
Let’s Make It Forever

Baekhyun's POV

The gentle pressure on his shoulders, the warmth at his back and the hot water infused with energising orange and ginseng gently sluicing over his sensitive skin is heaven. The warm water soothes away every ache in his lower back, is alleviating the soreness within and doing wonders for his cramping thighs. Baekhyun almost whimpers when the kneading stops, but he soon shivers when he feels those warm fingers gently trace mindless patterns up and down the back of his upper arms, shoulders and base of his skull in such a sensuous way, he's surprised he's not drooling. He gasps next when that relaxing massage of his shoulders stops, only to feel the same kneading sensation from one hand across his stomach followed quickly from the second to the base of his spine! Before he can stop himself he moans out at the relief he feels on his spine, the rumble of the chest he leans against has him blushing in embarrassment.


"Feels that good huh sweetheart!"


"So good, I'm sure this is all a dream!"


Baekhyun tries to move away from the man he's been using as a pillow, but this sunken bath has only enough space for him to inch forward. He doesn't even get chance do that, when he feels Chanyeol gently pull him back up on to his thighs. Up close to the hardness of that magnificent ! The embarrassment he felt just now nothing like the embarrassment he feels at being so consumed by those magic hands that he completely missed how effected Chanyeol would be too! He once again struggles to move away, this time in an attempt to turn around and give his man the pleasure he deserves! Yet is is stopped in his tracks by that strong hand applying pressure to his stomach in an effort to stop him. His struggles stop instantly when  he feels a kiss the back of his neck just below his hairline. 


"I know what your trying to do my darling, as amazing as it would be too feel your hands on me, it would lead to something your too sore too enjoy fully. Im not a client that you need to ensure is serviced in exchange for payment and gifts my darling boy I'm your boyfriend, one who will always make sure your comfortable too, I'm hard because I'm with you I'm by simply having your devine body so close!"


"Then I really must be dreaming!"


"No my love, this is all real!"


Baekhyun let's out a high pitched squeal when the hand on his stomach pinches at the soft skin. The pinch followed by his gorgeous man's loud burst of laughter, one that has the water covering them sloshing onto the floor. Baekhyun feels a tug of emotions in his heart as he catches their reflection in the enormous windows! The sun has risen higher into the sky and the light of dawn grows ever brighter. The dawn light catching the tones of Chanyeol's dark hair making it shimmer like a precious metal. The muscles he can see look even more pronounced as the oil they used to clean up has left a golden sheen to them. Baekhyun smiles when Chanyeol's intense eyes open to meet his own reflected in the window, he feels tiny in comparison to all those muscles and wrapped up in Chanyeol's arms. The undeniable between them fires up instantly, so much that Baekhyun can feel the arousal in the air cackle under his skin. He blushes when Chanyeol's smiles softly, nothing really needs to be said they both know he needs a break from their amorous night time love making. Baekhyun smiles when Chanyeol simply and gently pulls them back against the curve of the bath. 


Giving them chance to fully enjoy the splendour of the suite they occupy, Baekhyun marvels at the vastness of the bathroom. Their bath is even encased in the Italian gunmetal grey marble that covers the floor! It must cost a fortune, fluffy Egyptian cotton towels hang from bronze rails below a matching set of sparking white enamel not plastic wash basins, solid silver taps gleam with the reflection of the lights. If they weren't so high, Baekhyun would be mortified at how open this room is with its slanted windows. Right now though he's far to comfy to care if anyone can see them! He can see for miles almost the whole of Seoul, it's breathtaking with the river below them reflecting each spec of light like twinkling gemstones, it's beautiful.


From their spot lying in the bath they can watch the rest of the sunrise, as it won't be long until Chanyeol leaves first for his day, he too will need to head back to reality as he himself has his own meeting with Luhan followed by his shift at the late night roadside bar. As inappropriate as it is to think about both jobs right now, he just can't help it. Luhan will not be happy to loose the commission he was earning off him being the companion of Park Chanyeol, grandson of the former president. Hopefully the man will be happy for him, Luhan always been kind to him, taking him on when he was desperate to help pay for his fathers medical expenses, despite their differences.  As grateful of the help in learning how to truly please a patron and client, what he wishes he has help with was what to do after! Luhan should make sure all his employees are well versed in how to deal with the aftermath of . Luhan never told him it was so deliciously exhausting, or so messy even with condoms! 


Baekhyun knows not everyone will be lucky like he has been and has been able to have safe with someone who is so much more then a client. He's  been lucky to have his first intimate experience with the man he loves. He was completely unprepared for the pain and the mess, not that he has chance to do much, Chanyeol saw to it all! After they both failed to find rest in sleep, Chanyeol helped him first by cleaning off his own from his stomach, gently helped him to stand up, before running both the shower and bath. Handing him over some oral pain relief he took instantly and a little blue tube. Both of them flaming red when Chanyeol whispered its a muscle relaxing pessary,  that will help reduce the swelling of the muscles deep within! Baekhyun's pretty sure he's going to be limping into his catch up with Luhan, and when he finally gets home  much later! As embarrassed as he was to be handed that little tube, he knows it will help him be able to sit down for the next few days. 


Closing his eyes, he doesn't want to think about his meeting with Luhan, his shift at the bar or Suho's mothering right now. Not when he's sharing a bath with the most beautiful kind hearted man he's ever known, a man he's so in love with he just wants to shout it too the world. Nuzzling into the shoulder he rests against he places his own chaste kiss just above the pulse point on Chanyeol's neck! Smiling softly as that hand has moved and is now trickling water down his own chest! 


"Is it always going to be like this!"


"Yes I plan to shower you with constant love my darling boy!"


"That's not what I meant Chanyeol, I know you will shower me with love just as much as I will shower you in it. I'm referring to your worlds acceptance of me, I'm not an heir to a fortune, or from a prominent family! There's not a whiff of money old or new, my family struggle to make ends meet and I'm a college drop out sending every dime I have home to parents who don't exactly support me!"


"My grandfather and father will love you the minute they see you, my mother has been spoiled and conditioned all her life to believe coming from money, and having money means every thing. It doesn't, I promise she will come to love you like I do! Baekhyun your also not a college drop out you take a night course, work two jobs and send every penny you have, beyond your living expenses to your parents! Baby I'm the one undeserving of your love, your compassion. I've been living with a silver spoon in my mouth all my life, all my attributes are from the name I bare!"


"Please don't do that Chanyeol I know how hard you have worked to get where you are today! It would be foolish of us not to acknowledge the elephant in the room, we are from different social classes and backgrounds! What of Yixing and Jongdae too, what will they think? I know that they know that you have been acting as a patron for me!"


"Are you worried about me telling them, Baekhyun I'm not going to keep our relationship secret from anyone, your more then a sugar baby now, you deserve respect!"


"Won't they think you have lost your mind?"


"Honestly at first yes they will,  before you start struggling trying to leave, heat me out. Baby I know you will be panicking over them! That you think they will see you as some gold digging arm candy, you have and  never will be that! They mean well they have seen the men and woman my mother has tried to set me up with, attempt to fleece me of cash and gifts from just one date. You've never asked for anything more then my time, hell  I've taken you to some of the top Michelin Starred restaurants in this city, and watched you order a salad and water, when you could of had champagne and fillet steak. My friends are naturally protective. Jongdae more so he's the one that had to drag the people my mother thought suitable out of our offices after I didn't call them!"




"Ohh the stories I could tell you! These however are stories for another time!"


"Because you have to get ready to meet the playboy's!"




"My nickname for you and your friends, dashing wealthy men that turn heads wherever they go. A long line of admirers desperate to be the next desperate fool barging into your offices in order to see you after one date."


"I think all this hot water is getting to your head!" 


"Must we really get out!" Baekhyun is fully aware he's whinnying, but their happy little bubble ending terrifies him more then he thought! He has to close his eyes as he feels the start of  anxiety creeping into his conscience, he may love this beautiful man and be loved in return but will their love prevail against the prejudice they will encounter.


"Baekhyun my darling I can feel you tensing, are you ok? I don't have to mention anything today if you don't want."


Baekhyun dips his head as far to the side as he can and looks into those mesmerising eyes, and feels instantly comforted at what he sees. There's nothing but love, trust,  passion and so much more, enough for that anxiety he's feeling to melt away. He sees only the sea of emotions he himself feels, deep in his own heart those emotions are just the tip of the iceberg something he knows Chanyeol too feels. That their feelings for each other will weather any storm, it's knowing that this man will always be beside him that has him vowing he will always support this man in what ever he chooses.


"Darling Chanyeol, we should not hide our love, I want them to be the first to know. These men, mean a lot to you maybe one day soon we can all have lunch or a drink together. I know you should bring them to the pojangmacha I work at, it's not the Four Seasons but the soju is good and chicken is spicy!


Baekhyun smiles when he feels Chanyeol place a second kiss on the back of his neck, "sounds perfect baby, we need a change of scenery from the stuffy bar once in a while. The bonus for me is that I get to ogle your as you work!"


Baekhyun shivers when Chanyeol leans down to capture his lips in a intense kiss, he's quick to whimper when Chanyeol whispers "then I will take you home where I can get even closer to that beautiful derrière!" It takes all Baekhyun's might not to whine when Chanyeol laughs at his flaming cheeks as he's pushed up and out of thief bath.


Chanyeol's POV Three Hours later

Chanyeol steps into the foyer of Four Seasons, he's barely entered the sleek modern hotel and can already see the heads turned his way! His beautiful boy and his nickname of playboy now makes sense, he's just never really noticed it before. Ignoring the blatant stares he heads to the elevator that will take him to exclusive underground Charles H bar. He hates to admit it but his stomach is churning, churning at finding out what his friends think. He loves them and values their opinions more then any other, and just hopes they will be supportive of his choice to officially date Byun Baekhyun. 


The beautiful young man he finally gets to freely love, no contract to between them, no more paying for his time,  just good honest love for each other. It took all his might to leave his strawberry prince in the suite they spent their first official night as couple in. Took even more of his  self control to not rip the fluffy white robe he himself had dressed his tiny boyfriend in. He so desperately wanted to remove that robe so he could once again ogle over that svelte body, run his hands over that milky soft unblemished skin again, experience the delights of those tight little walls grip at his manhood again. Instead he controlled himself and insisted they eat.


Sharing a breakfast of fresh fruit, eggs, sausage, and waffles whilst he tried not to maul his sore boyfriend. Once breakfast was complete he insisted Baekhyun remain until he had to leave, told him to have another bath, book a massage, the room and incidentals already taken care of. He didn't leave completely controlled, he took those soft cheeks in his hands and kissed his beautiful boy untill they were both gasping, several minutes later then intended he whined himself

when Baekhyun had to push him out the door!


He remembers the words Baekhyun whispered about it being a dream their first time was magical his strawberry prince was exquisite, every shy response music to his ears. Their surprising early morning love making and their shared bath were easily the most sensual night of his life! A night he will forever savour, just not right now though, as hard as it is to not think of Baekhyun and his glorious body, the way his thighs felt in his own hands, the light in his eyes, those cute little whimpers he makes! He should not meet his best friends with a hard on, he's positive they will be able to tell instantly what he was up-to last night, he doesn't need to give them a bird's eye view.


Calming his mind just in time for the lift to open up into the bar, he can already smell the money in the air, Charles H bar is a mix between western gentleman's club, and Asian tea house low polished cedar wood tables, emerald velvet benches and stools, and matte black with gold accented ceramics everywhere. He heads on autopilot to the secluded tea table they use regularly, smiling when he sees the soju set and fried octopus sitting alongside side steaming green tea! He's quick to notice his friends too, already deep in gossip! Guessing from the absence of their sweet Chen's booming laugh the talk is of a serious nature.


It's as he approaches the table that he realises with perfect clarity just how true Baekhyun's words of, My nickname for you and your friends, dashing wealthy men that turn heads wherever they go truly are. Money and power leaches off their table in waves, the admiring and blatant staring is here too, Chanyeol's is positive this is mainly for Yixing. Media outlets and fans follow his every move, the downside of being an international singer, and producer. Tall, dark haired, mysterious and foreign, girls and boys fawn over his friend like children do for puppies. Yet under that quiet reserved nature, is a startling intelligent mind and a man who would do anything for anyone of his friends. 


Chanyeol looks next to Kim Jongdae his once upon a time  college roommate, now business partner and best friend! Another man graced with startling good looks, looking like a prince with his sandy hair, and always beaming smile. Many of their associates prefer dealing with Jongdae as they think he's not going to as brutal as he himself can be when they have to discuss mistakes. It's funny to watch the colour drain from their faces when they discover Jongdae ferociousness and experience the voice he and Yixing call the dinosaur voice. He fondly smiles at his friends, mentally agreeing with his beautiful boy that to the majority of the population of Seoul they truly are the playboys of the rich and famous.


Whatever he goes to think about next is stopped before it can form when the voice of his business partner speaks up. "Guess who I got a call from late last night! I mean I can give you three guesses but you're only going to need one!"


The twinkle in Jongdae's eyes suggests he is not going to like what he has to say, he doesn't get chance to answer as he's engulfed in the arms of their other friend. A hug so distinctively Yixing he almost doesn't want to let go. "Chen he's just got here, let the man breathe before you pounce!"


Chanyeol is stopped from getting to his chair, by the man still holding him, he would laugh at the confused look on the other man's face if he wasn't so nervous. The churning in his stomach resumes, if anyone will be able to whiff out that he's had in the last 12 hours it would be this man. Chanyeol doesn't even have to count down from 3 before Yixing is whisper shouting!


"Oh my god, you've just completed the stride of pride!"


"That's why you haven't stopped smiling, even when I'm

about to mention your mother, you cad Chanyeol!"


"Honestly you two should be working in the police narcotics team, nothing would get passed either of you!"


"I should of ordered champagne!"


"Not a bad idea Xing, as I do have something that to celebrate! Why was my mother calling you Chen!"


"Chanyeol she rang this morning to tell me that one of her friends called her last night, one who was at the same networking mixer at the bar you were at last night. Your mother was after information and the credentials of some man you were seen having a drink with!"


"I can sense that you have more to say Chennie!"


"I do have more to say, whomever it was, had to leave early but saw enough to phone and tell your mother, that you appeared quite intimate with your companion. Were you with with who I think you were?"


"Yes I was with Baekhyun!"


Chanyeol isn't sure he likes where this is going, that churning in his stomach feels like his stomach is mixing cement with how heavy he suddenly feels. The happiness from this morning ebbing away when he sees concern written all over Jongdae and Yixing's faces! Something unfamiliar blooms though when he sees Jongdae whole demeanour soften.


"I didn't tell your mother anything about whom you were with or that it was an arrangement that's paid for, your mother would be the only one who could miraculously reach through the phone and cause bodily harm if she knew you were paying someone for their time! Especially if I have known all along who he is and never said anything to her. What I will say is she knows that your clearly interested in someone, she has no knowledge of, someone not of her circle. Just be prepared to see her later as it wouldn't surprise me if she's at your apartment this demanding the 411!"


"Thank you Jongdae!"


"I'm guessing from Xing's assessment that you enjoyed more then a drink with Baekhyun last night?"


"A lot more then a drink, we declared how we felt about each other and have decided to terminate our contract and try something more official, Byun Baekhyun is now my boyfriend!"


"Indulged in the pleasures of the flesh already too?"


Chanyeol internally winces at the sudden silence in the air, he knows his decision is a shocking one, he had hoped for a slightly warmer reaction then silence between them! He will need these men and their support more so now, especially if his mother already has wind of Baekhyun. Thankfully both of them snap out of their prolonged almost stunned silence, Yixing being the first one to speak 


"I didn't know you felt that way, that it would become something serious, please don't mistake my silence as confirmation that I'm not happy for you. The news came as a shock!"


"Chanyeol, Yixing and I are happy for you, and do support you it's just Baekhyun is very young and impressionable. I say this from the heart so please don't think we don't mean well. We just don't want you to become a victim of a gold digging social climber, he was your sugar baby after all!"


"I promise you he's not like that, he's nothing like the people my mother has tried and failed to set me up with! Yes I know he is young but he has such a gentle soul, he's beautiful inside and out. Always blushes when I compliment him, never orders anything off a menu that's more then 15,000 won. He has even asked me for advice on how to maximise his meagre savings and has never asked me for any thing more then my time!"


"You love him don't you, you don't have to answer Yeol it's as clear as day, you look so happy, so content something we haven't seen for a long while!"


"I truly think I am, he is such a delicate kindred spirit I've never met anyone like him, he really wants you both to like him, and has even suggested we go to the bar he works at!"


"We can arrange that can't we Yixing, we mean what I said we will support you, but please act with caution is all I ask! We have all seen and heard the story's of wealthy men bought down to their knees because they were not sensible!"


Chanyeol is fully aware at what Jongdae is implying, and has much as he despises those hussies he's tried to date, they have left a sour taste in his mouth. He doesn't think Baekhyun would even consider trying to use him, even he has seen the stories about the politician that left his wife and family for his mistress! It was the scandal of year when the mistress fleeced him out of 35 Million US Dollars! Yes he loves Baekhyun and is positive he would never do something like that, he hates to admit it Jongdae has a point! He knows he has  to be cautious but assuming anything untoward about his darling boy makes him feel physically sick. prenups he vows will be something he will discuss with Baekhyun and will remain private.


"I promise I will ensure both myself and Baekhyun will be protected, but that's still some time off. We want to take it slow. I won't be running off into the sunset just yet!"


He jumps when his phone goes off with the beep beep of  an incoming message, in the seconds before he sees the screen. Emotions come to life within himself, his heart leaps and the butterflies in his stomach fly around excitedly, he's like a school girl awaiting a response from her crush! Only for those hopes to be crushed when he sees who has text him, he can't stop the groan he lets out when he sees his mother text announcing she will be waiting for him at his own penthouse. It's essentially his mother's way of saying she's dropped everything and you better not keep me waiting! He can only nod as he grabs his phone and keys, the quicker he gets back the quicker his mother will leave! He doesn't even get chance to say anything to his closet friends, they all know that keeping Soyoung Park waiting is a grand faux pass. 


He can only wave his hand when he hears Jongdae exclaim they will still get the champagne, as he tries not to power walk out the bar.

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748 streak #1
Chapter 11: It took me a minute to remember where we left off but it all came back as I was reading. Baek has suffered so much, I hope the tide is finally turning. Looking forward to reading the continuation.

I am so sorry to hear about your friend, please accept my condolences. Hopefully, writing will be therapeutic for you.
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 10: I had forgotten how truly ugly the dinner party had been but I'm very happy with the next chapter!!
Chapter 11: Ah. I want to be the ba ajumma with tongs
Beau1996 1379 streak #4
Chapter 10: Chan is certainly having a bad night too - can he get to Baekhyun without having to punch someone??
TIZZI91 #5
Chapter 9: Wow just discovered this story and i love it! Hope that Chanyeol will fix it asap !
Beau1996 1379 streak #6
Chapter 9: So intense and said - why do people of privilege think that they can say anything and get away with it?? I love the fish lips visual even though it was so mean to Baek!
Chapter 9: Ugh poor Baek. They'll all get what's due in the end.
Beau1996 1379 streak #8
Chapter 8: so her strategy is to embarrass Baek by comparing him to someone else - how mean!! I am envisioning a storm coming followed by a storming out of the house!!
Chapter 7: Whew 🥵🥵
Beau1996 1379 streak #10
Chapter 6: At least Baek can honestly say he is no longer a sugar baby to Chan's mom!!