The Royal Princess

Me and The Princess

It was always been 07.00 to start a morning. Indicated by some of the house maids coming in to her room, opening the window and curtains. Letting the sunlight comes in and allow the lights to shine the room. Making the little girl...the teenage girl awakw from her beautiful sleep. She never complained actually since she has been doing the same routines everyday. It was never new...but once she step out from her room it will be something more than just ordinary. That’s what makes her always eager to wake up, get off from her bed, and go for breakfast with her family.

“Good morning all” said the teenage young girl, walking towards the end of the long table. Approaching a man hiding his face behind the newspaper and kiss him on the cheek then proceed doing the same to a woman.

“Good morning, papa. Good morning mummy. Yeri you could always greet me frst and properly”

“I can do anything I like, sister” said the younger girl who sits next to their mother and though it was indirect critics to her younger sister, she still kiss her cheek.

“Naughty girl” said Joohyun.

“Good morning to you too, sister”

A chuckle came out from the eldest as she  take a sit across her mother. The butler came in with her breakfast which always been either a bread or pancakes. Today she prefer to have pancakes because she believe pancakes can lift up her mood. Well, today is the big day after all. Of course she want her mood to be at its best fatigue and level. 

The man who sit on the edge of the long table, fold the newspaper he was reading and put it aside. Warm smile being form on his face as he see his eldest daughter breakfast.

“Trying to lift up your mood for the day?”

“Yes, papa. Today is a big day for me”

“For us too” said her father and Joohyun smile.

“We cannot express how proud we are for you, Joohyun” said her mother.

“Thank you mummy”

“I heard you turn down the scholarship. Why is that?” Asked her father.

“Well, instead of trying the normal test, scholarship tests are more challenging for me. I thought if I got the scholarship that means I am worth to be a student there. I want to challenge myself and test my knowledge and ability. So, once I received the announcement, I decided to turn it down and offer it to someone else who needs it. Am I...selfish, papa?” 

He smile warmly. He knew his daughter is just trying to do her best but her ways of doing that is not right and he always adore his eldest daughter because she is brave enough to ask whether her action is right or wrong. A symbol of a perfect Queen who will rule the monarchy in the future. He doesn’t want his daughter to make the same mistake like him and to do that, she should have high analytical skills. Questions every action. Before he answer, he look at his wife and the old woman just give him a smile. A smile that shows how proud she is and that she was wrong in the past.

“It is great to know how ambitious you are, Joohyun. But your action was wrong and you should not be doing that again in the future because it means you took the opportunities of other people”

Joohyun lower her head. She knew she shouldn’t do that. Her heart said that to her before yet she didn’t listen.

“I’m sorry papa. I was being careless” 

“It’s okay, sweetie. You could always reflect your action and promise to never make the same mistake in the future. I already talked to the headmistress and she had everything under control”

That make Joohyun direct her attention to her father.

“Does that mean the school knew my arrival later?”

“Yes. But I already told them to keep it as a secret. No one should know about this other than the headmistress and her secretary”

Joohyun nodded. 

“Can we eat now?” Asked Yeri the youngest which earned a soft chuckles from her parent and a smile from Joohyun.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, sweetie. Let’s eat now” said her father.


Sitting at the backseat, Joohyun remain quiet as she look at the view outside the window. For sure, she will miss the palace because this will be her very first time sleeping outside the palace. Her school before wasn’t a boarding school unlike this time. So this whole thing is very new to her but her father, the king, always said to her she will do just fine. 

Her father always has faith in her and she is very thankful to have him as her father. As a king, he has a kingdom that love and adore him. Joohyun wish she could be just like him one day. Well, whether she like it or not she should accept the fact that one day she will replace her father position and become the head of the state. Her father will be her role model once the time comes.

Ever since her parent decided to put her into a formal education rather than following the tradition, she always reminded that no one should know about her title. She asked why and her parent always told her the time hasn’t come yet and that she will need to wait until it. Joohyun indicated what they mean by time is when she will replace her father. But she was wrong. It was until she reach the age of 17, her father will introduce her to public. Because at that age, she is legal enough to do her duties as the Royal Princess. 

That’s the rule her father made day after he married to his love one. His reason is simple. To give his children privacy and learn what is it like to be a normal civilians. Learn to be kind and generous. They succeeded on doing that because both their daughters grew up into two amazing princesses. But we cannot denie that both princesses have their own personality. Joohyun, the eldest is much more calm and quiet. While Yeri, the youngest is a free soul.

So, Joohyun is used being address as a normal citizen while she’s at school. But in the palace too. Sometimes she prefer to do everyhing by herself instead of getting some helps from the royal maids or butlers. 

“Unnie” call Yeri.


“Can I use your room while you are gone?” 

Joohyun tilted her head to her sister, wondering why the hell her sister want to use her room, meanwhile she already has one.

“You know, just in case if I happen to barge into your room. Forget that you are gone” said Yeri.

Sometimes Joohyun wonder how old Yeri is because other than being so cute she also annoying sometimes. Nevertheless, Bae Joohyun love her sister.

“So, you asked me now because you don’t wantto feel guilty for entering my room while I’m gone?” Said Joohyun and Yeri nodded innocently. 

Which make Joohyun grin mysteriously before she tickle Yeri to point the you ger girl beg to stop. 

“Girls! We’re here!” Said their father. 

The two princesses then stop what they were doing and drag their attention outside the window. Only to be surprise with the amazing view of Joohyun’s new school. A school which was built by King Edward the second. How to say this? Their great great grandfather...

“They had the place renovated two years ago. Look good isn’t it?” Asked her father.

“Still ancient, papa” said Yeri innocently. Well, the youngest princess always love speaking whatever in her mind is.

Meanwhile, Joohyun can’t describe how excited and happy she is to be here. From what she see right now, she know she will be very happy studying here. A smile is what she can do to describe her expression. Can’t wait to meet new people and her old friends. More importantly, she can’t wait to start the lectures which will be waiting for her in the next two days. Yes. She is ver keen right now.


“Wear your mask girls. We don’t want to grab attention” said the king.

“But there’s no one here yet, father” said Yeri.

“Come on, Yeri. Just wear it” said Joohyun impatience.

The moment they got out from the car, they immediately greeted by the headmistress and her private secretary.

“Your majesty. Your Royal highnesses” said the two commoners bowing.

“Tiffany, Taeyeon” said the king.

“This way please, your majesty”

They immediately being escorted to the headmistress office where there will be a brief meeting for the gathering later. Also some rules the princess should obey while being here. Mostly the general rules she should follow and some additional rules in order to support the King’s demand on keeping the princess hidden from the media and the other students. 

“No one knows about this other than the two of us. Therefore, the Royal Highness will be treated equally like others since no one knows about this”

“I am guessing the Royal Highness is used to this?” Asked Taeyeon.

“Yes, I am”

“Great. We just need a signature on this agreement saying that you agree with all  the treatment while studying here. Please sign the paper right over here, Your Majaesty” said Tiffany. The King read the paper very carefully before he sign it. 

Meanwhile, Joohyun took the liberty to stroll around the office room. Watching veru carefully the awards this school have from years before until recently. Most of it are taken from sports competition. But there are also awards from mathematics, science, etc. 

Ever since she joined the public school, she had been achieving many awards. You name it. Sports, math, science, literature. She tried everything and like a true and proper princess, she won everything. Of course she went through failures multiple times but never once she let those failure stop her from trying.

Seeing those awards being kept behind window closet make her eager to have her awards in it. Well, Joohyun is a very competitive person. So it’s not a rare site to see her so eager to win a competition.

“Might have your award in there one day, princess” said Taeyeon standing beside her.

“I will. You can have my word, Miss Kim” 

Taeyeon smile and nodded.

“Seems like the other students have arrive. I suggest it’s time for the Queen and the princess to go, Your Majesty” said Tiffany.

“Yes. Of course. Joohyun say goodbye to your mother and sister”


Joohyun took the time strolling around the place before she went to the school garden and join the line. Actually she’s waiting for someone. She said she will be attending the same school as her yet her nose is nowhere to be found at the time. Honestly, Joohyun almost disapponted but later on suddenly someone tap her shoulder.

“I’m really flatter to know you’re waiting for me” said the girl with her famous gummy smile.


The two girls share hug because they haven’t seen each other ever since they graduated from junior high. Joohyun and Jennie are best friend since they were 7  years old. First met when Joohyun joined the public school for the first time. You could they do everything together. Except the personal thing of course.

Does Jennie know about Joohyun’s royal status? Not yet. Joohyun really keep her title a secret while she’s at school. It doesn’t mean she don’t trust Jennie, she just need to do what she instructed. After all, Jennie would understand since it is all written in the rules and Joohyun wanted to minimalize the number of people who knrw about her status. Anyway, that topic will be something to think of later. For now, they have something more important to discuss.  

“You’re late! I thought you lied to me!” Said Joohyun.

“Why would I lie to you? You’re being dramatic, Joohyun” Joohyun scoff.

“Don’t say that” Jennie smile.

“Are you nervous whose going to be you’re roommates?” Asked Joohyun.

“Don’t worry. I got it handled” Joohyun tilted her head. 

“What was that suppose to mean?” Instead of giving an answer, Jennie grin. That only mean one thing.

“Stop playing with me, Jennie!” Jennie cannot hold her laughter as she laugh out loud the moment Joohyun realized she was lying to her.

“You’re still so easy to be fooled despite a smart brain of yours” said Jennie.

Joohyun could only roll her eyes and hissed. Jennie always do that to her because of her innocent behavior. However, Jennie is a good companion. She can handle her as a friend and that’s a good thing. 

“Good morning fellow student”


“What was that, Jennie? Tell me you didn’t use your power to make us a roommate?!”

When Jennie told Joohyun she was joking, it was true. But her jokes happen to be real. Which make Joohyun doubting her because she knew Jennie has the power to ask any kind of favor to the school. That is because her father family have been studying here over the generation. Ever since her great great great grandfather applied here, all of the family member would attend the school here. So you could say it’s a tradition in Jennie’s family and Jennie should not disappoint her father. With that, her father have the power to ask a favor since his family have been attending this school for generation.

“Joohyun, I was joking, okay? Maybe you should be thankful right now by the fact we are roommates now”

“Right. I’m sorry. It was just very...”

“Unexpected?” Joohyun nodded.

“Well, perhaps I have the skill to be a fortune teller” Joohyun roll her eyes.

Both of them have gather in the main hall to hear the King speech. Joohyun heard her father practice his speech the other day. She could say the speech is kind a boring but honestly if the students really pay attention to the speech, they will find a very deep meaning. Something Joohyun realized after she heard the soeech multiple times before. She hope the students will understand. 

“Once you graduate later, your grades won’t matter. It will only be use for you to enter the universities. But other than that it is just a certificate. What this country needs is proper skills and knowledge in order to create something bigger. To make yourself useful and contribute in something that might have big impact. It doesn’t have to in short term impact. It could be long term impact. That’s what the monarchy aim for the future. What I can say right now is study well because each and one of you will be our greatest source in the future. Thank you” 



“Where’s my sister?” Ask Yeri to Joy who is the royal private secretary.

“She’s in her office, your highness but currently she has a guest” 


“Miss Kang Seulgi, your highness” 

Instead of nodding, Yeri remain quiet as she knew what her sister might be talking about with Seulgi unnie. Whatever happen in there, she just hope her sister do the right thing. Or maybe Seulgi unnie will be doing the right thing. Since her sister is quiet a bit old fashion and also adore the traditions. Traditions that should have changes in some part.

Rather than going to her room, she decided to go to where her mother possibly be, the Queen's mother. That is the living room. She has something to discuss regarding her sister will be crown as the queen in a week. She realize there have been some preparation to do and she wonder if she can put contributions on it.

Also she wanted to discuss about something really important that perhaps she will talk about this too with her sister later. This might make her mother going crazy and against her idea. But this is for the sake of the monarch and the soon to be queen.

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Patient guys^^ You make me impatient as well! This is my way to tease you all. Relax! Soon, you'll get Seulrene


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
please update 😭😭😭
JhengChoding1 #2
Chapter 30: NOOOOOOO! 😭 thought it's alrdy complete. never had my smile drop so fast when I saw that it was the last chapter 😭
reveluv316 805 streak #3
Chapter 30: i wonder who you are refering to in the sneak peek
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 30: finally 😭❤❤, thank u so much author nim for update🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 29: I’m enjoying this very much, thank you :)
Oct_13_wen_03 #6
Chapter 29: Thank you so much author nim for update❤ of course I always love your hard work ❤
Chapter 28: Welcome back!
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
Chapter 28: Welcome back author nim ❤❤
Multistan12 #9
Chapter 28: welcome back author!! thank you for the update 💙
Oct_13_wen_03 #10
update please author nim🥺🥺🥺