Just a little taste

The Cat's Meow
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  "What type of pizza would you like tonight Miss Emmy?" Minseok asked as he pulled his cell phone from his pocket. "Have you ordered from a place called Pizza Plus before? I tried their BLT pizza a few days ago and it was quite good." "Yes. They are really good. Have you tried the Hawaiian style yet? I usually add mushrooms and green olives to it when I order for myself but you do not have to." "Mmmm. How about on your half. Let me give them a quick call. Anything else sound good? How about cheesy bread sticks, hot, gooey cheese always hits the spot on a rainy night." He asked while wiggling his perfectly shaped eyebrows. I shook my head yes to confirm. He stepped out into the hallway to place the order for delivery while I stepped out and went back to the living room to look out the window. The rain continued to fall and the skies dimmed as evening approached. I was so intent upon watching the water patterns against the glass that I did not hear Minseok come up behind me. "BOO!" I heard a mild exclamation in my ear. I let out a small scream and jerked away from the sound only to have a grinning Minseok grab me around my waist to stop me from causing myself any bodily harm. His reward was a slap to the chest and that damn pink hue spreading rapidly across my cheeks that he said he liked. "You jerk!! You scared me! Stop laughing at me." I started to mildly groan. "There is my favorite color on you, so pretty." The last two words were nothing but breath leaving his lips, lips that moved closer to mine than earlier. The arms around my waist seemed to strengthen in hold as I was drawn closer as well. I could feel my breath hitch in my throat. I kept my eyes open as time stopped. Unable to control my breathing or heartbeat, I just stared straight into the eyes of the man in front of me. His eyes watching every tic, any slight indication from me that I was weakening before him.  I caught a small, slight change to his iris, they appeared to change shape and light reflected from them, dazzling me momentarily. I gasped aloud, my lips parted and that is when the predator pounced on his prey.


His lips attached to mine quickly, applying slight pressure. My eyes remained open watching his until the pressure from his lips increased and his head tilted for a different angle. One of his hands left my waist to cup the back of my head to angle it just opposite to his and he then closed his eyes. I mirrored his action. Movement and suction added to the pleasure against my lips. I could feel the tip of his tongue start to swipe against my lips as if asking for entrance and I was in no shape to resist. As soon as his tongue encroached into my mouth, I could feel it lapping at teeth, tongue, the roof of my mouth. It was everywhere. Invading every part of me. Suddenly he started to on my tongue and I could not stop the moan that escaped nor my hands that reached up and combed their way into his hair. The hand on my waist brought me closer into his warm body, chest to chest, hip to hip, my mind had gone dizzy. Feeling bold after his actions I softly started to le at his bottom lip. Soft, light pressure since I was unsure of myself. I could feel the hand at my waist slowly travel along my hip then around my hip and cup my right buttock jarring me closer into my captor. Another small moan escaped my lips even though they were occupied. Minseok started to rub my backside and hip while applying enough pressure to continue to hold me in place against him. As our lips and tongues continued to move and participate in a sensual dance against each other I could feel something pressing against me right below my belly button. Minseok broke away from my lips letting a small trail of saliva appear that quickly vanished. I gaped at him starting to breath heavily. "My God Emmy. We need to stop before we can't. Your delicious body and sinful mouth are already exciting me too much."  I immediately discovered what had been pressing up against my lower stomach. Embarrassed, I looked away. "Please don't. You are so pretty when you blush. This is my fault. I just wanted a little taste. I thought I could handle it but I want so much more. Let's just call it good for now, so very good and hopefully someday and I pray someday soon, you choose when we continue. Okay?" I nodded, that was all I was capable of at the moment. "I hope you can see that we have quite a bit of mutual attraction going on here, Miss Emmy. More than quite a bit and I have a tremendous amount of respect for you. That is why you get to call the shots in the future. All right? Hmmmm.? I can't promise that I won't totally restrain myself from kissing you once in a while though, your taste is addictive, like nip to a cat." He was able to say that with a wink and all I could do was gasp a little, which was rewarded with a quick, quick kiss and chuckle. The door bell rang just then. "Pizza is here. Wanna eat in the dining room or out here in front of the tv?" He asked as he started to head toward the door. Since my knees still felt weak I just quickly sat down on the sofa which earned another soft chuckle from my host. "Are you saying Netflix and chill?" He laughed out loud when I immediately stood up. "I'm teasing! My God, you are cute! Please sit down. I will be right back." I heard the door open and he greeted the delivery person. "Oh man, you are soaked. I'm so sorry. Here, I hope this helps a little. Try and have a good night, friend. Thanks." Then the door closed. "I will grab plates and napkins. What would you like to drink, Emmy?" He dropped the pizza off on the coffee table in front of me. "Hmmm water is ok with me." I suggested. "Okay. I'm going to grab a bottle of wine I have been working on and a couple glasses if you want to try as well." I just nodded. A few moments later he returned with plates, a roll of paper towels, a bottle of water, a couple of wine glasses along with that bottle he had been working on. "Its a red that I picked up the other night. I don't know this label but it had a cat on it and it made me laugh so I thought I would give it a go. Wanna try?" "Sure. Just a little. I'm not much of a wine drinker or a drinker of any sorts really." I replied as he handed me a glass filled half full. "Good to know. I'm actually pretty good at holding my own when drinking. I'm not bragging, just saying. If the day ever comes when you need a knight to take a shot for you, I'm your man." A trademark wink followed this statement. "Let's dig in shall we?" Pizza was delicious even though I felt like I could barely choke it down. I probably drank too much wine so I would not cough any pineapple up. I was hyper aware of the man sitting next to me even though at the moment he was doing absolutely nothing provocative. He was simple leaning forward, chewing slowly the last bite he took before taking a sip of wine. His knee was lightly touching mine, it didn't feel on purpose, it was just there. I needed to get a grip. How embarrassing was it that I could not even handle a man kissing me. All these years of not being sharp enough to catch on to when someone was interested in me to fall to pieces like this. I felt like a mouse in front of a hungry cat that liked to play with its supper. "Knock. Knock."  "What? " I looked at him quizzingly. "No, you say, Who's there?" He smirked at me then said again, "Knock, knock." I returned the smirk. "Who's there?" "Hawaii." "Hawaii who?" "Hawaii you?" He proceeded to laugh at his joke as if it was really funny while I just rolled my eyes and raised my eyebrows.  "I know. I know. So cheesy but not as cheesy as this pizza, am I right? Right?" His smile was infectious and I could not stop myself from returning it. "Feel up to finishing the tour? I would like your opinion on the color I'm thinking about for my office." I replied with a sure as I stood. He started to head down the hall but stopped and held out his hand for me to take. "I don't want to take the chance of you getting lost."  We made our way to the last door on the left, which was open to show several boxes stacked in the middle of the room. "I was thinking maybe a moss green. I was hoping for something out doorsy but subtle." "Moss green sounds nice. What all is going in here?" "Desk, filing cabinet, a couple book shelves. There is enough room for a recliner and light so I could read. Thinking medium wood tones, comfy leather chair." "I think you just wanted to show me your stack of boxes. You seem to already have a good plan." His hand that had been near my elbow made it's way down to my hand again and pulled me out of the room and toward the door opposite. "Actually, it was all an excuse to get you into this room." He opened the door with a flourish and pulled me in. As I drew near he whispered in my ear, "my bedroom."  As we stepped into the dark room, he reached behind me and flicked a switch that bro
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TtTrying to jump back on the writing horse with a fairly dull update. Like they say, Ya gotta wade through a lot of filler to get to the good stuff. Let's just hope and pray I deliver on something halfway decent to "good stuff."


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Chapter 7: From cuddly cat Xiumin to cheeky Minseok, and now Emmy has an Oh-so-handsome Sehun Oh! Just how much more luck does Emmy really have? 😍😍😍
Chapter 3: Emmy and Minseok are gerting close 😍. And... I would love to have protective brothers ChenBaekYeol! 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 2: Oh, Xiumin the cat and Minseok Kim are so mischievously cute! I'm having fun reading how both of them are so playful around OC... 😍 (Or should I refer to THEM in singular form? 🤭💚)
736 streak #4
Chapter 7: 🌹💗🌹💗🌹

I have to admit that I missed your writing so much! It's easy to imagine it all and there is a mix of everything, from work to private life, comedy, etc.

I adore the scenes with the kitty and it actually made me laugh as well, with the little accident and the egg bump and her way of apologizing to the little kitty. 😂 LOVED IT!

Also, I missed the interaction between Chanyeol and Baekhyun. XD Baekhyun was all in the game and Chanyeol suddenly drops the bomb and says he wasn't home and Baekhyun goes on with his dirty thoughts. XD I was dying!

Oh Sehun is still a mystery so I am not sure what to think about him just yet. But for the compliment parts, ah I hate those, as it makes me feel uncomfortable XD

Thank you for the update! Can't wait to see what happens next!

736 streak #5
I had to read the previous chapters first just to remind myself about what I had read earlier, but now that I have, it's time to read the newest chapter! Let's see what you have in store for us *winks*

Thank you!
Chapter 7: Ohhh, is Mr. Oh potentially dangerous to our hearts?
Chapter 7: I'm so glad to see an update! Yay! This was a sweet chapter, I loved the interaction. Emmy has such...presence. I'm not sure how to describe it, but in some ways, she seems so no-nonsense about stuff. On those rare times I get compliments about one thing or another, (luckily cause I really don't like getting them), I get rather uncomfortable too. It's obvious she's slightly uncomfortable with it also, but she handles it so well, that I wish I could be that casual about it.

I have to say, the Xiumin scene I rather enjoyed as well. I could literally see it, which is always so nice while reading a story, it was fun. I realize now it sounds as if I am taking joy from Emmy's pain, sorry Emmy!!!

I hope there will be another update soon!!
Chapter 7: Welcome back!!! Wow.. minseok AND sehun?? Emmy is one lucky girl <333