
Me and The Princess

"We will find the sender. For the mean time, we will search the students room and find any kind of evidence that could lead to the stalker. Which of course we assume is the one who sent this to you" said Mrs. Tiffany.

Currently, Joohyun is in the principal room. Jennie and Jisoo told the principal about this matter because Joohyun was unable to do anything last night. She freaked out and cried.

A doll with her face and blood strain all over the raptured doll. Obviously it was a threat and Jennie wonder who would want her best friend dead? Jisoo and Jennie were shocked too.

They were too shocked to even say anything. Suddenly a box came to their door step and inside it is a rapture doll. With Joohyun's face and blood strain.

Took them one hour to report this to the principal because they need to calm Joohyun down. She's been freaking out the moment she saw it. Jennie and Jisoo probably thought Joohyun freaked out because of the dool. She may never encounter this before but who does?

Well, for Joohyun this could be something far more scarier and dark. This could be a sign that other than Mrs. Tiffany and Mrs. Taeyeon, someone else knew about her identity.

And whoever that is, that person sent her this threat and the current suspect is the stalker. Either she or he...that person must be capture as soon as possible because this is about the princess life!

Her life is in danger and of course the school reputation is on the line right now. Tiffany and Taeyeon need to do something about this.

"We will make sure you are okay, Joohyun"

"Please don't tell my father about this. I don't want him to know and I think it is good for the school reputation also" said Joohyun and the two woman nodded.

Joohyun nodded and get out from the room. 

One question that bothering her since last night. How does the stalker knew she is the princess? As far as she knew, she never reveal anything about her identity.


Unless there is a spy camera in her room? Maybe?

Or maybe she cannot trust both Mrs. Tiffany and Mrs. Taeyeon? They are the only person who knew about her identity?


"You've been searching for two hours only to get nothing. Will you please stop? You're making me dizzy"

"Ughhh! Jen. I'm scared, okay?"

"I know. I know. But who could possibly come in to this room? This room is like a prison! You and I have the keys and we both always make sure to lock it before we left"

"Unless the stalker is smart enough to open the door with a paper clip" said Joohyun rolling her eyes as she sit down on her chair and sigh.

Jisoo left earlier said she need to meet her theater teacher. Meanwhile, Jennie has been with Joohyun since she got out from the principle office. She cannot deny whatever the stalker is doing right now, it is creepy.

Sure she is quiet paranoid and scared. But Joohyun need to calm down now because she need to focus more on something else. Perhaps she has been forgetting about that and she really need to go in 15 minutes.

Jennie approach Joohyun, pat both her shoulders and stare at her eyes. While Joohyun is gone for the weekends, Jennie will make sure she find out who the stalker is. Of course she will tag Jisoo along.

What if the stalker kill her? At least she's not gonna die alone! She has Jisoo...oh well...

"It is scary. I admit it. But now you need to focus on something else. I promise I will find out who the stalker is with Jisoo while you are gone. Now you have 15 13 minutes!"

Honestly, Joohyun almost forgot about that. This whole thing really bothering her mind a lot. With Seulgi weird behavior, her feeling, and then this! Everything seems to crumble together. 

Maybe Jennie is right. She need to focus her priority first. That is to practice dancing in SM University. It is her dream to practice dancing with the most talented and popular teacher in South Korea.

Also, it is her dream to study her. However, she doubt if she ever got that chance though. Because after she's 17, she will be busy with her task as the Royal Princess. 

Sure she will miss the freedom she has now. 

"Thank you, Jennie. But be careful. I don't want you to get hurt" Jennie nodded with a smile.

"I will! Come on! You gotta go. Chop chop girl!"


"I cannot believe she is damn weird" said Lisa who is sitting on the floor with her dumb face. While her girlfriend, Rose can't help but to roll her eyes seeing how dumb and stupid her girlfriend is.

"Since the first time I saw her, I can say she's either crazy or weird" said Rose.

"Those two are the same thing!" said Lisa.

"NO! They are different!"

"Yes they are!"

"No, they are!"

Wendy rolled her eyes. After they sneak into the principle room, many question remain unanswer and it trigger Wendy even more to help the princess. 

To know that someone from the past seeking revenge in the present time, that revenge won't be just an ordinary revenge. It could be more. Maybe Sulli would want to kill whoever the princess is.

So...they need to find out who the princess is and protect her. However, they also need to report Sulli. She may be the prime suspect but right now they are lack of evidence!

But how? How can they find the evidence to proof that Sulli is the suspect? When most of the time her action is unpredictable...

Meanwhile, Kang Seulgi who is standing by the window in her room, busy drowning herself in her own thought. Sulli. She could be the prime suspect. Possible.

The possibility quiet high though. Seeing how her mother died in the past, she might have revenge to the royal family. However, she realize they lack of evidence and they cannot reveal themselve to the school for sneaking into the principle room.

Worst scenario might happen. So...what next?


She look at the clock and realize she's late for her practice at SM University with Bae Joohyun. 

"You guys find the possible evidence that point out to Sulli. I need to go for the rest of the weekends. You guys can do that right?" asked Seulgi in a rush as she took all her belonging that she packed last night.

"You're gonna leave us?" asked Lisa pouting. 

"Sorry. Can't cancel the practice. Gotta go. I trust you all!" said Seulgi as she left the room in a rush. Leaving the three people in her room, confuse of what they will do next.

She promise to meet Miss Hyoyeon at the front gate by 12 pm and now it's 11.57. That's why right now she's running with high speed. She cannot be late for her first day of training at SM University.

The most popular and wanted university in the world. She cannot believe she got the chance to practice there and perhaps she will get the chance to meet her father there.

Maybe...but she doubt if she get the chance though. Her father always busy. But that's not it. She's more excited to practice with the most popular and talented dancer in South Korea and probably the world.

Kwon Yuri and her team is known as the best dance team in the world. They went to several competition and win almost everything! Was invited to many variety shows and talkshow.

Their journey to the top is amazing and Seulgi wish that one day she can be one of the member though. But honestly she still has long way to go. 

"Ya! Kang Seulgi!" called Miss Hyoyeon.

She can see Bae Joohyun standing there with her practice bag on her left shoulder. Staring at her from top to the bottom like checking her out and Seulgi just smirk.

She bow to Miss Hyoyeon.

"Sorry for being late" said Seulgi.

"No worries. Alright. Let's go!" 


It took approximately two hours for them to arrive at SM University. On the way to SM University, none of them talk. Seulgi is busy with her mind and so do Joohyun.

Joohyun wonder how the hell the stalker managed to know her identity? Of course it was a threat. The doll is a threat to her. Could be her or her family. But why?

What did she do that make whoever the stalker is wanted to sneak some kind of...revenge? Or maybe the stalker just want to scare her? Joohyun doesn't know.

But for sure, she won't report this to her father. She doesn't want to make a fuss. Her father already busy enough dealing with the country and she won't add more on his table with her own problem.

After all, she can handle it by herself...

Once they arrive at SM University, Joohyun cannot believe her eyes. This is huge! Bigger than she ever thought before. The green garden immedietly greet them the moment they enter the front gate.

They can see some college students in the garden. Some students are playing around, some students are having a picnic, and some of them are having group study in the garden.

Another thing she's amaze is that the building. The architecture is...ahh you cannot describe how beautiful the architecture is. are being throw back to the past.

Somehow they made it look like it was built during the Victorian era but still have the modern vibe in it. Overall, this is far more beautiful than the palace.

Might suggest her father to renovate the palace though...but maybe it's impossible. The palace is like the historian archive. Many people come by for a tour around the palace.

The chance to renovate it might be low but she should try later. 

"Welcome to SM University" said Miss Hyoyeon.

Joohyun cannot hide the smile on her face as she got out from the car and look at her surrounding. This is the place of her dream. Oh! She should probably check the library! Said they own the largest library in South Korea and it's so beautiful!

She cannot wait for break time later and use it to look around the university.

Once Seulgi got out from the car, she look around her proudly. So this is the place where her father work. A smile on her face suddenly appear. One day, she believe she will be able to study here and make her father proud.

Maybe later she will look around. Might ask Joohyun to tag along with her too.

However, since both of them have the same mind, the reality is way the opposite.

"Welcome to SM University. As you guys know we are known as the best university and so to maintain the quality we won't put down our quality to outsider. Therefore, you must follow the exact rules. The real rules. So, we are going to practice until 11 at night with 2 times of break. First I would like to see your basic move and then we will proceed on your real dance move. However, if your basic move need more improve, we will focus on that for today and then tomorrow we will proceed on the your dance" 

When they said SM University is the that they mean hell and torture...



"That's for today. You may rest and Miss Hyoyeon will lead you to your room. Oh. One more thing" said Miss Yuri.

Joohyun and Seulgi make sure they have their eyes on Miss Yuri although they are very damn tired and feel like they are going to die after their intense practice.

They don't want to be rude to their teacher and so they need to act like they aren't tired.

"You two need to work out with your relationship. I notice you two didn't talk that much. Here's the thing about dancing. It's not all about move. You two need to have good chemistry in order to deliver the vibe to audience. Therefore, the audience will find you two attractive and unique. Alright that's all from me. See you tomorrow morning and goodnight"

"Goodnight, miss"

Work on their chemistry. Right...How are they suppose to do that? No. More like who will start doing that?

You probably know who will start it. 

Joohyun gather her things together and so do Seulgi. Miss Hyoyeon share a small talk with her friend, Miss Yuri before she guide us to our room for the weekend.

However, while they are walking to their dorm, Seulgi saw someone very familiar in the park. That person is heading to the parking lot and she wonder what that person doing until this night.

"Father?" called Seulgi which made Joohyun and Miss Hyoyeon stop.

"Oh? Princess!" called Seulgi's father which made Seulgi take a glance at Joohyun. Somehow embarrased with the name.

"F-father what are you doing at this night?"

"Shouldn't I asked you that? And where is your manner? Didn't you missed me?" 

Seulgi form a smile before approaching her father and give him the tighest hug she ever gave. Meanwhile, Joohyun and Miss Hyoyeon just stare at the small family reunion.

Joohyun missed her father too. She wonder why Seulgi's father is here at SM University.

"I missed you so much, father"

"Me too, princess" 

The way her father called her princess made Joohyun laugh a little. Even when she's the princess of South Korea, her father never called her that way. 

Hearing someone else other than her being called as a princess doesn't sound so odd and awkward cause her title remain as her title. Nothing personal about that. 

What she mean by that, she's not used to hearing her own family called her princess and seeing Seulgi's father calling Seulgi princess doesn't seems awkward when in fact the real princess is herself.

Thinking about that make her laugh inside.

"What are you doing here, Seulgi?"

"I got the chance to perform for the School anniversary and they gave me the chance to practice dancing with Miss Yuri"

"Ahh. She's indeed talented. I assume they are your friends?" 

Seulgi pull herself away from her father as she look over at Joohyun and Miss Hyoyeon. 

"Father. This is Miss Hyoyeon. She's my dancing teacher at school" said Seulgi introducing Hyoyeon.

"Good evening sir" 

"Please take good care of my daughter"

"No worries, sir. Seulgi doing a great job in dancing. She has great potential" he smile warmly.

Meanwhile, Seulgi took her time to think how she should introduce Joohyun to her father. She doesn't want Joohyun feel awkward but perhaps this is the appropriate way to introduce Joohyun to her father.

After all, Miss Yuri told them to work on their chemistry. Perhaps this is the first step.

"And this is my friend. My close friend. Bae Joohyun"



HI! I'm back! Sorry for not updating lately. I was busy with final exam and now it's over, I might update more often. Hehe...sorry for keeping you guys waiting! Hope some of you still anticipating what happen next. This is just the beginning of Seulrene relationship. Please wait a bit more and have a nice weekend everyone! 

Oh and by the way. I can't wait for RV comeback! What do you guys think of their comeback? Let me know in the comment! Annyeong!



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Patient guys^^ You make me impatient as well! This is my way to tease you all. Relax! Soon, you'll get Seulrene


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
please update 😭😭😭
JhengChoding1 #2
Chapter 30: NOOOOOOO! 😭 thought it's alrdy complete. never had my smile drop so fast when I saw that it was the last chapter 😭
reveluv316 814 streak #3
Chapter 30: i wonder who you are refering to in the sneak peek
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 30: finally 😭❤❤, thank u so much author nim for update🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 29: I’m enjoying this very much, thank you :)
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
Chapter 29: Thank you so much author nim for update❤ of course I always love your hard work ❤
Chapter 28: Welcome back!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 28: Welcome back author nim ❤❤
Multistan12 #9
Chapter 28: welcome back author!! thank you for the update 💙
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #10
update please author nim🥺🥺🥺