Good Riddance (?)

Over The Sky Breakfast Club

“I’m so sorry about the way she acted. She’s usually nice,” Siyeon nervously explained to Handong the situation while handing her a plastic bag with her order. “It’s fine,” Handong replied, receiving her food. It instantly made her happy. Something along the lines of starting your day right with a classic — a principle she believed in once she started working. If she was going to keep herself from being stressed, it’s doing one thing she loves so she can endure all the hardships coming her way.


“Uh... one more thing, Miss? Is it okay to ask for your name?”


“What for?”


“Your order is familiar. I heard it from different people. Specifically, that their boss wanted it this way. However you...”


“It’s...” she looked around, making sure no one else can hear, covering and leaning into Siyeon. “Handong.” She then retracted herself and continued: “they’re my people.” Handong smiled, finally excusing herself so she can slip away from the awkwardness Siyeon got them into and get on with her day. Forgetting the argument she had with a red haired woman. Even she couldn’t ruin this delectable meal for Handong. 




“What’s wrong with you? You’re not low on sugar— you’re full of it!”


In the back alleyway of the restaurant, Bora took some time out to scold her best friend on the way she was acting. With Minji, it was as if she was raising a kid, to be honest. Specially after her shift. 


“Chillax, Bora. I just missed you!” Minji embraced the smaller woman and showered her with kisses all over her face. “Didn’t you miss me?” Minji pouted, trying to act all cute but Bora just stared at her weirdly, somewhat lowkey disgusted at how her best friend is acting. 


“You know I have a girlfriend right? She’s standing there?” Bora gestured to Siyeon who was half watching the bar and the development of events between the two. Siyeon mentally cursed when she heard the bell ring, it was the signal that she need to get back to work. But she wanted to know the tea.


“She knows how to share! You were mine first.” She levelled her face with Bora, trying to stick their cheeks together, as close as anyone can get. Bora is particularly not feeling this and it seems like Minji is being her annoying self again. It’s already too hot in the kitchen and now she gets this. “Kim Minji I swear to God I will ban you—“


“Hey. Hold on. Hear me out!”


“Then get off me! Jesus Christ!” She shouted, scolding her pesky best friend. Minji immediately detached herself from Bora and explained how pissed off she was at the customer because she was called a glutton. 


Bora was biting back a grin, waiting for her story to finish before finally laughing her heart out. It was so loud and heartily that it can picked up by someone’s ears. She thought it was something serious. She was mad for nothing. It was just a little crush.


Siyeon, who is now long gone busy taking orders, is lowkey curious of whatever twisted things the two girls are doing. She can hear Bora laugh yet can’t do anything about it. She sighed, writing down all the orders and finally barging into the kitchen, zealous to see what’s up. 


What she sees doesn’t shock her at all. “Are you two cheating on me?” She squinted at how close the two are. There was always something going on with both of them. Bora is cupping Minji’s cheeks, inches away from her face. They both laughed at Siyeon’s statement. 


“Yeah. You’re crazy, Bora,” Minji laughed again, pushing the smaller woman away. “Let’s forget about this,” she said, passing by Siyeon to playfully pat the waitress’ cheeks. “Bora’s not my type,” she winked and left. 


“I know,” she answered way too late at Minji’s remark. Bora was just there, not affected by Siyeon’s words, smirking at her. Somewhat hypnotising her. Next thing she knew, she was already on her way over to Bora, shoving the paper on her chest, letting her palm linger there for a while, smirking at her girlfriend as well. “Love you,” Siyeon whispered then planted a quick kiss on the small one’s forehead. “Me too, now go, and we’ll talk later” Bora muttered, snaking her hand towards Siyeon’s behind, patting it lightly. 




“I spy with my little eyes...” Bora best friend upon seeing a particular woman. 


“Shut it, Kim Bora,” she warned and leaned over the counter. Bora easily escaped, finally starting her shift. She sipped from her coffee then cleared , feeling someone sit beside her. “Look who’s here. Thought it’s too slow for your liking?” Minji smirked, facing her to see her reaction.


Before Handong could respond, she was cut off by Siyeon. “You’re back! The usual?” Siyeon had that kind smile on her face. “Of course! And a piece of every cake you have,” she placed her card down the table and faced Minji again before finishing her sentence.


“For her,” she moved her head lightly, to refer to Minji. Handong believed to return everything in kindness. And if she’s still hated or not liked for it, it’s not her problem anymore. 


What was that for? To get into her nerves? Minji’s cheeks were red, embarrassed at how the person was still insinuating that she was a glutton. 10 slices of cake... no one can finish that much in one sitting. This woman is seriously trying to piss her off. She’s furious but is trying to hold back, she refuses to give the woman what she wants. So, she devised a plan. 


“Oh... so kind of you,” she said in such a sarcastic tone. “How can I return this favour?”


Handong just smiled, it was awkward, because they’re complete strangers. Minji was rude to her for three days straight and her act of kindness changed her? I should’ve done this earlier. “Don’t mention it,” she said, trying to brush off the topic.


“Tomorrow it is. It’s on me.”




“You should have seen her face! It was a religious experience!” 


“I’ll review the CCTV footage later to find it. I can’t believe I missed that.” Upset, Bora hit Siyeon’s arms. Siyeon saw how her girlfriend’s mood changed, she cupped her cheeks, smiling at her. 


“How about next time, you hand the food to Handong instead?” 


“You’d let me?”


“Why not? I’d watch the kitchen for you.”


“I love you.” Bora’s eyes started to water. She appreciated what the lass would do for her. They live to clown Minji. She gets sad when she doesn’t witness things she could use against her best friend (Minji knows it’s how their friendship works).


Siyeon responded by kissing her girlfriend’s lips. Letting Bora know that she feels the same. Bora pulled away after a few minutes, pushing the taller woman, pinning her to the wall. 


“Say it back, coward.”


The sound of Bora’s apartment being unlocked was heard by the two. They were both confused as to who’s trying to enter the place at this hour. Before they know it, a strong force was pushing the door open. 


“Kim Bora open up!” Minji shouted at the door, her not having enough strength to push the weight of two adult human beings. 


“Some other time,” Siyeon said, chuckling and helping Minji open the door. 


Bora settled down, arms folded on her chest. “Okay, er. What?”


“I want her banned.”


“You know I earn more money from her compared to you, right?”


“You love money more than me?”


“Kim Minji. You’re being childish.” She clucked her tongue, trying to have patience for the other woman but she’s been on a 5 hour shift cooking her off. She’s allowed to have this attitude after being cut off. They were enjoying their alone time and Minji just had to interrupt at that specific moment. Besides, Bora already told Minji where she stands in this situation and she got called crazy. Bora stood up, looking at her best friend eye to eye, trying to see the intent. Minji has been awfully quiet yet persistent. Bora didn’t mean to snap at her. She gets like that when she’s tired — she’s y as . Whatever Minji is getting from Bora, it was just her way of coping. 


“If it helps, her name is Handong.” Siyeon said from the other side of the room, trying not to stay in her lane.


“Thanks. I’m off to work.” Minji gave up. It’s a losing battle. “Let’s talk tomorrow.” She stood up and hugged Bora from behind and planted a kiss on her cheeks. “Sorry,” she said sincerely before heading for the door. “Bye, Singnie!” 


“Enjoy your shift!” Siyeon replied, making her way to Bora instantly, holding her girlfriend tightly. “Let’s get some rest?”




Okay. Let’s see. Handong, huh?


Minji started typing on her phone. It was her break and she couldn’t keep her mind off of the name. It has a beautiful sound to it.


Who is Handong? Would Google give her an answer? It’s worth a try. 


Nothing. She sighed and decided going through her messages to find the group chat with both Siyeon and Bora. 


Pink princess: You know anything else about Handong?

Queen: If you spend all that time getting to know her rather than taking a piss out of her then maybe you’d know more.

Pink princess: You’re not helping. My Google searches are coming up with nothing.

Queen: You dumb fool. You see her everyday.

Wolf: Bora’s right, Minji. Just talk to her like a normal human being. After having your cake of course.


Her friends are no help as well. But Bora’s advice doesn’t sound so bad. Maybe she should give it a try tomorrow. 




The moment Handong arrived on the stool next to Minji, Bora rushed to bring out the order and handed it to the woman. “It’s on the house!” She said, stopping the woman from handing her card. “My friend right here has been such an to you. It’s the best that I can do. Enjoy!”


“Hey! I wasn’t!” Minji protested, frowning at Bora’s words. She at least wanted to talk to Handong. Her agenda wasn’t fulfilled yet. But sadly, the woman thanked Bora and bid her farewell, waving a kind goodbye to Minji. 


“W-wait,” she said in a faint voice but she was long gone.


“I know, I deserved it.” Minji sighed, staring at Handong leaving the diner. She waited for this moment all night and morning but she didn’t get it. She didn’t know what she was thinking, she had this urge to stand up and run after Handong. Sadly, her exhaustion stopped her. Or she could’ve made a complete fool out of herself. 


“Still want her banned?”


“Why not—aw!” Minji rubbed her aching shoulder. 


“That’s for yesterday. Siyeon! It’s done!” 


Just as Siyeon appeared, Bora disappeared. Minji quietly finished her cake and went home. Today seems so boring without having the chance to annoy Handong. The day seems too plain. 


I need sleep. Maybe I’m tired.


She settled for that excuse and called it a morning. 




“Look who’s back~” Siyeon said in a high tone, waving at the customer who was steps away from the bar. Bora barged out of the kitchen too, to meet the guest. She was screeching.


Minji couldn’t help but look when Siyeon shouted but was disappointed at who came. It was just Yoohyeon. 


Handong should’ve come in by now. When is she coming?


“Ayo!” A woman with long silver hair in a hoodie and a backpack approached the counter. “What can I get for you?” Siyeon joked, knowing well what the person wanted. “I just got my job back please don’t be difficult,” she laughed and sat on the stool next to Minji. 


Handong. Why is she expecting her? 


“Someone doesn’t look happy to see me,” she teases, nudging Minji. “What’s up with miss sunshine?” Which brought the woman back to the real world. “Whatever, I’m not in the mood,” she turned away and sipped her coffee.


“She was expecting to see your boss.” Siyeon answered, making Minji’s cheek turn red. She averted her gaze to Siyeon and glared at her, moving it towards Yoohyeon too. “Can you two shut up? It’s too early for all the clowning,” Minji said in an annoyed tone then she harshly shoved a fork on her cake, taking a massive chunk and stuffing herself with it. 


Bora’s clamorous and unique laugh filled the diner. She loves seeing a useless Minji. Rare moments that she would gladly, gladly frame.

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