The Press

Me and The Princess

"So, did your plan went well?" asked Joohyun. 

The two girls state are most likely the same. Jennie lean her back on the chair with both hands cross on er chest. Meanwhile, Kim Jisoo has her head on the table. 

Currently the threeof them gather together in the library. The most sacred place in the school according to Jennie and Jisoo. 

Interesting to find them have something in common for once. However, despite that they are still have some differences. Especially with what they had done previously.

Apparently, it was a good decision for Joohyun to ran away from them. Because just by seeing them like this the next mornig, Joohyun knew the plan didn't go well.

Last night, Joohyun saw Jennie went to sleep a little early than usual. She came back to the dorm around ten past quater but the girl already went to dreamland. 

What did she do since afternoon until that night? Oh, well. Let's talk about it later, shall we? This is more important because probably it went a lot worst than she imagined.

"Elaborate" said Joohyun.

"There is no need to elaborate! Jisoo had her but Hyeri has zero tolerance of alcohol! Ended up with nothing but a hangover! Just look how wasted she is right now! Instead of getting information, she hooked up with Hyeri's roommate, Gyuri!"


This is the reason why Jisoo and Jennie called this place sacred. No one is allowed to speak and books bring them chill everytime they get near them. Something Joohyun unable to understand.

It made Jennie lean closer to Joohyun who sits right next to Jisoo and Joohyun did the same.

"Why we gather here again?" asked Jennie in lower voice this time.

"We need to finish the essay for Mr. Choi's class, don't you remember?" 



Suddenly Jisoo wakes up looking so ed up due to her hangover. Her action made Joohyun screamed in surprise and the whole students in the library try to shut them.

The librarian would probably approach them anytime soon.

"You scared me!" said Joohyun.

"I ed up, didn't I?" asked Jisoo lifeless.

Jennie rolled her eyes as she lean her back to the chair again.

"We need another plan. Obviously we can't approach Hyeri again. Have someone in mind?" asked Jennie. Joohyun shrugged. Clearly she show no interest at all in this.

Well, how can she not? Obviously because the fact that she is the princess and she keep on wondering who the hell let this gossip spread? Maybe it wasn't a gossip at all.

Maybe someone overheard a conversation. Joohyun still wonder and she will find out today.

"Ugh! Joohyun contribute in this too, will you?" said Jennie annoyed.

"Gosh. I never knew you are very interested in this game too, Jennie"

"Well, that is because I happen to be in the same roof with the princess! How can I not into this game?!"

When Joohyun about to say something, someone came to them with eyes glaring at the three of them. One of the scariest librarin, Miss Seohyun.

"Get out"


"So Momo is not the princess. She told stories about her sleeping in a farm during her family holiday and we both know the monarch doesn't go to a farm for holiday" said Wendy. 

Seulgi just hummed as she focus on doing the assignment for Mr. Choi's class on her study desk. While Wendy reading a book casually on her bed while telling Seulgi about their current update on finding the princess.

Wendy, Rose, and Lisa have been working their off trying to find the princess. But they end up with nothing so far yet, Seulgi here look like she's having the best time in the world.

MIA from their sight and didn't put much contribution on the game. It really driving her nuts actually.



"How come you show no interest at all in the game? Aren't you excited?" Seulgi pressed her lips together. 

Wendy raise her eyebrow and chuckle. 

"So you really not interested in this at all"


"I can't believe you ditch my own game! I thought you are excited too!"

Handling a dramatic Song Seungwan is never easy. 

"That's not true, okay? I just find the game lead us to nowhere!"

"Because that's the whole point! Do you expect finding a ing princess who burried her profile from the society is as easy as you find a Harry Potter book in the library?!"

"Wendy, I just thought shouldn't put this into something bigger, you know? The king has his own reason why he want to keep his daughter low profile"

"What do you think we have been doing? We trying our best to keep this as lowkey as possible!" 

"I know. I know bu-"

"What? Are you trying to tell me all of these are useless?"

"Wendy I-"

Before Seulgi could continue, someone came knocking their door. Obviously disturbing them and feeling annoyed, Wendy yelled.

"Who the ?!"

Seulgi must take note. Not to make Wendy mad because she really is scary when she's mad. She sigh. She never mean to hurt nor disappoint Wendy.

She just...lost interest in the game but doesn't want to hurt Wendy at the same time. Turns out she already hurt the girl. 

The door to their room open, revealing Lisa with her worried face. Lips pressed together firmly and eyes looking so worried. Something is up for sure.

"If you ask update on the hunting, don't bother! I'm done!" said Wendy frustratedly.

"Uhmm....we might have a problem about that" said Lisa unsure.

Wendy and Seulgi tilting their head exchanging stare at each other. Wondering what is Lisa trying to talk about.

"Something happen?" asked Seulgi.

"I think...someone overheard our conversation and turns out his/her parent working for the press..."

"" whispered Wendy but the two of them can hear her.

At that very moment, all of them knew they are completely ed up. 

"The press is here. I just got back from school garden and saw the press behind the school fench" 


"It was your fault we got kicked out from the library"

"Hey! It was you who screamed first!"

"And then you yelled out of nowhere!"

"Guys, please. Just come down a bit?"

"I was surprised and pity myself for what I did last night"

"Oh you pity yourself? Didn't you tell us you had done that plenty of times? Then you tell us now you regret?"


"First I was aimed for Hyeri not Gyuri. Of course I pity myself because I ed Gyuri who is less hotter than Hyeri"

"Oh my gosh! Did you hear yourself?"


Since they are out of the library, Joohyun feel the need to yelled at them who are fighting at each other with her being in the center. They are currently heading to the school garden. The only place they can scream and yell at each other without anybody scold them.

However, the two girls, exclude Joohyun, can't seem to stop fighting at each other. Joohyun wonder when they can talk to each other in piece. 

"Stop fighting, okay? None of it is your fault. It just library isn't our place"

The two girl went silent with eyes still glaring at each other. Joohyun can feel the tension between them but it will cool down later. 

"Just remind me don't ever ask you two to the library. Being kicked out is the least thing I want the librarian do to me" said Joohyun.

Both of them agree though but still they can't help but to glare at each other while walking to the school garden. Joohyun take this as her signal to cool the tension down. 

"So...are we going to proceed with the game?" asked Joohyun.

"With one condition!" said Jisoo.

It made the two best friend turn their head facing Jisoo and waiting for her to talk.

"I will do whatever our plan is only if you join us" said Jisoo pointing at Joohyun.

That condition however, did not get disagreement from Jennie. Because apparently, other than the library is the most sacred place in this school, Jennie and Jisoo agreed that Joohyun need to put more contribution in this.

Joohyun sigh. Can't they see how useless this game is? Part of her doesn't want to hurt her friends. Part of her also think this might be a good opportunity for her to get her profile as lowkey as possible.

If she join the game, put more contribution in it, the less people will notice she is the princess. A great idea. More like a great realization from her.

Something she realized just now.

"Alright" said Joohyun give in with the condition and it did made Jisoo and Jennie smile proudly.

"Okay! You choose who is our next target!" 

But before Joohyun could even said the name, her eyes spotted large amount of people waiting by the school fench. With cameras and lightning everywhere.

Joohyun as someone who was born in a royal family, she is very familiar with those people. Though she never been approach by them nor interact with them given the fact that her father really protect her identity very much.

What are they doing here? Something clearly is off here. Did they found out about their little game? Or did they found out her identity? If that so then...this school have some serious problem to their identity protection.

The two girls follow where Joohyun's eyes are pointing at and just as much as Joohyun, both of them are completely surprise. Sure they played it very lowkey and only the three of them knew about this.

Perhaps they weren't very careful or maybe it wasn't their fault. Maybe it was Wendy's group? No. They don't want to blame anyone about this. Because they have no strong evidence to prove that.

"Are they what I think they are?" asked Jisoo.

"What the they doing here?" asked Jennie.

Honestly, Joohyun cannot believe she say this but she just feel the need to,

"The rumor is true" said Joohyun.

And she knew at that very moment, the television is full of news about her pursuing education in this school. Her father is probably furious by now.

She might need to visit the principle office later. 


"Tell me how the hell the press knew about my daughter?!" asked the King furiously.

The king himself called the principle and since the beginning, the king cannot control his anger. After all, this consider as betrayal. The only person who knew about Joohyun being the princess, is only Mrs. Tiffany and Mrs. Taeyeon.

No one knew other than them and of course they will be the person to get blame for all this. Tiffany and Taeyeon has been frustrated too with this sudden news.

Fact that the press wouldn't stop trying to get in to the school and be the 'detective to be', they need plan to make them go away. And how the hell they should do that?

Pushing the press away slowly and nicely without hurting them and not making the school name in the headline news with "SM High School The Meanest School. Would you take your child to this school?"

"Your majesty, I am deeply sorry to hear this news. But none of us ever told the press nor the other teachers. No one is aware of this other than the two of us"

"Only mean one of you share this secret to the press! I want your responsibility with this news and protect my daughter profile from them"

"Your majesty, we will take responsibility on this. But will you allow us to do everything in our power to protect your daughter?" 

"Anything that mean no harm to my daughter" said the King very sure. Tiffany nodded and give Taeyeon the signal. 

"Thank you, your majesty. We will take full responsibility on this and you will never hear this news ever again" said Tiffany and the call ended.

Tiffany didn't realized she was holding her breathe the entire call and Taeyeon came back worriedly. Of course she is worried. After all, Tiffany is her girlfriend and having this kind of mess really giving a hard time.

Both of them didn't know how the hell the press knew where the princess is. How can they know? Tiffany and Taeyeon were sure they talked about the princess only in the first day.

Or maybe...someone overheard their conversation?

They can't tell precisely. But for now, they need to clean this mess. 

"I gathered the press in the school auditorium" said Taeyeon and Tiffany nodded. 

"Let's hope they will believe us" 


"So, to be actually stop the game?" asked Rose.

Wendy sigh.

"What choice do I have? Seeing the press there, the princess might be in danger. Let's pretend we never done anything" said Wendy.

Seulgi saw the disappoinment in her eyes. Deep down, Wendy mean no harm at all. She is just like other fanatic fans of the royal family who really want to get the chance to see them in real life.

However, the royal family has their own reason why they decided to keep their daughter profile hidden from the society. Reasons no one able to guess until now.

Maybe the rumor is true. That the princess really study here. But it will be damn hard to find her because no one ever saw her face. So perhaps it was just a rumor. True gossip.

It could either be true or false. And everyone will know that next year. 

Seulgi pat Wendy's back lightly before she excuse herself. They gathered in Lisa's dorm and Seulgi need to go out for some fresh air. More like, she want to call her father.

Ever since she came here, she hasn't get the chance to call her father. 

"Let's call it the night, guys. I'm sure the princess will be alright and the principle handle the press well. Wendy, I'll see you in our room?" Wendy nodded since she already knew Seulgi wanted to call her father.

Since the payphone(though it's 21 century, payphone still remain as the media for students to call in that school), is beside the principle office, she need to walk to the other building right next to her dormitory.

Only required 5 minutes of walk. 


"How were you able to make the press believe?" asked Joohyun.

"We made sure that the rumors are false and that we never received any kind of visit from the palace" said Taeyeon.

"And that we also remind them that the princess could be anywhere right now. She might be in other school. YG's High school and Hybe High School? Those two are also famous and your uncle and aunt studied there before" Tiffany added. 

"So it made them think. That maybe, your majesty registered you to one of those school"

"But my father studied here" said Joohyun.

"Yes. One of them also asked about this but we made clear that during the first day of school year, the King came here only for the opening speech and left as soon as he finished the speeches" Taeyeon added.

Joohyun nodded. But somehow she is still worried though.

"Perhaps that would make them back away for awhile" said Joohyun to herself.

"Do you have any idea who spread the rumor?" 

Tiffany and Taeyeon shook their head. Eyes said the truth and Joohyun bite her lips. Whoever spread this rumor must have heard from somewhere. Either during the first day of school or someone from inside the palace betrayed the Royal Family trust.

No one know the exact truth. However, since the school managed to handle the press but they cannot also gurantee the press wouldn't come again tomorrow, at least they done their best.

Joohyun appriciated everything they done and she knew her father would have called the school earlier and got all furious about this. Well, it's because he wanted to protect her profile so much and make this whole new tradition work.

The king himself is eager to make this as the royal family new tradition. His reason is simple. To let his daughter experience a normal life. Something he and his wife never recieved since they were young. 

Regret and disappointed full his mind. And all he could think of once his oldest daughter was born is a way to protect Joohyun's childhood experience. Away from the press, cameras, and the world for awhile.

In the mean time she also will receive proper education as her fundamental to become the next head of the state. 

"At least the press are down for now" said Joohyun with a smile and both the teacher nodded. However, both of them cannot assure if this rumor will cool down any time sooner.

As everybody knows, it just about 8 more months until the princess reveal. Probably many people are competing with each other, trying to find who is the princess.

That includes the students. The rumors probably already spread all over the place by now.

"But we cannot make sure if the students will stop whatever game they are playing. As you mentioned before to me" said Tiffany. 

Joohyun chuckle. Knowing the game her friends are playing and that includes her in it, just make it so funny. She's not playing them...she's protecting her family. 

She will deal with the students. After all, she's great on hiding.

"I will handle them. After all, I'm good at hiding" said Joohyun confidently. 

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Patient guys^^ You make me impatient as well! This is my way to tease you all. Relax! Soon, you'll get Seulrene


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
please update 😭😭😭
JhengChoding1 #2
Chapter 30: NOOOOOOO! 😭 thought it's alrdy complete. never had my smile drop so fast when I saw that it was the last chapter 😭
reveluv316 814 streak #3
Chapter 30: i wonder who you are refering to in the sneak peek
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 30: finally 😭❤❤, thank u so much author nim for update🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 29: I’m enjoying this very much, thank you :)
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
Chapter 29: Thank you so much author nim for update❤ of course I always love your hard work ❤
Chapter 28: Welcome back!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 28: Welcome back author nim ❤❤
Multistan12 #9
Chapter 28: welcome back author!! thank you for the update 💙
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #10
update please author nim🥺🥺🥺