Elope? Elope.

Over The Sky Breakfast Club

It was genius to entice someone like that.

For a businesswoman like her, it wasn’t easy to pull off something like that because she’s immune to such tactics of engaging consumers.

But she certainly has to get this matter off of her mind. She has better things to worry about than a stranger’s attempt to get her information. So, instantly, the first person she suspected was the obvious — who was asking for her number? The only person that came to mind was Minji.

But one thing she doesn’t get is why use this ‘mystery’ effect method? She thought there would be more to it. But all these other ones that Yoohyeon kept are the same but with different penmanship.

How odd.

With hours spent contemplating, it has resulted to her coming only to one conclusion: she needs to see her again.


After her encounter with Minji, her suspicion was debunked and a convenient way to contact a specific red head if she ever had questions.

She felt relieved knowing this. Hold on. What about the one that wrote notes? She’s still oblivious as to who it was. And was she really happy finding a way to contact a certain glutton?

Handong: Breakfast delivery needed tomorrow morning before 8:30am at Han Inc headquarters.
Handong: Don’t be late.

Minji: Hi! Sorry. You have the wrong number.

So entertaining. Does she want to mess with the poor girl or get to the bottom of things?
Calling Minji...
“Hello? Who’s this?”
“Kim Minji. Do you want to have a meeting?”

“You promise you weren’t the ones writing the notes?”

“Yes. That was Bora and Siyeon — I have nothing to do with those! Hold on one second.” Minji turned to the couple, their ears perked up trying to figure out what is being talked about. “We’ll talk about this later,” she warned.

“Hey, sorry about that. I’ll tell you all about it in person.” A smile appears in Minji’s face unknowingly, excited about the thought of meeting Handong.

“Then meet me for dinner tonight?”

“THAT SOON? O—okay... Anywhere.”


Handong rushed, violently rummaging through her closet. She usually needs a day’s notice for any kind of meeting to prepare herself but look at what she got into. While on the call, she was so confident but now she’s so close to falling apart.

Confusion filled her.

Is she glad on what’s about to happen or looking forward to uncovering a mystery?

She never felt something like this in a while. Excitement. Panicking inside, her body isn’t hers anymore, it now belong to chaos — it will only cause chaos.

Millions of clothes to choose from but none seems right. It’s been hours and she hasn’t decided yet. As a self proclaimed fashionista, she should be able to do this with eyes closed.

“Unnie? You here?” Gahyeon’s voice echoed, loud enough for anyone else to hear. “Closet!” Handong shouted, telling the young one her location. “You good? Been knocking since a while ago...” she talked, observing all the clothes are on the floor and so is Handong. This is not her. The Handong she knows is always calm and collected.

“H—hey...” Her older sister replied. “I think I need help.”


“You look amazing. Pink princess would approve!” Gahyeon’s eyes widened at what came out of . She covered it quickly and acted as if nothing happened. “Pink princess?” Handong laughed. “I told you I’m meeting Minji.”

“Exactly! That’s her nickname! Is this a date?” Gahyeon inquired, pushing her face closer to her sister’s, eager to know the answer.

“It’s not like that... it’s a meeting.” Handong denied, pushing Gahyeon aside softly.

“Dressed like that?” Gahyeon nudged her sister, it was her turn to laugh. “Liar.” Gahyeon joked.


A date? Can this be considered a date? Gahyeon really got under her skin. What ideas is the little one pushing? She shook her head, saying that it’s not important and she should stay goal oriented.


Why was she looking forward to meet Minji and know what really happened?

True. She needs to know the truth so can stop thinking about anything else but work.


Why couldn’t she just let it go and get on with her life?

It would’ve been easier that way but here she is, focusing on the red haired woman, talking all about the notes, clearly saying that she would never do such thing. What a simple thing yet so much time was spent on it.

Apparently, Bora and Siyeon wanted to help so bad they had to resort to this. It sorta worked, seeing how it ended to them having a first date. Or meeting, as Handong would call it. ”Sorry, you must’ve been so weirded out by it.” Minji worried that the first impression that Handong had of her would last, just like hers did.

“Weirdly enough, it got me curious instead.”

Now confident that she didn’t make a complete fool out of herself, she urged herself to speak her mind. “I never thought I would say this... but you’re pretty fun to hang out with, Handong. I thought you were just a snob and selfish rich person. I was wrong.”

“To me, you were just a mannerless person.”

“Hey!” Minji was complimenting her yet she does this? The disrespect.

“What? It’s true.” Handong shrugged, having a playful smirk on her face.

Wow. She really is that comfortable with Minji that all these different expressions are coming out, her playful side is even revealing itself.

“You called me a glutton. Don’t think for one second that I’ll forget that! Now who’s mannerless? Spewing remarks that are uncalled for!” Minji defended herself, starting their bickering all over again. As much as she tries to control her outburst, Handong easily provokes her.

“Well who cut in the queue and always tried to annoy me?” Handong said in a matter of factly tone.

“I can’t believe this. I was low on sugar okay! I’m like a diabetic who’s low on sugar, I CAN’T FUNCTION. You do not get on my nerves after a tiring shift. So you see? The blame is completely on you.”

“Doesn’t explain the rudeness after I treated you kindly.”

“10 slices of cake? Making me look like a glutton?” Minji had enough. Her blood is boiling just talking about this topic. She stood up and took one good look at Handong who wasn’t even a bit upset, it felt like she was enjoying this.

“Sit down, we’re not done yet.” Handong said, mocking Minji, only adding fuel to the fire.

“I’m not gonna sit here and be insulted. Y’know what, Handong? I take it back. You’re still a snob who only knows of nothing but herself.” She was about to leave when Handong held her back, urging her to stay. “Let go of me while I can still hold my temper.”


“Funny joke, Handong. You should be a comedian.” The lass just said that she finds Minji alluring and she would like to know more of her.

“I’m too pretty for it.”

“True.” She automatically muttered as an answer. She can’t lie, okay? Handong is extremely good looking and her fashion sense just makes her features shine even more. But that’s beside the point. She’s mad at Handong right now. She needs to be mad, not let her feelings for the lass takeover.

Handong chuckled. “You think so too?” Proud that she caught Minji off guard, it was Handong chance to make her message clear. “I don’t usually say this but I think I really like the idea of spending time with you.” Handong had to stare at her, matching with her eye to eye to say those words, so she’d believe. “So I have one question I’ve been wanting to ask ever since I called.”

Minji is stopped in her tracks. Her mind not functioning again. This is too much for her to handle right now. She just froze. Why is the woman so confident? Does she ever lose her cool? Minji couldn’t do something like this. Even if she wanted to, she can only dream.

Confessing to her crush? Never in a million years.

These are words she was dying to say even if Handong gets in her nerves like crazy.

Even if Handong is the rudest person on earth. It still doesn’t change the fact that she likes her a lot.

Sure, she got angry just a while ago but Handong manages to piss her off and swoon her over effortlessly.

Bora is right. This is whipped behaviour she’s showing.

Also, how can such a confession remove all the negative feeling she have for Handong and replace it with fondness and longing.

“Can I kiss you?”

It was too late for her to answer when Handong already did as she pleased. She had the chance to stop her but why would she?


“Handong unnie?” Gahyeon gasped, ran to her sister’s way.

“I missed you!” Gahyeon pouted, her lips coming together like a duck’s beak, making Handong laugh. “You’ve been spending too much time with Minji.” She snuggled onto her older sister’s shoulder, burying herself there and hugging the woman. With what little free time Handong has, she spends with Minji.

It came naturally, the more they got to know each other, the more Handong’s life changed. Her routine, her attitude at work and her priorities.

Handong now drives. As much as she’d like to invite Minji over, she doesn’t want Gahyeon to get used to having the nurse around because she’s not sure what this is and if it would even last. Enjoying each other’s company doesn’t really pass as an actual relationship. So she has to drive, to get to work or go to Minji’s place conveniently. It’s just a plus that Minji’s is closer to the breakfast club.


“Good morning, pink princess.”

“Aw,” Handong complained at Minji’s hit. “Where’d you hear that from?” She chuckled, clowning Minji, whose eyes widened in shock.

“I don’t spill my trade secrets.”

“You’re so annoying.”

“I won’t be if you agree to another meeting.”

“It’s called a date, Handong. You don’t kiss the people you have meetings with, do ya?”

One turned to another and countless more. When their schedules would match up, they would set more. They never ran out of excuses to see each other. Be it at the company or the hospital or the diner.

Anywhere. As long as they were together.


Gahyeon realised how empty their place is. Handong had been gone for a while that she feels lonely at their house. True, she invites Yoohyeon over but one can only spend enough time playing video games with her colleagues slash closest friend. If it’s not at work, she wouldn’t see her sister.

And with the times Yubin came over without Handong’s knowledge? There would’ve been a feud between the two siblings. But just isn’t the same as it is with her only sister. She’s happy for her but it’s just that she misses spending time with her. They used to spend every second together since they met. She couldn’t help but feel jealous.


“Minji. Open up!”

The sleepy nurse sloppily walked to answer the door, not noticing the sleeping figure she left on the bed. She was still in dreamland when the couple greeted her.

“We need your approval.” Bora and Siyeon came bearing gifts. Some sweets and a cup of coffee that awoken the monsters inside Minji’s stomach. “My stomach said you got my approval.” The two couldn’t help but laugh their hearts out. Minji is such a source of happiness, all the good things in life.


“So let me get this clear. You two wanted to elope? Are you out of your minds?”

“Think of this, okay. If we elope, we can do everything we want.”

“I don’t think you two know what elope means...”

“We want to be together and start anew. Somewhere where no one knows who we are and have no expectations from us!” Bora explained, her hands together, begging Minji to understand.

“And you’re doing this because?”

“Come on, Minji. We told you twice now!” Siyeon sounded upset, her voice mellow yet filled with disappointment.

“And you thought of this when?”

“A few hours ago!” Bora proudly exclaimed.

“I thought you two are supposed to be my parents.” Minji sighed, urging both to stand up. “Siyeon, you need a little exercise. 5 laps, okay?” Siyeon groaned, complaining she doesn’t want to do it. “And Bora, you need a little less excitement in your life. A teeny tiny bit, only use energy equivalent to your height.” She winked at Bora who just glared at her. “Come back to me tomorrow and tell me you still want the same thing you told me today.”

“What’s with all the loud noises early in the morning?” An annoyed Handong entered the kitchen, with nothing but Minji’s oversized t-shirt covering enough of her.

The couple stared at Minji and Handong, back and forth, instantly having a smile that says they’re connected by the same braincell.

“Is this what I think it is?” Bora smirked. Minji ran her hand on her hair, trying to hide her embarrassment.

“Looking good, miss expensive.” Siyeon wolf whistled at Handong, earning a laugh from the lass. “Oops. Looks like we interrupted something...” Bora moved her brows suggestively, playfully tapping Minji’s behind while saying “go get it”. Siyeon winked at Minji to take it up a notch.

Minji just wanted to be buried in the ground at this point. She couldn’t even begin to explain or know what to do beyond this.

All the teases from the couple can be heard as they headed out. Minji shook her head, sealing the door and smiling nervously. “Don’t mind them... haha...” the awkwardness evident.

“Come cuddle if you’re still sleepy.” Handong dragged her feet back to the bedroom, leaving Minji no choice but to follow.


“Handong looks so happy!” Gahyeon said, leaning onto Yubin’s shoulder. “And she isn’t as hard on you like she did from the start. Did you notice?”

“Significantly lenient. Yes.” Yubin agreed.

“You know? I wanted to set them up but even before my plan started... they found their way.”

“Some people are fated to be with each other. I believe in that.”

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