
Over The Sky Breakfast Club

Gahyeon: Give me back my sister :(

Minji: How cute. She’s on her way. xD

Gahyeon: I was kidding! :o

Gahyeon called Handong, who was already pulling in the driveway, way too late to take her words back. “Hey,kid,” she greeted as she unlocked the door, seeing her little sister waiting on the staircase. “Can’t sleep?” She ruffled her hair, leading her sister to the bed she feels most comfortable with, Handong’s.

“Sorry I stole you from Minji.” She looked up, having these adorable puppy eyes, feeling guilty for what she did. Well, in her defence it was meant to be a joke. “It’s okay, little one. You should be able to call me whenever you need me,” the older one whispered on Gahyeon’s forehead. Her sister is still shy to confront her with these things so after a few years, she was hoping she would feel comfortable enough as time passed by.

That’s something for another day to discuss. She planted a kiss on her forehead and started caressing her hair softly, brushing it ever so softly, allowing her sister to rest on her, humming lullabies to help. Gahyeon slept so well that night. She was missing her sister’s warmth too much. It was an amazing feeling to have it again.


“Nurse Kim, a patient is asking for you.” She turned her back to the person, it was Solji, the head nurse in their department. Her shift just got started and she can’t wait to get out of here. “Room 113,” she added. The woman with blonde hair let out a soft smile, urging Minji to half run to the room due to curiosity.

Something about that room that brings mixed emotions. Ranging from joy, sorrow, worry and relief. The room is filled with surprises, not knowing what to expect but a patient. This is where most of her “regulars” are placed.

Once in front of the door, she halted, holding onto the knob to catch her breath. She prepared herself for something, be it a person in a critical condition or someone recovering, she’s up to the challenge.

Just don’t let it be Jeonghwa again because that patient have basically lived here ever since.

As if all heavens blessed her soul, it wasn’t her favourite patient but her favourite person. Minji rushed over, seeing a Handong that looks extremely weak, smiling with all her might to greet the nurse.

“I can be discharged now. I feel way better.” Handong joked, trying to stand up but Minji frowned at her, concerned at the state that she’s in. “You rest your pretty self and stop fooling around.”

“Adorable.” She placed a hand on Minji’s head, patting it lightly. “Sit,” and Minji sat on the space beside the woman, automatically upon command. This brought Handong to let out a small laugh.

“I’d be your entertainment as long as you recover speedily, okay?”

Minji had a conversation with the ER doctor, Heeyeon, that checked up on Handong. She fainted due to fatigue but should be okay with a few days rest. That poor woman, she had been pushing herself too hard.

Minji didn’t get the chance to go home, too focused on Handong, making sure she got enough rest. Or that she liked seeing Handong sleep. Either ways, she confirmed with her own eyes that she’s resting well. Handong is a workaholic that drove herself to where she is now. There’s no telling if she wouldn’t relapse.

“Will you ever get tired of eating the same thing every morning?”

Like always, there is her eggs benedict breakfast from Bora’s place. It has such a silly and childish logo that doesn’t scream vintage at all. It’s cute. It looked like Yoohyeon stopped by while she was gone and pestering a certain doctor.

“You don’t change something that works...” Handong teased. “Oh, pass me that paper bag. I want more.”

Minji handed her the bag and saw another one behind it. “Slow down or you’ll get sick.” She said, eyeing the other bag, wondering if she can be spared some food too. She shouldn’t right? Handong is a patient and needs all the energy she can take but... she’s sorta hungry too. Minji shook her head, shaking off her thoughts. Handong noticed, reading the situation and then it hit her. She knew she forgot to something and that was it. “I got you breakfast too. Come join me?” Handong scooted, allowing enough space to be formed beside her. In glee, Minji held Dongie’s face and planted a quick peck.


To: Yoohyeon

She needs a few days rest. Please make sure she doesn’t try and do anything exhausting.

Minji texted Yoohyeon to remind her that even if Handong got discharged, it doesn’t mean she can go straight back to work.

Handong said ever since Gahyeon left to take English classes, things have been hectic at work. Their energy booster is gone so the office is just one big glum cloud of seriousness. And as she can see, she was too affected by it, resulting to not having time to even meet Minji or even rest.

“Is it bad to say I missed you?”

“And you would never again if you overwork. I’m gonna be so mad that I’d be watching you like a hawk, every single move. You hear me?” Minji had to furrow her brows, trying to be intimidating like the aura that Handong gives but it’s just a big fail. Only Handong can pull off something like this. She let out a mocking laugh, poking her forehead.

“Watch me.” Handong’s gaze changed within a split second, a hand cupping the other’s cheek so she can focus on her face as her brows relaxed, into the perfect arc, her eyes piercing through Minji’s soul, staring deeply, instilling chills to the other woman. “D—Dongie...” Minji’s cheeks became flushed, trying to pull away from her hold but she can’t nor does she even want to. There was an internal battle before she got released from the trance, a kiss on her cheek that broke it.

“You’re scary.”

“Where’s Miss VVIP that messed with me in our first meeting?”

“I. Was. Hungry.”


Bora feels suffocated, all the unnecessary scolding is too toxic and disheartening. She’s used to this but this is not how you’re supposed to treat human beings. All she could do is look down, take everything. But so close to exploding.

“If you stopped fooling around with that girl...”

“Don’t go there.” Bora’s hands were clenched into a fist, shaking, trying to stop her outburst from coming, her tone warning those in front of her.

“She’s nothing but a distraction.”

“She makes me happy. Something you two could never do.” She whispered, trying to pace her breathing that’s picking up because of her anger being bottled up. “You think this is all I wanted to with my life?”

“You’re the only one that continue this. Don’t turn your back on us. We who fed you and taught you everything you know.”

“I had to put off my dream for this. And now I can’t even have a choice after our deal?”

“Dancing would never get you anywhere. Taking over the family business is a real job.”

Bora realised that no matter how hard she tries to show that she want different things, this will always be shoved down , whatever her parents wanted her to be is what she should be. It’s tiring and discouraging.

She loves to cook and serve people the best food she can but it’s not enough. She’s still looking to know where her what ifs would take her. Now they’re blaming Siyeon, the woman who does nothing but understand and love her unconditionally. Such disrespect doesn’t match the person it’s directed to.

“Well, you don’t ask for a child just to have them fulfil your dreams.”

“Kim Bora!” Her father shouted, in disbelief at how her only daughter is acting. “Don’t you put shame in this family again. You hear me?”


“Speak louder.”

“I said no!”


“Singnie...” Bora sobbed, buried into Siyeon’s chest. “I can’t take it anymore...” Siyeon sighed, planting soft kisses on her head. Bora continued to hurt, cry until she couldn’t anymore. Until she lost any amount of strength and had fallen asleep.

“Shhh... They can’t break us, okay?”

Siyeon heaved another deep sigh. No matter how many times Bora says wants it all to end, it’s hard to turn away from family. She knows what they did and still does to her but who is she to urge her to leave? To forget everything and run away. All she can do is pick up all the pieces of Bora, make sure she’s ready to face another day. It gets tiring of dealing with the same problem over and over again when they know how to solve it anyways.

Whenever this happen, it feels like a dejavu.

Isn’t this why they wanted to elope? Forget everything and start all over again.

Wanting to be anywhere. Away from the place that brings out painful pasts. From Bora’s issues with her controlling parents that are hidden from her enormous amount of energy to her own personal issues. People don’t know how she is behind closed doors — insecure and fragile when it’s quiet and just the two of them. She loves Bora with every once of her being but it’s so unhealthy to remain in this place... to let it ruin them slowly.


“Minji! Open up!” Siyeon’s voice echoed as she banged on the door roughly. Minji jumped out of her bed due to the loud sound. She groaned, yet again interrupted by the couple. She loves them and all but she needs rest too.

“Hey, pretties.” She said sarcastically, pleased to see them but at the same time not.

“We need help. You have to help us. Please.” Siyeon panicked, pulling a dazed Bora with her, with her eyes puffy and her hair a mess.


“Eloping is a big thing. I know I brushed it off last time, cuties, and I’m sorry for that, for not understanding the situation. I just—“

“It happened again, Minji. It’s too much. And we’re inviting you too.”

Minji’s mouth gaped but nothing came out. Wow. She really is considering this. These two are like her parents and the three of them comes as a package.

“Please, Minji.”


But Handong.

Handong is her big “but” now. In the past, she had nothing holding her down but now, when the woman came into her life, with whatever arrangement they have right now, she likes it too much to just stop.


“Handong looks so happy!” Gahyeon said, leaning onto Yubin’s shoulder. “And she isn’t as hard on you like she did from the start. Did you notice?”

“Significantly lenient. Yes.” Yubin agreed.

“You know? I wanted to set them up but even before my plan started... they found their way.”

“Some people are fated to be with each other.”

She didn’t know those words could ruin her in the future. It was as if yesterday, everything was perfect. As if the world is all well, everything aligned. She was afraid something like this would happen because everything just feels right.

Yoohyeon: Is your sister okay?

Gahyeon: What happened?

Yoohyeon: She’s been spending the nights at the office.

Gahyeon: I thought she’s with Minji unnie tho...

Yoohyeon: Ever since you finished your internship, a lot has changed.

Handong has been spending an awful lot of time away from everyone. She even stopped ordering from the breakfast club, avoiding what is of the ordinary. Everything she did was different to how she would have done weeks ago.

How can someone just break out of habit like that?

All the meetings she ever took was to interview for a new chief executive officer. She is yet to find the perfect one but is meeting new ones everyday. A lot of hopefuls denied but she never gives up. She was rushing to find a replacement. It was as if someone was hunting her down at the pace she is going. As if something urgent is bound to happen soon.

Yoohyeon, fiddling with her hands, trying to avoid intimidation tactics, couldn’t say a word, afraid to be jobless again. Earning a living is hard with her tough situations. Her youtube channel isn’t successful enough to pay the bills.

“You know more than you’re letting on.”

“I’m sorry... I—I can’t...”

Gahyeon sighed. It’s better to approach things head on.


“When were you planning to tell me? Were we just gonna disappear like nothing?” Gahyeon spoke lifelessly. The world doesn’t look so kind today. The paper she just read explained everything. Why she changed and why the sudden rush to pass the responsibility to others.

“I’m sorry. It’s out of my power...” Handong looked down. She tried to prolong this as much as she can but you can’t stop the inevitable.

“Unnie! What about Minji? Does she even know?” Gahyeon’s voice cracked, trying to find an emotion in her sister’s eyes but she wouldn’t budge.

“It took care of itself.” She plainly answered.

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