The Knight

Me and The Princess

Days pass by after Joohyun's first encounter with the stalker. Sadly she didn't get the chance to see who was it because the stalker was wearing a mask. But the way Joohyun saw her/he attacked her, she knew the stalker is a bad news.

Whoever behind that mask must have bad intention towards her. Joohyun wonder what is the stalker want from her or her family...Given the fact that she knew some worse thing her family did in the past, her family has a lot of enemies out there.

But due to high security, they able to feel safe and secure behind the high fench and strong, firm palace they live in right now. 

Although she really scared and wanted to talk to her family, it appears only Yerim at home right now. Her parent went to London to meet Queen Elizabeth II for a small audience with her.

Yeri told her they went there for a dinner together with the Queen and some of the Royal family member. Joohyun always dream of having an audience with the England Royal family. 

No one able to deny how famous the England Royal Family are and Joohyun always looked up at them as her role model. Sadly, she is here. Attending school to educate herself.

As someone who is in the first line for the throne, Joohyun need to fulfill her duty as soon to be queen by attending school. Therefore, she able to receive broad knowledge and hopefully what she gets in school will prepare her when it's time for her to take the throne.

Which she hope she would never take the throne because she knew how lonely she will be once she step to the throne. Her father told her how lonely he was but he was doing his duty.

Therefore, there is no room for complaints and give up. 

Again it's Monday. First class she is attending right now none other than physics. It's been awhile since the last time she being so noisy in this class. Perhaps because she and Seulgi are now...okay?

Given the fact that Seulgi saved her not just once but twice. Joohyun keep on wondering why Seulgi always come into her mind every night before she go to sleep.

The first time they met, they weren't in good terms. But now...look at them. 

“Miss Bae?”


“Would you like to explain about resonance sound?”

Joohyun nodded before she stand up and trg to explain as much as she know about the topic.

Although no one able to doubt her ability. Basically she can answer everything. So there is almost zero possibility she cannot answer any kind of questions.

“The word resonance comes from Latin and means to "resound" - to sound out together with a loud sound. Resonance is a common cause of sound production in musical instruments. For instance, musical instruments are set into vibrational motion at their natural frequency's. When a person hits, strikes, strums, plucks or somehow disturbs the object. Each natural frequency of the object is associated with one of the many standing wave pattern by which that object could vibrate. The natural frequencies of a musical instrument are sometimes referred to as the harmonics of the instrument” 

Mr. Choi nodded amaze with her explaination. However, to avoid any fight he decided to approach the two common enemy in this class.

“Miss Kang?” The said girl divert her attention from her notebook directly to Mr. Choi.

“Do you have any arguments?” 

Seulgi move her attention briefly to Joohyun before she smile lightly and shake her head.

“No, sir. What Miss Bae explained earlier is enough to open a new topic. I strongly agree with her, Mr. Choi” said Seulgi.

Mr. Choi nodded and ask Joohyun to go back to her seat before he continues. As she walk pass Seulgi’s chair, Kang Seulgi smile lightly and Joohyun nodded lightly.

Once Joohyun return to her seat, Jennie feel the need to nudge her and a playful smile emerge on her face. 

“What?” Asked Joohyun.

“Aren’t you going to tell me what’s going on between you two?”

“Hm?” Jennie scoffs.

“Ya! Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean”

“Miss Kim pay attention please” said Mr. Choi interrupting them.

Jennie bow a little and she exchange eye contact with Joohyun before she divert her attention to Mr. Choi. 

The same thing also happen to Seulgi. Wendy nudge her and stare at Seulgi weirdly.

“Did I just heard you agreed with Bae Joohyun?”

Seulgi decided to stay attention to Mr. Choi. Proceed on writing notes while talking with Wendy at the same time.

“You heard it right”

“Well? Aren’t you going to say something to me?”

She stop for a second before continue writing several notes.

“What else I need to say? She explained it very clearly”

“I don’t believe you!”

“Well then try to believe me”

Wendy scoffs. 

“’re unbelieveable!” 

Seulgi smirk and continues to focus on the lecture.


Today will be Seulgi and Irene first day of practice. They weren’t inform what kind of genre they will be doing. But everyone knows both girls have different type of genre. However, that is what make them special.

After the first class is over, students immediately proceed on taking some break. Some of them would go to their locker and take some books for the next class.

Some of them decides to eat in the canteen. Which is what Seulgi and Wendy always do. 

After what happened last Friday, Wendy and Seulgi have tried to gather their friends. However, the two girls are quiet busy.

Therefore, they decided to gather today at the canteen. Oh and by the way, Wendy forgave Seulgi. It was a misunderstood between the two.

Although, Wendy cannot deny how mas and disappointed she is with Seulgi. Considering they both are roommates and also awardees. Isn’t that fact should make them have strong bond?

Well, they are. But Seulgi is too naive, straight forward, and innocent. So yeah. 

“Kang. You’re going to tell me what have you been up to with Bae Joohyun”

“Nothing, okay? Why are you so curious about it?”

“Because I am curious! Broh. Don’t tell me I didn’t notice the way you look at her okay”

Seulgi shrugged. The only way to make Wendy stop bothering her is to ignore her. Later on, Wendy will shut herself up by herself. 

“Ya! Kang Seulgi!”

“There they are!” Said Seulgi ignoring Wendy as proceed on walking towards Lisa and Rose. Wendy groaned frustratedly. 

“Hello, guys!” Said Seulgi.

“Hello! You look happy today! What’s going on?” Asked Rose while pulling away from Lisa’s hug.

Other than they are known as the most popular couple here, they are also known as the most lovely couple.

Lisa always there to protect Rose. Sometimes also annoyed her. People are jealous of their cute interaction and their strong bond.

Although some of them also hate their relationship due to their small mind. Can’t accept the fact that lesbian and bi actually live among them. 

“She’s have a thing with Bae Joohyun” said Wendy making Seulgi look at her in horror.

“Oh! You’re making a move, huh mate?” Asked Lisa in her Australian accents.

“Seriously guys. There is nothing between me and Bae Joohyun, okay?”

“You guys know she’s lying. She was asked if she had argume-“

Before Wendy able to speak more, Seulgi smother Wendy’s mouth with her hand and glare at her. 

“We’re here to talk about something else, Wendy” said Seulgi remind her not to get off the track.

“You sound so serious. What do you want to talk about?” Asked Rose curiously.

Wendy glare at Seulgi and the letter shrugged. 

“So? What is it guys?” Asked Lisa.

“Remember the stalker, right?” Asked Seulgi and the couple nodded.

“Seulgi over here thought I was the stalker” 

“What?!” said the couple at the same time.

“On what circumstances?!” Asked Rose completely shock with the sudden news.

The roommate glance at each other and Seulgi give Wendy signal to continue.

“It doesn’t matter. What matter is that turns out I’m not and that means the stalker is still out there”

“And then? What do you want to do?” 

“We believe the princess could be in danger. Here Wendy knew some secrets about the Royal family and we assume that the stalker too”

“Wow! What secrets? I like to know!” Said Lisa excited.

“Did you read the books?” Asked Rose. 

Between Lisa and Rose, Lisa is the dumb one while Rose the opposite. Which what make them a cute couple. 

Wendy nodded as a respond to Rose’s question and Rose gasp shockingly. She never thought someone would actually read those books.

Although she herself also curious about the Royal Family, but still. Reading 5 series of books consists of 500 pages or more on each books actually quiet too much. Over too much actually.

“Look. Our main concern is that if the stalker knew about the royal family secrets, the princess might be in danger. Who knows what the stalker want from her?” Said Seulgi.

“What makes you think she’s not the stalker and have no bad intention?” Asked Rose while pointing at Wendy. 

“Uwww! My girlfriend is so sharp!” Said Lisa proudly and Rose glare at her.

“Wendy wouldn’t dare to hurt the princess. She’s innocent” said Seulgi. 

Although Rose and Lisa weren’t quiet sure with the answer but considering they are friends, wouldn’t that be enough to prove that Wendy is innocent? 

She’s unharmful anyway and despite her weird behavior, Wendy is a good person.

“Hmm...What about your relationship with Sejeong? The more I think there could be possibilities that you working together with Sejeong” Asked Rose.

That actually grab Seulgi’s attention because she has been wanting to ask Wendy about that.

Everyone’s attention divert to Wendy immedietly. Wanting answer from Olaf who apparently look a bit shock.

“Owh...uhmm...Sejeong and I...ughh why am I talking about my personal life with you all?” Asked Wendy a bit annoyed.

“Spill it, Wendy”

Wendy sigh.

“I like Sejeong” said Wendy shyly.

The sudden confession actually surprise them all. Making them widen their eyes as soon as they heard the confession. Even Lisa feel the need to cover mouth. 

“You what?!” Said Rose.

Wendy glance at them several times before groaned frustratedly. She lean her body to the table.

“Let’s talk about that later okay? Now we need plan to find the stalker”

“Ah, right. Clever of you for changing the topic. Anyways, so what are we going to do now?” Asked Rose and Wendy glare at her.

Despite how tempting it was to talk about Wendy and her crush on Sejeong, which obviously she targeted the right person, Seulgi knew their mission to protect the princess is more urgent right now.

Therefore, Seulgi and Wendy had come up with a plan and strategies. However, they need Rose and Lisa’s help on this.

They spent 15 minutes until the next bell rings to talk about their plan. All of them agree with the plan and will start tonight. 

“What do we call ourself now?” Asked Rose.

“The Knight, of course” said Wendy.


"Are you sure you and Seulgi are nothing?" asked Jennie.

"Of course. Why would you think we have something?" asked Joohyun.

"Well, your interaction with Seulgi are different now! Other than she save you from falling, maybe there is something else that I don't know?" 

Joohyun always hates it everytime Jennie become a detective of her own. She has sharp eyes. Therefore, she able to notice something different within radius kilometeres! 

Like what happened to Kim Jisoo and Seori. She immedietly knew there is something going on between the two. Joohyun doesn't know where Jennie get that ability but that is one of the thing she hate about Kim Jennie.

"Nothing happened, okay?"

Although the truth is something happened but Joohyun prefer not to tell Jennie about it. Considering she might want to know every details of it. Joohyun would want to avoid being Jennie's prisoner.

"Oh, try to avoid the question, Joohyun because let me tell you. I will find out what you two have been doing! I know there is something going on between you two!" said Jennie.

"Who, who?! I would like to know!" 

"Gosh! Jisoo could you stop doing that?!" 

Jisoo grinned without apologizing. Currently they are sitting in the school garden. Enjoying the view before their next class. For Joohyun she will start practicing with Seulgi later.

Honestly she is quiet nervous and the thought of how awkward it will be cross her mind since two days ago. How can it not be awkward? Remember Seulgi saved her last Friday?

And how close they were? Joohyun feel that she cannot stand too close with Seulgi for the time being. The way her heart react everytime she stay close with Seulgi has been bothering her.

She is nervous to think of what moves they will be practicing later. What genre they will present later. Because truthfully she had enough of intimacy with Kang Seulgi.

"Ah, you're here. Can you spill something to me about Joohyun and Kang Seulgi? Perhaps you heard something" asked Jennie.

"Very rare to see you asking question to me. Very well then! Last Friday I saw them to gether in the first floor of the B site" said Jisoo. 

Jennie pointed her finger towards Joohyun and mouthed 'Gotcha!'. Joohyun roll her eyes but didn't deny. She knew it will be usless to stop Kim Jisoo to blurt the truth.

After all, she has a big mouth and no one able to stop her from her annoying big mouth.

"My instincts are always right. What were you two doing there?"

"Nothing, okay?"


"They were walking together, Jen" Jisoo added.

". Are you going to keep avoiding me now?" asked Jennie with her hand folded on her chest.

Joohyun knew she cannot avoid the question any longer but perhaps she still able to avoid question regarding her feeling towards Seulgi. But does she has feeling to Seulgi?

No. Obviously not.

But she knew Jennie would asked her that. 

"Yes. We were walking together but that is because we met in the corridor coincendently so yeah. We talked a bit about today's practice and she wanted to go to the dorm building and so do I" explained Joohyun.

Of course Kim Jennie and Kim Jisoo are not satisfied with the answer. They need more than just that.

But well Bae Joohyun wouldn't want to spill anything further because THERE IS NOTHING ELSE TO SPILL!

"And then?" asked Jennie impatient.

Joohyun shrugged not wanting to give any other information. Should she say clasified? No. She just prefer not to say anything further.

"YA, BAE JOOHYUN!" Jennie yelled at her but Joohyun immedietly get up from the ground and run towards the building.

Might save her first before getting killed by Jennie. That is the worse scenario of her death scene and she wouldn't want that to be put on her family book.

Wait. Why would she want to think about her death scenario? She's crazy.


She never been so nervous in her entire her life before. Given the history that she had performed a lot of time before during her childhood days and even received several awards for her perfomance.

However, this time is different. She's going to open that door and practice with the only person that bothering her mind lately. First...shouldn't she have the right to decline the offer?

After all, if this quiet toxic for her, she have the right to withdraw herself, right? But why she didn't decline the offer?

"Hello, Bae Joohyun" 

Joohyun doesn't need to glance at the person to confirm if she was right because she recognize that voice immedietly. Well, like she said. The person behind that voice has been bothering her mind lately.

"Hi" said Joohyun.

"Aren't you going inside?" asked Seulgi.

The bell rang already? Because she can't recall if the bell rang already. However, considering Kang Seulgi is here and she changed her uniform to a black oversize t-shirt and black jogger pants, seems like the bell rang already. long has Joohyun standing infront of the practice room? Probably 15 minutes? 

"Oh, yeah. R-right" said Joohyun before she push down the door knob. 

Behind her, Kang Seulgi smile a little and follow Bae Joohyun right behind her. 

When they get inside, it appears that Mrs. Kim Hyoyeon, their dance teacher already inside the practice room. Looking pretty busy infront of the controlling station.

Perhaps she is busy watching the dance video she prepare for them. Meanwhile, the two partner are at the side of the practice room. Putting their things on the side and warm up a bit.

Joohyun remember the last time she was in here with Kang Seulgi. They had so much fun in this practice room and since then Joohyun regain her confident on dancing.

Up to the point, Joohyun must admit that although she still see herself a lot better than Kang Seulgi but she must admit that Kang Seulgi is a lot better than her in some aspects.

Kang Seulgi gave impact to her on some circumstances that somehow she unable to solve it by herself. Something very odd for her because she can do everything by herself.

However, like Kang Seulgi once said before. Perhaps this is where you are wrong, Bae Joohyun. There is always something people unable to do things on their own.

That is why this world exist. To help each other out. Maybe the fact that she live in a palace made her believe she able to do everything by herself. Selfish...and her father wouldn't like that behavior if he finds out.

"Ah! You're here already. Okay. I'll tell you briefly. For the performance later, you will be using the chair as the prompt. Also we will be using Monster song. You two mihgt be familiar with the song. And before we practice, I would like to show you guys the dance video. I made it with my friends, Kwon Yuri"

Joohyun wanted to kill herself the moment she watched the video. She actually going to have more intimacy dance move than she hope for...

Oh no...



more Seulrene moments after this! Can’t wait for you guys to read it! 



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Patient guys^^ You make me impatient as well! This is my way to tease you all. Relax! Soon, you'll get Seulrene


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
please update 😭😭😭
JhengChoding1 #2
Chapter 30: NOOOOOOO! 😭 thought it's alrdy complete. never had my smile drop so fast when I saw that it was the last chapter 😭
reveluv316 814 streak #3
Chapter 30: i wonder who you are refering to in the sneak peek
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 30: finally 😭❤❤, thank u so much author nim for update🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 29: I’m enjoying this very much, thank you :)
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
Chapter 29: Thank you so much author nim for update❤ of course I always love your hard work ❤
Chapter 28: Welcome back!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 28: Welcome back author nim ❤❤
Multistan12 #9
Chapter 28: welcome back author!! thank you for the update 💙
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #10
update please author nim🥺🥺🥺