I am envisioning a storm coming followed by a storming out of the house!!
Chapter 7: Whew 🥵🥵
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 6: At least Baek can honestly say he is no longer a sugar baby to Chan's mom!!