Handong pls

Over The Sky Breakfast Club

“Can you get the hell out of my kitchen?” Bora scolded the woman, hugging a bowl filled with raw eggs. She was whisking them hardly but her best friend is present, acting as the biggest distraction. It requires a lot of strength to do such task due to her small hands, she needs double the effort. 


Minji was wondering why she never sees Handong anymore. And at the end, she even blamed Bora for snatching the last opportunity for a revenge. She’s had two slices of cake and she still doesn’t feel happy. What is this depressing state she put herself into? She’s not like this at work. It’s not like she can just lash out on people at there as well. 


“You’re always annoyed at me,” Minji tried to grab the bowl from her friend but she received a glare. 


No one dares to interfere Bora in the kitchen. 


“Maybe I like seeing her. Like you said.” She admitted, watching the way Bora is working. Her best friend has always been right, she can read Minji like an open book before Minji can ever figure herself out. If only she listened, right? But she never does. 


Something about what Bora does daily screams passion. Passion to protect tradition. It’s all they ever allowed her to dream of anyways, to handle the family business, to keep it going. This is why she can’t just leave. She’s grown to love this so the kitchen is usually off-limits, for people she didn’t train or know. And even with the tasks at hand, she just can’t let someone else do it for her, it has to be all her.


With Minji’s realisations, Bora’s face changed, just hearing the right words from the taller woman, she showed her the bowl and started whisking full force. “This is what you are — whipped!” 


Minji sighed, seeing her best friend happy. “The puppy isn’t budging. I just wanna see her ridiculously beautiful face.” She complained when Siyeon joined them. 


“If you admitted these earlier... you could’ve already scored a first date, pal,” Siyeon nudged a sulky Minji.


Pink princess: Yoohyeon

Pink princess: Spare the phone number of your boss?

Puppy: i don’t wanna be fired twice! 

Pink princess: :(


“Who’s that?” Gahyeon appeared out of nowhere, startling Yoohyeon. “Ah... it’s nothing,” she chuckled, trying to hide her phone but it wasn’t quick enough. The teenager already saw them. 


A curious mind allows one to have knowledge. If questions aren’t answered, the exploration to seek for it, would teach you a thing or two.


“Who’s pink princess?” She cocked her head to one side, wondering yet teasing the assistant at the same time. Yoohyeon tried to brush it off. She’s always asking questions and maybe that’s why she knows a lot. 


Gahyeon’s favour isn’t hard to win, she’s quite chatty, to people she’s close with except Handong. They actually get along, of course, they’re step-sisters but it’s different for them — they stay in their lane usually. But they’re getting there. The kind of closeness she has with everyone else. Slowly, as Gahyeon understands Handong more. Her sister’s busy running the business while she watches, taking in the processes and inside tips. But Handong only sees her as a teenager who’s always on her phone with every chance she gets. 


Gahyeon stared at Handong’s way, admiring her older sister. She’s been watching her like a hawk, in action, knowing the answer why they allowed her to move to another country. She’s responsible and wise.Handong is her role model. She adores her sister so much. So she has made it her mission to scrutinise ‘Pink princess’ before the person can even think of having her sister’s number. 


“Unnie, I’m hungry.” Gahyeon approached her sister’s desk, clinging onto Yoohyeon. Handong eyed Yoohyeon then glanced at her wrist, seeing the time. 


“Let’s go. Got anything in mind?” She let a kind smile out, standing up to gather her things. Her peripheral vision seeing her assistant trying to excuse herself from Gahyeon but the younger one isn’t budging, she has to do something about it.


“Yoohyeon you’re coming too.” 


“S-sure, Miss Han.” 




Puppy: Gays, emergency. 

Puppy: hello???

Puppy: Is Minji there?

Queen: She dozed off on the counter. 

Puppy: Tough night?

Wolf: Why?

Wolf: Kim Bora 

Wolf: stop burning food for the love of God

Wolf: Yoohyeon stop distracting her and spill whatever it is 

Puppy: We’ll be there in 10


Siyeon rushed to the kitchen, not reading Yoohyeon’s message as she pocketed her phone, she was too concerned about the burnt smell coming from the kitchen. She held out her hand, asking for Bora’s phone. The chef frowned yet obliged. “We’re almost closing. Just hold it in, okay?” Siyeon placed a hand on Bora’s shoulder, trying to comfort her girlfriend. 




She was scanning the diner, seeing a few customers almost finished. This day is finally over.  She stretched a bit, feeling the excitement to cuddle Bora to sleep. However, a few more people entered the diner. She recognised them and was happy to see them but was quick to apologise. She explained how their kitchen closes half an hour before their closing time, pointing at the clock but could ask if they can make an exception, since they’re regulars. 


Siyeon gave her sleeping friend a small pat, saying it’s time to go home in a sing song manner. She couldn’t hide her eagerness to tell Bora from the kitchen, who obviously saw from the screen, she was running for her life, something she rarely did.


Minji’s eyes fluttered, trying to make sense of what happened. It’s closing time, I can finally go home. She stood up, rubbing her eyes lightly, they were a bit heavy. About to head to her car, when a familiar figure appeared before her eyes, sitting a few tables away from her. She had to blink a few times to confirm it was in deed her. 


Statued in the middle of the diner, staring at the person she’s been longing to see, to annoy of course, it made her somewhat happy. Once she recovered from the shock, she rushed towards them.


“It’s cut off time. You’re way too late,” Minji commented, sitting next to Yoohyeon uninvited, smirking at Handong who’s across.


How rude. 


Handong knew when to let something go. But this particular woman always wanted attention for no reason. She wanted that smug grin expression gone. For once, she thought they were even as Handong was nothing but kind from their last encounter.


Yoohyeon was dying to speak and suggest that she can do something about it but her tongue got caught by Minji’s quick glance, warning her to keep quiet. Minji waited for the other person’s response, Handong didn’t think much of it and was about to stand, it’s not necessary to bother with this situation when Gahyeon stopped her, with a questioning look. She was staring at the stranger and then back to her sister. Handong smiled at her sister, saying that they have unresolved issues to settle. They excused themselves and went to a quiet corner. 




“You won’t tell me who it is? Really?”


“Gahyeon...” Yoohyeon sighed at the younger woman sitting across her, pouting and letting her charms work. No one would be able to resist a kid like Gahyeon. And she badly want to spill everything.


“Please? Whoever is interested in my sister should get a chance! Do you know how long she’s been single?” Her eyes turned almost watery yet it was more appropriate to describe them as sparkly, locking eyes with the assistant.


Yoohyeon admitted defeat, pointing at the red haired woman arguing with her sister. Gahyeon’s mouth formed an ‘o’ in shock. 




The two are stuck staring at the screen from the kitchen. They saw how Handong and Minji walked to a corner. Siyeon stuck her foot near the door, allowing sound to pass through. It was a good spot that they chose. They held hands, nervous at what’s about to happen between the two. 


“You’re an . What’s your problem?” Handong confronted Minji, getting straight to the point. She clearly doesn’t have time for this.


“I was just stating facts?” Minji said in a sarcastic manner. 


“10 slices of cake wasn’t enough for you? Stop bullting me, Minji.”


“Wait— you know my name?” Minji’s eyes widened. Handong rolled her eyes. “What do you want from me?”


“Your number.” Minji accidentally answered, revealing her true intention. She covered , chewing on her lowerlip, as her cheeks turned flush.


Handong’s expression changed from a resting face to agape for a split second. She hissed. “You don’t deserve it.”


“I-it’s because I owe you a meal! Remember?” Minji retaliated, trying to make her excuse pass. 




Once they were all sat on the table, Siyeon met them four with a saddened face, she was trying hard to keep it that way, though. “The chef isn’t feeling well. I’m sorry, I need to check on her.” She quickly said, running back to the kitchen, to release the giggles she’s been hiding. They’ve been laughing non-stop because of what they heard. Spying on their best friend’s crush is so nerve wrecking and entertaining. 


“So... Minji unnie. What do you do?” Gahyeon asked as she was twisting the pasta with her fork.


“I’m a nurse at the hospital near the diner.” Minji smiled, liking the energy of the adorable kid. She asked random questions out of the blue but it was fine. She was more than willing to share as the kid shared about her sister as well. Handong and Yoohyeon were also joining in their conversation to correct the facts about Minji and Handong herself being spilled. 


“I love desserts. I feel like I’m different when I can’t eat them.”


“She breathes them.” Yoohyeon added, laughing at Minji who had a matching expression just thinking about not being able to eat sweets. It was a face filled with despair. Handong chuckled, seeing to what extent Minji would fight anyone for an ounce of sugar. 


“That’s me with my phone! And Handong unnie without work. She’s always dazed when she’s not working.” 


“No I’m not! Gahyeon...” Handong nudged her sister, trying to stop her from telling embarrassing stories about own sister. The betrayal this little munchkin is showing. 


From there, Handong knew a lot more about Minji. She noticed how different she was to her compared to Gahyeon. She had this sweet smile that can compete with the sun. It was the one that Handong saw in their first meeting but since they started a feud between them, something she never figured out why, it was just naturally there, it’s been a while since she saw it. 


But why is she acting that way towards Handong? 


A mystery she doesn’t have an answer to. 


Siyeon did say in the past that she’s usually nice. And she asked Yoohyeon, she also said she has a heart of gold. 


Why is Minji being contradictory to her own self? 


She really enjoyed Minji’s company for lunch. She’d always just get it delivered in the office but she never knew something like this can make her heart feel lighter. It was all she can think about the whole day, frankly. 


What could it mean? 



Breakfast delivery”


Staring at the piece of paper she’s had for a total of 2 days. She’s contemplating whether to contact the phone number or not. It was slipped in her breakfast, it was the last time she went to the diner.


It was obviously someone’s number. Is it a prank? Do they think she’s dumb and would fall for something like that?


She heaved a deep sigh, throwing it back to her bedside table. Giving up on it for the nth time. She said she’d deal with it when she’s ready. Today isn’t the day. 


After a few knocks, Gahyeon peaked her cute little head onto her sister’s bedroom. She was greeted with a smile, telling her to come and join her on the bed. 


Laying on her sister’s lap, Gahyeon had an ounce of courage. There’s something about the way Handong is humming while playing with the little one’s hair that calmed all the nervousness she feels.”Can we go for breakfast tomorrow? I want you to meet someone.” It’s not a bad idea for either of them. It was also considerate of Gahyeon, mornings are slow. 


“Anything for you, kiddo.”

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