Who the heck is Oh Sehun?

The Cat's Meow
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For the life of me the name did not ring a bell and it was bothering me. I took pride in my memory capabilities. I took care of hundreds of patient accounts, tens of vendor and supply accounts, not to name all the payroll accounts that I helped link to the system with HR. Plus I tried hard to remember the birthdays of my friends, their family if I am close to them, just...just a lot. Now thanks to one name I felt like I was on the verge of a breakdown. I just don't remember anyone from my days assisting in ACCT that even acted like they were awake much less one that had a crush on me. I was going to give this guy a piece of my mind when I saw him because he was messing with it for sure.  I had wracked my brain so much that I didn't sleep well during the night and resorted to looking up students that had gone to my Alma Mater hoping to find Mr. Oh. 


I started out with students a year under mine and then went two years, then three and four and five and six, which was absurd.  I became frustrated because there was no one by the name of Sehun Oh that went to school with me. It was all time consuming and before I knew it the alarm went off signaling that it was time to rise and shine, more like rise and glow like a 15 watt bulb that was shorting out. Today was going to and no amount of coffee would pull me through.  I felt like a zombie and more horrifyingly looked like one with the dull pallor to skin and eye bags.  Now with as much energy as a stumbling zombie from a forties black and white movie could muster I tried to make my way to my bathroom for what I hoped would be a invigorating shower. After setting foot to floor was when I felt a sudden, sharp pain in my ankle. Letting loose a scream I sat back on the bed and raised my ankle up to my opposite knee and was able to see blood springing forth from three scratch marks all made from the devil hiding under my bed.

"Xiumin! Why did you do that? move kitty, that's a move when I already feel like crud!"

What the heck was his problem I thought to myself. Oh sure, cats are unpredictable but that was uncalled for or at least I thought so. Well there were several times throughout the night he had tried crawling up into my lap that I had set him aside so I could continue with my search. Three claw marks were a small price to pay compared to being ignored for a few hours. I would have to find a good way to apologize.

"I'm sorry kitty. I should not have yelled at you. Plus I should not have ignored you all night, right? You are just a big chunk of love that wanted cuddles and I was too stupid. I'm very sorry."

I took a chance and peered over the edge of the bed to see a tail flicking back and forth rapidly over the carpet. My apology was not well received it seemed. I took a chance and placed the injured foot back upon the floor hoping the sight of the oozing injury might, just might blossom a sprig of sympathy in the beast. When I heard nothing I ever so slowly set my uninjured foot next to the other. I took a chance and raised myself up expecting a rumble of ire to raise forth beneath the darkness under the bed. I was so focused on the monster there that I cared not for my own stance and upon placing my full upon my feet I could feel the painful sting of the previous mark.


I started to stagger around and almost lurched myself into the nightstand, rectifying myself at last minute and falling backwards unto the bed. In my clumsiness I struck my head against the wooden headboard.


As I was rubbing my now small, egg-sized lump on my head with one hand and clutching the bleeding injury to ankle with the other, the monster that lived with me slunk out from his hiding spot and ascended to perch beside me. It's eyes taking in the sight before him to access the situation, I held my breath in case I needed to figure out an escape route. Suddenly, Xiumin leaned forward and placed his front paws on my shoulders and began sniffing my head. I held as perfectly still as I could. I could see his paws on my shoulder from the corners of my eyes and in a moment of horror thought about the damage his sharp claws could do this close up if he became agitated again. His next action startled me from my thoughts for he began to my face. At first I jumped back a little but I felt the sharp sting of his claws pulling into my pajama top so I quickly stopped. I then felt his rough tongue take a small swipe near my temple, cheekbone to jaw then just below my ear. My eyes grew immensely but I was too baffled to speak. I had never heard or seen a cat do something like this. Then he released his claws from my shoulders and proceeded to make himself a comfortable home in my lap. Looking up at me with those weird sparkling eyes that seemed to hypnotize me, I wound up wrapping my arms around my big ball of fluffy love muffin and cooed at him.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you kitty. I could have spent my night all cuddled up toasty and warm with my smushy bundle of sweet fur instead of looking for someone who doesn't matter. Right? How about tonight when I come home after I get ready for bed we watch a movie and I feed you those bacon treats you like and I your handsome fur until you want me to stop. Will that work for you Xiumin kitty?"

Xiumin reached up and headbutted me under my chin, which I had read was a sign of affection. I felt elated. Now I just had to staunch the flow of blood on my ankle, pray I did not get some weird infection, make it to work on time, pull myself together long enough to do my job well enough to avoid mistakes and on top of that meet some person I supposedly knew in college that had a crush on me. No biggie! I got this! 

I planted a small kiss on top of Xiumin's soft fur on top of his head then with a tiny struggle lifted him from my lap. Crossing the room to my dresser I selected my under things for the day and proceeded to my bathroom for a quick and hopefully refreshing shower. Thank goodness for buying my favorite body scrub and wash when it was on sale last time because it's fresh citrus scent always wakes me up in the morning. After drying my hair and brushing my teeth, I slipped into my bra and and dashed back into my bedroom to determine my outfit for the day. Since I had multiple claw marks decorating both ankles I decided that slacks were the obvious choice along with flats since I did not want anything to rub on the wounds. The joys of owning a cat, could I say that? I didn't own this feline. He ran roughshod over my life since I put him in my car that rainy afternoon but for the most part kitty was good company. I settled on grey slacks, black slip on flats and a pretty grey and pink blouse that I had not worn in a long time. It actually still fit so I was pleased. I wasnt sure if it was going to rain but it looked overcast so I grabbed my mid-length trench from the closet along with an umbrella and set off. Of course I called off a farwell to kitty before I locked my door.

I was right in bringing an umbrella because it looked just miserable out. The skies were as ominous in color as my slacks and some of the clouds even darker. I decided to drive just in case. Plus that would give me a good excuse to stop at the pet store on the way home and purchase a scratching post for some long clawed fiend I knew. I had just enough time to go to a drive through for a coffee fix since I neglected that this morning.  With minutes to spare yet again I sped into the lounge to hang up my coat and deposit my umbrella before going to my office. Just before shutting the door on my locker, Chanyeol and Baekhyun came into the room chatting away.

"Dude, did you watch the game last night? That final goal in the third was sick!"

"I was uh, not at home last night."

"Oh my God! Dude! Already?"

"Not already. We didn't do anything that you are so ertedly thinking. I just stayed late watching a movie."

"Right. Right. Oh God! Emmy! ! We didn't see you there!"

"No problem, Yeollie. I was just hanging up my coat. It looks like it is going to rain out there so I came prepared today. How are you both?"

"Good, good. I'm good. Yeah. I'm great. Baek's great, right? Hey, don't forget lunch. Sehun won't shut up about knowing you in college. He said you were really quiet and nice. I told him you still are. Duh. Emmy is nice. Anyways he is looking forward to seeing you again."

"That is nice, I guess. I still cannot place him. I swear I did not have a Sehun Oh in either Accounting class I helped in. This isn't one of your elaborate jokes is it, Yeol?" I gave my tall friend what I hoped was a stern look. My question was answered by Baekhyun who had been quiet the whole time the pair had discovered my presence in the lounge.

"No! No, it's not a joke. I saw old photos of him back then in your college. Sehun had even taken a photo of you one day in class and another of you at a party or something.  Plus there is a photo of your friend Junmyeon."

"He knows Jun?" I asked incredulously.

"I don't..dont think they were friends. It looked like it was at an event or something. He probably will bring them with him today and show you."

"You know the photos of me in class sounds kind of creepy. I don't know about lunch now."

"Dude, No! You have to come. We promised. He isn't a creep. It wasn't like a stalker photo. Gah, dude. What the heck did you say that for? It was some in class thing. The prof wrote something on the board and you were in the way when Sehun took the shot. He kept it because, you know, you know he had a little crush.  Come on. As for the party shot, you were standing by a couple of friends of his when he took the snap he said. But seriously. He hasn't been back in town very long. He is just reconnecting with friends and when he found out that we were friends of yours Bam, he wanted to see you again. Just come to lunch. We'll make him pay. Haha He is working for the Smith Firm downtown as an executive. He can afford to buy you a sandwich at least."


Yeol finally quit rambling and flashed a wink at me. I was still very hesitant but my curiosity was more overwhelming so I agreed to go to lunch. Since the work day was well under way and I had yet to make it to my office, I bid them farwell and hurried along. I was relieved that it was a morning for Lori, my part-time assistant, to be there. As I came through the door she greeted me with a hello, a smile and a phone message to call HR along with two receipts from vendors and a message from Minseok. I immediately smiled seeing the message from him but I wanted to keep it to myself so I thanked Lori and hurried on to my office. After booting up my computer I reached out to HR in regards to their message, which turned out to be a quick fix regarding insurance for a new hire. After a call to our provider and a confirmed number I called HR back so they could update their side and contact our employee.  I then looked at Minseok's message which was a simple greeting and a please call at my earliest convenience. I dialed his number while I input the two vendor receipts in the accounting system. My call was going to voice mail when a very breathy voice answered

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TtTrying to jump back on the writing horse with a fairly dull update. Like they say, Ya gotta wade through a lot of filler to get to the good stuff. Let's just hope and pray I deliver on something halfway decent to "good stuff."


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Chapter 7: From cuddly cat Xiumin to cheeky Minseok, and now Emmy has an Oh-so-handsome Sehun Oh! Just how much more luck does Emmy really have? 😍😍😍
Chapter 3: Emmy and Minseok are gerting close 😍. And... I would love to have protective brothers ChenBaekYeol! 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 2: Oh, Xiumin the cat and Minseok Kim are so mischievously cute! I'm having fun reading how both of them are so playful around OC... 😍 (Or should I refer to THEM in singular form? 🤭💚)
736 streak #4
Chapter 7: 🌹💗🌹💗🌹

I have to admit that I missed your writing so much! It's easy to imagine it all and there is a mix of everything, from work to private life, comedy, etc.

I adore the scenes with the kitty and it actually made me laugh as well, with the little accident and the egg bump and her way of apologizing to the little kitty. 😂 LOVED IT!

Also, I missed the interaction between Chanyeol and Baekhyun. XD Baekhyun was all in the game and Chanyeol suddenly drops the bomb and says he wasn't home and Baekhyun goes on with his dirty thoughts. XD I was dying!

Oh Sehun is still a mystery so I am not sure what to think about him just yet. But for the compliment parts, ah I hate those, as it makes me feel uncomfortable XD

Thank you for the update! Can't wait to see what happens next!

736 streak #5
I had to read the previous chapters first just to remind myself about what I had read earlier, but now that I have, it's time to read the newest chapter! Let's see what you have in store for us *winks*

Thank you!
Chapter 7: Ohhh, is Mr. Oh potentially dangerous to our hearts?
Chapter 7: I'm so glad to see an update! Yay! This was a sweet chapter, I loved the interaction. Emmy has such...presence. I'm not sure how to describe it, but in some ways, she seems so no-nonsense about stuff. On those rare times I get compliments about one thing or another, (luckily cause I really don't like getting them), I get rather uncomfortable too. It's obvious she's slightly uncomfortable with it also, but she handles it so well, that I wish I could be that casual about it.

I have to say, the Xiumin scene I rather enjoyed as well. I could literally see it, which is always so nice while reading a story, it was fun. I realize now it sounds as if I am taking joy from Emmy's pain, sorry Emmy!!!

I hope there will be another update soon!!
Chapter 7: Welcome back!!! Wow.. minseok AND sehun?? Emmy is one lucky girl <333