Open your eyes

The Cat's Meow
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Today is going to be a good day.  The sun was big and bright and beautiful overhead as I walked out of the lobby doors. I had double checked the forecast said the chance of rain was less than five percent and that was not due until late, late afternoon. So I decided a walk to work would do me good. I felt the sun's rays warming my face as I had turned to the East to soak in Mother Nature's vitamin D.  If this had been a musical instead of real life I am sure birds would have started to twitter a melody for me dance my way to work and neighbors, as well as strangers would have joined in along the way. Thank goodness by the time I got to Java Express I had a better handle on my imagination and could wrap my brain around the line starting to form by all the local caffeine-seeking workers in the neighborhood. I took my place and retained my smile. I was about two customers away from the front when someone touched my shoulder. "Good Morning Miss Emmy. Didn't you have time for coffee at home this morning?" My new friend with the beatifully shaped feline eyes asked. "Oh! Morning Minseok. No. I mean yes. I had coffee at home. I was going to get a fruit tea and a muffin or something for break later on. Would you like something? My treat for a change." "Mmmm how about an iced Americano. I need a little more caffeine to get me going." "Haha ok. I will be over there in a moment." I said as I waved to a table.  I was asked for my order so I repeated Minseok's request along with mine and decided to get a muffin for him as well. Then I moved over to wait after paying. Less than five minutes later I walked over to where he was waiting for me. "Here you go, an iced Americano and an orange sunrise muffin. It's one of my favorites." "Looks delicious. Thank you Miss Emmy. You appear to be in high spirits today. Must have slept well?" "Actually I did. Two nights ago, no but last night I got to sleep without trouble. How about you?" "Slept like a happy fat cat, haha." he said with a huge grin that was infectious so I returned it. "You have a cute eye smile, Emmy." "A what?" I asked for I had not heard of the term before. "Eye smile. When you smile like you just did your cheeks go up and your eyes kind of disappear into little crescents. An eye smile." "I didn't even know that was a thing." "Mmm in Korea then." "Oh. I have never been there. I haven't traveled except for leaving home to go to college." "Well then. We should set a goal for you to do some, some travelling. I could tell you about several places I have been and you could see if anything sounds interesting." "Sounds like fun. I really should head into work. I'm sorry to cut this short." I felt hesitant to leave but I needed to be into my office soon. "Please do not apoligize Miss Emmy. I do not want to hold you up. Your dedication is very attractive. Please allow me to walk you over, ok?" I gathered my things as did he. My silence was my agreement. "So I started making some calls for a luncheon. There is a place called Hayes St. Station that have separate dining rooms equipped with media outlets. Have you been there?" "Yes. A couple times. The food is quite good and decently priced. That is a good idea. What day are you thinking?" "If we do a Saturday brunch then it would be evening, late evening for Yixing but not late enough that he wouldn't still be up. What do you think?" "I love brunch!" "Haha. Good to know. Ok let's see how your friends like that idea and I can line things up. Sound good? Call me on the number I gave you the other day and we can make plans. Mmk?" "Ok. Sounds like a plan. Have a good day today Minseok." I started to turn toward my building. "You too, Emmy." As I walked to the employee lounge I must have interuppted an argument between Chanyeol and Baekhyun because their voices were raised more than normal. "You are being an hat, you know that! A selfish . You should have said something before. It's too late now. So move on. You already started, just keep going." Chanyoel's booming voice came down the hallway. "I'm just concerned. I'm not trying to start something now. I know I'm too late and I have moved on. I'm not going to hurt anyone's feelings. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't look out for our friend. Come on man. If you see a car wreck happening, wouldn't you stop it?" Baekhyun's voice was just as heated. "Both of you lower your voices. The whole place can hear you morons. Calm down, both of you. I don't see why you are getting worked up Baek? So far it's been talking. Just keep watching and if you see a real problem then we will all get involved. Ok?" The voice of reason from Jongdae seemed to have been waved over the disagreement and as I walked into the room it became quiet. "Hey guys. What was going on in here? I could hear it down the hall?" "Uh, what all did you hear?" Chanyeol asked as he stood up. "You called Baek an hat but then that is a Tuesday thing, hee hee. Is there trouble in paradise? Why are you guys practically yelling at each other?" "We are just concerned about some guy we know, we don't know if he is making a mistake or not. You know guys, I say yes. Yeol says no. We argue to decide who's right. Please don't mind us Emmy. We don't want to upset you." Baekhyun tried to explain to me with a sweet smile. I gave them all a smile back. "Well. Ok. I can't believe that guys think women are so hard to figure out.  Oh. I ran into Minseok on my way in this morning and he would like to know if a Saturday brunch at Hayes St. Station would be a good time to gather and video call Yixing?" As I was relaying the information I had missed the look Baekhyun gave Jongdae when I mentioned Minseok's name. Chanyeol spoke up right away. "I love brunch!" "That's what I said! Plus Haynes St. has good food. He was thinking of the private dining rooms where we can use the media source. It should be late evening for Yixing. We could do an engagement party without the happy couple then as we are chatting with them I can email an online gift card. How does that sound?" "Pretty good. You can count me in on the food and how about $75.00 on the gift card. I owe Yixing some money from poker yet." Chanyeol stated as he reached for his wallet.  While Chanyeol sorted out his contribution to the gift both Jongdae and Baekhyun started to look through their wallets.  "I have $25.00 Emmy. Unlike our buddy here I rarely lost on poker night." "Thank you Dae. Do you think you and your wife can come to brunch on a saturday?" "I'm sure we can get a grandma to watch their princess for a couple hours." He responded with a big smile.  "Here is $35.00. Brunch is ok with me too. I might bring a guest. Will that work?" "I think that would be fine, Baekhyun. Are you talking about In ma?" He nodded to affirm. "I cannot wait to talk to her again. Is she doing well?" "Yes. She asked about you the other day that's why I thought I would bring her." "Sounds good to me. Well gentlemen, I hope we all have a good day of work. Put your silly differences aside and let's get at 'em. Haha." I left. Walking to my office I had an odd feeling that they had not been talking about some guy friend of theirs but I did not want to dwell on it and spoil any of the good feelings that I had started my morning out with. Once I got into my office and lights and started my computer I quickly started a list of contributions toward a wedding gift and thought about who at the facility had been close enough to Yixing to be considered a friend or business acquaintance as well as anyone who should probably meet Minseok. I had a question on a couple possible poker buddies so I sent a quick text to the guys and waited for their answer before sending out a message to everyone on my list.  While waiting I quickly made my way through my own emails to see what type of tasks needed my immediate attention. Thankfully nothing was urgent. I had been invited to an online meet and greet for a new rep for one of our out of state vendors that we used occasionally. I marked my invite as interested since I was unsure of my schedule for that day yet. I had an email from a family wanting to thank our staff for assistance in helping their elderly parent get a procedure covered. I forwarded that one on to several others since it is rare to get a "Pat on the back" on our side of the medical area.  I was just wrapping up notes on a meeting about department spending and allocation when I received a text back from one of the guys.

Yeol:  Hey Em. Jack b is a buddy with Xing still owes bout 20.00 make sure u gt it 😂😂😂 + c if Kyungsoo wants to come. He doesn't play cards but he knows Xing. 

Me: Doh Kyungsoo in Health Services? I didn't think he hung out with anyone????


Me: Calm down Princess! We don't hang out a lot after work. How am I supposed to know all your friends?

Yeol: You will have to start hanging out with me then. Play poker? There's a spot now 😛 Hey there's a good friend of ours that doesn't work here but Xing knows, ok to bring? 

Me: Your plus one? 😉 is he at least pretty?

Yeol: Sehun is frigging handsome! I'll ire-ntroduce you. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

Me:  Whatever, wait. Re-introduce?  

Yeol:  Oh Sehun. He said he took intro to accounting when you t.a.d yur senior yr at Uni. He says he remembers you.

Me:  I'm not sure. Maybe when I see him. 

Me:  Can u think of anyone else?

Yeol:  Bud in maintenance for some cool reason is a pal of his.

Me: Bud is almost 70!

Yeol: Xing loves everyone! Doesn't care young old whatever.

Me: I will personally invite Bud and his wife then 😊

Yeol: U r a good girl. I would pet yur hair like they do in kdramas if I were there. Lmao!

Me: idiot! 😳 ok I will sent out a memo 4 invite lemmo know if u think of anyone else or if u wanna chng your plus 1. Ttyl

Yeol: laters!😎


I had opened up a new tab to draft a memo and was working on the interest inquiry when another notice "ding" caught my attention.

Baek: Hi Emmy. Did anyone get back to you yet?

Me: Hi Baekhyun. Yes. I heard from Yeol. He said Jack B., Kyungsoo, Bud and he wants to invite someone named Sehun. Anyone else? I'm drafting a memo to inquire if these folks are interested then I can let Minseok know. He will look into booking a room and contacting Yixing.

Baek: This Minseok guy seems to want to meet all of Yixing's friends doesn't he? Funny that Xing hasn't talked about him to any of us.

Me: Have you talked to Yixing since he moved?

Baek:  Yes. I have been chatting with him online since that day we found Minseok in your office saying he took over for Xing. He doesn't really talk about Minseok. Other than he was away for a long time and his grandmother decided it was time for him to take over. 

Me: C they just don't know each other. Hmmm maybe at this gathering you guys will all hit it off and you will have a new poker buddy. Think positive 😊

Baek: I want to Emmy. I really do. Look I gotta get going. I can't think of anyone else but if I do I'll let you know. Take care of yourself ok. Chat with you later.

Me: ok Baekhyun. Have a good day!


It was a weird conversation, almost I don't know like a warning but that felt silly to think that way so I just shoved those strange feelings to the back of my mind and finished the task at hand and sent the memo out. 


Today was Lori's day off so I left my door open as is my policy when I do not have assistance so people know I am available to help. It didn't take long for someone to come by seeking information. A little later someone else came by and after that someone else and so on.
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TtTrying to jump back on the writing horse with a fairly dull update. Like they say, Ya gotta wade through a lot of filler to get to the good stuff. Let's just hope and pray I deliver on something halfway decent to "good stuff."


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Chapter 7: From cuddly cat Xiumin to cheeky Minseok, and now Emmy has an Oh-so-handsome Sehun Oh! Just how much more luck does Emmy really have? 😍😍😍
Chapter 3: Emmy and Minseok are gerting close 😍. And... I would love to have protective brothers ChenBaekYeol! 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 2: Oh, Xiumin the cat and Minseok Kim are so mischievously cute! I'm having fun reading how both of them are so playful around OC... 😍 (Or should I refer to THEM in singular form? 🤭💚)
744 streak #4
Chapter 7: 🌹💗🌹💗🌹

I have to admit that I missed your writing so much! It's easy to imagine it all and there is a mix of everything, from work to private life, comedy, etc.

I adore the scenes with the kitty and it actually made me laugh as well, with the little accident and the egg bump and her way of apologizing to the little kitty. 😂 LOVED IT!

Also, I missed the interaction between Chanyeol and Baekhyun. XD Baekhyun was all in the game and Chanyeol suddenly drops the bomb and says he wasn't home and Baekhyun goes on with his dirty thoughts. XD I was dying!

Oh Sehun is still a mystery so I am not sure what to think about him just yet. But for the compliment parts, ah I hate those, as it makes me feel uncomfortable XD

Thank you for the update! Can't wait to see what happens next!

744 streak #5
I had to read the previous chapters first just to remind myself about what I had read earlier, but now that I have, it's time to read the newest chapter! Let's see what you have in store for us *winks*

Thank you!
Chapter 7: Ohhh, is Mr. Oh potentially dangerous to our hearts?
Chapter 7: I'm so glad to see an update! Yay! This was a sweet chapter, I loved the interaction. Emmy has such...presence. I'm not sure how to describe it, but in some ways, she seems so no-nonsense about stuff. On those rare times I get compliments about one thing or another, (luckily cause I really don't like getting them), I get rather uncomfortable too. It's obvious she's slightly uncomfortable with it also, but she handles it so well, that I wish I could be that casual about it.

I have to say, the Xiumin scene I rather enjoyed as well. I could literally see it, which is always so nice while reading a story, it was fun. I realize now it sounds as if I am taking joy from Emmy's pain, sorry Emmy!!!

I hope there will be another update soon!!
Chapter 7: Welcome back!!! Wow.. minseok AND sehun?? Emmy is one lucky girl <333