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I forgot how tiring it is to be a college student. I thought that since this was only a public university in a very small town, the professors would be lax about school works and activities.

But goddamn, it's much tougher than it was back hom... back there.

The university itself needs the students to comply with a retention policy of 85% in all subjects and we're obliged to join one organization or to be always present in school activities and games. Like that is exhausting.

I just finished my third subject this day and I was already beyond exhausted. I needed coffee and I need it fast before I could get cranky and not attend any of my classes for this day. I was at my limit and coffee will help me regain some of my sanity.

"Hey," I said to the barista before scanning the menu, though I had to squint my eyes because it's not in its best condition. She smiled at me and gave me the booklet so I could read it better.

"Can I have a caramel macchiato, venti with an extra shot of espresso?"

Her face showed a vague emotion at my order that I raised my brow in question.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, my voice level. She probably sensed my mood that she quickly shook her head and gave the menu a worried glance.

"The thing is, that already has two shots of espresso. Adding another will make it three."

I can also add, dummy. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and just shrugged. My nerves are starting to become more jittery with every second that passed by. "Even better, then."

"Are you sure?" She asked once again. Her tone held sincerity so I held back a snarky remark.

"Yeah. Long day ahead." I sighed as I fish my wallet from my small backpack.

"Oh. I kinda understand that. This school is overwhelming as hell." She grimaced when she stretched her back, signaling that she's also done for today but just like mine, it's far from being finished.

I nod in agreement and had to wait for my order to be called. I scanned the place for a nice spot and saw a vacant table near the corner so I hurriedly left the counter and walked towards it to put my bag, reserving the table for myself.

I returned to the counter and my order was already made. The barista smiled at me and handed me my coffee.

"Here," she said as she gave me my order with an extra cup.

"What's this for?"

"Milk. In case it's too bitter for you." She smiled at me, her heart shaped lips coming into view. "To you know, balance out the taste."

My heart slightly welled up at the gesture that I immediately pulled out 2 dollars and handed it to her.

She waved her hand dismissively. "Oh no. No. That's on me. You don't have to pay for that."


"I swear."

"It'll probably cause you trouble." I said, imagining her boss yelling at her for giving free stuff to customers. Thank God that there was no line behind me or else I would've held it by insisting on paying her.

She released a throaty laugh and reached for my hand to clench the bills inside. My palms started to sweat and I glanced at her hand on top of mine. She cleared and removed her hand, wiping it on her shirt dress.

She smiled brightly, "Don't worry. Let's say that's my welcome gift for you. Welcome to the university!"

I suddenly felt my cheeks warming that I had to avert my gaze away from her eyes.

"Oh. Thank you-" I checked for her name tag and I smiled upon seeing a messy hand writing but still legible to read it.

"Thank you, Jisoo." I picked up my order and the extra milk, gave her another smile and started walking towards my table.

"No problem, Jennie."

I slightly smirked at shat she said. So she knows who I am?

Well, being kinda popular does have its perks.

I stretched my back and opened my laptop in front of me. I still need to revise some of my homework because I think it's not good enough. While doing that, I took a sip of the coffee I ordered. I cringed at the bitterness of the drink that I suddenly reached of my water bottle.

Ugh. Yuck.

I heard a suppressed laugh somewhere. When I looked up, the barista, Jisoo was looking directly at me. Her eyes were almost saying "I told you so."

I sent a smile at her and raised the cup of milk, uttering a thank you once more. I poured it on to the drink, gave it a stir and tasted it once again.

Contented with the taste, I smiled as I relished the bitterness and sweetness of the coffee. Once I felt the caffeine entered my system, I started working on the revisions.

I didn't know what time it was that when I looked up, the people dissipated and the cafe was almost silent.

With my brow raised in confusion, I checked the time to see that I've been here for the past two hours and I already missed my lunch.

My stomach grumbled upon the thought of eating since my coffee has been long finished after starting my homework. I packed up my stuff, ready to leave the cafe but I stopped shortly, remembering the nice gesture of the barista towards me.

I decided to ask her to have lunch with me but when I scanned the place, I saw her already having hers with a girl whose back looks familiar but I couldn't place who or where I saw it.

I tried squinting my eyes to see better but her back was turned towards me that I had no chance to see her unless I'll go to the counter and make up an alibi. Thinking of all the trouble I'll go through, I just shrugged it off and headed towards the cafeteria.

Glancing at my watch again, I released a string of curses.
I only have 30 minutes left before my next subject yet all I could think of was the girl inside the cafeteria.

Well, . I had to hurry.





"Where are you?" I asked her through the phone. I was walking with such large strides that people were looking at me funny.

I rolled my eyes a

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Finally had the time to update! Hiii. I hope youre all safe and well. Please be careful when going outside and i hope you enjoyed reading the double update. Thank you for waiting ❤️


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Chapter 16: Lol
I think Jisoo knows something uh
Please give more information to us, author-nim! It's already chapter 15 and not even a single jenlisa crumb😭😭😭
Thank you for the chapter, author-nim!
Chapter 14: Oh my, Jennie was a . And a bully. Dang.
Thanks for the update, author-nim! See you in the next one!
Chapter 13: Okay... I didn't understand but let's move on lol
Thanks for the chapter author-nim!
Chapter 12: Uh, author-nim, I think this chapter was already post before...
Chapter 11: I feel like every chapter so far is like the prologue, just to give us context, and from "Life's a " onwards that really begins the story. Looking forward to the next chapter.
It's always a joy when I see a notification of this story.
Thanks for the chapter, author-nim!See you next!
Chapter 9: Twin? Palisa and lalisa?
Really good story!
highhihi #9
Chapter 3: Liking it so far tbh
Chapter 1: hope for more updates!